Episode 1
*everyone waited with bated breath ovr wat would happen. The twins were hungry n Ozzie fed them. The trio were bored, so Jared played with them, along with Drix. All killing time waiting for something to happen while they're in the test tube*
Thrax; It could be a while before we know what happens.
Hecro: Yeah, I knw. I wonder wat the child services would do to Shane
Ozzie: Anything but let her Uncle Bob adopt her. He's a sorry excuse for a relative
Leah; No kidding, surprised he still has his kids.
Drix: Well at least we can rest assure she's been well taken care of
Hecro: *hears Shane crying n helps her feed*
Thrax; Hopefully. 8sighed8
Jared: *looks out n sees the human pick up the test tube n going to insert a needle* Oh, guys! Incoming!
Thrax: *started the engine8
*the needle pierced into the test tube n picked them up again, then injects them onto the petri dish to be seen under microscope*
Ozzie: We better drive off now before we ended up under the human microscope!
Thrax; 8slammed his foot on pedal and drove them away quickly8
*they left just in the nick of time*
Thrax; Phew.
Jared: *looks out to see the doctor chking the blood sample* Thank Frank we left, or we would've been crushed by microscope
Ozzie: Thank Frank for ur Daddy's driving
Thrax; Where to/
Hecro: Anywhere but here
Thrax; 8drove/flew them away from the area8
Drix: So, where we off to now?
Leah: We may need to land somewhere for a while until we can find a new city.
Hecro: That's a good idea. But where should we be?
Thrax; 8loked round8
*they were out of the hospital n approaching a basketball court, where there were kids playing ball*
Thrax; 8spotted a dog8 You don't mind k-9/
Ozzie: It's as good as any
Thrax; 8flew them over to the miniture mutt8
*the dog yapped at the boys playing ball, n felt a little itch wen the car rode on it, scratched a little*
Hecro: Incoming claws!
Thrax; 8swaved to avoid them8
*everyone yelled in surprise at the swerve, while the kids cheered, laughed n giggled, loving the action*
Thrax; 8drove into the ear8
*the trailer entered the body n halted near towards the area that connected the ear to the brain*
Jared: Wohoo~! Far-out~! That is reli cool~!
Thrax; 8sighed in relief8
Drix: You kids are enjoying this, aren't ya?
Jared: Yeah! Can we do that again?!
Hecro: *rolls eyes* They've definitely got ur genes, bro
Ozzie: Very funny, Hec
Leah; Knock it off two.
Drix: I wonder who this dog belongs to
Thrax; Who knows Drix.
Ozzie: So, where to next to lay low before we find our city?
Thrx; 'Fraid so.
Hecro: Where should we hang out then?
Thrax; Near the eye channel, we'll be able to see what's happenin'. 8he started the engie and drove8
Drix: That's good. We can evn keep track of which city we should go to
Leah; Sounds good.
Ozzie: Well, let's go then
Thrax; 8drove them all the way to the eye area8
*once they were there, they could see all the cells gathered there cheering n watching the basketball match*
Thrax; Luckily the cells in dogs are real idiots.
Ozzie: Yup. They can't tell the difference between a brain cell n a immunity cell even if they wore nametags on
Thrax; 8snigged then parked their ride8
Hecro: Guess we'll be staying here for a while
Leah; Could be but it probably won't be long.
Drix: Hopefully not, I... *his words cut short with a loud bang at the dashboard*
Thrax; What in the name of- 8he looked round8
*a little germ dog was at the dashboard, yapping n wagging its tail*
Thrax; Get lost mutt. Shoo.
Kiaran: Doggie~!
Drix: *looks out* Oh my, wat a cute little pooch
*the dog wagged its tail, yapping*
Thrax; 8narrowed his eyes8
Jared: *sees the dog n opens the door against better judgment* Hey there, doggy. Where's ur master?
Thrax; Jared close the door.
Drix: Aww...It's just a puppy *takes a biscuit n handed it to the dog* Here ya go, puppy
8the little pup smiffsat it then gobbles it up8
Drix: Isn't he the sweetest thing?
Ozzie: I didn't knw u liked dogs
Drix: I nvr had a pet. Very strict family, u see. Being the cold pill, they believe having pets would damage my health, so they refuse to even allow have a fish for a pet
Thrax; Pathetic.
Ozzie: Gee. That's a little harsh
Drix: *smiles as he patted the dog's head*
8the little one yipped happily8
Jared: So ur gonna keep him?
Drix: I want to, but... *glances at Leah*
Leah; It's ok with me. 8scratched the pup's ears8
Hecro: Then it's settled then *picks up the dog n puts it in the trailer* Welcome to the family, boy
*the kids fuzzed ovr teh dog*
Thrax; Just keep him away from the kids.
Ozzie: Aww, love. Don't u like dogs?
Thrax; I do but it's not right to have a dog round very young children.
Hecro: Oh, Thrax, ur such an overprotective guy *picks Shane up frm the dog*
Ozzie: So, watcha gonna name him?
Leah; Drix/
Drix: Hmm...I'll call it Dander. Coz he looks so fine and dandy
Thrax; 8rolled his eyes8
Jared: Dander? Nice name! Hey, Dander! *ruffles the dog's head*
Dander; 8jumped on him and licked all over his face8
Jared: *laughed n giggled as he toppled ovr*
Ozzie: Dander sure is making fast friends
Hecro: *chuckles*
Leah; 8giggled8
Thrax; 8got up then headed outside8
Ozzie: *sees him n followed after, passing the kids to Jared*
Thrax; 8stretched his body as he stood outside and looked at the eye channel8
Ozzie: *came up to him n took his hand* So wat do u see?
Thrax; Not much, yet.
*the boys were taking a break frm playing ball, drinking water. The owner of the dog they hitch on came close to pat the mutt*
Boy: Hey, Uno. Just one more game n we'll go home, k?
Random boy: C'mon, Hector!
Boy (now Hector): Coming! *runs off*
Thrax; Hmm. . . 8scratches his chin8
Ozzie: See something interesting, love?
Thrax; The dog's owner, 12-13 I believe.
Ozzie: *sees Hector running ard passing balls n shooting hoops* Yeah, abt that much
Thrax; Young, strong, fit. 8grins8 Perfect.
Ozzie: You're right. He is. Looks very nice indeed. You sure got a good eye, love *kisses him on the cheek*
Thrax; 8smiled but then frowned8
Ozzie: *notices* What's wrong, baby?
Thrax; When we are found out you'll know what they'll do.
Ozzie: Well, we'll just have to convince them that we're not the bad type. I'm sure they'll see thru
Thrax; Depends on who runs the city my love.
Ozzie: I love you so much *kisses Thrax on the lips*
Thrax; 8kissed him passionately8
Ozzie: Mmh... *eases into the kiss* Hopefully we get into this new city soon. I miss your lovin', baby
Thrax; 8smirked8
Ozzie: *snuggles in Thrax's arms, enjoying his warmth*
Thrax; 8purred happily8
*soon, it was time for the boy to go home*
Hector: C'mon, Uno. Home time
8outside the dog ran up to him8
Thrax; Let's go.
Ozzie: Right *follows behind Thrax*
Thrax; 8helped ozzy in then started their transport and drove to the mouth8
Hecro: So, where we heading?
Ozzie: We found a pretty good city.
Drix: Oh? Where is it?
Thrax; You'll see.
*everyone held onto their seats as they drove off to their destination*
Thrax; The minute the dog licks the kid's face we'll move.
Drix: Kid? We're going into a kid city?
Ozzie: Yup. Hold onto ur horses now
Thrax; 8drove all the way to the mouth and waited for the oppurtunity8
*everyone waited quietly*
Hector: *once home, he went to get some juice frm the fridge, then as he drank it, he got some on his chin, which Uno leapt up to lick him*
Thrax; 8stepped on the gas and zoomed into Hector's mouth8
*all the kids cheered again*
Thrax; 8drove the van amd hid behind one of the gum lines8
Hecro: Well, let's just hope we can survive long enough to make it into the city itself
Thrax; 8nodded8
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