TOYLB: A New City-Season 2-3

Episode 3

*the cab soon came n sent them all to The Shot, which is a scar leftover frm Hector's booster shot on his arm*

Thrax; ~Finally a place to relax.~

Hecro: I'll go help us order some drinks. U guys look for a spot where we have good access to the karaoke booth

Leah; 8looked round and choose one near the back8

*everyone else joined her while Hecro went to the counter to order their drinks*

Thrax; 8lead ozzy in8

Ozzie: *sat btwn Thrax n Leah*

Hecro: *comes in* They'll bring our drinks ovr. In the meantime *sees the karaoke list book* Let's pick a song!

Leah; Keep me out of zis.

Ozzie: Aww, c'mon. Don't be such a party pooper. *leans ovr to Hecro* Let's see wat they've got...Aha! I haven't sing this song in ages!

Hecro: Me too! I got a good one right here as well *chatters with his brother of the songs they want to sing*

8the two viruses rolled their eyes8

Drix: Ooh, ooh, I might wanna sing tht one *joins in the chatter*

8they both sighed in frustration8

8unknown to Thrax a pair of yellow eyes were watching him from the other side of the bar8

*their drinks came in n they picked the song tht they like, in which they took turns to sing. Ozzie sang a love song n Hecro sang a rock song, while Drix sang (rather badly) a ballad for Leah, making everyone ROFL*

Leah; 8drowned herself in drink, trying to forget8

Ozzie: Woah. Easy with the drinks, Leah girl

Hecro: *hears a haunting song at a distance* Woah! Would u hear tht singing!

Thrax; 8listened to the melody8

8a few viruses were on stage, a couple playing intruments and the lead male, a virus with black hair, purple skin and yellow eyes, was singing8

Ozzie: Wow, tht sounds fine *cranes his neck to get a good look at the singer*

*everyone in the bar turned to listen to tht haunting music*

Thrax; 8suddenly got up and slowky walked over to the stage8

Ozzie: *surprised at his mate's reaction* Th...Thrax...?

Drix: What is he doing?

Ozzie: I have no bloody idea

And how can I make amends?
For all that I took from you?
I led you with hopeless dreams,
My brother, I was a fool.

Thrax: *suddenly picked up the spare mike and sang rather beautifully*
Don't cry for the past now, brother mine.
Neither you nor I are free from blame.
Nothing can erase the things we did,
For the path we took was the same.

Hecro: I thought Thrax can't sing!

Ozzie: So he says! Oh my Hector, he...he sounds divine!

Drix: Amazing~!

Leah; 8smiled, even though she was stoned she could tell the performance was great8

*everyone clapped n cheered loudly once the song ended*

8the group bowed the Thrax and the other singer turned to each other and embraced8

Ozzie: *a pang of jealousy hit him, not knwing wat's going on*

Thrax; 8led the group over to his family8

Ozzie: Love, who are they? *gestures at the singer* And who is tht? *with a jealous tone*

Thrax; Everyone meet my brothers.

Ozzie: B...Brothers??

Hecro: *jaw dropped*

Drix: You have brothers? I thought...

He-Virus; Not biologily no but we of each as brothers.

Ozzie: I...I dont get it. How...?

Thrax; After what happened to my parents I wondered the streets for a while until a HIV she-virus took meet in.

Hecro: Wow. Lucky.

Ozzie: So...wat's ur name?

He-Virus (E-Bola): Julius.

Hecro: Nice name. The name's Hecro Jones n this here *pulls Ozzie close* is my half-brother Osmosis. U can call him Ozzie

Drix: Drixo-Benzo-Methaphadamine. U can call me Drix, n this is my fiance Leah Estrogen

Leah; 8waved8

Julius: *pointed to the others8 Antonio. 8the Spanish Flu waved8 Alexis. 8the Rabies shot them the peace sign8 Takashi. *Japanes virus bowed8 and Dieter. 8the German measle saluted8

Ozzie: Wow *chuckles* Big family.

Hecro: Well, don't let's all stand here. Have a seat with us

8they all sat down with them8

Antonio; Oh sorry. 8he beckoned someone over8

8a young white blooded he-cell came over. He wore black pants, shirt and a lime green jacket with a gold chain round his neck8

Ozzie: Umm...hello. *leans ovr to Thrax* Who's tht?

Antonio; This is Ricardo, my love,

Ozzie: What a coincidence! We had a friend named Ricardo as well bk in our old city. *hold out his hand* How do u do?

Ricardo: *comes ovr n sits on Antonio's lap* Hey everyone. Ricardo Amino *spoke in a rather familiar accent*

Drix: Amino? Tht last name sounds familiar...

Thrax; Isn't that the last name of the she cell we met. 8ponders8 Her brother right/

Ricardo: *rolls his eyes* So she got u guys, huh? Read it in the news. Yeah, I'm Maria's brother. Black sheep of the family, I might add

Hecro: Why call urself black sheep of the family?

Leah; Could be anything.

Ricardo: Yeah well, got a more or less paying job as a janitor n they blame me for stealing a cop's payroll. I mean, c'mon, who leaves their payroll lying on the floor for ppl like me to pick up? It ain't my fault I thought it was trash. I'm a janitor, for Hec's sake

Ozzie: *feels for him, remembers his days as immunity where he gets into screwed-up situations n had to pay the price*

Thrax; Rough.

Ricardo: Yeah well, after they arrested me bt cannot prove tht I stole the money, they locked me up without trial for 3 years, then released me without evn the courtesy to apologize for their mistakes, n my family hated me ever since, especially Maria. It was her colleague's payroll, so she took it harder than anyone else. But every dark cloud has a silver lining. Wen my family disowned me n I had nowhere else to go, Antonio found me, took me in with his brothers, n we've been together, in love ever since

Drix: Well, at least not all is lost

Hecro: Btw, how did u manage to get into this body? We were arrested the first day we got here

Julius; Hector isn't always careful, scratched his arm on infected glass and we quickly got in and hid.

Ozzie: Pretty smart. is it tht u guys ended up as brothers? I mean, neither of u are the same species

Thrax; Not by blood but we think of each other as brothers as we thought of Serenity as our mother.

Ozzie: Serenity? Tht's ur adopted mother's name? did she ended up adopting all of u?

Antonio; She took us in after find us wandering or on the streets after we lost our family's.

Hecro: Rather sweet of her

Drix: How did u all get separated then?

Alexis; 8sighed8 After her death we tried to stay together but the pain was too much to bare.

Ozzie: Sorry to ask did she die?

8the viruses looked at each and sighed8

Ozzie: D...Did I say something wrong...? I...I'm reli sorry...I shouldn't have asked...

Leah; Smooth Oz.

Ozzie: I said I was sorry.

Hecro: *tries to change the subject* Anyway, ur in good timing. We were celebrating two upcoming weddings. These two *points at Thrax n Oz* and these two *points at Drix n Leah*

Julius; 8slapped Thrax's shoulder8 Congrats bro.

Thrax; 8blushed8

Ozzie: *blushes as well as he grinned* Ur brother is the love of my life. Without him, I wouldn't be here *hugs Thrax*

Alexis; We are glad8

Hecro: So where do u guys live ard here?

Alexis; liver area.

Drix: Tht's where Spyrman's opponent Elektra is having her base of operation

8the five looked at him8

Drix: Oh, sorry, forgot to tell u. *lowers his voice* I'm helping Elektra run the campaign, bt only for infiltration purposes, find out if she's really a bad apple underneath

8they all nod8

Hecro: Well, this goes for another celebration. To the reunion of brothers *toasted*

8they raised their glasses and toasted8

*they drank n chat thru the night until it was almost closing time for the bar*

Thrax; Guess we should head home.

Hecro: Yeah, seems like we've been here almost all night *looks at Ozzie, Leah n Drix, the lesser of the liqour holders* And it seems tht someone had their fill

*Ozzie, Leah n Drix were already asleep in a pile against each other*

Thrax; 8sweatdropped8

Ricardo: *chuckles* Can't hold their liquor, eh? I'll haul a cab for ya *went out to do so*

Julius; Hope we'll see each other soon.

Hecro: Hope to see u too. How's abt giving us a number or something? Then we can call u wen the wedding is set *looks at Thrax* U do want to invite them, dontcha?

Thrax: Of course I want them to come, it's a special event and I don't want them to miss out.

Hecro: So *turns to the brothers* where can we find u guys n how will we call u?

Alexis; We travel around to avoid being caught so it's hard to contact us.

Hecro: But then how will u knw wen n where is the wedding plc?

Julius; We'll drop by a week before the wedding.

Hecro: Cool, cya guys then

Ricardo: Cab's here. Hope to c u guys again soon

Hecro: Thanks * helps Drix up using his strong tentacles* Ally-oop, Drix, time to go home*

Thrax; We'll see you soon and guys, good to see you at last 8he hugged his brothers then fallowed Hecro with Ozzy and Leah*

*all the bros watched as they left in the cab*

Ricardo: Such nice fellas. I wish my family could be as nice

Antonio; We were lucky 8sniggers8 Thrax has changed over the years.

Julius; 8glares8 Antonio.

Ricardo: What do u mean, sweetie?

Antonio; He wasn't always like this.

Takashi: Hai, hai, Thrax ottota-chan vry scared kodomo bk then. Always saying "Kowaii~! Kowaii~!" when he's with me, n I'm always scolding him "Jodan deska?"

Ricardo: *confused with the Japanese talk*

Dieter: Mein brother meant he's always zaying he is fret, making him asks if he vas kizzin'

Antonio; 8laughs8 Yeah I remember him always fallowing Jul here like a shadow,never leavin' his side.

Julius; 8snarled8 That's because I treated him with kindness unlike you four knuckleheads.

Alexis; You always babied him along with Serenity bro.

Dieter: Zat is correct, mein brother. Iz coz of u n Serenity zat he didn't dare to do anythink

Takashi: Hai, hai! *grins* Baka Thrax ottota-chan always crying to Julius oni-sama n complaining abt us bullying him. Remember the time we tied his legs on a bungee cord n threw him off the bowel bridge, Antonio onii? *LOL-ed*

Ricardo: O_O U did what?!

Julius; You gave him nightmares for weeks after that, I'm surprised he learned to glide.

Antonio; Oh lighten up it was funny. 8he ducked dodging Julius's punch8

Ricardo: You guys sure have a interesting life

Dieter: Considering ve hav a timid little brother to build character wiz. yez, u could zay dat

Takashi: Hai~! Thrax ottota-chan is just so easy to play with. Sugoi yo!

Julius; 8hissed8 He was still in shock when he was found and you four gave him a hard time for years not helping him or treating him fairly.

Antonio; Easy bro we were just having fun back then.

Takashi: Oka-san always told us to be strong n start learning to be independent. We're just giving Thrax ottota-chan a helping hand

Ricardo: I am curious tho...You guys nvr told me wat happened to ur mother Serenity. I've been in ur group long enough. Don't I deserve to knw? I thought u guys trusted me as ur own

Julius; 8sighed8 It's hard to talk about. 8he gripped his arm8

Ricardo: Is tht why u guys got separated? *seeing everyone looking at him in surprise n shrugged* Lucky guess

Julius; 8turned away, hanging his head8

Ricardo: S...Sorry. I'll shut up now *leans against Antonio*

Takashi: Daijobu ne, Ricky-san. You'll find out...wen we're ready. In the meantime...matte kudasai (pls wait), ne?

Julius; 8motioned to them and walked out8

*all the brothers n Ricardo followed suite*

*meanwhile, Thrax n the gang were at home. Hecro had helped carry Leah n Drix bk to their home while Thrax is carrying Ozzie into their own home*

Thrax; 8tucked ozzy into bed8

Jared: *hears them come home n got out of bed to see them* Mommy? Daddy?

Thrax; Hey son, didn't mean to wake you.

Jared: S'ok *rubs his eyes* Had a good time?

Thrax; 8smiles8 Yeah.

Jared: *yawns* Tht's good

Thrax; 8lifts him up8 C'mon back to bed with you. 8carries him to bed8

Jared: *snuggled in Thrax's arms before being put dwn on bed*

Hecro: *came home n sees him tucking Jared in* Hey, Thrax

Thrax; 8tucks Jared in8 Hey.

Hecro: I just tucked the soon-to-be husband and wife into bed. What abt Ozzie?

Thrax; Sound asleep.

Hecro: Good. I'm gonna make some cold juice to wash off the booze. Want some?

Thrax; Just a small glass.

Hecro: Alright *goes dwnstairs to the kitchen n made the juice*

Thrax; 8fallowed down8

Hecro: *poured a glass for Thrax* Here u go, bro

Thrax; Thanks. 8drinks it down slowly8

Hecro: Tonight was some night, eh, Thrax? In a good way, I mean

Thrax; 8smiles8 It was I never thought I'd see them again.

Hecro: Well, life works in mysterious ways. I thought I could only watch Oz frm afar for the rest of my life, n now look where I am *grins*

Thrax; 8smiles8 Yeah.

Hecro: While we're on the subject of pasts, lemme tell u something Oz nvr told anyone else, n thinks I don't knw abt

Thrax; 8raised a brow8

Hecro: Leah was not the only person he was with before u came in

Thrax; What/

Hecro: Oh he was quite the ladies' man, man's man, man abt town. Bt it was this attribute tht got him into trouble, n later on making him so infamous in the PD

Thrax; What happened/

Hecro: Every guy or girl he dated always end up either psycho, crazy or dead one way or another

Thrax; 8paled8

Hecro: Yeah. Coz Oz was so popular, everytime he dated someone, someone else will get jealous n go as far as a murdering rampage to eliminate him or her. One didn't knw any better n ended up in a psych ward because she was tortured until she lost her mind. One almost died because she got slit in the throat for only talking to Oz, n could no longer speak after tht. And tht's just the tip of the iceberg. The last straw was a girl who was an obsessive paranoid bitch. Her attention to him was so suffocating n so demanding tht it made Oz feel like he was in a bird cage. Wen Oz wanted to end this relationship, she ended up slitting her wrists in front of him, begging him to take those words bk. Wen Oz relented, giving her another chance, she gotten evn worse. The breaking point was she saw him talking to another guy n her crazed jealous mind thought he was his new fling, n right in front of him n the public, she stabbed the poor innocent guy to pieces

Thrax; Oh Ozzy you could pick em.

Hecro: Well, regardless whether Ozzie pick the date or they pursued him, the result would always be the same. Since then, to avoid history happen, he started developing tht attitude everybody seemed to hate him for just to protect himself. He tried so hard tht it was taking a toll on his work performance, thus the infamous reputation he had in PD. Wen he had tht crush on Leah, he was so used n ingrained to tht attitude, he couldn't revert bk to his old self, n Leah didn't like him for it. Well, at least tht ego of his turned out to be the best thing tht ever happened to him *chuckles*

Thrax; 8smiles8 It was his spunk that caught my eye.

Hecro: I was abt to say the same thing. *looks at the time* Well, it's reli late. Time to hit the hay. Need to tell Spryman tomorrow abt the wedding date

Thrax; 8nodded* Night Hecro. 8heads to his room8

Hecro: Night *leaves to his room as well*

Ozzie: *is all curled up, fast asleep*

Thrax; 8slipped in beside him and held him close8

Ozzie: Mmh... *talks in his dreams* I do...

Thrax; 8smiles and slowly drifts off8

8during the night Thrax starts having dreams, ones he wanted to forget8

Ozzie: *stirred frm the night terrors tht Thrax was making*

Thrax; 8in his sleep8 No please. . .leave them alone. 8he thrashes in his sleep8 Leave her. 8was shaking violently, tossing in his sleep8

Ozzie: *quickly shook him* Thrax! Thrax! Baby, wake up! Wake up!

Thrax; 8cried in his sleep, not responding8

Ozzie: *shook him a little harder, planting kisses on his forehead* Wake up, my love. Pls, pls, wake up!

Thrax; Please leave her.

Ozzie: ~Her? Who's her? His mom? His other mom? His...not his lover...?~ *shakes him again, patting him at his face* Baby, baby, wake up. Pls, wake up, it's me. Ozzie. Pls...

Thrax; 8started to shake violently8

Ozzie: Oh my Hector...Baby?? Baby?!

Hecro: *hears the commotion n ran in* What's going on??

Ozzie: Thrax...He's...He's like having a seizure or something!

Thrax; 8thrashed violenty in his sleep8

8the front door burst open as a tall figure ran into the house and into the master bedroom8

Ozzie&Hecro: *gasped at the sudden arrival of the figure, bt couldn't see his face because the lights were not on* Who...Who are u??

8the figure walked past them then sat on the bed and lifted Thrax into his arms8

*Ozzie n Hecro watched quietly, wondering what would happen next*

8as Thrax shivered in the figure's arms the newcomer gently held Thrax close, caressing his dreads and gently stroking his chest where his heart was8

Thrax; 8immediatly stopped crying and trembling, settling into a peaceful sleep8

Ozzie: *finally went ovr n turned the night light on*

Julius; 8was sitting on the bed, humming a lullabye to Thrax8

Ozzie: Oh thank Hector it's u. I thought we're being ambushed or something

Hecro: Wait...What are u doing here anyway? How did u knw...?

Julius; Serenity and I developed a sixth sense when it came to Thrax so we always knew when he was in trouble.

Ozzie: He was having a nightmare, and I couldn't help him *covers his face* Oh Hec, I feel so useless...

Julius; It's not your fault there's a special way to help him.

Ozzie: What was he dreaming? It's ur adopted mom, isn't it?

Julius; 8nods8 Sometimes his parents.

Ozzie: I've seen him dreamt abt his parents, bt this is the first time I seen him dream abt Serenity. *hesitates* Pls, tell me abt Serenity. Wht happened to her? How she died? I need to knw

Julius; 8tucks Thrax in and beckons to the two to fallow him8

Ozzie: *plants a kiss on Ozzie's forehead before following behind Hecro n Julius*

Julius; 8sat down by the kitchen table, taking out a hip flask and took a swig8

Ozzie: *sits at the table* So what's the deal here? I reli need to knw. I'm going to be his 'wife' soon. His pain is my pain, n I'm willing to share it

Hecro: *sat beside Ozzie*

Julius; 8sighed8 Serenity as you know was an HIV virus but despite being a deadly virus she was very caring, motherly's more the word. She took us all in after we lost our families, cared for us, raised us like her sons but she was especially protective of Thrax because of what he went through.

Ozzie: *nods, experiencing first hand of tht wretched past*

Hecro: *nods in understanding as well*

Julius; We did what we could to survive but also to protect each other but then it happened- 8he choaked back a sob8

Ozzie: *puts his hand on Julius', encouraging him*

Julius; 8bit his lip before continuing8 One day we were attacked, Immunity, Barricks the whole lot. Serenity fought trying to protect us but it cost her her life. 8sobs8

Hecro: I guess it's rather stereotypical of them. U see a virus, u'll nvr think they could be good. It's just shoot first, ask questions later

Ozzie: *looked dwn, remembering he used to be tht way*

Julius; We tried to stay strong but soon we drifted apart and Thrax slowly sank into insanity.

Ozzie: Tht's...where tht other side of him came in, huh? Tht was the cause of it

Hecro: I guess it's understandable tht u drifted apart. U blame urself for unable to save the one u love n part of u blames the other party for not doing anything. It happens a lot bk home

Julius; I mainly regret not being there for Thrax when he needed me.

Hecro: I guess it's a blessing in disguise tht Thrax came to infect Frank, or he wouldn't have met Ozzie n become wht he is now, a much better person

Ozzie: You give me too much credit, bro

Julius; At least he's calm now,

Ozzie: *nods* I still feel bad tht I couldn't calm him. I'm his future 'wife'. I should be... *hugs himself tight*

Julius; Want me to teach you/

Ozzie: Yes, pls *looks up eagerly*

Julius; It'll help calm him when he has these nightmares/memories.

Ozzie: *comes up to him* Teach me all u knw, Jules

Julius; 8nodded and told ozzy as well as demintrated what to do8

Ozzie: *being a cop, his photographic memory came to use as he memorized every detail*

Julius; Remember hum the lullabye while doing the motions and it'll calm him.

Ozzie: I will. Thanks. Umm...It must be a long way frm where u came. Don't u wanna spend the night here for the moment?

Julius; 8shook his head8 I should head back8

Ozzie: Aww, OK. Well, send my regards to the others

Julius; 8nodded and left8

Ozzie: *sees the time* A few more hours till dawn. You better go bk to sleep now, Hecro. You've got work to do

Hecro: Yeah. Cya in the morning, bro

Ozzie: You too *goes upstairs to chk on Thrax*

Thrax; 8was sound asleep peacefully8

Ozzie: *heaved a sigh of relief n crawled up in bed, snuggling close to him, whispers in his ear* I love you *drifted off to sleep*

8the rest of the night was peaceful8


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