Episode 1
*the next day, the trio cried for their breakfast milk, bt they were in for a surprise wen a fourth cry rang in the crib*
Thrax; What the-/ 8ran into the nursery8
Ozzie: *hear it too n joins behind him, still a little sleepy* Hmm? Wha-?
*four babies were in the crib now, all crying for milk*
Ozzie: What is Shane doing here??
Thrax; 8looked at the note8
Note: Change of plans. I decided to take matters in my own hands for a while. Don't worry. I'll be bk. The training will carry on, bt it'll have to wait until this is done. Take care of Shane for me while I'm gone. Your brother; Hecro
Thrax; 8snarled under his breathe8
Ozzie: What could he mean by taking matters in his own hands? *picks up two of the crying babies*
Thrax; 8picks up the others8
Jared: *comes into the room as well* I thought I heard an extra baby crying
Thrax; You heard right.
Jared: *sees Shane* Shane? What she doing here??
Thrax; Hecro left her with us.
Jared: Huh? Why?
Ozzie: Apparently he had something to do, bt we dunno wat
Jared: O...K...
Thrax; 8sighed8
Ozzie: I guess we'll just have to trust him for the moment. After all, he is a pretty good double agent n informant
Thrax; 8nods8
Ozzie: Alright, well, I can't feed Shane with my milk coz I'm not the mother, so sorry, Shane, you'll hav to settle with the bottle *takes them dwnstairs to feed them*
Thrax; 8fallows8
Ozzie: *moves to the living room n feeds the babies in turn while Jared fed the bottle to Shane*
Thrax; 8sat next to his mate8
Ozzie: *as soon as he's done feeding all of them, puts them in the playpen n went to make breakfast*
Thrax; 8kept watch8
Jared: *while waiting for breakfast, turned on the TV and somehow flipped to the news channel*
Thrax; 8looked over8
Jared: *saw the special bulletin* Woah! Would you look at tht spit!
Ozzie: *leaned ovr to watch it as well*
Thrax; 8got a better look8
Newscaster: We bring u here a special bulletin where we have here a huge massacre that happened in the mansion of the most famous underground mafia the Melanoma family. As public knows, Melanoma family is well-known for underground operations that the immunity have long tried to take dwn bt nvr have substantial proof...
*the scene in the news shows the camera panning ard the mansion of the Melanoma family where every family member was dead in a reli bloody massacre*
Thrax; 8arched his brow, he knew who may have caused this8
Ozzie: What the dilly...? *he had an idea too, bt dare not imagine it*
Newscaster: Just after almost a week after the arrest of the Melanoma family's men who were involved in the child prostitution scandal, the Melanoma family is all found dead in their homes. No one single family member of the bloodline were found alive, and there has been no signs of breaking or entry. The immunity are still investigating the source of this massacre...
Jared: This is it...? Is this...really the end of the family...?
Thrax; I hope so.
Jared: *fell to his knees, his eyes welling with tears of relief*
Thrax; 8scooped him up and held him8
Ozzie: *goes ovr and gave a group hug*
Jared: *sobs in joy in everyone's arms*
Thrax; 8nuzzled him8
*the trio n Shane watched frm the playpen, still a little too young to understand what's going on*
Thrax; You're safe now my son.
Jared: I knw. I knw. Thank Frank...
*Ozzie's cell phone rang. He picks up the phone*
Ozzie: Hello?
Thrax; 8looked up8
Ozzie: Yeah...Mmhmm...Yeah, I'm fine now. Sorry for yesterday...Mmhmm, oh, ok...Yeah I understand...Mmhmm, alright...Alright, I'll be there *hangs up*
Thrax; Who was that/
Ozzie: The Chief. They want me to go for a meeting regarding the case in the news just now, get a little briefing. He said he's sorry for dragging me frm time off bt there is no one else expert in this case than I am
Thrax; You sure about going.
Ozzie: It's just a meeting. The Chief promised I won't be involved. I just need to brief them on some things abt the Melanoma family n they'll take it frm there for me
Thrax; 8nods, understanding8
Jared: You're going to work, Mommy?
Ozzie: Only for a while. I'll be home early, then we'll eat out tonight. How's that sound?
Jared: Wohoo~!
Thrax; 8laughs8
Ozzie: *finishes up breakfast, drank a glass of milk n wore his work clothes* Right, breakfast is ready, n I gtg. Cya later *kisses the kids then Thrax*
Thrax; 8kisses him back8
Ozzie: *waves goodbye n took the subway to the FPD, since the car was still in repairs*
Thrax; 8help himself to some coffee8
Jared: *munched his breakfast of omelette n French toast*
Ozzie: *reaches the FPD n saw everyone getting ready to go to the meeting room*
Carrie; Hey Oz.
Ozzie: Hey guys. Um...Sorry abt yesterday...
Caroleena; Hey you were having a rough time.
Ozzie: I guess. *rubs his little baby bump* Just felt a little tripped up these days ever since I found out I'm pregnant
Carrie; 8patted his sholder then smiled at his bump8
Ozzie: Thrax said it's abt one and a half mths old already. In another 3 and a half mths I'm gonna have my little girl in my arms
Ricardo: You already knw the gender of ur kid?
Ozzie: Not reli. It's more of a hunch frm Thrax bt I trust his hunches
Carrie; He would have better sense than those ultra sound machines.
Ozzie: I guess.
Damien: Meeting time everyone, hurry to the meeting room!
8they all ushered in8
Chief: Alright, everyone present and accounted for?
Carrie; All here.
Chief: Right, let's get dwn to business. I'm sure y'all heard of the Melanoma massacre case, evn you should've seen it in the news, Jones
Ozzie: Yup. Saw it this morning
Caroleena; Top story.
Chief: Right, well, we're having this meeting here because after this morning's incident, the Chief of every precinct, including me, had a very hush-hush meeting this morning before I came into the office for this meeting
Ozzie: Oh? Wat's it abt?
8they all leaned in8
Chief: The meeting was with all the Chiefs of the precinct together with Mayor Estrogen...
Ozzie: ~Huh? With Leah girl?~
Chief: And it is decided that we will no longer continue investigation on who could be the murderer of the Melanoma family
Carrie; Whoever did it did us a favour.
Ricardo: Agreed! Leah did the right thing to choose this verdict
Damien: *nods*
8everyone nodded8
Chief: That's not all. With the assistance of her fiance Mr. Drixenol, we are to do a research and find out if there are anymore remaining members of the Melanoma family and report directly to him their whereabouts, and he will make sure the issue will be "resolved"
8everyone looked at each other8
Ozzie: *knew where this was going but kept quiet*
Chief: I knw it might be a little hard for you to accept, since we're all immunity here n wat were doing is breaking a lot of codes in the law, but since this is the Melanoma family we're dealing, I suppose there are such things as necessary evil
Carrie; But sir what if we find someone of their blood these members didn't want anything to do with them.
Chief: Unfortunately we're getting this frm the top, so regardless the issue, just report to me n I will report to Mr. Drixenol n he'll handle this
8the all nodded8
Chief: Now, Jones, I believe you have a full file of the Melanoma family. It could prove useful as a reference to search for the remaining Melanoma family
Ozzie: Yes, sir *takes out the bundle of files he got frm Drix n presented it to him*
Diana; 8whistled in amazement8
Chief: Frm now on, we will be heading this case, n this will be our first priority. Jones will be exempted frm the case because, well, for those who dunno yet, he is at the moment with child, therefore his condition may not be suitable for such dangerous mission. I hope u all will understand n be happy for him
8they all smiled and nodded8
Ricardo&Damien: *whooped, whistled n clapped happily*
Ozzie: *blushed*
Carrie; 8lightly rested her hand on ozzy's sholder8
*the meeting soon adjourned*
Damien: Want me to give u a ride home, Oz?
Ozzie: I'm OK. The subways fine for me
Carrie: Be careful Oz.
Ozzie: *nods n left the office, going to the subway*
8a few couldn't help but worry for him8
Ozzie: *in the subway, waiting for his ride, ignoring some curious little children staring at his baby bump*
8a few adults shoot curious looks as well but turn away quickly8
*a little kid broke frm her mother's grasp n glomped Ozzie out of the blue, hugging Ozzie's baby bump*
Ozzie: *surprised n chuckled* Hey, little girl
She-cell; Leena come here.
Leena: Mama, this man have baby like u had my little brother last time~! ^^
Ozzie: *scratched his chin awkwardly*
She-cell; That's no excuse to do that now come here.
Leena: *pouts n lets go, bt not before waving goodbye at Ozzie*
Ozzie: *grins n waves bk*
8a few cells had stared but didn't speak8
*a flashing neon light signaled the coming of the subway train. Ozzie got ready when suddenly someone pushed onto the tracks*
8the passers by looked8
Ozzie: *was frozen in shock, unable to move as the train comes closer*
8guards ran forward and tried to get them off the track8
*they were too late. the train sped forward n a loud crash was heard*
8everyone stood in silence8
*surprisingly, the damage was done on the train rather than Ozzie. In defense mode, the tentacle blade formed a strong shield ard the cell n literally mangled the front of the train, stopping it at its tracks*
Crowd: O_O
*a reporter who just so happen to be there caught it all on tape and made it live in the news*
Jared: *sees the news* Daddy, look! It's Mommy!
Thrax; What the-/ 8looks at scene8
*the news showed a replay of the train accident, then now Ozzie's defense mode relaxed n shrank bk to his body, leaving Ozzie there almost naked because of the tears on his clothes frm the tentacle blades*
Thrax; *growled8 Jared watched your siblings, I'm going to get him.
Jared: OK *watches as Thrax leave*
*meanwhile, Ozzie was trying to cover himself up as best as he could, bt his body was a little weak frm the shock that he couldn't get up*
Thrax; 8ran all the way to the subway8
Ozzie: *tries to get up, bt his legs are shivering*
Thrax; 8jumped beside him, wrapping his coat round his mate and lifted him up8
Ozzie: *trembling, his tears falling uncontrollably* B...Baby...I...I fell...Baby...Is the baby OK...?
Thrax; 8pulled back part of the coat and looked at his mate's stomach8
*the baby stayed snugly there, as if nothing happened*
Thrax; It's ok, she's alright.
Ozzie: *cries* I...I can't do this, Thrax...I can't live like this...Like a walking time bomb that might go off anytime...Like a monster...
Thrax; 8held his mate close, trying to sooth him8
Ozzie: I'm a freak, Thrax...A monster... *sobs in Thrax's arms*
Thrax; You're not my love. 8he jumped back onto the platform and headed out with ozzy8
*the crowd watched as the duo left, while the reporter carried on filming, almost followng them*
Ozzie: *buries his face in Thrax's shoulder, whining*
Thrax; 8nuzzled his mate gently8
*a few moments later, Jared sees Thrax n Ozzie at the driveway n opens the door for them*
Thrax; Thanks. 8carries ozzy upstairs8
Ozzie: *had cried himself to sleep*
Thrax; 8gently tucked him in to bed8
Jared: *watches frm the door worriedly*
Thrax; 8stroked his mate's face8
Jared: Is Mommy OK? Is the baby OK?
Thrax; The baby's fine but your mother is a bit shaken up.
Jared: Uncle Hecro called just now. He said he will visit tonight
Thrax; 8nods8
Jared: *cannot control himself n sobs*
Thrax; 8looked over then scooped up the child into his arms8
Jared: Is...Is Mommy going to die...?? *sobs*
Thrax; No sweetie but this stress isn't good for him.
Jared: Why is this happening to Mommy? What has Mommy ever done to deserve this? He's a good guy...
Thrax; There are just some heartless ones out there. *sighs8 I should know.
Jared: *sobs* I dont want Mommy to die...
Thrax; He won't I'll make sure.
Ozzie: *turn to his back, pretending to shift sleeping position, bt in reality he heard everything*
Thrax; 8holds Jared close8
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