Episode 1
*time passed by rather fairly. Everyone tries to get bk to their usual deal: Hecro n Drix in their security job at the brain with Spryman; Maximus in the PD; Leah, Oz, Miracle n Thrax's bros in the Frank Diner's business; n the rest at home babysitting the kids n aiding the sick. Before they knew it, almost 2 mths has passed*
Leah; 8washing the dish8 Man, time's flying
Ozzie: Yeah, I knw *cleaning up the tables as it was almost closing time* Thrax is reli getting better n speaking more, n Sakura n Rory showed enough progress n almost bk to their normal selves, n subsequently Jules is getting better too, with Morty's help
Alexis; True that
Miracle: *grins* They're getting closer n closer it seems, bt Uncle Di, on the other hand, is not making any progress with ol' Sleepy
Ozzie: Sleepy?
Miracle: *shrugged* A nickname I gave the Sleeping Sickness germ who has the crush on Uncle Di.
Alexis; If D makes this work out, I'll drink a glass of acid straight up
Miracle: U better not make such careless vows. U might just end up being proven wrong n u'll HAVE to drink acid
Ozzie: *chuckles*
Alexis; 8scofts8
Dieter: *heard everything bt rolled his eyes n ignored them*
Leah; 8set the plates away8
Ozzie: *was deep in thought*
Antonio; Ozzy/
Ozzie: *looks up* Huh?
Antonio; You alright/
Ozzie: Yeah, just...thinking abt something
Antonio; 8bit his lip8
Ozzie: Guys, if I were to tell u a decision tht I've made, will u be mad at me?
Miracle: Huh? Wht decision?
Alexis; What cha mean Oz/
Dieter: *listened in*
Antonio; 8pricked his ears8
Ozzie: I'm thinking of quitting Frank's Diner
Everyone; What/! 8even Leah stuck her head out8
Ozzie: Well, u guys can still run it, I can give the entire ownership to either of u, bt I'm planning to quit
Miracle: Bt...Bt Dad, why? Why would u wanna leave?
Alexis; Yeah wat's up/
Dieter: Zis haz nozing to do vith ze fact abt Jared, izzit?
Ozzie: No, not reli...It's just tht...well, I've decided to go for med school, under the midwifery division
Leah; 8cocked a brow8
Miracle: Wht's this, Dad? Some sort of midlife crisis?
Ozzie: No. Its more of a...gap fulfillment. I just felt tht since I can no longer hv kids...well, I've decided to help ppl to achieve happiness to hv kids
Leah; Careful, hospitals have abortion areas.
Ozzie: I knw tht. I'm thinking maybe I should work in Sprite's clinic. Working with someone I knw might be safe
Alexis; Would be the best choice
Ozzie: *smiled* Though I'm gonna hv to find a good school to get me started on midwifery med classes
Antoio; That'll be the problem
Miracle: I could help u ask ard, or I could help u ask Sprite to recommend some
Ozzie: Tht would probably be a good idea
Alexis; You sure this what you want to do/
Ozzie: *paused for a while, then smiled n nodded* Yeah. I want to make a difference in this plc, n giving ppl hope to hv a lovechild of their own n watch them being born in the world as the new generation for Hector would be the best
Alexis; No offence Oz but sometimes having a child of ya own is a selfish thought
Ozzie: *blinked* Huh? Why do u say tht?
Alexis; What about kids that are abandoned or left to fend for themselves because they lost their family or their parents were too selfish, lazy and arragant to care for them.
Ozzie: Then I will make sure tht they will get the proper care n family they deserve. Its all part of the job, I suppose, n tht I'll be sure to take care of
Miracle: Yeah, love, give my Dad some credit here
Alexis; Just saying.
Miracle: I'll get started in tht school hunt for u, Dad. Does Pops knw?
Ozzie: I havent told him yet. I was planning to
Antonio; Hard to know how he'll react
Ozzie: Bt its worth a shot. All packed n ready to close shop?
Leah; Ja
*everyone finished off any last minute stuff before driving off bk home*
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