TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 5-8

Paul: 8was feeding the twins their oatmeal8

Thrax; 8knocked the door8

Paul: 8hears it* Hey, hon, can u get tht? The girls r keeping me occupied right now

Pendragon; Alright 8looked through the peephole then let Thrax in8

Paul: 8sees Thrax n smiled happily8 Pops! Wat brings u here?

Thrax; Ozzy was worried bout you all

Paul: I knw. I was worried abt u guys too. I got Uncle Klept's text bt Mordred here wouldnt let me go 8pouted8

Thrax; Ya can't really blame him my boy

Paul; 8sighed8 I knw, bt he can reli ovrprotective sometimes 8secretly poked Pendragon's back8

Pendragon; 8spun round8

Paul: 8giggled as he finished feeding the twins8 How's evryone at Uncle Klept? U guys hv been vry silent aftr the move. I havent heard a single thing frm u guys 8doesn't knw abt their tragedy n misadventures8

Thrax; 8inhaled deeply8

Paul: 8felt something was wrong* Pops...? Wat's wrong?

Thrax; 8sighed n told him8

Paul: 8gasped n his legs went jelly, covering his mouth as he cried8 N-No... Mira... No...!!

Thrax; 8caught him8

Paul: He...He can't be dead...! He can't be...!

Thrax; 8held him8

Paul: 8sobs in his arms*

Pendragon; 8hung his head8

Paul: W-Wat abt Uncle Alex...? How's he going to cope...?

Thrax; Raising his kids to the full extent

Paul: Just dont let him become one of those twisted daddies tht either overprotects them or be so strict to them to the point of abuse. I've heard of some of my friends who hv parents like tht aftr losing a loved one, some of them evn get blamed for the other parent's death. He... He won't do tht to the twins, will he?

Thrax; He has his wits about him my son, he knows where the blame lies n he continue his mate's final wish

Paul: 8nodded* I hope so... N Uncle Ricky was kidnapped by his ex Nick-O-Teen frm Smokescreen n tortured? Damn, to think I kinda enjoyed their occasional music on the radio... N he's pregnant? Its not the Smokescreen guys' it? 8was worried8

Thrax; 8shook his head8 Thankfully no

Paul: 8sighed in relief8 Thank Hector. U wanna grab a bite? We hv leftovr pastrami frm last night

Thrax; Sure but we still need to keep an eye out fr those hacks

Paul: Hacks? Oh u mean the Smokescreen group? I thought u said Uncle Alex made sure they left

Thrax; Even though they left they may come back, Alex is on the prowl

Paul: True, bt don't let him get too into it. His kids comes first 8prepared him the pastrami8 Hey, Mordred, remember tht janitor lady who just got laid off frm school recently?

Mordred; Agnes MacDuff

Paul: Ah yes, Aggie, as evryone call her. She got laid off ovr some stupid issue with the kids accusing her of sexual harassment wen she only somehow accidentally entered the men's room to clean without knwing it was occupied n tht idiot didnt lock his cubicle door wen he was taking a dump. Totally blew it out of proportion

Thrax; Wouldn't be the first false accusation

Paul: Anyway, I reli feel sorry for her. She has a disabled grandson to raise n tht was the only job she could take with her limited education. Maybe she could be Alex's nanny. With him putting full time on the newborn twins, the other kids r gonna need someone to look aftr

Thrax; And what r we?chopped liver?

Paul: U may be able to look aftr for him right now at the moment while ur staying under Klepta's roof, bt wat abt wen u guys move bk to ur condo? Don't forget all of u hv jobs. U can't look aftr his kids all the time. U knw I'm right, Pops. He needs more help than just family

Thrax; But can she handle it

Paul: She has a disabled grandson. If she can handle tht, she can handle two normal kids. Besides, she's a virus, n her grandson is a hybrid, so she'll knw all abt hybrid kids. Plus, he'll be doing her a favour to pay for raising her grandson

Thrax; Good point

Paul: Can u ask if Alex would consider it?

Thrax; Course

Paul: 8smiled as he served the pastrami to Thrax*

Thrax; Thanks 8ate it slowly8

Paul: 8sets the twins into their playpen n nuzzled Pendragon8

Pendragon; 8kissed him lightly8

Paul: 8kissed him bk8 How's the pastrami? I hope its not gone bad yet

Thrax; It's fine my boy

Paul: 8smiles8

Thrax; 8finished up8

Paul: Hey Pops, we've got something to announce

Thrax; Oh/

Paul: 8takes Pendragon's hand8 We're getting married n we want ur blessing

Thrax; 8let out a laugh8 My blessing/ ya both know ya don't need to ask me

Paul: I knw. Bt its just a courtesy, Mordred insisted on it 8chuckles8

Mordred; 8blushes8

Paul: I knw I'm still settling in college at the Heart District, bt we won't get married right away. We plan to do it after I graduate

Thrax; 8nods8

Paul: Only ppl who won't give us their blessing is Mordred's parents tho, they're still sore abt those family spirits taking our side

Thrax; They're not family spirits Paul just spirits who were drawn to the mansion other than Master Gracey n a few of his accomplices

Pendragon; He's right, Gracey built the mansion n it was his home until his untimely death

Paul: Still, they didnt like it tht they took our side. We tried to go visit them wen the smog was cleared to ask for their blessing bt they shut us out n didnt evn want to let us in wen the smog returned. They practically disowned Mordred, n I feel kinda bad...

Thrax; Forget them my boy

Paul: 8looked dwn sadly8

Thrax; 8held him8

8the landline phone suddenly rang8

Mordred; 8answered8 Hello/

Voice: Is this Mordred Merlin Pendragon?

Pendragon; Speaking

Voice: Hello, I'm Grooves frm the Acne Grooves Lawfirm. I represent ur parents n their estate

Pendragon; 8knew this was coming8 And the purpose of your call

Voice: I'm sorry to inform u tht...well, ur parents hv passed away. They died abt a couple of days ago due to the smog

Pendragon; 8inhaled sharply8

Voice: In the event of their death, it is my duty to inform u tht since there hv been no change of will, they hv left their house n estate to u. If u are convinient, pls drop by my office to finalize the paperwork. Sorry for ur loss.

Pendragon; Of course, thank you

Voice: Again, sorry for ur loss. Goodbye 8hung up8

Paul: Who was tht?

Pendragon; Acne Grooves Lawfirm

Paul: Huh? Wat did they want? Is someone suing u?

Pendragon; 8explained to him8

Paul: Oh... 8covered his mouth8 Oh, I'm so sorry... 8felt evn worse now8

Pendragon; 8held him8

Paul: We should've been there for them. They died there...all alone...without u

Thrax; Karma my boy

Paul: Bt still...

Pendragon; 88held him close8

Paul: Should I accompany u to the lawfirm tomorrow? The smog is finally ovr n all

Pendragon; Are you sure/ What about the girls/

Paul: We can bring them along. I dont hv classes tomorrow, n if ur worried, we can bring the nanny along. U knw Bertha, the one we hired wen both of us can't be home

Pendragon; 8nods8

Paul: Wen r u guys moving bk to ur homes, Pops?

Thrax; Soon as  we get the all clear Paul

Paul: 8nodded8

8a text got thru in Thrax's phone8

Thrax; 8looked at it8

8it was a text frm Oz8

Oz: -Everything alright with Paul?-

Thrax; 8text back much as he could8

Oz: 8text bk8 -Slow dwn, tiger. U can tell the rest wen u get bk. I just wanna knw if he's OK-

Thrax; 8texted8 So far

Ozzy: 8texted8 -Alright. Well the gang r all planning to pack up n go home by nxt week, so we need to get started too-

Thrax; 8texted8 Alright

Paul: Everything alright, Pops?

Thrax; Just Oz checking up

Paul: I take it u hv to go home now?

Thrax; 8nods8

Paul: Take care then. Say hi to Momma n the family for me

Thrax; And take care of yaselves my boy 8headed off8

Paul: 8sent him off, then returned to hug Pendragon, still upset abt Miracle's death8

Pendragon; 8held him tight8

Paul: Mira... Mira is gone... I can't believe it... Uncle Alex must be so devastated, he loved him like he couldn't love anyone else in the whole world

Pendragon; 8nuzzles him8 I know the feeling

Paul: 8sniffles8 We need to give him a hand. We need to contact Aggie

Pendragon; Hope she's available

Paul: U got her number? I'll make the call

Pendragon; 8passed it to him8

Paul: 8dialed the number8 ...Hello? Is this Agnes MacDuff? ...Hey, Aggie. U might not knw me bt I've heard a lot abt ur predicament... 8went to another room to speak privately8

Pendragon; 8watched over the girls8

Paul: 8comes out aftr speaking for abt 30 more mins8 Yeah, sure. I'll let u knw wen it goes thru. OK, cya 8hangs up8

Pendragon; Well?

Paul: She sounds thrilled. She can't thank us enough n is looking forward to hear if Uncle Alex hires her

Pendragon; 8nods8

Paul: I'll text Bertha to come tomorrow so she can accompany us with the kids while we settle the paperwork

Pendragon; Alright

Paul: 8does so, texting Bertha their part time nanny8

8she replied back that she will come8

Paul: *smiled8 She said we're good

Pendragon; 8smiled8

Paul: 8kissed him8

Pendragon; 8kissed him back8

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 5-7

8outside at the bkyard where the Biotics hv a massive pool, everyone was all dressed in their swimsuits to get in n beat the heat, the kids especially as they were all armed with floats (for those who can't reli swim yet) n swim goggles n were splashing abt in the pool at the kiddie level, while the adults lounge abt at the adult level of the pool, those not swimming keeping an eye out on the kids*

Alexis; 8swam like a water snake, shifting his eyes from left to right8

Drix: 8chuckles n swam nxt to him8 Heard ur babies r going to be discharged out nxt week. Excited?

Alexis; Had to ask one nurse to act as a guard fr them until they're home, she was a soldier

Drix: That's good. Bt they're premature, so even wen they're discharged they still need a lot of care. Hope ur kids r up to the task as much as u are

Alexis; 8got right in his face, snarling8 I promised my songbird I will raise them well

Drix: Geez, no need to be uptight. I get it. I'm just saying that ur elder children might hv to chip in to help u, or u could hire a full time nanny

Alexis; 9hissed8

Drix: 8shrugged8 Just a suggestion 8swam towards Leah, secretly goosed her*

Leah; 8punched him right the jaw8

Alexis; 8smirked8

Drix: 8winced a little, since he built a small tolerance over Leah's gits. He just smirked n kissed her before swimming to his kids8

Ozzy: 8grinned at Leah, signed8 He's still got the hots for u

Leah; 8narrowed her eyes8

Ozzy: 8chuckled mutely n swam towards Thrax, wrapping his arms ard him frm behind8

Thrax; 8purred8

Ozzy; 8kissed him as he watched the kids play8 /They grow up so fast/

Thrax; /They do/

Ozzy: /It won't be long before one of them decides to say they're getting married or something/ 8chuckled mutely8

Thrax; /Paul's not too far off/

Ozzy: 8nodded8 /True tht, since he already has like twins. Too bad he couldn't join us to stay here tho. I heard Mordred wouldn't let him leave the house. Protective much?/

Thrax; /Can't really blame em/

Ozzy: /True, wat with the smog n all. I hope they're OK. Havent heard frm them in a while since Ricky's abduction/

Thrax; /Want me to check on em baby/

Ozzy: /Please?/

Thrax; 8got out n went to change8

Ozzy: 8stayed in the pool to watch out the kids8

Thrax; 8headed fr the Pendragon home8

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 5-6

8nightfall soon came, n the nxt day passed, n so far there had been no incidents or indication tht Smokescreen has returned. The smog has finally fully cleared n Goliath has switched to either taking breath mints or smoking vapour cigarettes to cure the habit. At least the vapour clears out the smog, bt does hv a small side effect of making the weather a bit warm*

8the clan had to wear short clothing cuz of the heat8

Ricardo: 8hadn't woken up since the incident, laying there motionless, with the occasional turn or two, bt other than tht, was still in slumberland*

Antonio; 8stroked his hair8

Drix: 8came in* Hey, I heard Ricardo hasnt awoken yet. Its been a week 8had his diagnosis kit with him8

Antonio; 8shook his head, fearing the worst8

Drix: Lemme chk 8prepares the kit8 Hv u been giving him fluids at least while he's asleep?

Antonio; 8nods8

Drix: 8chks him frm head to toe, including blood work n all tht8

Antonio; 8was uneasy8

Drix: 8aftr quite a while, he sighed8 Ricky has experienced trauma during his captivity, n its his body's way of telling him to shut dwn n rest to cope with it. Something like a traumatic self-induced coma. I'm not sure wen will he wake up

Antonio; 8gripped his fists8

Drix: And...u might not like this bt... 8hesitated to tell8

Antonio; What/

Drix: 8bit his lip* He's... U knw... 8his eyes jerked towards Ricardo's middle8

Antonio; 8was so white he looked transparent8

Drix: Do u want me to terminate the pregnancy before Ricky finds out?

Antonio; How far along is he?

Drix: He's only just started developing, judging by the time he is held captive. My kit says its abt 1 mth and a half

Antonio; 8calculated8 Don't touch it, the child's mine

Drix: How can u be sure?

Antonio; We had intercourse before his capture n the timeline fits

Drix: Well, I can do a DNA testing later dwn the pregnancy, just to be sure. Bt in the meantime, we'll just hv to let him ride out the coma, until his body is ready to wake up. I'll set him up with some IV drips, n it seems like his swallowing reflex is still good, so try to give him some soft foods to keep the baby fed

Antonio; Thanks

Drix; 8nodded n patted his shoulder, then set up the first IV drop for Ricardo before he left8

Antonio; 8stroked his mate's cheek8

Ricardo: 8still doesn't wake, bt his body n his face instinctively leaned into Antonio's hand8

Antonio; 8smiled gently then rested his hand on his mate's stomach8

Carlos: 8comes in with a bowl of oats given by Drix8 Is Mama OK?

Antonio; He'll be fine bambino

Carlos: 8sees Antonio's hand on Ricardo's belly8 Is Mama...?

Antonio; 8nods8

Carlos: 8squeed happily8

Antonio; 8took the bowl8

Carlos: Can Mama still eat? He's still sleeping

Antonio; He can but only very soft foods8

Carlos: 8nodded as he sat nxt to him to watch8

Antonio; 8started feeding him8

Ricardo: 8his body responded out of reflex n swallowed the food8

Carlos: 8watched with interest*

Antonio; 8continued8

Ricardo: 8ate until he was finished, then his body burped out of reflex8

Antonio; 8set the bowl aside8

Carlos: 8leaned in to listen to Ricardo's middle, then sees Juanita come in n gestures her to do the same8

Antonio; 8smiled8

Kiaran: 8knocked on the door8

Antonio; 8opened the door8

Kiaran: Uncle Toni, can Carlos n Juanita come out to play?

Antonio; 8looked at the twins8

Carlos: No, we wanna stay here with Mama

Kiaran: C'mon! The smog is gone, n u can't stay cooped here forevr! Uncle Klepta is finally letting out the pool~!

Antonio; I'll watch over them Carlos

Carlos: 8turned to his sister, seeing if she wants to join*

Kiaran: C'mon, join us too, Juanita. Its time to beat the heat~

Juanita; 8thinks then nodded slowly8

Carlos: 8gently takes Juanita's hand n went out wtih Kiaran8

Antonio; 8smiled gently8

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 5-5

8bk at home, evryone was shocked to see Antonio coming home with Ricardo*

Ozzy: 8gasped n helped him to bring him to the bathroom to get cleaned8

Antonio; 8filled the tub8

Ozzy: 8took dwn the shower head to rinse him off frm head to toe to get him used to the warm water before putting him the bath8

Antonio; 8stroked his face8

Ozzy: 8scrubbed him dwn as much as he could gently, cleaning up off of the grime n dirt, n depended on his nose to make sure every trace of scent was gone*

Antonio; 8was careful with his mate8

Ozzy: 8once he was done, together with Antonio, carried him to their room8

8their kids gasped to see their mother home8

Carlos: Mama!

Antonio; Stay where ya are kids

Carlos: Is Mama OK?

Antonio; I only hope 8lay his mate on the bed8

Ozzy: 8signed8 I'll make some tea for him. Tell me wen he wakes up 8leaves the room8

Antonio; 8stroked his mate's hair8

Ricardo: 8winced a little in his sleep, bt doesnt stir*

Antonio; 8slunk back8

Carlos: 8looked at his sister worriedly*

Juanita; 8exchanged looks with him8

Milagro: 8was crawling towards the bed of his parents, trying to climb up to get to his mommy, wanting milk8

Antonio; 8picked him up but held him8

Milagro: 8whined8 Mamam~

Antonio; I'm sorry bambino but your madre is not well

Milagro: 8whimpered, abt to cry coz he was hungry*

Antonio; 8went to get him a bottle8

Carlos: 8looked aftr Milagro along with Juanita while he left8

Antonio; 8soon came back8

Milagro: 8reaches for Antonio8

Antonio; 8scooped him n gave him the bottle8

Ozzy: 8sighed as he finished heating the water in the kettle, then plopped on the couch8

Thrax; 8sat next to him8

Ozzy: /I wonder if evrything is OK now/

Thrax; ~Let's hope baby~

Alexis; 8soon got home8

Ozzy: 8sees him, signed* Hey Alex. How did it go?

Alexis; 8told him8

Ozzy: 8signed8 So everything is going to be OK? It's over?

Alexis; 8didn't look convinced8

Ozzy: 8signed8 U better go tend to ur twins for a while. Julius so far reported tht they r still OK

Alexis; 8nodded thanks n left fr the hospital8

Ozzy: 8texted Julius, telling him Alexis was on his way*

Julius; 8looked at the text then waited fr his brother8

Alexis; 8showed up 15 mins later8 Hey, Jules. Thanks for covering me

Julius; Any time Alexis

Alexis: How r they?

Julius; Out of the touch n go phase, they're fighters my brother

Alexis: 8smiled n patted his shoulder8 Go home. I'll take ovr now

Julius; 8squeezed his n headed home8

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 5-4

8at the docks at the spleen area, the Smokescreen gang has hidden out at one of the abandoned underground warehouses8

Ricardo: 8was strapped to the wall, completely naked, n it was clear tht he had been raped numerous times by all three of the men, n right now he was being whipped by Butane8

Antonio; 8sniffed round the area8

Ricardo: 8whimpered as he passed out frm the pain8

Nick: Tht'll do for now, Butey. Go take a break. I'll make sure he stays put

Antonio; 8snarled as he transformed, large black wings shot out of his back, his hair looking like a flock of savage birds, his fangs n claw extending becoming as black as coal with his eyes slit n blood red8

Ricardo: 8felt Antonio's presence somehow as he stirred a little8 T-Toni...?

Nick: He's not gonna find u, Ricky. Ur mine, remember? Ur our bitch n ur gonna hv our babies, like a good bitch. It seems like u havent learnt ur lesson of nvr mentioning tht bastard's name again 8brandished out his claws8 Let's see if I can...

Antonio; 8burst in n slashed the group8

Nick: 8gasped as he grabbed Ricardo n made his escape while his gang fought Antonio*

Hecro: 8also thought Alexis should knw n texted him as well8

Alexis; 8looked at the text but was hesitant, not wanting to leave the twins8

Nurse: 8just so happen to come in8 Hey, u still here? Maybe u should go home n rest. Take a shower. I'll take it frm here for the moment until u've rested n come bk

Alexis; 8looked at the twins in worry8

Nurse: Would u like to call someone to take ovr for u? It'll be fine, don't worry. They're responding to treatment vry well

Alexis; 8contacted Julius to watch over the twins before taking off8

8meanwhile the gang was fighting tooth n nail with Antonio8

Antonio; 8gave out a eagle's screech as he slashed at them8

8the screech felt like a shockwave to the gang as they were thrown against the wall, knocking them out8

Antonio; 8smirked, laughing darky as he went to find Nick but then picked up the scent of Alexis8

Alexis: 8shiwed up right behind him8 I got Hecro's msg. Where is that bastard?

Antonio; He took off the coward

Alexis: Well I'm not losing sight of him again 8turned viral: Hid hair grew longer n spikier, his claws elongate n his teeth got longer n sharper, n his pupils dilated to the point where his whole eyes were just red, as he stormed off, following the scent8

Antonio; 8was right on his heels8

8the scent led him towards the boat jetty8

Antonio; 8looked round8

Alexis: 8sniffed the scent n saw with his sharp canine eyes tht Nick was dragging Ricky by the leash ard his neck into a slightly rundwn yacht8 There! 8zoomed towards them8

Antonio; 8darted after him8

Nick: 8barely managed to get Ricardo up on the yacht wen he was pounced by Alexis' lightning speed8 Ahh!! Fuck, here comes the dog!

Ricardo: 8looked at him in disbelief8 A...Alexis...?

Antonio; 8jumped onto the boat8

Ricardo: 8sees Antonio as well8 T...Toni...? 8passes out frm shock8

Alexis: U killed my songbird. U will PAY!!

Nick: 8grinned evilly8 Good luck, mutt 8phased out of Alexis' grasp8

Antonio; 8snarled8

8Alexis n Nick engaged in a fierce battle8

Antonio; 8looked his mate over8

Ricardo: 8was completely covered in scars n welts, even worse than wen he was a captive during the cult kidnapping8

Antonio; 8nudged him gently8

Ricardo: 8was too weak to wake up, bt his face cringed, indicating there was signs of life*

Antonio; 8erapped a cloak round him8

8the fight lasted for a good long while until Alexis was able to bite dwn onto Nick's neck before he could phase out, somehow biting a nerve somewhere tht killed his phasing out powers8

Nick: 8choked as he felt a crunch on his neck, n suddenly he couldnt feel his legs anymore*

Alexis: 8chuckled evilly as he spit him on the floor, brandishing his claws n aiming at him to give him the death blow, baring his fangs8 This is for my songbird...

Antonio; Don't hog him to yaself el hermano 8smirked8

8someone shot passed him8

*it knocked the both of them dwn8

Alexis: 8growled as he saw tht it was Carbon, sheilding Nick away frm the bros8 Get out of the way, bitch

Carbon; Leave him you animal

Alexis: Why? He killed my mate, n he tortured my bros' mate. Why should we let him go?

Antonio; If anyone's the animal it's him 8snarled8

Carbon; 8hissed8

Alexis: N he left u guys for dead, why would u still be loyal to him?

Carbon; I always will be

Alexis: 8got the picture8 Aftr all those yrs, u still love this beast?

Carbon; 8remained silent8

Alexis: Fine, then u will die with him 8raised his claws again8

Tar: STOP!! Don't u hurt our boss!! 8hobbled towards them n went in front of Carbon n Nick8 If u wanna kill them, u will hv to go thru me

Nick: Wat...the...? Just...let me die, go save urselves...

Antonio; Loyalty can be a great asset but also weakness depending on who's side ya on 8flared his wings8

Tar: Just let us go. U've done enough. We'll leave n nvr come bk again

Alexis: Why should I let u go?

Antonio; 'We' el hermano

Tar: Bcoz u would be killing an innocent child if u kill us, especially if u kill her 8turned to Carbon knowingly8

Antonio; 8exchanged looks with his brother, in both their biological n adopted families they were taught never to strike down a bearer8

Tar: 8nodded at Carbon's surprised blushing look8 I knw, Carby. I may be dumb bt u can't hide things frm me

Carbon; 8felt her face go red8

Tar: 8sees Butane hobbling ovr to them as well8 Pls, let us go. We won't come bk again, I swear

Alexis: 8looked at his bro, his claw twitching a bit8

Antonio; 8narrowed his eyes8

Nick: Carbon... U... Bt we only did it a couple times...wen I'm drunk...

Carbon; There's always a chance

Nick: N u still want me...after all this...?

Carbon; 8nods8

Alexis: 8snarled8 Get out of our sight NOW!! Before we change our minds 8stomped his foot, meaning business8

Tar: 8nodded n carried Nick along with Butane, spotting a cab odw to the trachea n got on it, presumably leaving for good8

Antonio; They'll be back

Alexis: We'll be waiting for them if they do. Lets go follow them n make sure they left for real

Antonio; 8nods8

8the bros followed after the cab8

Antonio; 8held his mate close, wanting to get him to safety8

Alexis: U go send Ricky home. I'll tail them

Antonio; Be careful 8took his mate home8

Ricardo: 8whimpered8

Alexis; 8followed their trail8

8the cab drove all the way to the trachea, n the gang got off there. Apparently aftr the need for smoke was turned off, Goliath decided to compensate with eating breath mints, so wen he opened his mouth to pop a mint in, the Smokescreen took to the wind n drifted out, just as they promised8

Alexis; 8narrowed his eyes8

8they were soon out of sight n into the wind before Goliath closed his mouth8

Alexis; 8slinged away but snarled to himself as he headed home8

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 5-3

Klepta: 8the moment they came home n came in the house, reached to hug Oz8 Oh thank Frank ur alright, Osbourne

Ozzy: 8hugged him bk n smiled8

8all the kids came n glomped their parents8

Sakura; 8smiled at her father8

Ozzy: 8hugs his kids tight8

Kiaran: We miss u so much, Mama

Ozzy: /I missed u too, sweetie, all of u/

Rory; What in the seven hells happened/

Ozzy: 8used the link to tell them evrything8

Sakura; 8snarleed8

Ozzy: /It's OK. We're home, tht's all tht matters. Where's Ozma?/

Rodeo: Loki is feeding her upstairs

Ozzy: Thanks 8made his way upstairs8

Thrax; 8collapsed on the sofa8

Klepta: U hungry, bro? Loki made some great dinner today

Thrax; 8shook his head8

Klepta: I'll prepare some for Osbourne anyway. He might be hungry 8went to the kitchen8

Thrax; 8lay bsck8

Ozzy: 8comes bk dwn after a while8 Hey Rouge. U might wanna chk on Loki. He don't look too good

Rouge; 8went to check on him8

Loki: 8was feeding both Crystal n Edi, bt he looked quite pale as he sat on the armchair, his face in a daze8

Rouge; Loki/

Loki: 8looked up at him, still dazed n tired, n it looked like he lost quite a lot of weight8 Huh...?

Rouge; 8sat next to him8

Loki: 8looked rather weak8 Nnnhh... Wat time is it?

Rouge; Loki you really need a break

Loki: W-Wat? Bt I'm not done yet. They're still hungry

Rouge; And you're exhausted

Loki: But...

Rouge; 8placed his fingers on his lips8

Loki: 8nodded8 At least help me chk to see if they're done

Rouge; 8looked at the kids8

8both of them are already asleep, barely sucking at his nipples8

Rouge; 8gently took them8

8the babies whimpered for a bit before settling dwn bk to sleep8

Rouge; 8set them in the cribs8

Loki: 8has already somehow fallen asleep on the armchair8

Rouge; 8brought him to his room8

Rodeo: 8peeked in to chk him8 Yo, bro. Is Loki OK?

Rouge; Passed out

Rodeo: So wat's wrong with him? Osbourne sounded concerned

Rouge: It's the nursing

Rodeo: Oh. Well u better get him something to eat wen he wakes up. No scratch that. Give him a whole LOT to eat

Rouge; 8nods n went to the kitchen8

Ozzy: 8sees him coming, signs8 Is evrything OK with Loki?

Rouge; The nursing is draining him

Ozzy: 8nodded, signed8 Sorry, my fault too for not being home to nurse Ozma n needed to depend on him

Rouge; You had no choice

Ozzy: 8signed8 I knw, bt still I feel bad

Rouge; 8patted his shoulder9

Ozzy: 8signed8 I'll help u with the food. He just fed for 3 babies. He's gonna need a lot more than leftover dinner

Rouge; Thanks man 8went to the kitchen8

Ozzy: 8followed behind n helped to cook8

Rouge; 8got out a few cook books8

Ozzy: 8cooked some of his best dishes without consulting the cookbook8

Rouge; 8made the food was nutritious n delicous8

Ozzy: 8made food full of carbs n protein n filling on the stomach tht can replenish milk supply8

Rouge; 8set everything on several trays8

Ozzy: 8turns to Thrax8 /Hey babe. Can u give us a hand?/

Thrax; Sure 8lifted most of the trays8

Ozzy: 8took his share of trays8

Rodeo: I'll help 8took some trays too8

8the group brought em to Loki's room9

Loki: 8had just woke up n was a little dazed8

Ozzy: 8smiled n settled the tray on a table nearby*

Thrax; 8set the others down8

Loki: 8was brought bk to reality by the smell of food n looked8 Huh? W-Wat's going on? Wat's with all this food?

Rouge; It's for you Loki

Loki: Wat? Woah, why tht much? I can't finish all of these!

Rodeo: Ur gonna need ur strength, buddy. U've been nursing for 3, ur reserves are all used up

Ozzy: 8signed8 Trust me, u will be able to finish this without knwing

Loki: 8doesn't understand sign language8

Thrax; 8translated8

Loki: Oh... Well... I AM a little peckish

Rouge; You need to keep up ya strength

Loki: 8nodded8

Rodeo: Let's give 'em some space 8ushered Oz n Thrax n left them8

Rouge; 8sat next to him8

Loki: 8bit his lip, not sure where to start9

Rouge; Start with the light food first then work ya way up

Loki: 8nodded n does so, then slowly the more he ate, the hungrier he was n he was soon starting to wolf things dwn8

Rouge; Easy, not too fast

Loki: 8nodded, ate a little slower bt was still wolfing them dwn8

Rouge; 8smiled8

8it took a while, bt Loki soon finished all 5 trays of food8

Loki: 8burped8 Ooh, excuse me 8looked at all the empty trays n empty plates, bowls n cups8 Wow... Did I finish all tht?

Rouge; Ya did

Loki: Wow... That's actually impressive. U cooked reli well tho. Thanks

Rouge; I'm not really the best

Loki: Bt it still tastes vry good. Compliments to the chef 8kissed him8

Rouge; 8kissed him back8

Hecro: 8was browsing thru the computer for his work wen his phone beeped, a text incoming8

Maximus; 8looked in8

Hecro: 8was chking on the msg8

Maximus; Anything wrong?

Hecro: Its one of my feelers. They found Ricky 8got up n went dwnstairs where Antonio was out at the backyard8 Toni!

Antonio; 8was training as he spun round to Hecro8

Hecro: I got news. They found Ricky

Antonio; Where/

Hecro: They're somewhere at the spleen area, towards the docks

Antonio; 8took off8

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 5-2

8news announcement was made of Thailog's death n Thrax n Ozzy being kept in suspicion of his murder8

Klepta; 8saw the news8 Guys! It's Osbourne n Thrax!

8everyone looked over8

8footage showing of ppl trying to get the smoke command bk on bt couldnt bcoz only the mayor knws the passcode to it, n the mayor's body going in n out of view by those news-hungry reporters, as well as Thrax n Oz's footage of them in their holding cell8

Rodeo: Holy crap, they did it! They got Goliath to stop smoking! Bt...don't tell me they killed the mayor to do it!

Drix: I doubt they would go to tht extreme. Darling, I'm going to go bail them out. Watch the kids 8got out his breathing gear8

Leah; Right

Sakura; 8paused the pic of the mayor n looked close before snarling in anger8

Kiaran: U see something, sis?

Sakura; Tar

Ozzex: Where? Where? 8sees the pic8 Hey, ur right, I see tar on his face. I dont remember Papa or Mama hving tht kind of power

Drix: Bcoz they don't. Cya guys 8made his way to the scooter, put on his mask n rode off to the brain center8

Rory; 8hissed8

Drix: 8once there, made his way to the holding cell8 I'm here to post bail for my friends n here as a temp police officer to investigate this case

8the cell looked at him8

Eduardo: 8shows up8 U hv no jurisdiction here, cold pill. They r still wanted for prison break n aiding n betting a prison break, n r under suspicion of murder

Drix: I was a cop bk in my old city. I still hv the badge.

Eduardo: An expired badge. N their crimes r too severe for a bail. They're not going anywhere

Thrax; 8glared at him8

Ozzy: 8huddled nxt to him, looking at Drix sadly8

Drix: Fine, at least lemme in on the investigation. I will prove tht my friends didnt do this

8the cops exchanged looks9

Eduardo: 8looked at him warily8

Drix: Look, I won't be as stupid to do the same mistake twice, u call the shots, bt I want in on the loop, so I can prove my point

Eduardo: 8looked at his men8

8they exchanged looks8

Eduardo: 8rolled his eyes; his men were no help in deciding8 Fine, u can be in the loop. I doubt u'll find anything tht will free ur friends frm it, n evn tht they're still wanted for prison break

Drix: We'll settle tht one later. First thing's first. Take me to see the body

8the officers lead him to the morgue8

Drix: 8went to the body n examined him8

8there were several pieces of tar round his neck8

Drix: 8took some samples n pictures n made his way to the nearest lab8

8some followed him8

Drix: 8entered the lab n started doing tests*

8the cops watched8

Drix: 8showed the results8 There, see? It's tar, common element tht is part of smoking, which is obviously not my friends, since we've been here evn BEFORE Goliath started smoking

Eduardo: So? Tht doesnt mean ur friends were not in cahoots with the murderer

Thrax; 8was listening on the whole thing8

Drix: Ur kidding me right? Fine. Anyone knws where the security command centre is?

Rookie; Few floors up

Drix: Thanks 8nodded at Thrax n Ozzy to stay put n went up8

Thrax; 8held his mate close8

Drix: 8reached the floor where the security command center is n approached a worker there8 Gimme the camera feeds for the crime scene

8the tech brought them up8

Drix: Rewind it to the time of death

8the tech did so8

Drix: 8waited for it to reach the critical point where Oz n Thailog turned off the smoke need together8 There! Play tht!

8the tech hit play8

8the footage showed evryone the fight scene btwn Thrax, Oz n Tar8

8they stared8

Drix: Is tht enough evidence for u?

Eduardo: *sees the footage n grumbled8 There still leaves the prison break charges

Drix: U hv a mass murderer on the loose n ur worried abt a little petty crime? N their prison break was justified bcoz u locked them away for trying to prevent something like this in the first plc. I'd say u owe them one!

8the others looked at Eduardo9

Eduardo: 8growled8 Ugh! Fine! Post their bail! Let em loose! Bt make it costly

Drix: I got the money n the means. Shall we?

8they lead him away8

Drix: 8made his way to the holding cell, paid bail n waited for the rookie to release them8

8the rookie let the two out8

Drix: Hey, Thrax. Sorry it took me so long

Thrax; Thanks pill

Ozzy: 8hugs Drix, signed8 Thanks

Drix: No prob. Lets get u home. Ur kids miss u terribly

8the two followed him, not before Thrax shot Eduardo a savage look8

Eduardo: 8shot him bk a defiant look8

Ozzy: 8took Thrax's hand, urging him to ignore Eduardo8

Thrax; 8went with him8

8they all made their way home8

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 5-1

8almost half a mth passed as Oz n Thrax continued remaining in hiding, n Hecro's feelers havent reli got bk with any new info, so evryone was more or less sitting ducks. Evn worse, the increase of smog shows tht Goliath has up the smoking anti*

Antonio; 8snarled as he looked out8

Dieter: 8looked out as well8 Ugh, zis eez ridiculous. Eets like he's startin' to zmoke tvice a veek now

Leah; Ve really need to stop this

Hecro: Oz n Thrax r still out there. Hopefully they will hv a chance to stop this

Maximus; 8nods8

8at the boathouse, Oz looked out n saw the smog finally thinning8

Thrax; 8snarled8

Oz: /I think its time we get outta here n find the mayor. The thing with my escape should blow ovr by now/

Thrax; 8looked unsure8

Oz: /Its now or never, Thrax/

Thrax; 8nods8

Oz: 8took out the breathing gear stocked under the bed n put it on8

Thrax; 8pulled his on8

Ozzy: 8waited a bit before he made his way out to the streets8

Thrax; 8followed8

8they both went dwn a few blocks before going to the nearest MRT station to get to the brain area8

Thrax; 8looked round8

Ozzy: 8looked round as well before taking Thrax's hand n snuck their way towards the brain centre*

Thrax; 8kept alert8

8dodging security, they managed to make it to the office8

Thailog: 8was staring out into the city in a stupor8

Thrax; 8got them in8

Ozzy: 8enters the office n approaches Thailog, tapping him on the shoulder8

Thailog: 8was startled8 Woah! How did u get in here?

Thrax; We need to talk

Thailog: Abt wat? I'm calling security 8reaches for the alert button8

Ozzy: 8beat him to it n cuffed his hand to the chair8

Thrax; You're gonna listen

Thailog: Wat the...? Let go of me! Why r u... 8gasped8 I remember now, Officer Eduardo told me abt u. U were the one who wanted me to stop Goliath smoking. Why should I listen to u? My word is law!

Thrax; And you're suppose to be running a healthy city

Thailog: Wat's the point of running a healthy city if it gets my wife n child killed? N I'm doing this in the long run. There is less anxiety now, isnt tht better?

Ozzy: /U killed innocent cells out there n u call tht the long run??/

Thailog: 8couldnt hear his link like Thrax can8 Why r u staring at me like tht for?

Thrax; 8translated8

Thailog: Wat happened to u? Can't u talk?

Ozzy: 8showed him the scar on his jugular8 /This is no thanks to ur so-called long-run plan/

Thrax; 8told him8

Thailog: 8blinked in shock for a moment, then slumped8 It's too late. Goliath is hooked now. I can't pull it out n I don't want to. This city killed my wife n child. I'd rather just let it die...

Ozzy: 8slapped Thailog hard8

Thrax; 8hid a smirk8

Thailog: W-Wat the hell...?

Ozzy: 8grabbed Thailog's PC keyboard n typed so that Thrax didnt hv to translate it long-windedly8 U think u are the one suffering?! U think u r the only one in the whole world who lost someone? I lost 2 sons n lost 2 unborn children bcoz ppl like u who think ur entitled n that ur the saddest being in the world! U think killing the city will bring ur loved ones bk? U think they would want u to do this to their beloved city?! Ur just being fucking selfish, n right now U ARE A MURDERER!! 8slapped him again for good measure8

Thrax; ~Go Ozzy~

Thailog: 8tears welled up as he buried his face in his hands, sobbing*

Thrax; You made this happen now ya gonna make it right

Thailog: W-Wat should I do...?

Ozzy: 8typed8 For starters, stop the smoking. Turn the need off. We can go from there

Thrax; It's gonna be hard with that bastard Nick-O-Teen

Ozzy: 8typed8 Will u help us?

Thailog: 8sighed n stood up, drying his tears8 Uncuff me n follow me

Ozzy: 8does so8

Thrax; 8followed him with ozzy8

8they both went to one of the offices in the brain centre tht governed the desire n pleasure centre8

Thrax; 8looked at the cylindures8

Thailog: 8goes to the machine n clicked a few buttons n revealed the command screen8

Ozzy: 8watched with amazement; he's never been to this part of the brain before, not even at Frank8

Thrax; 8watched9

Thailog: 8found the command tht read SMOKE n reaches for the button, hesitating to push8

Ozzy: 8takes his hand n nodded, showing tht he is willing to help him push it dwn together*

Thrax; 8kept on guard8

Thailog: 8sighed n along with Oz, pushed the button to turn off the need for smoke8

Ozzy: 8smiled proudly at him once they heard the sound of the power for smoke died8

Thrax; 8looked round, snarling8

Ozzy: 8turns to him8 /Something wrong, Thrax?/

Thailog: 8turned to look, bt suddenly was gripped by the throat by Tar, who appeared frm a part of the crevice in the room8

Tar: U dare betray the boss, u gonna pay

Ozzy: 8snarled n brandished his blade spikes n sliced at Tar, bt his body was too gooey n liquid to cut thru*

Thrax; 8transformed, heating his claws n sliced at tar, dragging the mayor away8

8the guys battled it out, bt Tar was too gooey for them, n soon Tar had the mayor in his grasp8

Tar: We dont need u anymore, Mayor. Go bye bye 8enveloped his tar hands ard the mayor's head, burying it n he smothered Thailog until he dangled lifeless in his hands8

Ozzy: 8gasped as he watched Thailog just got killed8

Thrax; 8snarled8 You bastard

Ozzy: 8growled n kept stabbing him in vain8

Tar; 8laughs8 Tht tickles. U want ur mayor, here 8released Thailog's body n dropped him onto Ozzy, knocking the wind out of him8

Thrax; 8charged at him8

Tar: 8sloshed dwnwards, melding into the crevice n immediately disappeared8

8security came in to chk the ruckus n pointed their guns at them8

Security: Freeze! Step away frm the mayor!!

Ozzy: 8groaned as he slowly got up8

Thrax; 8broke the tar off, checking Thailog's pulse8

Security: I said step away frm the mayor!! 8fired a warning shot8

*Thailog was dead8

Thrax; 8sighed, hanging his head8

Ozzy: 8held his hands up in surrender, gesturing Thrax to do so, not wanting to make things worse8

Thrax; 8closed the mayor's eyes then joined his mate8

8security brought them in to the brain center holding cell while the rest carried the body of Thailog away8

Thrax; 8reverted back to normal8

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 4-9

8meanwhile at the hospital, the premature twins were doing alright so far, n Alexis finally gave in to sleep8

Alexis; 8was sleeping uneasy8

Miracle: 8materialized nxt to him8 Hey handsome 8stroke his cheeks8

Alexis; Songbird/

Miracle: 8smiles n sat on his lap, light as a feather as he gave him a peck on the cheek8

Alexis; Am I dreamin'/

Miracle: Something like that, bt I'm here, does it matter?

Alexis; 8nuzzles him8

Miracle; *leans in to kiss him gently8

Alexis; 9kissed him back8

Miracle: Ur gonna be OK, my little pet. Even wen I'm gone. U hv to be strong for our babies. They need u now more than ever

Alexis; I swear to you those bastards will pay

Miracle: I knw, bt pls, don't give in to hate. It will consume u. Our babies come first 8drifted towards the incubator n looked in8 I'm so glad they're OK...

Alexis; They're strong, like you songbird

Miracle: 8smiled8 N they look like me. At least they will be the best reminder of me for u. Bt pls, don't take it a bad way. I knw them looking like me will cause u sadness, bt pls don't think tht way, OK?

Alexis; I would never

Miracle: 8smiled8 U r my strong little pet. I love u 8hugged him, nuzzling against his neck8

Alexis; 8purred8

Miracle: 8hears a child laughter at the horizon8 I hv to go. Trinity is calling for me

Alexis; We'll see you soon songbird 8placed his hand on his collar where a neck piece would hang9

Miracle: 8smiled n kissed him one last time before leaving, n an apparition of a little cell girl reaches to take his hand n they both disappeared8

8the twins' whimper woke Alexis up8

Alexis; 8awoke to check on his miracles8

8the twins slowly opened their eyes n turned to look at their father*

Alexis; 8smiled8 Hey

8the twins cooed8

Nurse: 8came in8 Oh, Mr Harb. Ur still here? 8looks at the twins8 Oh, good Goliath. They're responding to treatment. Tht's great

Alexis; 8gently eased his hand into the incubator8

8Geegee was the first to grab his finger8

Alexis; 8smiled gently8

Nurse: Would u like to give them their first feeding? I can prepare some breast milk for u frm our stock

Alexis; 8nods8

Nurse: 8went out to get the milk*

Alexis; 8looked at the twins8

8the twins yawned a bit8

Alexis; 8smiled8

Nurse: 8comes in with 2 bottles of 2-ounce milk8 U can feed one of them, I'll feed the other 8passed the bottles to Alexis n opened the incubator to take the twins out*

Alexis; 8gently took his daughter8

Nurse: 8takes the boy n takes one of the bottle n fed him8 Nice n easy, young man. They're premature, so their skin are a little sensitive

Alexis; 8fed Georgie8

8the twins drank their milk slowly8

Alexis; 8smiled gently8

Nurse: Normally babies should feed evry 2 hrs, bt since they're premature n still trying to adjust, I would advise u feed them evry 4 hrs, just until their bodies r stabilized, so u need to set ur watch evry 4 hrs, evn if its in the middle of the night, they hv to feed

Alexis; 8started setting his timer8

Nurse: 8once Alexander was done she burped him gently n set him bk into the incubator*

Alexis; 8gently did the same with his sister8

Nurse: 8nodded n closed the incubator8 Cya in the nxt 4 hrs 8double-chk their vitals before leaving8

Alexis; 8stroked the twins hair8

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 4-8

8bk at home, once the dust settles, Hecro n Hecra went to chk on the kids8

8the kids looked worried8

Hecro&Hecra: 8approaches the kids8 Hey, u alright?

8Sakura n Rory eyes were twitching8

Hecro&Hecra: 8picked them up each n cuddled them, rubbing their backs to calm them8

Kiaran: Is Momma n Poppa gonna be OK?

Hecro: Ur parents r fighters, sweetie. They've been through worse. They'll pull thru

8the two drew away from their uncles8

Hecro: 8sighed n let them be8

Hecra: Anyone of u wanna hv something to eat?

Ozzex: 8shook his head8 Not hungry

Hope; 8shook her head to8

Hecro: Alright. Just holler if u need anything, OK? Ur parents will be fine

8they still looked worried8

Hecro: Boy, they look agitated

Hecra: No surprise. They're worried about their parents fate 8both returned to the lounge where everyone is8 Hey guys 8sat with Max8 Hope those cops didn't grill u guys too badly

Maximus; Want a bet

Hecro: OK, I take it back. It was bad, huh?

Maximus; 8nods9

Klepta: U hv no idea. I swear they made us feel like criminals

Lavtina; War criminals

Takashi: They evn wanted to interrogate the kids, bt we put our foot dwn on tht one

Hecra: Yeah, they can't question children without warrant or a lawyer present or parents' permission

Maximus; A minor cannot be questioned without a guardian

Hecro: True tht, tho I didn't expect them to stoop tht low

Antonio; 8snarled8

Hecra: *noticed Antonio8 Ur bk, how did the hunt go?

8the others came in n they looked savage8

Hecro: Oi vey... U look like hell

Antonio; 8snorts8

Hecro: U guys need my help a little. I got contacts who can help us be ur other set of eyes

Julius; You sure/

Hecro: Yeah, don't worry. They owe me favours. They're willing to help

8the brothers exchanged looks8

Morty: 8shrugged, gave him a "Wat hv u got to lose" look8

Leah; 8looked uneasy8

Klepta: Do it. We need all the help we can get

Hecro: 8nodded n mass-texted his informants, asking them to keep a lookout8

8he got several replies8

Hecro: 8read them8 They're all game. They'll keep an eye out. I texted them a pic of Ricky, so they knw who to look for

Antonio; 8his eye were twitching8

Loki: 8sees evryone being tense n went to go make some herbal tea for them8

Leah; 8lay against Drix8

Loki: 8comes bk with the tea for evryone8 Here, hv a drink to calm ur nerves. Its an old family recipe. Chrysanthemum with a dash of lavender

8everyone took a cup8

Klepta: 8sipped n sighed8 Mmm, nice...

Loki: 8gave a cup himself to Rouge8

Rouge; Thanks 8smiled8

Loki: 8smiled, then hears Ozma's cry8 Umm, I dunno if I should take ovr giving Ozma milk, since I am the wetnurse n Osmosis is not here

Antonio; He won't mind

Loki: 8nodded n made his way upstairs to feed Ozma8

8everyone tried to relax8

Klepta; So is there anyway u can tell us where Oz n Thrax exactly are?

Hecro: Sorry. No can do. Gives u plausible deniability

Rouge; 8narrowed his eyes8

Hecra: Its for the best. There's no telling how they're gonna extract answers frm u n bait u into telling if we told u. Its better if u didnt knw so tht ur answers would be genuine

Lavatina; 8sighed8

Klepta: I suppose we'll just hv to hope for the best then

Rouge; 8nods8

Loki: 8finished feeding Ozma, then moved on to feeding Crystal n Edi8

Rouge; Anyone heard from Alexis/

Drix: He's still at the hospital. Oz n Thrax brought Polly n Samson home while he stays bk to watch the twins. Its best if we dont bother him

Leah; 8looked at the two youngsters8

8they were just sitting in their room, brooding, Hippolyta holding Samson close8

Leah; 8sat next to them8

Hippolyta; 8looked up at her with slightly sunken eyes8

Leah; 8stroked her hair gently8

Hippolyta: Momma is gone... He's not waking up evr again... 8sobs8

Leah; 8held her close8

Hippolyta: W-Wat r we gonna do...? Who...Who is gonna look aftr Papa...? Who is gonna look aftr us...?

Leah; Ve all vill sveetie, ve stick together

Hippolyta: 8sobs in Leah's arms8 I miss Momma... I want Momma back...

Leah; 8held her close8

Hippolyta: 8sobbed along with her brother until they both fell asleep8

Leah; 8tucks them in8

Drix: 8came in to chk on her8 How r they doing?

Leah; Really upset 8sighs8

Drix: Its understandable. They lost their mother

Leah; 8gripped her fists8

Drix: No child should lose a mother tht young 8hugged Leah8 We'll get them. It's just a matter of time, bt we'll get them

Leah; /For all our sakes/

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 4-7

8both of them made their way to the precinct thru the bk door8

Thrax; 8kept hidden8

Miek: 8came to the guy guarding the cell8 Hey bud, wassup? How's the shift?

Cell; Uneventful

Miek: The cell giving u any trouble? 8gestured to Oz8

Ozzy: 8was awake n was sitting on the bed glaring at them8

Cell; No

Miek: Good. Hey, I was wondering if u could chk this out 8gave him a file to read to distract him8

8the cell took it n looked at it8

Miek: 8quickly grabbed him on a stranglehold n choked him to pass him out8

Thrax; 8winced8

Miek: 8dropped the guy8  Alright, ur up 8jerked his head8

Ozzy: 8was surprised at what just happened8

Thrax; 8took the keys n unlocked the cell8

Ozzy: 8gasped wen he saw Thrax bust him out n hugged him8

Thrax; 8held him close n ran out8

Miek: 8led the way as he help them navigate out8

8a random officer saw them n started firing, in which Miek shielded them both n got shot8

Miek: Go...! I'll handle him...! 8charged towards the officer to distract him as he kept opening fire, taking bullet aftr bullet8

Thrax; 8ran off with ozzy8

Ozzy: 8looked bk, worried abt Miek8 /We hv to go bk! He'll get killed! We can't leave him there!/

Thrax; /I'm not happy bout this either but we'll be caught/

Ozzy: 8bit his lip as they both made their way to an abandoned home to take a breather8

Thrax; 8set him down8

Ozzy: 8looked away, still feeling guilty abt his outburst before8

Thrax; 8held him8

Ozzy: 8whimpered as he leaned close to him8 /I'm sorry...I'm sorry I said those mean things...I didn't.../

Thrax; /I know baby but remember your not the only one suffering/

Ozzy: 8nodded8 /I'm reli sorry... I didn't mean to say that... Mira is just as much ur son as mine... I just...didn't want u to be burdened by all this while ur still up against Nick...n I felt angry, coz I was at home n I didn't do anything to stop this.../

Thrax; 8held him close8

Ozzy: 8sobbed in his arms*

Thrax; 8nuzzled him8

Miek: 8showed up, all bloody8 Man, I rescue...u guys so that u can... Hide in here... Where even I can find u...? That's rich... 8cough out blood n collapsed before them8

Ozzy: 8gasped n went to him8 /W-We need to get him to the hospital!/

Miek: Don't...bother... I'm a goner neways... Yeah I read minds... Cool, huh...? 8coughed out more blood8

Thrax; 8knealt next to him8

Ozzy: 8sobbed a little8 /U sacrificed ur life for us... I dunno how we'll be able to repay u.../

Miek: 8chuckled painfully8 F-Forget it... I chose the life of...a security guard...n an's a given that...I'll get killed one way...or another...

Thrax; Thanks man

Miek: 8chuckled again8 Just promise me...u won't get caught...again... 8closed his eyes, slipping away to the Plains8

Thrax; 8sighed deeply8

Ozzy: 8sobbed a little, feeling very sorry for him8

Thrax; 8held him close8

Ozzy: /We can't leave his body here/

Thrax; 8took off his coat n wrapped the body8

Ozzy: 8wiped his tears n got up8 /I knw a funeral home where they would accept his body /

Thrax; 8lifted it up8

Ozzy: 8made sure the coast is clear before making their way dwn to said funeral home8

Thrax; 8followed8

8they both soon reached a funeral home near the armpit area8

Thrax; 8looked rounnd8

Ozzy: 8went round bk n knocked the door8

Caretaker: 8answered the door8 Yes? 8sees Oz8 Oh hey, Jones. How're u doing? Come here with another body?

Ozzy: 8nodded n gestured to Thrax carrying Miek8

Thrax; 8brought him in8

Caretaker: Wat do we hv here eh? 8undid the coat n chk8 Hmm kidney cell. Very rare specimen to be hanging ard far frm the kidney zone 8sees the bullets8 Boy, they did a real number on this guy huh?

Thrax; 8snarled8

Ozzy: 8nudged him8

Caretaker: Gee, he's touchy, aint he? Alright. I'll take him. Dont worry, he'll be in good hands

Ozzy: 8nodded n took Thrax's hand n left8

Thrax; 8pulled his mate close8

Ozzy: 8leaned close to him8 /I don't think we can go home. Klepta's home is the first plc they'll look/

Thrax; 8nods n lead him away8

Ozzy: /Maybe u should contact Hecro to assess the situation/

Thrax; Just hope it's not being monitored 8contacted Hecro9

Hecro: 8answered his phone8 Hello? 8was speaking in a low voice8

Thrax; It's Thrax

Hecro: Hey, not the best time. Cops r here. U OK? U got Oz?

Thrax; 8explained8

Hecro: Oh gosh... Poor Miek. Well, they're interrogating us right now, I only managed to get away, pretending I got morning sickness. I think its better if u either hide at our old home at the condo or go to one of my safehouses, dwn at the warehouse dock at the colon area, tht is if u don't mind a bit of dirt n grit

Thrax; I've stayed at worse

Hecro: Cool. I'll text u the coordinates to the safehouse then. Be safe, n don't worry, we'll help u watch ovr the kids

Thrax; Thank you Hecro

Hecro: Be safe, guys 8hung up n text them the address of his safehouse8

Ozzy: 8looked at Thrax questioningly8

Thrax; 8took him to the location8

8the safehouse was indeed at the warehouse dock, n it was one of those plcs where ppl hv homes on boats, n there was one pretty big n cozy enough with the name Isadora I on it as Hecro had described in his text8

Thrax; 8smiled8

Ozzy: /Wow, wen did Hecro score this kind of plc?/

Thrax; 8smirks8

Ozzy: 8got on the dock n got onto the boat, exploring ard8

Thrax; 8looked round8

8it was a typical boathouse with all the essentials, enough to sustain a small family, bt since it was just the two of them, it was more than enough8

Ozzy: 8whistled, impressed8

Thrax; 8smiled8

Ozzy: /I suppose we could hide out here for a while until it blows ovr/ 8sat dwn8 /I can't believe Eduardo arrested me n tried to lock me up. I thought he would be siding me on all this. Now thanks to him, we got someone killed for my safety.../

Thrax; Things have gone to Tartarus baby

Ozzy: 8sighed n leaned bk, knwing how right his mate was abt all this8

Thrax; 8held him8

Ozzy: 8leaned against him, burying his face on Thrax's chest, taking in his scent8

Thrax; 8purred8

Ozzy: /I'm hungry... Is there anything to eat in here?/

Thrax; 8went to look8

*the fridge was partially stocked, tho the shelves were quite full with canned food*

Thrax; Mostly canned foods n there's some in the fridge

Ozzy: /I'm cool with canned food. Let me. I knw my way ard the kitchen wen it comes to canned food/

Thrax; 8chuckled8

Ozzy: 8took over n opened a few canned food along with some stuff in the fridge n started cooking8

Thrax; 8got the dishes out8

Ozzy: 8cooked n heated the food, then served them up, looking almost like they were homemade8

Thrax; 8smiled8

Ozzy: 8smiled as well as he sat at the dining area n ate with him8 /Try it n tell me wat u think/

Thrax; 8smiled n took a bite8 Delicous

Ozzy: 8chuckles8 /Thanks. I used to eat canned food all the time wen I was still a rookie surviving on my own, so I sorta got creative with trying to make canned food like real food/

Thrax; 8smiled8

Ozzy: 8tries it8 /Heh, I still got it, it seems/

Thrax; 8smirked8

Ozzy: /It feels so weird still, talking to u bt not exactly talking with my voice/

Thrax; Ya'll get use to it baby

Ozzy: 8shrugged n ate8 /I hope the kids at home r OK/

Thrax; So do I baby

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 4-6

8late evening, a text came into Thrax's phone8

Thrax; 8looked8

Text: /Ur Thrax, right? I'm Hecro's CI, Miek. Yes, tht is my name, n its pronounced "Mike", its not a typo. Meet me at the cafe near the precinct, buy me a meal n I'll cut u a deal/

Thrax; 8arched a brow n headed to the location8

8at the cafe, there stood at the entrance was a lanky-looking cell, prolly a kidney cell, n he was taking a smoke while waiting, had a no-nonsense look on his face, hardened by times evn tho he was prolly abt Miracle's age8

Thrax; You're Miek?

Miek: Yup. Thrax, I take it?

Thrax; 8nods8

Miek: 8grins flirtingly at him8 Pretty sexy for a virus

Thrax; Watch it

Miek: OK, OK, geez. Don't put ur panties up in a bunch. Buy me dinner eh? I'm starved. Then we'll talk

Thrax; Cut the crap

Miek: Tht was the deal. Dinner in exchange for my help

Thrax; 8called over a waiter8

Miek: 8took the menu n ordered the set dinner, the pricier one before sending the waiter away*

Thrax; 8snarled8

Miek: Now, now, don't scare the nice waiter off or anything. It's just dinner

Thrax; 8snorts8

Miek: 8got his order aftr a while n ate8 Hey, bud. U ain't ordering?

Thrax; 8just took water8

Miek: 8shrugged8 Oh well, more for me then

Thrax; 8narrowed his eyes8

Miek: So, I saw ur mate being hauled ass into the holding cell. I was the one to contact ur bro in law Hecro. I recognize him frm the times he dropped by to the station to collect cases for his PI job, n Hecro told me he's his brother. I heard he had a virus mate bt I didnt think it was u. U seldom come dwn to precinct

Thrax; 8arcched a brow8

Miek: 8shrugged8 Anyway I work at the precinct as a security guard, so I knw my way ard the area. Yeah, ironic right? A police station needing a security guard? Bt tht's how it is

Thrax; 8rolled his eyes as he sipped his water8

Miek: 8finished his food8 Alright, I'm done. Thanks for the dinner. Time to uphold my end of the bargain

Thrax; 8waited8

Miek: 8chugged dwn his drink n waited for Thrax to pay the tab as he wiped his mouth*

Thrax; 8paid the bill n tipped the waiter8

Miek: 8looked at his watch8 It;s almost time for my shift. Let's go

Thrax; 8followed him8

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 4-5

Ozzy: 8went to see Eduardo n had a long chat, tho mostly he needed a notepad to "talk" to him8

8a few GPD were listening in8

Eduardo: R u sure u wanna do this? Tackle the mayor? That man is still grieving n since the smoke order everyone has calmed dwn, n there r lesser outburst spikes

Ozzy: 8writes8 But he is also killing cells at the same time! Is this worth the genocide?? N my son is DEAD bcoz of the smog bcoz that bastard is getting stronger with every inhalation!! He killed my son!! He killed THE Nightingale! Don't u want justice for his fans as well?!

8they officers exchanged looks8

Eduardo: I can only imagine how u feel, Jones, bt u hv to be sure that this is wat u want

Ozzy: 8wrote8 My son just died, Eduardo. I've never been more sure than now, n there's nothing u can say to change my mind

8many wondered what Jones was saying8

Eduardo: 8sighed8 Alright, Jones, u win. I'll just to clear it with my chief n we can go

Ozzy: 8nodded in thanks8

8many got back to work8

Eduardo: 8beckoned a random officer to him8

8a senior officer came over8

Eduardo: 8whispered8 Get a holding cell ready. Jones is planning to order a cease n desist on the mayor's smoke order. He is clearly too distraught with grief to think clearly abt his actions. Let him spend a night here to cool off. Discreetly now

Officer; Yes sir 8went to sort everything8

Ozzy: 8waited for Eduardo in his office8

8the cops went about their business8

Eduardo: 8shows up8 Come with me, Jones. We need to file some paperwork on ur request if we wanna see the mayor 8signaled someone to go to a corner with the cuffs ready8

8the officer hid8

Ozzy: 8nodded n walked out the office, not knowing the officer is hiding in wait8

8the officer grabbed him n handcuffed him8

Ozzy: 8gasped at the cuffs, turning to Eduardo in confusion8

Eduardo: Osmosis Jones, u are under arrest for disturbing the peace. Maybe a night or two in the holding cell will clear ur head a bit. Take him away

Ozzy: 8struggles, shooting out his blades in defense n tries to break away8

8many dodged, barely avoiding the blades8

Eduardo: Sorry to hv to do this 8took out his taser n tazed him with it until he dropped dwn unconscious8

8two officers brought him to the cell8

Ozzy: 8thankfully was an empty cell as he was flung into it n lay there unconscious8

Eduardo: Monitor him. If anything happens, lemme know

Officer; Yes sir

Eduardo: 8nodded n went bk to work8

8the officer took a seat8

8one of Hecro's informants who works for him in his info broker job saw evrything n texted Hecro8

Hecro: 8sees the text8 Oh no...

Hecra: Wat is it, bro?

Maximus; 8looked over8

Hecro: Where's Thrax?

Hecra: He n Oz had a bit of a row, so he took off somewhere. Why?

Hecro: 8shook his head n texted Thrax8 /Yo, bro. Where r ya?/

Thrax; /out hunting/

Hecro: /Well quit ur hunt n go to Eduardo's precinct. Oz is in trouble/

Thrax; 8snarls n took off8

Hecro: 8texted him the details of wat happened while the virus is on the way8

Thrax; 8entered the precinct8

Eduardo: 8sees him8 Roja, wat r u doing here?

Thrax; 8looked round8

Eduardo: 8approaches him8 Can I help u with something?

Thrax; Where's ozzy/

Eduardo: Jones is currently in holding for disturbing the peace

Thrax; I find that hard to believe

Eduardo: He was here raving abt the mayor doing worse than good n tht it caused his son to die bcoz it makes these Smokescreen members stronger. He plans to make a cease n desist on the mayor's decree. I call tht disturbing the peace

Thrax; 8snarled8

Eduardo: We're keeping him for at least two days until he cools off. U can post bail then

Thrax; 8gripped his fisy8

Eduardo: Come bk later, Roja. Or r we gonna hv some trouble?

Thrax; 8narrowed his eyes8

Eduardo: Good 8walked away, meaning business8

Thrax; 8looked round8

8none of the officers were helping him, bt none of them seemed to want him to stay either*

Thrax; 8snarled n left8

Hecro: 8texted8 /Wat's the situation/

Thrax; /Not good/

Hecro: /How so?/

Thrax; 8texted the situatiion8

Hecro: 8read the text8 Hmm, this is bad 8texted8 /Is busting him out an option? Like a jailbreak?/

Thrax; /That I'm not sure/

Hecro: 8thinks, then texted8 /I may not be able to actually help u since I'm preggers, bt my inside man can help u. I'll contact him n hv him contact u/

Thrax; /Right/

Hecro: 8texted the informant8

Hecra: Evrything OK at their end, bro?

Hecro: 8tells tht wat Thrax told him8

Maximus; 8winced8

Hecro: Let's just hope my informant can help him out

Maximus; 8nods8

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 4-4

8meanwhile Ricardo was in some kind of underground warehouse, tied to a pole with his arms up, n he was being raped by Nick8

Ricardo: No...Pls...S-Stop...!!

Nick: 8kept going until he came inside him8

Ricardo: N-No...!! No, don't come inside...!! 8sobs8

Nick: Mmmhhh... Tht felt good...!! 8pulls out8 Didnt think u being a pussy boy would feel amazing. Tht is one interesting evolution there. Bt I'm not done punishing u yet. Butey, give him a "warm hug", won't u? 8gesturing Butane to do his usual burning tortures on Ricardo8

Butane; 8smirked, heating up8

Ricardo: 8shook his head8 No...No, no, Butane, pls!! Pls no...!!

Antonio; 8heard his mate's cry n burst in8

Nick: 8snarled8 You!!

Antonio; 8transformed, snarling8

Nick: Butey, take Ricky away to our other safehouse. I'm dealing with him 8transformed to his demonic form8

8the chemical grabbed Ricky n took off8

Antonio; 8roared n charged at Nick8

Nick: 8phased out here n there n managed to land a few hits on Antonio8

Antonio; 8managed his own blows to the bastard n a few deep slashes8

Nick: Ricky is MINE! U stole him frm me n I will not let u hv him again!! 8whacked him8

Antonio; He was never yours bastard 8struck him hard8

Nick: He is! I found him first! He came to ME first! U stole him frm me! 8kicked his gut*

Antonio; 8stood his ground n launched at him8

Nick: He came to me wen his family threw him out! 8parried n shoved him8 I took him in n cared for him 8landed a punch8 I was his evrything! Until YOU stole him frm me!! 8kicked*

Antonio; You saw as nothing but a toy, you abused him he wanted freedom n safety n that is what I gave him 8striked him8

Nick: I was his saviour! His keeper! If it weren't for me he'd be out in the streets starving to death! I SAVED HIM!! 8punched him8

Antonio; 8slashed him deep8

Nick: 8finally realized tht Butane has taken Rick away8 This isnt over! 8phased out n disappeared into the smog8

Antonio; 8ran after him8

Nick: 8had disappeared, becoming one with the smog, nowhere to be found8

Antonio; 8let out a screech of anger8

8the smog was closing in, n started to roll towards Antonio's direction, n the virus has yet to put on his breathing gear8

Antonio; 8quickly put on the mask8

8a text came in on Antonio's phone8

Antonio; 8looked at it8

8it was frm Oz8

Text: Antonio. Evrything OK? Did u find Ricky?

Antonio; 8took off as he reply8 Yes but the bastards escaped

Text: Oh crap. R u able to retrace them again?

Antonio; 8texted8 May take time, get the others to search

Text: I'll try, tho some of us r aiming to go find Thailog to get him to stop this smog. Enough is enough

Antonio; 8texted8 Right 8put his phone away8

Ozzy: 8put his phone away too aftr texting, n saw Hippolyta n Samson asleep in Alexis arms, signed8 U want me to take them bk home n u stay with the twins?

Alexis; 8passed them to ozzy n sighed8

Ozzy: 8takes them, signed8 Ur gonna be OK. We'll pray for the twins to pull thru 8patted his shoulder n left to meet Thrax who was waiting at the visitors lounge8

Thrax; 8looked up8

Ozzy: 8passed Samson to Thrax, signed8 The babies r OK, bt they r vry premature, I think they r leaning towards cell gestation, tht's why. Its a touch n go. Alexis will stay to monitor them

Thrax; 8nods, holding Sam close8

Ozzy: 8tears welled up again as he buried his face against Thrax's chest, speaking thru their link8 /I lost another child again... I lost another son again... First it was Jared... Now Mira... Oh Frank, why does this happen to us...?/

Thrax; ~Fate is a cruel mistress baby~

Ozzy: 8looked up at him angrily8 /This is not fate. This is murder. Mira shouldn't hv had to die! It's tht bastard Nick-O-Teen! He killed him! He took our baby away frm us!/

Thrax; ~ And nearly Monty now Rick,the numbers will continue growing unless he's terminated~

Ozzy: /I want him to pay! I want him to suffer!/ 8his eyes go orange with rage, his bio-weapon nature creeping out8

Thrax; ~Easy baby, save it until we have him~

Ozzy: 8sighed, trying to calm dwn, then looked outside n saw the smog8 /Did u park the car in the basement? I told Alexis we'll bring the kids home while he stays here. Or else we'll hv to wait for the smog to clear before we can get to the car/

Thrax; ~Basement~

Ozzy: 8nodded n followed Thrax to the basement, tho held Hippolyta under his jacket just in case to keep away frm the smog8

Thrax; 8did the same with Sam8

8they both made it to the car n Oz took Sam frm Thrax so that he could drive n sat in the backseat8

Thrax; 8got in ndrove them home8

Ozzy: 8looked out n saw the smog whizzing thru, almost a bit like a sandstorm8 /This is reli bad.../

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzy: /We were thinking of approaching Thailog, tell him to at least call off the smoking first. I'm thinking of bringing Eduardo to seal the deal. Wat do u think?/

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzy: 8sighed as he held the kids close, looking out, thinking of a plan to talk to the mayor8

Thrax; 8drove them home8

Ozzy: 8reached home n got off the car, ushering quickly into the house8
Klepta; 8opened the door for them quickly before the smog got them8

Thrax;; 8looked out8

Klepta: 8ushered them quickly indoors8 How's Alexis n the babies?

Thrax; He's distraught n it's touch and go fr the twins

Klepta: I understand. I suppose we hv to help him with funeral arrangements

Ozzy: 8sugned8 If the "weather" allows it

Thrax; 8held him close8

Ozzy: 8leaned against him8

Klepta: 8took the kids8 I'll tuck them in for u 8brought them upstairs8

Thrax; Any word from Toni?

Ozzy: 8spoke thru their link8 /He's still on the chase. He caught them for a moment n then they gave him the slip. I told him abt my plan to meet the mayor/

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzy: 8looks out8 /As soon as this smog is ovr, I'll go/

Thrax;  ~Not you baby~

Ozzy: /I'm going, n tht's final. The mayor killed ppl with his order of the smoke, n tht bastard killed MY SON! If we r evr going to stop him, we hv to stop the mayor first, n I'M going/

Thrax; ~not without me~

Ozzy: /U got nothing to do with this! He's my son! He's not ur son...!/ 8gasped n covered his mouth, realized wat he just said8

Thrax; 8stared at him in shock8

Ozzy: 8bit his lip n looked dwn guiltily8 /S-Sorry... I didn't mean it tht way... I just.../ 8sighed8 /I'm doing this alone, whether u like it or not/ 8turned away8

Thrax; 8turned away8

Ozzy: 8waited till the smog cleared a little before he grabbed the keys to one of Klepta's motorbikes, brought his breathing gear n made his way to Eduardo's precicnt, not even telling anyone he's gone8

Thrax; 8took off in another direction8

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 4-3

8they all soon reached the hospital just in time before the smog came in8

Drix: 8quickly ushered the babies to the ICU, while gesturing someone to collect Miracle frm Alexis8

8some of the docs n nurses took him8

Ozzy: 8patted Alexis's bk, then passed one of the kids to him to hold8

Hippolyta: 8reached out for Alexis8

Alexis; 8held his children close8

Hippolyta: Mama...Mama is gone...isn't he...?

Alexis; 8shaking8

Hippolyta: 8sobs in Alexis' arms8

Ozzy: 8hugged Alexis n the kids, sobbing as well8

Samson; 8buried his face in his father's chest8

8an hour later, Drix came out8

Ozzy: 8approaches Drix, hopeful8

Alexis; 8looked up8

Drix: They're stable for now. Bt its a touch n go. They're vry premature n they barely made it. We'll hv to keep them incubated n in ICU for the time being. All we can do is pray n wait. U wanna go see them, Alex?

Alexis; 8nodded8

Drix: 8led them to the ICU ward where the babies were kept*

Alexis; 8looked at them8

8they were rather tiny, as they were abt 3 mths earlier than their due date, covered in tubes n breathing apparitus, n as Hippolyta had predicted, they were more cell than spawn, almost like a spitting image of Miracle himself8

Hippolyta: Oh Papa, they're so small...N they both look like Mama...

Alexis; 8felt ill8

Ozzy: 8squeezed Alexis' shoulder gently8

Alexis; 8snarled deeply8

Hippolyta: 8whimpered8

Nurse; 8comes in8 Hello. R u the father of the twins?

Alexis; 8nods8

Nurse: I'm here to register the babies names. I understand they already hv their first names Alexander n Georgina, right? According to ur cold pill friend. May I hv their middle names pls?

Alexis; Miracle for my son

Nurse: 8writes it dwn8 N for ur daughter?

Alexis; Nightingale

Ozzy: 8noticed the names n nodded in approval8

Nurse: 8wrote them dwn8 Thank u. Ur babies are very beautiful, btw. They will pull thru. Trust me 8left the room8

Alexis; 8nuzzles his eldest two8

Ozzy: 8signed8 U need to be strong for ur family now

Alexis; 8nods8

Ozzy: 8signed8 I promise u, we will get the person responsible for this

Alexis; 8felt his spines shoot out8

Hippolyta: 8whimpered, she could sense her dad going viral8

Ozzy: 8signed8 Easy. We'll get to the bottom of this. I hope evrything is OK with Ricky...

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 4-2

8meanwhile at the Biotics home, Ricardo n Miracle r doing some knitting8

8their youngest watch as they work8

8suddenly there was a loud crash8

Ricardo: Woah! Wat was tht?

Miracle: I dunno. Did someone drop something?

Ricardo: I'll go investigate. U watch out for the kids

8the kids looked up8

Ricardo: 8went to the bkyard where the sound came frm to chk, n gasped to see Nick n Carbon there8

Nick: Hello, Ricky, babe. Long time no see 8seemed to look like he had increased in size since the last time, n his form was slightly more demonic8

Ricardo: N-Nick... 8frozen in fear8

Nick: Carb, grab him

Carbon; 8shot out n grabbed him8

Miracle: 8before she could reach for him, he had came up to see wat happened n saw Nick n Carbon n came to shield him without a second thought, Carbon's claws piercing thru his chest8

Ricardo: MIRA!!!

Nick: Tsk! Damn hybrid wanting to be knight in shining armour for his uncle? Tht's rich

Carbon; 8withdrew her claws8

Miracle: 8coughed out blood as he collapsed8

Nick: Ugh, great, if u wanna do something, u gotta do it urself 8reaches ovr n grabs Ricardo, knocking him out cold, then left with Carbon, leaving Miracle to die8

8the brothers quickly bargedin8

Alexis; 8smelt blood n ran out8

8the youngest kids who were with Ricardo n Miracle surrounded Miracle, crying in fear for Miracle's life8

Alexis; 8scooped him up7

Miracle: 8was barely breathing, then he winced as he felt the babies coming8

Ozzy: 8came to see n gasped, signed8 Oh Frank... Someone get Drix!!!

Thrax; 8went to get him8

Drix: 8was feeding Harmon his lunch8

Ozzy: 8held Miracle's hand8 ~Hang in there, Mira. Pls...~

Thrax; 8handed Harmon to his mother n drgged Drix out8

Drix: Woah! Wat the...? 8brought to the bkyard where Miracle, Alexis n Ozzy is8 Oh my Frank...

Ozzy: *signed* ~Pls, pls help my son, Drips...Pls...~

Drix: Alright. Someone go get my medkit 8went to examine Miracle8 Hang in there, kiddo

Antonio; 8brought it over8

Miracle: 8tensed again as he felt it8

Drix: 8used his med kit to scan him8 Its too late to do surgery, the babies hv already descended. Miracle, I knw its hard, bt ur gonna hv to push. Oz, help massage his belly to help him out

Ozzy: 8nodded n does so8

Miracle: 8coughed a bit n gave in to the pushing8

Alexis; 8supported him8

Drix: U can do it, Miracle. Almost there. Someone get me the baby basket! Put in lots of sheets on it

Miracle: 8pushed weakly, grunting n coughing a little8

Ozzy: ~Daddy's here, sweetie. U can do it. Daddy's here~ 8massaged some more8

Antonio; 8came over with some8

Drix: One more push, Mira.

Miracle: 8gritted his teeth n pushed dwn, n the first baby soon slid out8

Drix: 8passed it to Antonio8 Wrap it up, keep it nice n warm in the baby basket 8turns bk to Miracle8 No time to lose. U got one more

Antonio; 8went to work with the child8

Miracle: 8pants as he continued pushing8

Ozzy: ~Daddy's here. Daddy'll help u~ 8kept massaging8

Alexis; 8nuzzled his mate gently8

Drix: Ur almost there, almost there, give it a few pushes

Miracle: 8starting to cough out more blood, bt he soldiered on, pushing as much as he could8

Drix: One more push, Mira

Miracle: 8gritted his teeth n bore dwn along wtih Oz's massages8

Drix: Got it! 8wrapped the baby in the baby basket with layers of sheets, using the medkit to help them both breathe8

Miracle: B-Baby....G-Girl...? B-Boy...? Not...crying....?

Alexis; 8looked at Drix8

Drix: 8chked them8 Its both. U got a pair. Hang on... Trying to... 8finally got the babies to breathe, them crying softly, bt at least they were crying8

Miracle: 8smiled in relief8 I knew it... Our...Our little Alexander... N Georgina... 8coughed n puked out more blood8

Ozzy: -Mira!-

Alexis; Songbird, hang in there

Ozzy: 8whimpered as he held his hand, words or sign language couldnt evn explain how scared he was for his son8

Miracle: 8smiled at Alexis8 Take care...of our babies...for us... 8his hand shakily reached up to stroke Alexis' cheek8

Alexis; 8held his hand8 Songbird

Miracle: I love u...Alex...Love 8gave him one last smile before he breathed his last, slumping into Alexis' arms8

Ozzy: 8gasped n let out a soundless cry, wailing silently n sobbed as he shook Miracle, begging him to open his eyes in vain8

Alexis; 8nudged him8 Songbird? SONGBIRD?!

Miracle: 8didn't respond; he was gone8

Ozzy: 8soundlessly cried n sobbed, knwing tht another son of his was lost to the Plains8

Alexis; 8threw his head n let out a moanful cry like the gargoyles8

Hippolyta: 8heard the cry n looked out frm behind her uncles' legs8 Mama?? Mama?! MAMA!!! MAMA...!!! 8ran past them n fell onto Miracle's body, crying out loud8

Ozzy: 8noticed n looked ard, then signed8 W-Where's Ricky...?

Antonio; 8looked round8‏

Ozzy: 8sees one of his shoe left behind n showed Antonio, fearing the worst8

Antonio; 8snarled n took off8

Drix: Sorry for butting in bt we reli need to take these babies to the hospital. They're vry premature. If we don't, they might not make it

Klepta: Take my car. We'll hold the fort

Ozzy: 8carried Hippolyta n Samson, urging Alexis to follow n bring Miracle8

Alexis; 8scooped up his mate n followed9

Drix: U drive, Thrax. I'll monitor the babies. Step on it

Ozzy: 8signed8 Hurry. Another smog storm is coming

Thrax; 8floored it8

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 4-1

8a few more weeks passed n the smog situation has yet to be lifted. Thrax n the bros continued their surveilance bt no dice so far8

Thrax; 8snarled to himself8

8the 4 bros were sort of camped out on the rooftop of another home surveying the plc8

Alexis: Well tht was fruitful 8being sarcastic8

Thrax; 8looked round8

Antonio: Stop being so sarcastic, ur not helping

Alexis: I'm just stating the truth

Thrax; Save ya energy

Antonio: 8looks up n saw tht the smog is starting to return8 Better get our breathing gear on

Alexis: Ugh, again? 8puts on his gear*

8the others slid on their masks8

Alexis: How many times has he been smoking this shit?

Antonio: I think this is his 5th one of the day

Thrax; At least it's low, some smoke twenty a day

Alexis: Well he's starting to hv the makings of a chain smoker

Thrax; 8shuddered8

Antonio: Anything going on there, Jules?

Julius; Nothing so far

Alexis: Uh-oh, incoming. Brace urself

Antonio: 8braced himself as the smog moved their way*

Thrax; 8hissed8

Alexis: Ugh, I am SO taking a bath wen we get home

Julius; 8nodded8

Antonio: I'll go sneak in n peek this time. U guys wait here 8goes off8

8the others waited8

Antonio: 8entered the house the same way they came in the first time, looked ard n realized tht they weren't home8 What the...? 8searched the plc bt there was no sign of them8 Weird...

Thrax; 8looked round8

Antonio: 8returned bk to the group8 They're not home

Alexis: Wat? Since wen did they leave? I thought they were still at the music room doing their rehearsal?

Thrax; 8looked uneasy8

Antonio: I hv a bad feeling abt this. We better get home

8the others nod8

Alexis: Then lets go home. Not a moment to lose

8they all took off8

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 3-9

Ricardo: 8nursing Milagro as he hummed a lullaby8

Antomio; 8smiled gently8

Ricardo: 8noticed him watching n smiled at him8 Hey, Toni

Antonio; 8kissed him gently8

Ricardo: 8looked out as the smog slowly cleared, n sighed8 Finally smog all clear, tho lets hope Goliath doesnt decide to take another drag

Antonio; 8snarled8 He will pay

Ricardo: I dont care wat happens to him, as long as he stays away frm our babies

Antonio; 8smirked, his eyes going yellow n his fangs blackened8

Ricardo: Not in front of Milagro 8burped him8

Antonio; 8shook off the transformation8

Ricardo: 8tucks Milagro in8 U'll hv ur chance to fight him, don't worry. For now, be here for us 8nuzzled Antonio8

Antonio; 8nuzzles n licks him8

Ricardo: 8giggled8 Tht tickles~

Antonio; 8purred8

Ricardo: 8holds him close n kissed him deeply8

Antonio; 8kissed him back8

Ricardo: 8rubbed against him, looking up at him seductively8

Antonio; 8looked at their youngest8

Ricardo: It's OK, once he's asleep, he'll sleep like a log. Don't worry. I'll be quiet 8kissed him8

Antonio; 8kissed him back8

Ricardo: 8guided him to their bed, slowly taking off his pants n rubbing Antonio's cock8

Antonio; 8shuddered8

Ricardo: 8leans in n took it in his mouth, sucking n licking it8

Antonio; 8moaned8

Ricardo: 8once he was good n ready, he made Antonio lie in bed as he straddled him, pushing himself dwn onto Antonio's length8

Antonio; 8hissed8

Ricardo: 8whined in pleasure as he bobbed up n dwn, his pussy clenching ard Antonio tight evrytime he found n hit his own G-spot8

Antonio; 8grabbed his hips8

Ricardo: 8kept going, bobbing up n dwn, biting his lip to keep frm moaning out loud in pleasure8

Antonio; 8thrusted up8

Ricardo: 8covered his mouth as he was thrusting just right into his G-spot8

Antonio; 8hissed n moaned8

Ricardo: 8whimpered as he was getting close8

Antonio; 8shivered, coming closer8

Ricardo: 8covered his mouth harder as he came, his juices leaking out8

Antonio; 8bit his tongue to stop himself roaring as he realised8

Ricardo: 8whimpered quietly as he felt his womb filled to the brim, then collapsed on him8

Antonio; 8wrapped his arms round him8

Ricardo: 8purred as he kissed him, whispering8 Tht was pretty exciting

Antonio; 8smirks8

Ricardo: 8kissed him8 I love u, mi quiero

Antonio; And I you mi ángel


Dieter: 8was reading to the kids for their naptime8

Vincent; 8was clearing away their toys

Dieter: ...and zey lived happily ever after. Ze end 8sees the kids fell asleep n tucked them in8

Vincent; 8smiled8

Dieter: 8kissed them n left them to sleep8 Out like a light

Vincent; 8nuzzled him8

Dieter: 8kissed his cheek8

Vincent; 8smiled gently8

Dieter: All ze toys kept? 8looked at the sleeping kids: The twins snuggled with Salvador btwn them8 Look at our chiddlers. So adorable

Vincent; 8lay against him8

Dieter: 8turns to Vincent8 Juz curious... Do u wish to hv more chiddlers?

Vincent; 8went scarlet8

Dieter: 8chuckles8 I take zat as a ja?

Vincent; But how/ I'm not asking any of the others

Dieter: Zere is always adoption, or ve could ask Hecro again, maybe evn Oz, since I heard Thrax eez no longer making babies vith him

Vincent; No surrogatecy Di

Dieter: Vy? I thought u might vant more chiddler of jour blood

Vincent; You know the trouble Hecro went through

Dieter: Ja, jour right, bt r jou OK vith adoption?

Vincent; 8gave him a 'r u serious' look8

Dieter: I don't mean ve should get chiddlers now. Its just somezing to zink abt vonce zis sing is ovr

Vincent; 8flicked8 his nose8 I know

Dieter: Och! 8chuckles8 Alright, ve'll zink abt zis anozher time, bt jou knw I vill support jou vatever decision jour making

Vincent; 8smiled gently

Dieter: 8kissed him8

Vincent; 8kissed him back8

TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 3-8

Loki: *finished all his chores n got started on the babies Edi n Crystal's laundry*

Rouge; Need any help/

Loki: 8smiled8 No, I'm good. Bt maybe u can help me sort the colours n the whites

Rouge; As well as the darks n lights

Loki: 8nodded n carried on with the separating of clothes8

Rouge; 8helped him8

Loki: 8occasionally steals a kiss on his cheek while working, giggling8

Rouge; 8smirked8

Loki: 8puts all the white coloured clothes in first to wash, by hand of course8

Rouge; 8looked at some of the tags for handwashed clothes8

Loki: Just hand wash all of them, luv. It's best if u hand wash baby clothes, they'll last longer

Rouge; Depending on the child's grow

Loki: True, bt I usually hand wash my sibs clothes wen they were babies

Rouge; 8smiled8 How many brothers and/or sisters/

Loki: I hv 5 siblings, 3 brothers n 2 sisters. I'm the eldest in the family

Rouge; Why don't you invite your family to dinner with us

Loki: 8blushed8 R...R u sure? My sibs can be vry rowdy, n this home is already a little crowded...

Rouge; I'm sure

Loki: 8smiled n blushed8 Maybe once the smog settles, I'll bring them here

Rouge; 8smiled8

Loki: *soon was done with the laundry n brought it to the main courtroom where it was converted as the laundry room to dry clothes whenever the smog is out* Turn on the heater for me, pls *starting hanging the clothes*

Rouge; 8turned it on, least it was a water heater n not an electric one7

Loki: 8finished hanging the clothes n took in the dried ones8 Lets hope the heater works better this time 8smelled the dried clothes8 Hmm a little musty, bt I guess that's what you get for drying clothes indoors

Rouge; Don't have any choice unfortunitly

Loki: 8nodded as he brought the dried laundry in8 Maybe after I iron them out it wouldn't smell so bad 8hears Crystal waking up for milk n chuckles8 First things first 8passes the laundry to Rouge8

Rouge; 8got the iron ready8

Loki: *went upstairs to get Crystal n nursed her* There we go, Mommy's here

Rouge; 8smiled gently8


Morty: *went to look for Julius to find him nursing the twins* How r u doing, lovebug?

Julius; Tired

Morty: Ur feeding two ppl, its to be expected. Want me to get u something to munch on?

Julius; 8shook his head8

Morty: I think I should at least get u something to drink. Aftr all, ur burning off a lot of calories. Wait right here *went to the kitchen to make him a malt drink*

Julius; 8sang softly to the twins8

Morty: *comes bk with a big mug of malt drink n sets it on the bedside table nxt to Julius* Here ya go. U can drink it wen ur ready

Julius; 8smiled gently8

Morty: *sees the twins done feeding n took one of them to burp*

Julius; 8sips his drink8

Morty: 8settled one twin dwn, then took the other twin to burp before putting them both in the bed nxt to theirs n tucking them in8 No news so far on the Smokescreen gang?

Julius; 8shook his head8

Morty: Well I guess no news is good news for the moment

Julius; 8wasn't sure8

Morty: We'll get him, u'll see. He'll slip up n we'll be able to stop him once n for all 8kissed his cheek8

Julius; 8still looked uneasy8

Morty: 8held him close8

Julius; 8set the empty glass down n leaned against him8

Morty: Feel a bit better with the drink, lovebug?

Julius; 8nods8

Morty: 8kissed his cheek again n cuddled against him, letting him lie on his chest n lulled him8

Julius; 8drifted off8

Morty: 8tucked him in n kissed his forehead, taking the mug to be washed8


Takashi: 8was playing Japanese chess with Orion8

Orion; *made his move*

Takashi: 8tapped his chin, then made his move8 Chkmate! Yatta! I win! 8giggled8

Orion; 8eemed to be in a daze8

Takashi: 8noticed n held his face gently8 Ori-chan? Doushita? (Wats wrong?) Daijobu ka? (U OK?)

Orion; 8flinched at the touch, starled8

Takashi: Ori-chan. Ori-chan, kowaii yo (ur scaring me). Talk to me

Orion; 8shook out of his daze8

Takashi: O...Ori-chan...? 8was getting worried now*

Orion; Sorry cherryblossom

Takashi: Wats wrong with u, Ori-Chan. Pls, speak to me. Shinpai desho (I'm worried)

Orion; Guess I'm just on edge

Takashi: 8wasn't convinced, still looks at him worriedly8

Orion; 8kissed him gently8

Takashi: 8kissed him bk, holding him close*

Orion; 8nuzzled him8

Takashi: U'll tell me if anything is wrong, right, Ori-chan?

Orion; 8nods8

Takashi: 8nuzzled him8

Orion; 8purred8

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