TOYLB-Season 6-9

Episode 9

*a week had passed since the day and everyone was moving to the organs, ears and eyes though Hecro had been acting strangely8

Ozzie: *already out of hospital n is now helping to make some last minute packing*

Thrax; 8wrapped up most in a large carrier bag8

Ozzie: You notice Hecro is being acting rather...secretive lately? Well, not that he isn't like that bk then, bt he's kinda ovr the top a little

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzie: You think he may be up to something again?

Thrax; Who knows love.

*so saying, Hecro comes in*

Hecro: Hey guys!

Thrax; Hey there.

Ozzie: So what does my eldest brother have on his sleeves this time?

Thrax; 8smirked8

Hecro: I was just abt to call u guys to show you. Bt first can you call Drix ovr first?

Thrax; 8called up their friend8

Drix: *picks up the phone* Hello?

Thrax; Drix, Thrax.

Drix: Yeah? Sup?

Thrax; Drix we need you to come over.

Drix: Something wrong?

Thrax; No but it's at Hecro's request.

Drix: Alright. I'll be there in 5 min

Thrax; C'ya soon. 8hangs up8

Ozzie: So what's this all abt?

Hecro: Can't tell ya. I need everyone here

Thrax; 8raised a brow8

Drix: *came in 5 mins later* So, what's up?

Hecro: Oh, you'll see. Come ovr to my plc n I'll show you

Thrax; 8looked at his mate and friend8

Ozzie: *rolls his eyes*

Drix: *shrugs* What have we to lose?

Thrax; 8sighed8 Jared, watch your siblings we won't be long.

Jared: *nods*

Hecro: *leads them all to his home then towards his back door, bt stops them first* Close your eyes

Thrax; 8gave him a cocked look8

Ozzie: Huh? C'mon, bro, wat's the hold up?

Drix: Yeah. We're not 5 year olds anymore

Hecro: C'mon trust me. Just close ur eyes. Ur gonna love this!

Thrax; 8rolled his eyes8

Ozzie: You sure you ain't doing something crazy?

Hecro: Me?

Drix: Yes, you. Wat do u expect? Ur mischief is somehow worse than Oz

Hecro: C'mon guys. Seriously. Just close ur eyes. It's gonna blow ur mind

Thrax; 8shot them a 'humour him' look8

Ozzie: Alright *close his eyes*

Drix: But no crazy stunts *did so*

Hecro: You too, Thrax

Thrax; 8shook his head then gently closed them8

Hecro: Alright *opens the back door that leads them to the backyard, guiding them*

Ozzie&Drix: *followed slowly, listening to HEcro's voice*

Thrax; 8right behind them8

Hecro: *finally leads them to the destination* Alright, u can open ur eyes now

8they all open them8

*soon revealed a huge trailer that could more or less fit a family of 10, with matching colours that almost resembled Oz n Thrax, with a nice car bumper sticker on the side that said "You want Osmosis? You got Osmosis*

Hecro: Tadaa~!

Thrax; 8sweatdropped8

Ozzie: Woah~! Far out~!

Drix: That's...rather interesting. Where did you get this trailer?

Thrax; 8looked at him8

Hecro: Rigged it off frm someone who was preparing to move out. He was part of the evac to the liver, n since he isn't using it anymore where he's going, he gave it to me. Then a little touch up, and it's all good *opened the door to show them inside* Isn't it cozy or what?

Thrax; 8looked in8

*inside had all the makings of a family trailer for ten, including sleeping quarters, mini kitchen and the necessary equipment, and all very roomy*

Ozzie: This is amazing~! Must've cost u a fortune~!

Hecro: Not reli. It's dirt cheap, considering how much I haggled for it. I got this baby for just 2,000 carbs

Thrax; Yesh.

Hecro: Well? What do you think?

Thrax; Bit much don't ya think/

Hecro: Not reli. I mean, we're fitting everyone in. You, Oz, the kids, me and Shane, and Leah n Drix. It's actually a good fit

Ozzie: He's right. We are going to need all the space we can get

Thrax; Hmm.

Drix: Only one thing missing though

Thrax; Oh/

Ozzie: Wassat, Drix?

Drix: How are you gonna take out in the open?

Thrax; What/

Drix: You knw. It's still in cellular manner, right? You said it before that cars here would coagulate just as any cell would. So how ur gonna take it outside once we leave the city?

Ozzie: Oh yeah, haven't thought abt that

Thrax; 8cleared his throat8

*everyone turned to him*

Thrax; 8flex out his claw8

Hecro: *smirk* Great minds think alike. I was abt to suggest the same thing

Thrax; 8nodded8

Ozzie: Well, then it's settled. Shall we start loading our stuff into the trailer first?

Drix: I'll go home n inform Leah. We'll bring our stuff ovr tonight

Thrax; Right man.

Hecro: So, shall we get started in moving the stuff in then?

Thrax; 8nodded and started loading8

Ozzie & Hecro: * helped out too*

Jared: * helps occasionally (after oogling like a fanboy at the trailer), bt most of the time he babysits*

Thrax; 8set the last of their packing in8 Well that's our stuff.

Ozzie: Gotta make room for Drix's stuff too. Hopefully they dont have too much

Thrax; We've got plenty left

Hecro: Well, I've got the last of my packing done too. *puts his last stuff in*

Jared: This trailer is just so cool~! I can't get ovr it!

Ozzie: Me neither

Thrax; 8rolled his eyes8

Ozzie: Oh c'mon love, don't u like just a little bit?

Thrax; It's only a means of transport.

Ozzie: Yeah, bt u gotta admit it's got style. N Hecro went thru all that trouble to get it

Thrax; That I'm thankful for.

Hecro: No big, Thrax. It's all good. It's the least I could do for u guys helping me out whenever I needed

Ozzie: Aww, don't say that, bro. We're family. Remember?

Thrax; Yeah we stick together.

Hecro: Yeah, I knw

Jared: We all love Uncle Hecro, don't we, kids?

8the five nodded, giggling8

Hecro: *blushes, n nuzzles Shane*

8she cooed happily8

*a few hours later, an emergency announcement was made on TV*

Thrax; What the-/

News caster: A special live announcement by Chief of Security, Mr. Drixenol

Ozzie: Drix?

Thrax; 8turned up the volume8

Drix: Greetings, citizens of Frank. I am speaking on behalf of the Mayor to tell everyone that midnight tomorrow night, Frank will shut dwn

Ozzie: What?

Hecro: Frank's worse than I thought

*the kids listened in*

Thrax; We'll have to hurry.

Drix: We have received information frm the outside that Frank has gone to a near-cardiac arrest n his body is slowly losing power. He is currently in the hospital n the human doctors have deemed him irrepairable. Those who are still within the vicinty of the city, pls hurry to the nearest organ designated for u. The mayor n I wishes u all the best n may Frank be with u

Jared: Poor Frank...

Thrax; 8shut off he t.v.8

Ozzie: Well, I guess this is it then. We'll just have to wait till Drix comes ovr with the stuff with Leah girl tonight

Thrax; 8nods8 Hecro, we better get to work.

Hecro: Right

Thrax; 8heads outside8

Ozzie: *follows behind*

Hecro: So, ready to do some magic on the trailer, Thrax?

Thrax; 8cracked his knuckles8

Hecro: Oh yeah. Bring it on, Thrax

Ozzie: Show the kids what u got, love

Thrax; 8smirked then thrusted his hand into the dashboard8

*in an instant, the trailer morphed into red and sprout out cool wings on the side, just like he did on the getaway car bk wen he was evil*

Jared: Woah~! Far-out~!

Thrax; 8smirked8

*the kids clapped their hands*

Hecro: Now that is one smooth ride

Ozzie: You're the best as always, love *kisses his cheek*

Thrax; 8pulled him closer8

Ozzie: *kisses him passionately on the lips*

Jared: *grins as he watched them*

Hecro: Get a room u two

Thrax; 8purred8

*later that night, Drix came ovr with Leah along with their belongings brought by another driver*

Thrax; 8loads them into the trailer8 We need to hurry.

Drix: Yeah, I knw *turns to the driver* You can go now. Ur designated plc is in the pankreas. It's been a pleasure working with u *shakes the driver's hand*

Ozzie: Hey Leah girl *hugs her*

Leah; Hey Ozzy. 8hugs him back8

Drix: We'll have to wait until Frank completely shuts dwn before we make our move to leave. I heard the coroner will take a blood test to see if he is compatible to donate his organs. We'll get out once the needle comes in

Ozzie: That means we have to locate our trailer somewhere near his arm then

Leah: Probably near the joint.

Hecro: Alright then. I'll get all the perishables n food into the kitchen. We're gonna need some carbs to just in case we need to get something in the new city

Thrax; 8beckoned to him8

Hecro: *comes to him* Wassap?

Thrax; 8reached into the trailer and pulled out a locked suitcase8

Hecro: Woah. What is that?

Thrax; 8unlocked it, revealing it to be full of carbs8

Hecro: Woah~! That is far out! Where did u get all these? Does Oz knw? You didnt...rob a bank, did u?

Thrax; You wish I saved this up over the years.

Hecro: Cool~! Does Oz knw abt this?

Thrax; 8shook his head8

Hecro: Shouldn't he knw instead of telling me?

Thrax; It's an emergancy stash.

Hecro: I guess ur right. But why tell me instead of Oz?

Thrax; You said we needed carbs.

Hecro: Well, I said we needed them so that we can buy stuff at the next city, not now reli. Better put it away for the moment

Ozzie: Hey, bro. Arent u gonna go get the food to stock up the trailer kitchen?

Hecro: Coming, bro. *turns to Thrax* Keep it safe though

Thrax; 8nodded8

*everyone helped out to stock pile the food into the trailer kitchen, while the kids helped made the bed n explored the trailer at the same time*

Thrax; 8checked the time8

*it was almost close to midnight*

Thrax; Hurry everyone. 8loads them in and gets in the driver's seat8

Ozzie: *made some last minute chks before going in*

Hecro: *followed behind, bringing some more last minute items*

Drix: *went in, carrying the kids in one hand to make way*

Thrax; 8started the engine as soon as they were inside and drove off to the check point8

Drix: *chks the time* Now all we have to do is wait

Ozzie: *held onto the kids*

Hecro: *at the front passenger seat keeping his fingers crossed*

Thrax; 8held his breathe8

*the time soon count dwn to midnight n one by one, the city of Frank turned dark*

Jared: Mommy, I'm scared...

Ozzie: It's OK. We're all here

Thrax; It'll be over soon.

Drix: *waited, holding Leah close in his arms*

Thrax; Hold on. 8he felt the ground shaking8

Hecro: *turns on the headlights to get a better view*

8the needle started coming through8

Hecro: This is it, guys. Hold onto ur horses!

Ozzie: *holds onto the kids tight*

Drix: *held Leah*

Thrax; 8held the wheel tight as they were sucked in8

*the whole trailer got sucked into the needle n the blood put into a test tube. Frm there, everyone can see the outside view*

Thrax; Everyone ok/

Ozzie: We're cool

Hecro: A-OK

Jared: I'm fine, Daddy

Drix: All good

Leah: Fine.

Thrax; 8sughed8 Good. 8he looked out8

*outside, Frank had flatlined, n Shane was crying on the bedside, with Uncle Bob trying to comfort her. The doctors also tries to console her while child services was coming in frm the outside to take Shane away*

Ozzie: *sighs* Goodbye, Frank. It's been real

Thrax; 8looked over at his mate8

Ozzie: *a few tears were shed*

Drix: *steals a look at his beloved*

Leah; 8buried her face in his chest8

Hecro: *sighs sadly*

Thrax; 8rested against the seat8


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