Epilogue Part 1
*a week later, Ozzie was deemed healthy n ready to leave. Spryman came ovr to pick them up*
Thrax; 8ushered his family quickly into the limo8
Spryman: Welcome home, Momma~! *hugs him*
Ozzie: Thank Hector I'm outta there. I thought i would nvr leave the pod
Spryman: And there's my little sister Hope~! Ur a cute little girl, aren't ya? Yes u are~! *tickled Hope's chin*
Hope; 8giggled and grabbed his finger8
Spryman: Wow, strong grip, just like Pops
Thrax; 8blushes and wrote down some notes8
Ozzie: Wht r u writing there, love?
Thrax; The dates of all our children's birthdays.
Ozzie: Ah yes. We need to keep track of them. We've got so many
Spryman: *grins*
Thrax; 8chuckles8
Spryman: We've got a surprise waiting for u at home
Ozzie: Oh? Then I look forward to it
Thrax; 8nods8
*as soon as they reached home, Spryman opened the door for them*
Everyone: SURPRISE~!!
*the room was decorated party style, with a banner tht say WELCOME HOME*
Thrax; 8sweatdropped8
Ozzie: Oh my Hector~!! Thanks u guys~!!
Hecro: Couldn't let u home without a proper welcome, could we?
Leah; C'mon in guys.
Ozzie: *comes in with Hope* Look, Hope this is ur new home now
Hope; 8looked round8
*Dander, Sapphire n Griffon yapped at Ozzie's feet*
Ozzie: Hey there, my little furry friends~!
Sakura; Be gentle.
Griffon: *stops yapping bt wagged his tail*
Ozzie: Looks like Sakura is speaking more words now
Leah; Plenty of practice.
Dieter: Ve vere vorried of vhether ze vast amt of language n accents ve have here might make ze little ones confused
Thrax; The kids are smart Dieter.
Ozzie: Yup. They've got both our intelligence
Hecro: If ur intelligence is any higher, u'd be a scholar, not a cop
Ozzie: Hey~! No fair~!
Thrax; 8snarled8
Drix: Oh, its just the regular bros spat. Dont mind them
Takashi: Hai hai, Thrax ottota-chan was always the butt end of our bros spat, n he turned out just fine, ne? Ottota-chan? *laughs*
Julius; 8snarled8
Takashi: Mo~! Jodan desho ne (just kidding), Julius onii-sama~!
Julius; Hmph.
Drix: We've got presents for u, Hope.
*everyone displayed their gifts, although its mostly baby products n toys*
Hope; 8giggled8
Ozzie: Aww, u shouldn't have. Look, u've got presents, Hope
Hecro: Nothing too much for our dear lil niece
Thrax; 8smiles8
Ozzie: *sees at the corner of his eye something left outside the backyard. He went to see n saw it was a huge bouquet of roses n a baby rattler that is a metal Queen Chess piece with a bell attached to it*
Takashi: A-ra? How did tht get there, Ozzie-chan?
Ozzie: Not frm u guys?
Takashi: Iya (no)
Thrax; I've got a funny feeling who. 8flexed his claw8
Ozzie: Hmm...Doesn't seem suspicious *sees a note attached to it n opened it*
Thrax; 8looked at it8
Note: To Pretty Baby n his new little Princess. Welcome home -TM-
Ozzie: *blushes* P...Pretty Baby?
Thrax; 8growled and destroyed the roses8
Ozzie: Aww, Thrax. It's just a present. *takes the baby rattle* Here u go, Hope. A nice new toy for u
Julius; Wake up and smell the carboceno Jones, that bastard's never going to leave you alone,
Takashi: Hora, Thrax ottota-chan has got a love rival desu ne~! *laughs*
Dieter: *grins secretly*
Ozzie: Oh plz, he's not tht persistent... *gives the baby rattle to Hope* ...Is he?
Leah; Vant a bet.
Hope: *takes the baby rattle n shook it, then chewed it in her mouth*
Thrax; 8stroked her dreads8
Ozzie: See? No harm done. She likes the toy
Thrax; But it's you I'm conserned about.
Ozzie: Oh I'm sure he's harmless. Anyway, he's helped us so many times. I doubt he's a reli bad person. Weird n eccentric, maybe, bt not evil
Thrax; 8didn't look sure8
*everyone enjoyed themselves in the welcoming party, the kids mostly because they oogled ovr their new sister*
Hope; 8smiled up at them, giggling8
*the pups nuzzled at her cheek, welcoming their new member of the family*
Hope; 8waved her arms happily8
Ozzie: Looks like the kids r getting along
Thrax; 8smiles8
Sally: *showed off how she freezes things up to Hope*
Hope; 8squealed8
Ozzie: Looks like Sally's got ur showing off streak, Drix
Drix: Do not
Leah; 8laughed8
Thrax; 8smiled then he spotted a piano, flute and violin in the corner8
Ozzie: *sees it as well* Where did tht come frm?
Julius; Someone left them out on the curb, Leah and I brought them in and fixed them up.
Ozzie: Oh? U guys planning on starting a band or something?
Alexis; 8smirked and shoved Thrax to the piano8
Ozzie: *surprised* U...U can play?
Thrax; 8blushed8
Hecro: C'mon, play it. Show us a thing or two!
Drix: Oh I'd love a good music
Thrax; It's been so long.
Ozzie: Oh give it a shot. It might come bk to u
Thrax; 8took a breath and began playing 'Lullabye for a Stormy Night'8
*everyone enjoyed listening to it*
Sakura; 8climbed onto his lap8
Ozzex: *while everyone listens, tries to shows off his skills to Hope, which ended up setting a cushion on fire*
Antonio; 8threw water over it8
Ozzie: Ozzex! Naughty boy
Ozzex: WAAA~!!!
Drix: Now who's got the show off streak?
Thrax; 8sighed and got up with Sakura8
Ozzie: Alright, alright *hugs Ozzex* Ur forgiven. Just no more stunts like tht or u'll end up calling the fire dept. *looks at Thrax* S...Sorry for spoiling the moment. U played great
Thrax; 8turned away8
Ozzie: Thrax... *comes up to him* Thrax... I'm...I'm sorry...
Alexis; Not your fault Oz.
Ozzie: *leans close to Thrax n kisses him* Pls, Thrax...?
Thrax; 8looked at him, tears in his eyes8
Ozzie: Thrax...? U...U OK...? * caresses his cheek*
Thrax; 8handed him Sakura then went upstairs8
Ozzie: Wh...Wht's wrong with him...?
Antonio; 8sighs8 His mother Selene use to play piano.
Takashi: Mo...Maybe we shouldnt have made him play... *feels rather guilty*
Ozzie: *passes the kids to Takashi* Hold on for a sec *goes upstairs to Thrax* Baby...? U OK...?
Thrax; 8sighs8
Ozzie: I heard... *comes up to him n hug him* Hey, it's OK, Thrax...Pls dont be upset...
Thrax; 8hung his head8
Ozzie: *hugs him* At least now with the piano, u can teach the kids to play. It's...not so bad
Thrax; Tell that to my heart.
Ozzie: I'm sorry. It's just tht...Pls dont be upset. We've just got out of hospital n Hope's enjoying her new home. If anyone should be upset...I am, coz...I screwed up ur life big time
Thrax; You didn't.
Ozzie: I almost killed u in alcohol, I made u a fugitive, I get u hurt all the time, and I cant give u kids anymore. How's tht for screwing up? *lowers his head. He still couldnt get ovr the fact tht he was now infertile*
Thrax; 8held him close8
Ozzie: I'm...I'm sorry...I just...dont want to see u upset *sobs* Makes me feel worse...
Thrax; 8nuzzles8
Ozzie: *snuggles bk* Pls dont be upset anymore...OK...? *sniffles*
Thrax; I'll try.
Ozzie: I love you, Thrax
Thrax; Love you to baby.
8the sound of the piano was heard from the sitting room8
Ozzie: Huh? Who's playing the piano now?
Thrax; 8slowly got up8
*both of them went dwn to see who is the one playing the piano*
Julius; 8was sitting at the piano but it was Rory pressing the keys8
Ozzie: Oh my Hector! Is Rory playing the piano?
Thrax; Sounds like it.
Ozzie: Aww, isnt tht cute~?
8there also the violin playing8
Ozzie: *looks to see who's playing*
Sakura; 8was playing along with Rory8
Hecro: *laughs* These two are regular Mozarts, dont cha think?
Ozzex: *was playing the flute along with his siblings*
Alexis; Heh a trio of musicans.
Ozzie: *claps* Oh I'm so proud of u, kids~!
Thrax; 8smiles8
Ozzie: I guess our kids inherited ur music streak, love
Thrax; 8blushes8
Leah; But how could vey learn so quickly/
Ozzie: THey're Thrax's kids, remember? They're geniuses *cuddles Ozzex proudly*
Drix: Considering a career on music for them?
Ozzie: Maybe, bt it depends on wht they want. Cant force them to do things they dont like
Thrax; I'd rather think of music as an enjoyment not a career option.
Drix: Ur true on tht, bt we'll see. Who knws they might want to have as a career
Ozzie: My little kids will do whtever they want, dont they? *hears Hope crying* Oh, looks like someone's hungry
Alexis; 8handed her to ozzy8
Ozzie: Shh...There ya go, baby girl *undid his shirt for her to feed*
Hope; 8suckled happily8
Ozzie: *hums a lullaby at the same time he's feeding her*
Thrax; 8scooped up Rory8
Rory: *giggled n nuzzles Thrax*
Thrax; 8nuzzled8
Takashi: Ne, ne, Thrax ottota-chan *gives him a "We need to speak privately" look*
Thrax; 8handed Rory to Julius and lead Takashi to the kitchen8
Takashi: No one can hear us, right?
Thrax; Just keep your voice low.
Takashi: Anno...I found one of the Elektra's shell ne. It's not the one tht was triggered awake, bt I took it out all the same. N she doesnt have a nest
Thrax; Then where-/
Takashi: Mo...She puts her shells randomly all ovr the plc. We dunno which one is triggered nxt. Daikirai desho (I hate this)~!
Thrax; 8grabbed his throat8 Find them, destroy them.
Takashi: Mo~! *pushes him away* Thrax no baka! I'm trying to help here! Dont go threatening me!
Thrax; 8growled8
Takashi: Dont gimme tht, Thrax ottota-chan. Honestly, do u evr see me more than just an errand boy? I'm ur oni-chan, u knw
Thrax; 8shoved him back and walked out8
Takashi: Meh~! Thrax ottota-chan no baka *joins his bros*
Julius; 8looked at him8
Takashi: *sighs n grabs a drink*
Alexis; 8knew that whatever they talked about didn't go well8
Dieter: Problems, mein brother?
Takashi: Just trying to tell Thrax ottota-chan something n he spits in my face. Baka
Antonio; Back off Taka.
Takashi: Nanda? I'm just telling him I found one of tht baka-onna's shell n he orders me like I'm a lapdog. U'd be upset if u were in my shoes
Alexis; He wants all of them destory or did you forget what almost happened.
Takashi: Wakara yo (I knw) bt he didnt have to snap at me like dat. I've got feelings too, u knw
Julius; 8watched Thrax go to one of the guest rooms and locked the door8
Ozzie: *done feeding Hope n bringing her upstairs to the nursery to put her to sleep*
Hope; 8yawned a little then settled to sleep8
Ozzie: *smiles n tucks her in. Seeing tht the party is ovr n helped cleaned up* Where's Thrax?
Julius; 8gathered up the dishes8 Lock himself in one of the guest rooms.
Ozzie: U...think I should go talk to him?
Julius; Best leave him for now.
Ozzie: *nods* Wht made him so upset this time? I just calmed him dwn
Alexis; 8gabbed his thumb Takashi8
Ozzie: Taka, wht did u say to Thrax? *glares at him warningly*
Takashi: Nanda yo, Ozzie-chan~? I just told him abt the shells n he flipped! Ordering me ard like some slave! Daikirai desho~!
Julius; 8smacked him upside the head8
Takashi: Itaii~!!
Ozzie: U should've told him sometime AFTER the party or wen he's calmed dwn some. U knw he's still fresh on the wounds of the heart
Antonio; What now/
Ozzie: Not sure. Just keep him under the loop. He wont be happy if he hears tht u only got a few. Just find them all n tell him the good news. It'll be much better this way
Alexis; 8to his brothers8 You heard the cell, we got a job to do.
Takashi: Hai~!
Dieter: *nods*
Ricardo: Do u want my help too, love?
Antonio; We need all the help we can get to finish this soon.
Ricardo: Alright then ^^
Ozzie: Should I help?
Dieter: Nein, mein brother-in-law. U have the little ones to think abt. Just stay safe
Julius; He's right, there's still danger.
Dieter: Especially wen ur the target
Ozzie: *nods* I understand
Julius; 8patted ozzy's shoulder8 We'll handle this.
Ozzie: I knw. Besides, I've got a business to run soon. It's been put off for too long
Leah; At leazt ve can finally ztart it.
Ozzie: Yup. Frank's Diner is gonna be the bomb!
Takashi: Suge~! I can eat oeshi (delicious) food~!!
Leah; Zome of jou can help out if jou vish.
Takashi: Hai hai~! I volunteer~!
Dieter: *grabs him* Maybe later, ven ve are done vith ze shellz
Leah; 8nods8
*later tht night, Ozzie realized Thrax still havent come out of the guest room. He went up to knock the door*
8there was no answer8
Ozzie: Love? U OK?
8still no reply8
Ozzie: *tried to open the door bt it was locked. Took out the spare keys n opened it* Thrax? Love?
8the room was empty and the window open8
Ozzie: Th...Thrax? Thrax?! Where are u?! THRAX!!
Sakura; 8toddled to the room8 Mommy/
Ozzie: Sakura, go bk to ur bros. I need to look for ur Daddy *carries her n brought her to the nursery*
Sakura; Oto-san/
Ozzie: Stay here. Look after ur siblings, OK? *turns to Jared* Watch ur siblings as well
Jared: OK, Mommy
8Sakura and Rory looked up in worry8
Ozzie: *kisses them n left the house to search for his beloved*
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