Episode 1
Thrax; 8had found himself in a speakeasy, sitting at the bar as he drowned a large mug8
Bartender: *cleaning mugs* Rough night, bub?
Thrax; 8grunted8
Bartender: Ur in luck tonight. Our vry own Nightingale is on lounge singing duty tonight. Guaranteed to sing ur blues away *looks ard* We're gonna have a full house tonight wen Nightingale sings
Thrax; 8scoffs8 Some what.
*so saying, ppl started to crowd near the stage n a few more pouring in, ready with their carbs n were making dog whistles n howls in anticipation*
Bartender: *vry familiar with tht scene* Any minute now
Thrax; Hmph.
MC: *comes on stage* Yes, ladies n germs, the moment u've all been waiting for. Presenting our very own Nightingale
*fanboy/girl screams followed*
Thrax; 8gave a displeased look8
Voice behind the curtain: You had plenty money in 1922... *with a voice exactly like Ozzie*
Thrax; 8looked up in surprise8
Voice: You let other women make a fool of you
*the person came out of the curtain, revealing a person who looked just like Ozzie, only instead of being blue, he was pale green in colour, with a hint of blue*
Thrax; 8lower his sunglasses8
Nightingale: Why dont u do right, like some other men do...? *leans against the side of the stage seductively, showing off his navel n his bare shoulder when his sleeve slanted to one side*
Thrax; 8raised a brow8
*the crowd went wild wen he did tht*
Nightingale: Get outta here, get me some money too *a cell tried to grab his bare leg (coz he's wearing sexy tight pants) bt he kicked his hand away*
Bartender: *whispers to Thrax* He's a beauty, aint he?
Thrax; 8glared8
Nightingale: Now if you had prepared 20 yrs ago *catwalked on the stage* You wouldn't be a-wanderin' now frm door to door...Why dont you do right *gently pushes dwn a germ by the forehead wen he tries to reach up n touch him* Like some other men do...?
Thrax; 8couldn't get the fascination8
Nightingale: Get outta here, get me some money too *allows the ppl below stage to stash money into just abt every space on his body then approaches n circles ard Thrax* Get outta here, get me some money too
Thrax; 8follwed him with his eyes but didn't budge8
Nightingale: Why don't u do right...like some other men... *reaches ovr to the hypothalamus chain tht he wore ard his neck n pulled him close to his face, lips almost touching* Do...? *slowly lets go n slides away frm him*
Thrax; 8shook his head in shock8
Nightingale: *catwalks seductively away, swaying his hips as the curtain closed behind him n the music ended*
*everyone cheered n clapped*
Thrax; 8slipped his shades back on8
Bartender: Well, bub? Am I right? Are ur blues sung away? *grins frm ear to ear*
Thrax; 8slapped a couple of carbs on the table, ordering another drink8
Bartender: *takes his order, then sees Nightingale entertaining a customer* Ah, there he is, putting on his charm as usual aftr a song
Thrax; 8grunted8
Nightingale: *entertained a few more customers before approaching the bar* Hey, barkeep. The usual plz
Bartender: You got it, Night *poured a shirley temple for him*
Thrax; 8drowned his drink8
Nightingale: *sees Thrax downed his drink* Hmm~Looks like u got a boozer here, barkeep
Bartender: Been at it since he got here, though u did charm him away for a moment there
Thrax; 8snarled, flashing a set of red eyes8
Nightingale: My, my. Fiesty little devil, ain't he? I'll take him off ur hands, barkeep
Bartender: He's all urs
Nightingale: Why the glum face, hmm? *leans against Thrax* Didnt u like my song just now?
Thrax; Back off slut.
Nightingale: Touchy, arent we? Btw *leans closer to Thrax's ear* how's Ozzie doing?
Thrax; 8choked on his drink8 What!
Nightingale: *grins* Finally got ur attention now, aren't I?
Thrax; 8snarled8
Nightingale: *jots dwn something on a beer coaster* Here. Whenever u feel the need to talk *gives it to him, finishes his Shirley Temple n walked off, swaying his hips as he went*
Thrax; 8looked at the coaster8
*on it was an address to a condominium tht was situated at the shoulderblade area*
Thrax; 8looked skeptical8
Bartender: *steals a look* Ah, definitely a keeper tht one *grins*
Thrax; 8glared8
Nightingale: *stole a last look at Thrax before going on his way*
Thrax; 8paid the barkeep and left8
*a couple of hours later, the speakeasy closed n Nightingale made his way home bk to his condo*
Thrax; 8was curled up in a boarded up doorway8
Nightingale: *reaches the entrance of the condo n took out his pass card to enter*
Thrax; 8slightly opened his eyes8
Nightingale: *senses a presence n saw Thrax curled up there, grins* I knew u would come
Thrax; I didn't come for you.
Nightingale: You're breaking my heart here, baby
Thrax; 8hissed8
Nightingale: C'mon. Come with me inside. Walls have ears, u knw
Thrax; Forget it. 8turns to leave8
Nightingale: U sure u dont wanna knw how I knw abt ur dear lil wife Ozzie?
Thrax; 8cringed8
Nightingale: *jerked his head towards the condo* C'mon. Last chance
Thrax; 8grumbled and fallowed8
*Nightingale led Thrax all the way up to the top floor where he stayed. It was very extravagant, almost as rich as the home they had given by Spryman*
Thrax; 8cocked a brow8
Nightingale: *took out a bottle of apple cider* Want some? It sobers u up
Thrax; 8shook his head8
Nightingale: Fine. More for me *sips straight frm the bottle*
Thrax; 8crossed his legs8
Nightingale: So, I see u and Ozzie settling rather well here in Hector so far
Thrax; How do you know about us/
Nightingale: Do I evn need a reason to knw abt my own father?
Thrax; O.O WHAT?
Nightingale: U reli think Shane is the only kid Frank ever had? Ur a naive man, Thrax
Thrax; What are you talking about? I may have 'beaten round the brush' but until Ozzy I never impregnated anyone.
Nightingale: Dont be so full of urself. I'm not ur son. I'm Ozzie's son.
Thrax; What/ How?
Nightingale: Ur not listening, r u? Like I said, do u reli think Frank only had Shane for a child. There was one son. One tht he didn't knw, n tht's where I came frm
Thrax; 8massaged his forehead8
Nightingale: I was frm the city of Zack. Zack is the illegitimate son of Frank tht Frank had with one of his ex-gf before he got married. The gf nvr told Frank abt Zack n raised him alone. Whenever a male city is abt to cum in a female city, few selected cells frm different dept will be called in to divide themselves into the semen stream so as to carry on the genes of the father, bt they say the process will wipe out tht cell's memory of the incident because of the rush, so I dont expect Ozzie to remember me anyways. If ur wondering, yes, I was divided frm Ozzie's body, so technically, not only i'm his clone, i am his son as well, laying dormant for yrs in Zack's body until my hibernation was complete to repopulate the city of Zack
Thrax; So how'd ya end up here/
Nightingale: *shrugged* I was sneezed into this city. Zack and Hector are basketball buddies, so naturally I somehow ended up here, though I was vry surprised wen I saw u all in the news regarding the re-election debate sabotage n abt Elektra. If ur wondering why am I all green n not like a white blood cell, it's because I was fused with a germ to be made into an antibody, so yeah
Thrax; 8nods8 I'll keep this quiet.
Nightingale: Dont need to. Everyone knw wht I am, only it doesn't allow me to have legitimate jobs
Thrax; I meant from ozzy if you wish.
Nightingale: *hesitates, then looks away* I dont reli care if u tell him abt me or not
Thrax; 8bit his lip8
Nightingale: I don't seem to be the best of sons now, am I? Evn u called me a slut
Thrax; You knew I was married and you still flirted with me.
Nightingale: Just to get ur attention, is all. I nvr reli meant to RELI wanna get it on with u
Thrax; Draggin' me aside would have been better.
Nightingale: Would u have listened if I did?
Thrax; Possibily.
Nightingale: *sips his cider* U knw, Nightingale is not reli my real name
Thrax; Thought as much, many singers, movie stars even authors use stage or pen names.
Nightingale: No, tht's wht everyone calls me, because of my singing voice. I dont have a real name
Thrax; 8lowered his shades8
Nightingale: Ur a virus, so I dont expect u to understand. A parent must name their child. No one else can. It's an ancient tradition. Ozzie is my dad, so...yeah, he has to name me
Thrax; But to do so you need to reveal yourself to him.
Nightingale: Tht's why I said: I dont reli care if u told him abt me or not. Doesn't make much difference to me
Thrax; 8sighed8
Nightingale: Neways, I just wanna knw how Ozzie's doing. U do realize tht u just ran out on him while there is a killer on the loose
Thrax; It's the killer I'm trying to find.
Nightingale: If it makes you feel any better, I think I have an idea where he is
Thrax; 8looked up8
Nightingale: *takes dwn a picture frm the fridge* Here
Thrax; 8looked at it8
*it's a picture of a muscle cell posing with Nightingale on his lap*
Thrax; 8cocked a brow8
Nightingale: Tht guy there was a regular customer of mine 2 yrs ago. He was thought to be dead by a occupational hazard, bt just a few mths later he came bk, claiming tht he didnt reli die, only had major injuries n now has recovered. I knw for a fact tht I actually been to his funeral, though I was only watching frm afar, bt I saw him buried. It was an open casket funeral
Thrax; 8scratched his chin8 Could it be-/
Nightingale: *shrugs* Who knws. He'll be at the speakeasy tomorrow. He always comes in for a drink, though he doesn't become my regular anymore
Thrax; 8had a hunch8
Nightingale: Oz...I mean...Dad's alright...right?
Thrax; Still a bit hystarical after what happened to him.
Nightingale: *shrug* Can't blame him. I mean anyone would be upset if they cant give kids to their loved ones anymore
Thrax; At least he and Hope made it.
Nightingale: I knw. Dang, u guys r reli expanding the brood, huh? I knw cells r fertile n all bt this is off the top *chuckles*
Thrax; 8blushes8
Nightingale: And I suppose I'm considered part of the brood, being me Ozzie's son and all
Thrax; 8nods8 Despite you way you entered this world, you're still part of this family.
Nightingale: Well I'm not reli making the best of it, am I? I was nvr reli raised by a real family. As soon as I got out of hibernation I was immediately shifted to an outhouse apartment with a bunch of other ppl who came out of hibernation n briefed of my duties in Zack. All work n no play
Thrax; Harsh.
Nightingale: Yeah, so I usually sing to relieve stress. Tht's where I got my name frm
Thrax; And you live up to the name.
Nightingale: Yeah well, I almost lost my voice wen they fused me with a germ
Thrax; 8nods8
Nightingale: They wanted to create an antibody to fight off Zack's cold, so they killed a germ n fused his DNA into me
Thrax; Ever hear of a Flu shot?
Nightingale: Tht Flu shot guy may have done his job, bt he totally sucked at it, tht's why they needed reinforcement
Thrax; 8rolled his eyes8
Nightingale: Chk this out *picks up an ashtray n blew at it. It immediately froze. Then he slammed it onto the counter n it smashed into ice pieces*
Thrax; Whoa.
Nightingale: Not sure wht sort of germ I was fused with, bt it comes in handy sometimes, among other things
Thrax; 8nods8
Nightingale: It works well wen I wanna freeze some rowdy clients who wont take no for an answer
Thrax; Clever.
Nightingale: I'm definitely no virgin boy, tht's for sure, wht with my line of work
Thrax; That's to be expected.
Nightingale: I c aside frm the minor setback, ur doing fine with...Dad
Thrax; 8smiled8
Nightingale: Didn't think I might have so many bros n sis. I recognize Dad as soon as I saw u guys on the news. I didn't think I'd see him. I guess there are such things as coincidences and miracles
Thrax; 8smiles8 Know the feeling, never I'd see my own brothers again.
Nightingale: So u gonna be at the speakeasy tomorrow?
Thrax; Just to keep an eye on you.
Nightingale: Keep an eye on me? Wht, ur gonna be my mommy now? *laughs*
Thrax; 8laughs8 You wish.
Nightingale: I'll point out to u once the client comes ovr
Thrax; 8nods8
Nightingale: Oh, if u plan to tell Dad abt me, give him this *took off his tag bracelet tht had an engraving saying 'You're Never Alone'* He'll understand
Thrax; 8slipped it into his jean pocket and nodded8
Nightingale: Need a plc to crash for the night? I got a spare room
Thrax; Thank you.
Nightingale: No big. Ur my Papa, so to speak. Ur family
Thrax; 8smiled8 One more for the clan.
Nightingale: *laughs* U make it sound like we're some sort of mafia mob
Thrax; Clan is what we viruses call our family well clan or pack depending on the spieces.
Nightingale: I'd hardly think having a antibody germ would look good in a clan like urs, and a used one no less
Thrax; You're talking to the former deadliest virus around.
Nightingale: *chuckles* Fair enough. The spare room is the second to ur right. There's everything u need to freshen up in there as well *his cell phone had an incoming sms*
Thrax; Thank you. 8heads to the room8
Nightingale: *sees the sms n sighs* You again *calls aftr Thrax* I gotta go "entertain" someone down the floor. I'll be bk late. Dont wait up
Thrax; 8called8 Be careful.
Nightingale: I will *leaves the condo*
Thrax; 8headed to bed8
*The virus slept thru the night. The next morning, he finds Nightingale on the couch with a first aid kit*
Thrax; What happened/
Nightingale: My client enjoys a bit of rough rumble-tumble. It's fine *dabs some meds onto his bruises, which looked like whip lashes frm a BDSM sex act*
Thrax; 8narrowed his eyes8
Nightingale: *sees his face* It's no big. I'm used to this. Been doing this ever since I got here. Antibodies created frm germ fusion usually dont get legitimate jobs
Thrax; Sounds familiar.
Nightingale: *puts an ice pack onto the bruise on his eye* Slept well?
Thrax; Fairly.
Nightingale: Well, I'm gonna turn in now. Didn't reli get to sleep coz of the client. U sure ur OK on ur own?
Thrax; 8nods8
Nightingale: Right. Cya tonight at the speakeasy *walked to his room n went to bed*
Thrax; 8grabbed and went out searching for his prey8
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