Episode 1
Thrax; 8brought his family home8
Ozzie: *drank another bottle of the morning sickness medication*
Thrax; Soon the family will have another member.
Ozzie: Yeah * caresses his middle* Hecro would make a wonderful uncle, if he showed up sometime
Thrax; I wasn't just talking about Jamie.
Ozzie: What do u mean?
Thrax; Hecro; is also with child.
Ozzie: W...What? No way!
Thrax; 8nods8 His scent is similar to yours.
Ozzie: Oh my Frank...! Do you think maybe he's got...?
Thrax; I know if he's been with any other male.
Ozzie: No. I'm feeling...maybe he's got Prisma's kid. You knw, he told us that he was Prisma's sex slave. You think maybe...?
*the trio listened in to their conversation*
Thrax; What can we do/
Ozzie: We have to make him stay with us. We can't let him go through the pregnancy himself. There is no telling what might happen to him. He might not be compatible for the virus' spawn, not like me
Thrax; The problem is how do we find him.
Ozzie: That's a little bit of a problem. Maybe it's abt time ol' cop Ozzie start getting into the bottom of this, aye?
Thrax; Finding him isn't going to be easy.
Ozzie: I knw. Bt with a bit of police work, I'm sure the PD and I will be able to find him
Thrax; 8smiled8
*soon Ozzie returned to PD, and received a warm welcome*
Carrie; Welcome back Ozzy.
Ozzie: It's good to be bk
Chief: Great. Hope ur in tip top shape to serve the PD
Ozzie: Always ready for it, Chiefy-Wiefy
8a few of the others chuckled at this8
Chief: Still the same ol' Oz. *eyes at him n his slightly protruding belly despite Ozzie's best efforts to dress casually* I see ur up the duff again
Ozzie: *blushes*
Everyone: O_O
Caroleena: But the kids are only a month old, another so soon.
Ozzie: Weeeelll... *grins* I guess I got a little...caught in the moment
Carrie; Oh Ozzy.
Ozzie: Well, I can't help it if my hormones are driving me crazy n I missed Thrax so much during the case
Tonto: Ever heard of condoms, Oz?
Ozzie: *glares*
Caroleena; Let him be.
Chief: U knw wat this means, Jones. It's...
Ozzie: Desk jobs, I knw. Bt there's one simple case I'd like u to give me
Chief: Wassat, Jones?
Ozzie: Finding Hecro
8everyone raised their brows at him8
Ozzie: *sighs* I guess u need to knw the details *told them everything*
Caroleea; I don't believe it.
Ozzie: Well, that's what he told me. And worse, we suspect that he might be pregnant with Prisma's kid, n we're afraid he might not be like me who is compatible enough to carry Thrax's child
Carrie; Finding him won't be easy.
Ozzie: No duh. He's eluded capture so far. Goodness knws where he is
Chief: Well, if it's just to find a missing person, maybe I can let u handle the case. Just be careful with ur condition
Ozzie: Alright, Chief
Caroleena; Need any help/
Ozzie: Well, yeah sure, anything to make my investifation smoother
Carrie; Oh I heard Jared is coming to live with you.
Ozzie: Yup. Thrax offered Jared to stay with us. I don't mind. He needs someone to look after him, n I probably get a helping hand for the kids
Diana; that sweet of you two.
Ozzie: It's the least we could do, what with Jamie's gone n all...
8they all nod8
Ozzie: Right, let's start searching. Any ideas where a pregnant cell could possibly hide ard here?
8they all thought8
Tonto: You think maybe he took refuge at a centre for single mothers? I knw there are plenty near the nipple district
Ozzie: Nah. Hecro is too proud to accept handouts. He'd prefer to be more resourceful n more independent
Caroleena; 8tapped her chin8
Ricardo: Then the next best thing would be the squatter's area. That's where u were wen u were hiding out frm Colonic bk then
Ozzie: Good point, bt just in case Tonto is right, we better search the center for single mothers as well
8everyone agreed8
Ozzie: Alright we'll split up n go search. I'll take the single mothers center while Ricardo take the squatter area. Those who want to come along can either follow me or him
Everyone; Right.
*everyone moved into their groups n started searching. Caroleena n Ozzie went for the single mother's centre n Ricardo, Tonto and Carrie were off to the squatter area*
Caroleena; 8looked round the centre8
Ozzie: *flashed a badge to the one in charge* I'm looking for this person *showed a picture of Hecro in his hooded disguise* Is it possible that he might be here taking up residence?
Caroleena; 8stood next to him8
Centre Head: *sees the picture* Sorry, we don't have that person here
Ozzie: Maybe you'll knw him like this? *shows him a picture of Hecro's original look*
Caroleena; 8bit her lip8
CH: *looks at the picture* Sorry, we don't have him here. We'd knw if we have T4 cells among us
Ozzie: *frowns* Alright, thank you for ur time
Caroleena; 8led him out8
Ozzie: Can you see that look on the head's face? I swear, prejudice is still going strong ard here
Caroleena; Yeah, freaked me out.
Ozzie: There are a few other centres nearby. Let's go chk it out
Caroleena; Right. 8fallows him8
*they went to several centres to ask, bt they all behaved the same way as the one did in the first plc they visited*
Caroleena; 8grumbled to herself8
Ozzie: We've got one last one. Lemme just give a call to see if the others got anything *calls Carrie's cellphone*
Carrie; Hello/
Ozzie: Hey, Carrie. How's it going? Find anything at the squatter's area?
Carrie; Nothing yet Oz.
Ozzie: Alright. Keep me posted *hangs up* No news frm their side
Caroleena; Let's check out the last one then.
Ozzie: Alright
*they went into the centre n looked for the person in charge*
Ozzie: Have you seen this man? *shows both pictures* He might appear to be either of these looks
Caroleena; 8holds her breath8
Centre Head: Nvr seen him like that *points at Hecro's real pic* bt he does appear liek that *points at the hooded picture* They say he's very conscious abt his looks, I didn't think he'd actually look that way
Caroleena; 8looked at ozzy8
Ozzie: Is he here? Is he a resident in this hospital?
CH: He's in our medical ward, in the ICU section. He had very bad cramps last night. We almost thought he was having a miscarriage bt it seems he's experiencing a growth spurt on the baby. Do you knw who the father is?
Caroleena; We have a theory.
Ozzie: Can I see him?
CH: He's asleep now, bt I think you can visit him. Lemme take u there
8they fallowed him8
*they were led to the ICU where Hecro was sleeping, n the head opened the door to let them in*
CH: He's stable for now, bt don't be too long, OK?
Ozzie: Alright
Caroleena; Want me to leave you two alone/
Ozzie: Nah, it's OK. You stay here, bt keep behind the curtain. I don't want him to be startled by ppl besides me
Caroleena; 8nods8
Ozzie: *reaches dwn to stroke his hair*
Hecro: *slowly stirs n turns to see Ozzie*
Ozzie: Hey, bro
Caroleena; 8takes a seat on the far corner of the room8
Hecro: *backs away a little* H-H-How did you find me?
Ozzie: Relax. I'm a cop, remember? U used to do the hunting, now it's my turn
Hecro: Go away. I don't want u here
Ozzie: You are my brother, Hecro. Who're u gonna turn to if not me?
Caroleena; 8listened in8
Hecro: I can take care of myself, thank you very much
Ozzie: Yeah, and where did it lead you? Here, in this single mother's centre. The head told us you had a growth spurt cramp. What if it happened in the middle of the street? Who's gonna take care of you then?
Caroleena; 8silently agreed8
Hecro: How did you knw I was pregnant in the first plc?
Ozzie: Thrax told me. He sniffed you out just like he sniffed me out n found out I'm pregnant. Only I got the feeling you were already pregnant when we met. How far along are you?
Hecro: ...Coming 4 mths
Caroleena; 8winced. he was almost due8
Ozzie: That means ur almost due
Hecro: I dunno. The father is...different, so I dunno how long exactly it lasts
Ozzie: Well, it lasted 5 mths wen I was with Thrax, n Thrax's a virus, so we'd probably be more or less the same. The father of the child...it's Prisma's child, isn't it?
Caroleena; 8cocked an ear8
Hecro: *hesitates*
Ozzie: C'mon, you can tell me
Hecro: *looks away* It's none of ur business
Ozzie: Oh c'mon, I'm ur brother! Ain't I entitled to knw abt my brother's wellbeing? It's not like I'm gonna put u in jail or something
Caroleena; 8silently agreed8
Hecro: *tears well up in his eyes*
Ozzie: *lays his hands on Hecro's* So whose child is this? Prisma? Or one of his henchmen?
Hecro: *sobs* Prisma. It's always been his...He nvr let anyone else touch me...bt he doesn't knw I'm having his baby
Caroleena; 8thought8 And he'll never know now.
Ozzie: So what were you thinking hiding this secret frm us n hiding out here? Have you ever thought we might be worried abt you?
Hecro: You...were worried abt me?
Ozzie: Heck yeah. You're my brother. I should be worried abt you. I've lost my whole family. I'm not abt to lose you.
Hecro: I...I was afraid...you might hate me...Call me a freak or carrying a killer's child...
Caroleena; 8rolled her eyes8
Ozzie: *hugs him* No, Hecro. I would nvr think of that n you knw Thrax would nvr hate you that way. You've helped us out so much
Hecro: *cries in his arms*
Caroleena; 8leaned back in the chair8
Ozzie: Now you just concentrate on getting better. I'll deal with the head of this centre so that you'll be under my care, alright?
Hecro: You...You reli mean it?
Ozzie: It's no big. Like I said before, my home is ur home as well. Now get some rest, alright?
Hecro: *nods n lay bk dwn on the bed*
Ozzie: *watches until Hecro falls asleep before gesturing Caroleena that they're leaving*
Caroleena; 8nodded and headed out8
Ozzie: Guess it's settled then. I'll talk to the centre head abt releasing Hecro under my care. Call the guys n give 'em a headstart
Caroleena; You got it. 8calls the others8
Ricardo: *picks up the phone this time* Hello?
Caroleena; We've found him.
Ricardo: Cool! Where?
Caroleena; One of the single mothers centres.
Ricardo: That's great. So hows Ozzie handling this?
Caroleena; They've sorted it out.
Ricardo: Cool, then we'll meet u guys bk at PD
Caroleena; Rodger.
Ozzie: *done discussing n signing the paperwork, then turns to Caroleena* So once he's healthy to be discharged, he'll officially be under my care.
Caroleena; 8nodded8 You'll need a bigger place.
Ozzie: No need. There's a vacant house abt a few blocks away frm my home. I can get the dealer to sell the house to me so that Hecro can stay there
Caroleena; 8smiles8 Okay.
Ozzie: I better go bk home to tell Thrax the good news. Help me punch out frm PD, alright?
Caroleena; You'll have to pick up Jared as well.
Ozzie: Yeah, that too. He's at Ricardo's plc, right?
Caroleena; 8nodded8
Ozzie: Alright. Tell Ricardo as well abt me picking up Jared. Cya *leaves the centre*
Caroleena; 8called him up and told him8
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