TOYLB: Brand New Beginning-Season 1-6

Episode 6

*a few days hv passed since then as they slowly moved into Spryman's mansion bit by bit, arranging their belongings ard to according to their tastes*

Ozzie: *watched as the kids made use of their bday gifts wen Spryman made a house call* Hey Paul

8the kids pricked their ears8

Spryman: Hey Momma *hugs Oz* Hey bros, sis *waves at the kids*

8the kids greeted8

Ozzie: Wht brings u here, Paul, aside frm wanting to move more stuff again?

Paul: *sniggered* Well, there's tht, n also I've found tht school for ya

Alexis; The med school/ Where/

Spryman: I hv certain connections tht would allow Momma to be schooled a rather prestigious med school somewhere at the Heart District, somewhere near the conglomerate where Vince used to do his training

Alexis; 8nods8

Ozzie: Is it expensive? Will I be able to afford it?

Spryman: Dont worry, Momma. I'm covering the cost for u. N if u study hard enough, u might earn scholarship

Alexis; 8smirks8

Ozzie: Oi vey, pressure much? *sweatdropped*

Spryman: Having second thoughts, Momma?

Ozzie: Nope. I meant wht I said. Thanks, Paul. Ur an angel *kissed the boy's forehead*

Alexis; When should we move the rest/

Spryman: Whenever ur free n ready I suppose. Though I think I dont think I hv anything in schedule nxt week

Alexis; Right

Ozzie: So wen will I able to enrol?

Spryman: Their new semester starts nxt mth, so u better send in ur application asap

Ozzie: I'll get onto it

Antonio; Hope ya get it

Spryman: With me pulling a few strings, I'm sure he'll get it *grins*

Antonio; 8smirks8

Spryman: I took the liberty to get the application form for u *passed it to Ozzie* So u can hand it ovr to the uni with ur qualifications anytime

Ozzie: *smiled* Thanks, Paul

Alexis; 8was flipping through a calander8

Spryman: Watcha doing?

Alexis; Date tracking

Spryman: For wht?

Alexis; Birthdays, anaversiries

Spryman: Why? Wanna keep track of ur anniversary with Bro Miracle? *grins widely*

Alexis; 8blushes and looks8

Spryman: *giggled along mischievously with the kids*

Antonio; Alright you guys, enough

Spryman: *stopped laughing* Well, I'll better be off now. Cya nxt week wen u officially move in! *leaves*

Alexis; 8waved and continued scanning through the calander8

Ozzie: *looked thru the application form*

Antonio; How's it look/

Ozzie: Looks easy enough. Luckily we hv a system in Frank where we will hv an electronic version of our qualifications n such dwnloaded in every merit badge we get, so I think my PD badge might still contain the files to be printed out along to go with the application. The rest seemed to be standard stuff

Antonio; 8nods8

Ozzie: Well, I better get cracking in printing them out. I'm gonna need to borrow Drix's PC n printer tho *went upstairs to hunt for his badge*

Antonio; 8flopped on the couch8

Ricardo: *came up frm behind him n hugged him* Hey there, handsome

Antonio; 8purred8

Ricardo: How's ur day at the diner? I heard u guys r having new management now

Antonio; Yeah, ozzy left and handed the diner to Leah

Ricardo: Why does he wanna do tht?

Antonio; He wants to try a new career

Ricardo: Oh? Now I'm curious. Wht is it?

Alexis Maternity work

Ricardo: Wow. Tht's almost a skill lower than actual doctrine, bt still a high level. Why all of a sudden?

Alexis; Can ya blame 'im after what 'e's been through/

Ricardo: I guess not. Probably his way of trying to cope

Alexis; 8nods8

Ricardo: *watches their twins playing with the kids* They're little angels

Antonio; 8smiles8 They are

Ricardo: Soon we'll be moving in to Spryman's plc n once they get older, they're gonna want a room of their own

Antonio; Not surprising

*the Perez twins looked up with a whiney look on their face, wanting their milk*

Antonio; You've seen Hecro/ 8picks the twins up8

Ricardo: I think I see him coming home, though he doesnt seem to be too well

Antonio; 8looked out8

Hecro: *looking a little pale as he entered the front door, being approached by a worried-looking Maximus*

Maximus; Hecro, what's wrong/

Hecro: *shook his head* Naw, s'ok. I think I'm getting a stomach bug or something

Maximus; 8stroked his cheek8

Hecro: I think I'm just gonna lie dwn for a while. Sorry *walked slowly upstairs to the bedroom*

Maximus; 8went after him8

Hecro: *crawled up to bed n curled in the sheets*

Shane: *sees her mother looking unwell n looked up to Maximus* Mamu~?

Maximus; 8picked her up8 Mama's not feeling very well

Shane: *whined worriedly*

Maximus; 8kissed her forehead8

Ricardo: *sees Maximus frm their window n waved at him to get his attention*

Maximus; 8waved back8

Ricardo: *calls out* Hey, is Hecro available for nursing?

Maximus; Sorry no, he's not feeling well

Ricardo: Oh, alright. S'ok. We've probably got some stored in the fridge anyway. DId he say wht's the problem?

Shane: *waved happily at Ricardo n Antonio*

Maximus; He felt tired and his stomach hurts

Ricardo: Well, send my regards. Hopefully he'll get better enough to move in to Spryman's

Antonio; 8nods and went to search the fridge8

Ricardo: *waved bk at Shane before carrying the Perez twins to the kitchen* Any?

Antonio; Ya luckily 8heated up two8

Ricardo: Hear tht, kids? Num-num time

Antonio; 8helped feed them8

Ricardo: *took Juanita n fed her*

Antonio; 8patted his son's side8

*both twins drank hungrily*

Antonio; 8smiled softly8

Ricardo: *once they were done, helped them burp*

Antonio; 8did the same8

*the twins burped softly*

Antonio; 8nuzzled their twins8

TOYLB: Brand New Beginning-Season 1-5

Episode 5

Leah; 8picked up her little girl and nuzzled her8

Sally: *cooed at her mother*

Ozzie: She's getting more n more beautiful everyday there, Leah girl

Leah; 8smiled8 She iz

Sally: *giggled as she played with her mother's hair*

Leah; 8chuckled8

Ozzie: Hopefully she'll grow up to be a man-killer, figuratively speaking

Leah; 8rolls her eyes8

Ozzie: *chuckles*

Antonio; 8shook his head8

*all the kids were playing together, n Sakura n Rory were finally well enough to join them*

8but were still a bit distant8

Ozzie: *sighed at the sight* Still not getting vry along though

Alexis; Apparently not

Takashi: I hope they'll get bk together as usual

Alexis; 8nods8

Ozzie: The triplets r almost 1 n a half yrs old, n Jamie n Junko r following up soon *smiled as he watched the twins playing house with their dolls*

Alexis; 8started to track the birthdays8

Dieter: Ze tvin chiddlers. Zey r born abt, vat, abt vone or two mths aftr zey triplet chiddlers, right?

Ozzie: More or less. N born premature. Only 3 n a half mths in term n they reli want to born

Alexis; 8nods8

Ozzie: Although to be honest, it was my body adjusting to being a bio-weapon tht caused it, bt still yeah, they'll follow up soon in a few mths time

Alexis; Give or take a day

Takashi: Anno...U do realize tht since Hope was born n the incident with tht oni-onna (monster girl) Elektra n aftr EVERYTHING tht had just happened till now, u guys missed both the futago-chan (twins) tanjoubi (bday) n Rory-chan's tanjoubi, right? It's actually coming close to Hope-chan's bday now

Alexis; 8thought it in his head8 That's true

Dieter: No vonder ze kids r moody

Alexis; Knowing Sakura and Rory, they couldn't care less. Thraxy was the same

Ozzie: I guess so. As long as everyone's safe n sound, I guess missing a little bday shouldnt be bad

Alexis; Just don't make a habit of it

Takashi: Just as long as things r peaceful, it'll be good

Alexis; 8nods8

Ozzie: I'll better go chk on Thrax *goes upstairs*

Thrax; 8was sitting on the bed reading8

Ozzie: *came into the room* Hey, love

Thrax; 8looked up8 Hey

Ozzie: How r u holding up there, love? *sat dwn beside him*

Thrax; Getting better

Ozzie: Tht's good *kisses Thrax's forehead* Did u knw tht we actually missed the twins n Rory's bday? Hope's bday is just ard the corner tho

Thrax; I didn't, made them a special meal each, not much but it was all I could do

Ozzie: *pouted n hung his head* Now I feel so bad...Its my fault everyone's missing out on something...

Thrax; You didn't

Ozzie: I...I didnt?

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzie: But...everything tht has been going on. I didnt evn remember our kids' bday anymore coz of it...I feel bad

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzie: U think maybe I should buy something for them? A bday present to make them feel better?

Thrax; Not sure my love

Ozzie: *smiled* Maybe I should. Just to show tht I am sorry for forgetting their bday

Thrax; They'll understand

Ozzie: Still, I should make an effort. Oh, we've moved some lighter stuff to Paul's home already a moment ago

Thrax; 8smiled8 Only the rest remains

Ozzie: Yup. Paul is right. U should've seen his plc. Tht house is just too big for one kid like him to live in. He reli needs a family to manage it

Thrax; 8nods8 And we will need the extra room for when the kids are older

Ozzie: Yup, most definitely. They're gonna want their privacy

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzie: U should've seen Paul. He was reli so excited for us to move in

Thrax; 8chuckles8

Ozzie: Oh he evn said tht he n his new assistant Vince will help me find tht med school for me to go study

Thrax; Hope it's a promising one

Ozzie: I trust our little godson, love. I'm sure he'll get a good one. This will mean I hv to throw away everything I knw in police academy n start frm scratch

Thrax; I know you'll handel it

Ozzie: *chuckles* I guess so

Thrax; 8kissed him8

Ozzie: *kissed him bk gently*

Thrax; You'll do well

Ozzie: With u as my encouragement, I think so too *smiled*

Thrax; 8smiled8

Ozzie: The kids dont look so chipper tho, especially Sakura n Rory. They look so...distant

Thrax; My personality I'm afraid

Ozzie: Maybe u should try to shake it off them a little bit, get them to be a little chipper. Goodness knws ur the only who can get thru them

Thrax; How/

Ozzie: *shrugs* I dunno. The only person I could evr get thru with ur personality is u. I dunno wht to do with them

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzie: I feel like a failure. I cant evn get thru to my own kids *hugged himself*

Thrax; 8stroked his cheek8

Ozzie: *leaned towards Thrax's hand* So can u help me with them?

Thrax; Of course, what kind of mate and father would I be if I didn't

Ozzie: *smiled* U r a wonderful mate n a devoted father, n I love u for tht *leans up to kiss him*

Thrax; 8kissed him gently8

Ozzie: U need anything to eat? Or shall I bring the kids up to see u?

Thrax; I'm ok but I would like to see them

Ozzie: *nodded n went dwnstairs, moving towards the kids* Hey, babies. Papa wants to see ya

8they all hurried to him8

Ozzie: *carried some in his arms n let the rest followed at his feet as he brought them upstairs n into the room* Here's Papa

Thrax; 8smiled at his kids8

Kiaran: Papa~! *climbed up bed n hugged him*

Ozzex: *followed his brother*

Thrax; 8stroked their hair/dreads8

Sakura&Rory: *joined them bt was still not vry lively*

Thrax; 8nuzzled both of them8

Sakura: *nuzzled bk, bt still the same distant look*

Rory: *the same*

Ozzie: *bit his lip*

Thrax; 8looked worried8

Ozzie: *gestured Thrax for him to do something to lighten them up*

Thrax; 8lifted their chins8 Hey now, what's wrong/

Sakura: *shook her head n looked away*

Rory: Is nothing... *looks dwn*

Thrax; 8frowns8 Yor mother thinks it's because your birthdays were missed

Rory: I dont reli mind. I knw Mama has been thru a lot. Its just...

Thrax; Yes/

Sakura: It still hurts *put her hand on her chest where her heart is* Here

Ozzie: *knew wht tht meant n looked away sadly*

Thrax; 8kissed their foreheands8 I know my angels

Rory: I knw we should be ovr this...Bt he's our big brother...and...

Sakura: N it hurts to knw tht he's not with us anymore

Thrax; 8nuzzles I know, it hurts me to

Sakura: We knw its not Mama's fault. We nvr blame him

Rory: Bt...Bt... *cannot control his tears any longer n started crying* I miss Jared~!

Thrax; 8held them close8

Sakura&Rory: *cried out loud, letting out all their pent up sadness tht they had bottled up inside them for so long*

Ozzie: *came forward n hugged them as well* Shh, shh, shh...We're here. Let it all out, babies...

Thrax; 8stroked their dreads8

*Sakura & Rory just kept crying n crying until they hv no strength or voice to carry on, while the other kids joined in for group hug, trying their best to make their bro/sis feel better*

Thrax; You can see him again

Sakura&Rory: *nodded, knwing wht he meant*

Thrax; 8kissed their foreheads8

*they soon calmed dwn, n for the first time in a long time, smiled like they used to*

Ozzie: *smiled as he kissed their foreheads as well*

Thrax; 8sighed softly in relief8

Ozzie: I'm gonna make some ice smoothies in a bowl for all of ya, babies, then I'm taking u all to buy u ur bday present tht's long ovrdue. Whaddaya say, kids?

*the kids cheered happily*

Thrax; 8chuckled8

Ozzie: *brought all the kids dwnstairs for their smoothies*

Thrax; 8laid back on his bed8

TOYLB: Brand New Beginning-Season 1-4

Episode 4

*the nxt morning, Ozzie did up all the paperwork to transfer ownership of Frank's Diner to Leah*

Leah; 8was a bit nervous8

Ozzie: Dont worry, Leah girl. Its me, remember? Sides, u wont be alone. Miracle will be the co-owner

Miracle: M...Me? *surprised*

Leah; 8looked at the boy8

Ozzie: Yeah. Gives u a bit of purpose n responsibility of earning a legit business, of course. U in

Miracle: I...I guess I can pull it off, if Leah is OK with it

Leah; 8nodded8

Miracle: A'ight. I accept the challenge then

Ozzie: Tht's my boy. Now both of u would sign right here *points where they should sign*

Leah; 8signed her name8

Miracle: *does so as well at his section*

Ozzie: *signs his release name* Well, tht wraps it up. Ur officially owners of Frank's Diner now *smiles*

Leah; Danka

Miracle: Thanks, Dad

Ozzie: No worries. U just run the restaurant the best u can, n tht's all the thanks I need. Now I just need to get started on locating a med school for midwifery

Leah; Not eazy conzidering thiz iz a male body.

Ozzie: Ah well, wen there's a will, there's a way

Leah' Let'z hope

Miracle: *nodded*

Leah; 8patted her friend's shoulder8

Spryman: *knocks on the door* Hello everybody~!

Leah; Gutentag

Miracle: Hey there, lil guy

Spryman: *jumped into Miracle's arms, wanting to be carried*

Miracle: *chuckles as he does so*

Leah; 8rolled her eyes8

Ozzie: Wht brings u here, Paul?

Spryman: Just to come n visit u guys during my lunch time, n also to ask u guys abt moving in to my plc. U do remember wht we promised, right?

Leah; 8cocked a brow8

Ozzie: Ah yes, I do remember u asked if we wanted to move in with u in ur home n Thrax did promised tht we will

Spryman: Well, wen will it be?

Leah; 8leaned on the counter8

Ozzie: Once Thrax is better, dear. He's still a little shaky ard the edges. Bt we could get started with moving the minor stuff first

Leah; Need help/

Spryman: U forgot tht everyone is moving in, including u, Leah, n ur family

Miracle: Its a group effort, we'll all chip in

Leah; 8nodded8

Spryman: Oh, btw, I got a new aide

Leah; Vho/

Spryman: *whistled* Come in, Vincent! Say hi to everyone!

Vincent; 8came in, looking a bit nervous8

Miracle: *surprised* Oh! Its u!

Spryman: U knw him?

Miracle: He's one of our regulars at the diner during our contract at the training program. I'm surprised he actually made it to brain centre

Vincent; 8blushed8

Spryman: I met him at one of those corporate dinners n he was clearly underappreciated in tht conglomerate n meant for better things, so I went up to him there n then n offered him the job as aide. Not easy convincing him, bt I managed to snag him just the same, aye, Vince?

Vincent; 8nods8

Dieter: *just came dwn to get a drink n sees Vince*

Vincent; 8looked over8

Dieter: *recognizes Vincent* Hey, arent jou ze regular during ze training program? Vat r jou doing here?

Vincent: I'm with the mayor

Dieter: Ah, vorking vith Paul, I zee

Miracle: Yeah, isnt tht impressive, Uncle Di?

Dieter: Very *smiles at Vincent*

Vincent; 8blushes8

Miracle: *grins at the blush secretly* C'mon, lets discuss the moving *carries Spryman with him, gesturing the guys to leave Dieter n Vincent alone*

Ozzie: *got the cue* Ah yes. Let's *leaves the room*

8the others fallowed8

Dieter: *raised a brow bt shrugged*

Vince; I was hoping we could talk privately

Dieter: Reli? I'm surprised. Vat jou vanna talk abt?

Vince; 8sat down8 I was hoping we could 8bit his lip8

Dieter: *sat dwn, bt a small distance away, grinning a little* I'm listening

Vincent; 8went redder8

Dieter: Jou reli ARE serious abt me, arent jou?

Vince; 8slowly nodded8

Dieter: *considered for a while* Alright, I vill give us a try. Bt I must varn jou, I'm nvr lucky vith ppl

Vince; /I hope we can make it work/

Dieter: I zuppose it iz customary for me zo ask jou on a date, ja?

Vincent; 8swallowed dryly8

Dieter: *smiled* So, vanna hav dinner vith me? Ven jour free?

Vincent; I've got tomorrow night off

Dieter: Zat vould be nice. I'll try zo get off early tomorrow

Vincent; 8smiled8

Dieter: *smiled as well* Iz a date zen *takes Vince's hand n kiss the bk of it out of courtesy before leaving to do his thing*

Vince; 8went a very bright red8

*the rest hv returned with a list they need to bring along to move to Spryman's home before the big scale move n saw Vince's bright red face*

Spryman: Well aint tht the brightest face I've ever seen?

Vince; 8shook it off8

Miracle & Ozzie: *hid an identical grin*

Antonio; 8smirked8

Spryman: Scored something there, Vince? *nudged him playfully* Details, details

Vincent: Eh. . . well-

Ozzie: Oh, dont bother the young man, Paul. He's entitled to his own privacy *looks at the list* Looks like we've got all things light n movable in the list

Spryman: N once Pops better, we can move the rest of the big stuff. I'll make reservations with the movers then

Antonio; Thanks ninyo 8ruffles his hair8

Spryman: *chuckles* Shall we get started on moving the list of things?

8everyone nodded and got to work8

Miracle: *lent him 4WD to carry most of the stuff*

Spryman: *instructed Vincent to get a bigger vehicle to fit the rest*

Vincent; Yes sir 8and made the call8

Ozzie: *hauled in the rest of the stuff once the vehicle arrives*

Antonio; That's everything8

Spryman: Yup. Totally. Shall we make a move?

Antonio; Si

*everyone hopped into either car n made their way to Spryman's home*

Leah; 8looked t the house in amazement8

Spryman: *grins* I knw. Big, huh? Big, for one kid like me

Leah; Too big you mean

Spryman: Why do u think I want u lot to move in with me? *grins cheekily*

Ozzie: I see wht u mean

Dieter: Zis iz only 2nd time ve hav been here n itz ztill zo impressive to look at

Antonio; 8studied it8 A good size

Spryman: Enough to fit everybody in here, n I'll finally hv a family again

8they smile at him8

Spryman: Well, let's get movin' then

Ozzie: A'ight. Let's get started

8everyone carried in what they could8

Spryman: *directed them to a large empty room* Put them all here first. We'll sort it out later wen u guys officially move in

Antonio; How many rooms are in this place/

Spryman: *shrugs* Dunno. Nvr reli had the time to explore all

Miracle: *sweatdropped*

Leah; 8rolled her eyes8

Ozzie: *placed the last one in it* Well, tht's the last of them

Antonio; For now

Spryman: *closed the door n locked it* So tht no one can steal 'em*

Leah; Smart

Ozzie: We'll let u knw wen we're free to move everything else

Spryman: Promise, Momma?

Ozzie: Promise *kisses Spryman's forehead*

Leah; C'mon ve better jet

*everyone nodded n made their way bk home aftr Spryman sent them off*

TOYLB: Brand New Beginning-Season 1-3

Episode 3

Ozzie: *takes the food dwnstairs, then felt a sort of odd presence in the area*

Antonio; Oz? You ok/

Ozzie: *held his finger to his lip as he tried to find out where this presence is coming frm*

Antonio; 8tilted his head8

Ozzie: *track dwn the presence, brandishing his blade frm his wrist*

Antonio; 8drew back8

Ozzie: *found the presence somewhere at the backyard, then grabbed whoever it was in the bushes n dragged him out, pointing his blade at his throat*

Antonio; 8ran out8

*the person Oz had pulled out revealed to be the Mole*

Ozzie: Wht the...?

Mole: Dont! Dont kill me! Dont kill me! I mean no harm!

Antonio; 8hissed8

Ozzie: I thought ur dead! Alexis killed u!

Mole: No, no! U killed the fake one! I'M the real Mole!

Antonio; Well I won't fail this time. 8pounces at him8

Mole: Wait! Wait! Dont! *tries to back away* I'm the good guy! Remember tht shapeshifter who impersonated me? I'm the victim here! He has imprisoned me while he pretended to be me! I dont mean any harm! I'm the real Mole, not tht crazy psycho shapeshifter who hurt ur family!

Ozzie: *raised a brow, then held Antonio bk* Wht r u talking abt?

Antonio; 8snarled8

Mole: I'm not into this military science stuff. I am science dummy. I trade information, tht's all I do. I'm more of the underground intel department, n I dont work under anyone like tht fake guy did where the mayor has to contact a middle person to get to him. I'm freelance, n I sell my info to the highest bidder. I would nvr be involved in such crazy spit. U gotta believe me!

Ozzie: So u dont work for tht underground guy Paul was always communicating with to get to the Mole?

Mole: No! Of course not! I work for no one! I am my own person! Like I said, I gather information n knw everything there is to knw abt Hector, bt I dont deal with feds or whtnot, I just sell info to the highest bidder. Tht's how I earn my living! I was called in for an info sale wen I was drugged n kept in some sort of solitary confinement for Hector-knows-how long! I dont evn knw wht was going on until the mayor pulled some strings to find my location n rescued me! Honest!

Antonio; 8looked at ozzy8

Ozzie: Then wht the hell r u doing here?

Mole: I just...came to chk out on u. The mayor told me everything abt wht the fake Mole did to u n ur family n I just...thought I'd find out abt u. It's my job to find out abt new ppl. I earn a living thru info sale, remember? I dont mean any harm. If u dont want me to sell info abt u, I'd be glad to keep it in my reserves. I usually dont touch my reserves

Antonio; 8growled8

Ozzie: *glared at the Mole for a while n let him go* Fine. U keep it tht way. U seem too cowardly to be the fake Mole I knew anyway. Just keep ur info abt us to urself, n dont leave town. U might just come in handy

Mole: Un...Understood. Aint gonna bother u no more *made a run for it*

Antonio; 8clawed the ground

Ozzie: Cool it, Antonio. I've had enough deaths in this household. *bring in the blades n turned bk into the house*

Antonio; 8fallowed8

Ozzie: *went to do the dishes*

Antonio; 8helped8

Ozzie: I knw u dont like me letting him go, bt I hv enough deaths in this household. I dont want to kill another person who might be innocent n hv blood in our hands again

Antonio; Suit yaself Oz

Ozzie: *nodded n dried the dishes before putting them away n tended to the kids*

Antonio; 8checked on his8

*the kids were getting tired aftr a long day*

Ozzie: *chuckles n picks them up* Time for beddie-bye now, babies

Antonio; 8picked up his twins and nuzzled them8

*the Perez twins giggled*

Antonio; 8chuckled, rocking them8

Ozzie: *brought all his kids upstairs to the nursery n tucked them all in*

Antonio; 8fallowed8

*the Perez also started yawning, having a long day*

Antonio; 8chuckled8 C'mon bedtime

*the twins whined in protest, insisting they're still awake, evn though they're clearly yawning their heads off

Antonio; 8softly hummed to them8

*the Perez twins tries to stay awake as long as they could, bt finally succumbed to fatigue n slept*

Antonio; 8tucked them into bed, kissing their foreheads8

Ricardo: *watched him* Trying to fight sleep, eh?

Antonio; yesh 8chuckles8

Ricardo: Kids will be kids. I was at tht stage once

Antonio; 8smiles8

Ricardo: *looks dwn at them* They're such angels. Who would've thought they used to be snug inside my belly before

Antonio; Some things and someones can surprise you

Ricardo: True on tht, n I love u for tht *smiles as he kissed Antonio's cheek*

Antonio; 8purrs8

Ricardo: *leans ovr to kiss his lips*

Antonio; 8kissed back8

Ricardo: I love you, Tony

Antonio; Love you to Ricky

Ricardo: *smiled n kissed him deeply*

Antonio; 8kissed back, pulling his mate close8

Ricardo: *continued kissing, laughing a little as he was pulled close*

Takashi: *popped outta nowhere* Ha~! Antonio onii, get a room~! Ur mushy in front of kodomo-chan~

Antonio; 8snarled8

Ricardo: Ah, ur always such a spoilsport *flicked at Takashi's forehead before taking Antonio's hand n left the nursery*

Takashi: Itaii yo *rubbed his forehead n pouted before leaving as well*

Antonio; 8wrapped his arm round his mate's waist8

Ricardo: Mmh, someone's being a little fiesty, I see *grins at him*

Antonio; 8smirked8

Ricardo: Its been so long since we... "danced" together, baby *led them bk to their room then slowly did a strip tease for Antonio*

Antonio; 8watched, moving with each movement8

Ricardo: *did it until he was fully nude, showing off his ass to Antonio*

Antonio; 8licked his lips8

Ricardo: *position doggy style on the bed n wriggled his ass* C'mere, baby

Antonio; 8pounced8

Ricardo: Mmh, yeah, take me, baby. Take all of me

Antonio; 8slid inside him8

Ricardo: *groaned in pleasure at him being entered*

Antonio; 8thrusted deep8

Ricardo: *let out whines of pleasure, gripping at the sheets, his ass clenched everytime Antonio hit the spot*

Antonio; 8pants8

Ricardo: Yes, yes, right there~! F-Fuck me harder~!

Antonio; 8picked up speed8

Ricardo: I'm...I'm gonna come~! T-Touch me...! Make me come~!

Antonio; 8stroked and pumped him8

Ricardo: I'm coming, I'M COM-- *lost himself as he came*

Antonio; 8roared as he relised8

Ricardo: *trembled as his orgasms calmed dwn, then collapsed on the bed*

Antonio; 8collapsed beside him8

Ricardo: Mmh, ur reli good...

Antonio; 8pants8 So are you

Ricardo: I love u *cuddled against him*

Antonio; 8held him8 Love you to

Ricardo: *slowly falls asleep in his arms*

Antonio; 8drifted off to8

TOYLB: Brand New Beginning-Season 1-2

Episode 2

Alexis; 8flopped back8

Ozzie: *went to chk on Thrax n the kids*

Thrax; 8was asleep8

Ozzie: *smiled a little n went bk dwnstairs to make dinner*

Alexis; Need help/

Ozzie: U could help to set up the table with Miracle

Alexis; Sure 8gets to work8

Miracle: *sets up the table along with Alexis, occasionally bumping butt flirtatiously at Alexis*

Alexis; 8smirked8

Ozzie: *chuckles quietly at the sight n shook his head at their antics, continuing his cooking*

Alexis; 8playfully pinches Miracel's butt8

Miracle: *squeaked n giggled as he smacked Alexis' butt for payback*

Alexis; 8licked his lips8

Miracle: *gives him a suggestive smirk*

Alexis; 8growled and pounced8

Dieter: Hey, hey *takes a cushion n threw at them* Get a room, jou two!

Antonio; 8smacks his forehead8

Miracle: *stuck his tongue out at them n took Alexis' hand, leading him away*

Alexis; 8smirked8

Ozzie: *rolled his eyes n carried on with his cooking*

Miracle: *took them to the attic n started kissing Alexis deeply*

Alexis; 8nipped his neck8

Miracle: *gasped in pleasure*

Alexis; 8nipped his skin, hungrily8

Miracle: *panted as he almost tore off both their clothes to reveal more of each other*

Alexis; 8licked his neck8

Miracle: *captured Alexis' lips n kissed him deeply while his hand reached dwn to stroke the cock*

Alexis; 8groaned8

Miracle: *went on his knees n started giving the virus a blowjob*

Alexis; 8moaned8

Miracle: *took the cock in whole, bobbing in n out, lubing it up well*

Alexis; 8hissed8

Miracle: *smirks n gently sat Alexis dwn against the wall before slowly lowering himself dwn onto the virus' cock to the hilt*

Alexis; 8shuddered8

Miracle: Mmh...yes... *pants as he started bobbing up n dwn* Mmh, so good...!!

Alexis; 8thrusted hard8

Miracle: *pants at the upward thrusts* Mmh, so good, oh Hector...!!

Alexis; 8thrusted deep8

Miracle: I'm...I'm gonna come...!! *pants as he stroke himself*

Alexis; 8pants8 So am I

Miracle: I'm gonna come...I'm coming...I'm com... *screams as he let loose his load*

Alexis; 8roared as he relosed8

Miracle: *trembled frm his orgasm n panted, collapsing gently onto Alexis*

Alexis; 8wrapped his arms round him8

Miracle: *panted a while before his stomach started growling* Eh he he... *chuckled bashfully*

Alexis; 8rolled his eyes8

Miracle: *cleaned them up* Let's go dwn. Dinner should be ready now

Alexis; 8nods8

Miracle: *cleaned Alexis up as well n took his hand, leading him dwnstairs where dinner was set*

8most of the group was in the kitchen8

Miracle: Is dinner ready, Dad?

Ozzie: All set. Come join us

Alexis; Smells good, I'm starving

*everyone went to the table n tucked in*

Alexis; 8wolfed his food8

Dieter: *rolled his eyes*

Miracle: *giggled at Alexis' eating style*

Antonio; 8shook his head8

Takashi: *ate almost the same way as Alexis does*

Antonio; 8groaned8

Ozzie: *chuckles at their antics*

Antonio; 8rolled his eyes8

Takashi: *let out a burp as he finished eating* Aah~! Gokurosa~ (i've enjoyed my meal)

Alexis; 8wiped his mouth with the back of his hand when he finished8

Miracle: *smacked lightly on Alexis' hand with a spoon* Use a napkin, baby

Alexis; 8rolled his eyes8

Ozzie: *chuckles as he tossed a napkin for Alexis to catch*

Alexis; 8caught it and wiped his mouth8

Miracle: *smiles* Much better *leans ovr to kiss Alexis on the cheek*

Takashi: *giggled* Kawaii ne~ (so cute)

Antonio; 8chuckles8

Miracle: *grins bashfully*

Alexis; 8licked his cheek8

Takashi: *laughed at their antics*

Antonio: Knock it off you two

Miracle: *giggled n took Alexis' arm* C'mon, baby, let's go home n hv some private time of our own, aye?

Alexis; 8smirks8

Ozzie: Oh run along, u two. We'll be fine

Miracle: *grins n bid goodbye to everyone before leaving to their home*

Antonio; 8shook his head and helped clean up8

Ozzie: *chuckles n prepared Thrax's share of dinner n brought it upstairs*

Takashi&Dieter: * helped Antonio cleaned up*

8the kids went off to play8

Ozzie: *smiled as he saw them play before bringing the food to Thrax*

Thrax; 8was curled up with Roay and Sakura8

Ozzie: *came to him n set the food dwn, then picks the kids frm Thrax's arms gently n cradled them, lifting his shirt to feed them milk*

Thrax; 8slowly awoke8

Ozzie: *looks dwn at him* Hey, baby. Sorry to wake you, bt dinner's on

Thrax; 8slowly sat up8

Ozzie: *use one free hand to place dinner on Thrax's lap n continued to nurse the kids*

Thrax; 8thanked himand slowly ate

Ozzie: *smiled* Feeling a bit more better now, love?

Thrax; Getting there

Ozzie: Can tell frm ur talking *considered* Thrax, can I tell u something?

Thrax; Hmm/

Ozzie: I'm...thinking of quitting Frank's Diner n give it ownership to either Leah or one of ur bros, or maybe evn Miracle

Thrax; Why would you do that/

Ozzie: *took a deep breath n told Thrax his reasons tht he had told the guys at Frank's Diner*

Thrax; I see, is it what you want/

Ozzie: *nodded* If I were to make a difference, I guess I better get started frm here. I just...want ppl to hv the chance of an offspring tht I will nvr have

Thrax; If all else fails you could suggest adoption to them

Ozzie: Yeah, among other things *smiles* So who do u think I should give up ownership to?

Thrax; Leah would probably be the best choice considering her experience

Ozzie: *considers* Ur right. She n I started the business together. Its only fair tht she should take ovr

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzie: I'll switch leadership then, n let Miracle be the co-owner. Let the lad hv some responsibility of an honest living

Thrax; Sounds good

Ozzie: *sees the kids drinking more than they used to now* Mm, seems like they've regained their appetite

Thrax; Hmm-mmm

Ozzie: *fed the kids until they had their fill before burping them*

8they cuddled against him8

Ozzie: *smiled n rocked them, humming a lullaby*

Thrax; smiled softly8

Ozzie: *once they fell asleep, he tucked them in n leaned ovr to kiss Thrax*

Thrax; 8kissed him back gently8

Ozzie: *whispered btwn kisses* I love u, Thrax. I love u so much

Thrax; And I you

Ozzie: *smiled n hugged Thrax close to him*

Thrax; 8nuzzled8

Ozzie: U done eating already there, love?

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzie: *takes the tray* I'll be up soon, love. U rest well, a'ight?

Thrax; 8lays back on the bed8

TOYLB: Brand New Beginning-Season 1-1

Episode 1

*time passed by rather fairly. Everyone tries to get bk to their usual deal: Hecro n Drix in their security job at the brain with Spryman; Maximus in the PD; Leah, Oz, Miracle n Thrax's bros in the Frank Diner's business; n the rest at home babysitting the kids n aiding the sick. Before they knew it, almost 2 mths has passed*

Leah; 8washing the dish8 Man, time's flying

Ozzie: Yeah, I knw *cleaning up the tables as it was almost closing time* Thrax is reli getting better n speaking more, n Sakura n Rory showed enough progress n almost bk to their normal selves, n subsequently Jules is getting better too, with Morty's help

Alexis; True that

Miracle: *grins* They're getting closer n closer it seems, bt Uncle Di, on the other hand, is not making any progress with ol' Sleepy

Ozzie: Sleepy?

Miracle: *shrugged* A nickname I gave the Sleeping Sickness germ who has the crush on Uncle Di.

Alexis; If D makes this work out, I'll drink a glass of acid straight up

Miracle: U better not make such careless vows. U might just end up being proven wrong n u'll HAVE to drink acid

Ozzie: *chuckles*

Alexis; 8scofts8

Dieter: *heard everything bt rolled his eyes n ignored them*

Leah; 8set the plates away8

Ozzie: *was deep in thought*

Antonio; Ozzy/

Ozzie: *looks up* Huh?

Antonio; You alright/

Ozzie: Yeah, just...thinking abt something

Antonio; 8bit his lip8

Ozzie: Guys, if I were to tell u a decision tht I've made, will u be mad at me?

Miracle: Huh? Wht decision?

Alexis; What cha mean Oz/

Dieter: *listened in*

Antonio; 8pricked his ears8

Ozzie: I'm thinking of quitting Frank's Diner

Everyone; What/! 8even Leah stuck her head out8

Ozzie: Well, u guys can still run it, I can give the entire ownership to either of u, bt I'm planning to quit

Miracle: Bt...Bt Dad, why? Why would u wanna leave?

Alexis; Yeah wat's up/

Dieter: Zis haz nozing to do vith ze fact abt Jared, izzit?

Ozzie: No, not reli...It's just tht...well, I've decided to go for med school, under the midwifery division

Leah; 8cocked a brow8

Miracle: Wht's this, Dad? Some sort of midlife crisis?

Ozzie: No. Its more of fulfillment. I just felt tht since I can no longer hv kids...well, I've decided to help ppl to achieve happiness to hv kids

Leah; Careful, hospitals have abortion areas.

Ozzie: I knw tht. I'm thinking maybe I should work in Sprite's clinic. Working with someone I knw might be safe

Alexis; Would be the best choice

Ozzie: *smiled* Though I'm gonna hv to find a good school to get me started on midwifery med classes

Antoio; That'll be the problem

Miracle: I could help u ask ard, or I could help u ask Sprite to recommend some

Ozzie: Tht would probably be a good idea

Alexis; You sure this what you want to do/

Ozzie: *paused for a while, then smiled n nodded* Yeah. I want to make a difference in this plc, n giving ppl hope to hv a lovechild of their own n watch them being born in the world as the new generation for Hector would be the best

Alexis; No offence Oz but sometimes having a child of ya own is a selfish thought

Ozzie: *blinked* Huh? Why do u say tht?

Alexis; What about kids that are abandoned or left to fend for themselves because they lost their family or their parents were too selfish, lazy and arragant to care for them.

Ozzie: Then I will make sure tht they will get the proper care n family they deserve. Its all part of the job, I suppose, n tht I'll be sure to take care of

Miracle: Yeah, love, give my Dad some credit here

Alexis; Just saying.

Miracle: I'll get started in tht school hunt for u, Dad. Does Pops knw?

Ozzie: I havent told him yet. I was planning to

Antonio; Hard to know how he'll react

Ozzie: Bt its worth a shot. All packed n ready to close shop?

Leah; Ja

*everyone finished off any last minute stuff before driving off bk home*

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