Episode 1
*the days passed by peacefully, and there was no hubbub going on with the germ's disappearance. Ozzie was doing well with a little therapy and was deemed to be release frm hospital the day after tomorrow*
Thrax; 8smiled at his mate8
Ozzie: Can I go visit Jamie's grave wen I get released? Pls?
Thrax; 8nodded8 Of course my love. 8sighs8 My parents, my child in the same area, not good for me.
Ozzie: It's OK. At least they'll watch ovr Jamie for us
Thrax; *nodded8
*meanwhile, Hecro has finally settled in his new home and is babysitting the kids while Jared is at school*
Hecro: *sees Kiaran n Ozzex fighting for a toy again* Play nice, boys
Sakura; *rolled her eyes as she spelt out words with her blocks*
Kiaran: *pouts as he let Ozzex have the toy n played something else*
Hecro: *sighs n smiles in defeat, was abt to get up wen he felt a sort of jab in his middle*
8the trio looked up8
Hecro: *feels the jab again n doubled ovr* Oh crap, no...!
Ozzie: *feels a small phantom pain in his middle as well*
Thrax; Ozzy/
Ozzie: Something's wrong with Hecro. I can feel it.
Thrax; I better check on him. 8kisses ozzy's cheek8 I'll be back soon.
Ozzie: Alright. Keep me posted
Thrax; 8ran out of the hospital and straight for Hecro's house8
*the trio whined as they crawled by Hecro's side*
Hecro: *groaned in pain as he tried to reach his cellphone which was up on the shelf*
Thrax; 8unlocked the door and rushed inside8
Hecro: *groaned louder as the contraction hit him again*
Ozzex: *whines* Crow~! Crow~!
Thrax; 8rushed over and knealt beside him8
Hecro: Oh Frank... Fuck, it hurts~!
Thrax; What does it feel like Hecro/
Hecro: It...It feels like...my stomach is tying in knots, like it's squeezing my guts out...! Mmh~! I feel...I feel something between my legs...!! Oow~!!!
Thrax; 8relised8 Oh no. 8he got everyone into the car and took off to the hospital8
Hecro: *starting to go in tears as he clenched his stomach* Oow... It hurts~!
Thrax; 8got to the hospital and quickly rushed Hecro and the kids inside8
*the doctor quickly took charge of him*
Ozzie: *hears the commotion n looked out* What's going on?
Kiaran: *sees Ozzie* Mama~
Thrax; 8brought the trio to Ozzy8 It's Hecro.
Ozzie: Why? What's wrong with him? *takes the babies in his arms*
Thrax; He might be in labour.
Ozzie: *shocked* Oh my Frank!
Nurse: Mr. Jones. Are you related to Mr. Hecro Jones?
Ozzie: He's my brother. Why?
Nurse: You might wanna help us a little. He's...kinda freaked out
Ozzie: Freaked out? *looks at Thrax questioningly*
Thrax; First timer and after the hell he's been through-
Ozzie: Alright *passes the triplets to Thrax* Sorry, babies. Mama's gonna help ur uncle get ur little baby cousin, OK?
Ozzex: *whines* Mami~
Thrax; Don't worry, mama woun't be long.
Ozzie: I'll be bk as soon as I can, alright? *follows after the nurse.
*Once he enters the maternity ward, he was in the shock of his life. Hecro was on the bed groaning n crying in pain, and because he is a T4 cell, he had certain attributes of a mutant cell. Huge octopus-like tentacles sprung out of Hecro's shoulder blades and were smashing n hitting everywhere, n all the medics are cowering*
Ozzie: Oh my Frank... *dodges a tentacle swiping past his head*
Doc; 8dodges8 We can't get close to him like this.
Ozzie: Woah, when u say freaked out, that was quite an understatement *dodges as he moved close to Hecro* Bro! Bro! I'm here, bro!
Hecro: O...Ozzie...? Oh Frank, it hurts~! *another tentacle shot out and slammed against teh door*
Doc; Easy now we need to help you.
Ozzie: What is all this??
Hecro: I...I can't help it...It's part of me as a T4 cell *winces as another contraction hit* It's in defense mode. When I'm incapacitated and unable to fend for myself or in pain, it'll have a mind of its own. I can't stop it...! OOW~!!! *another contraction, making the tentacle swipe at a nurse* It hurts, Ozzie... Help me...
Ozzie: Hey, doc. How's he gonna get the baby out? Is he like me, having a birth canal?
Doc; 8dodges another tenticle and nods8
Ozzie: You got any restrainers? And some novocaine?
Doc; Not enough I'm afraid.
Ozzie: Don't worry, gimme whatever u have, n get me some men here. I think I knw wat to do with these crazy-ass squid legs of these
Hecro: *sobs as another contraction hit him hard*
8the doc called in some help to restrain Hecro8
*Ozzie took some of the restrainer cords n waited for the opportune moment before grabbing the tentacles one by one, asking the men to help him out as well. After asking them all to bundle up the tentacles, Ozzie wrapped the restrainer cords ard them n tied them up tight before pouring novocaine solution on them. Soon the tentacles became numb n slumped to the floor, all knocked out*
Ozzie: Phew! That should take care of it
Hecro: *reaches for Ozzie* Ozzie~! Bro~! Help me...
Ozzie: *takes his hand n massages it* It's OK, I'm here, bro
*the doc, midwivies and nurses got into position8
Hecro: Oow~! I feel...I feel something between my legs...! It hurts~!
Ozzie: Your body is telling u to push, bro. C'mon, just push wen ur body tells u to
Doc; You need to Mr. Jones.
Hecro: *takes a deep breath n pushed whenever he felt like it*
Ozzie: That's good, bro. That's very good
Hecro: *pushed for a while, then gasps for breath* Oh Frank, it hurts~!
Doc; Almost there.
Ozzie: C'mon, you can do it
Hecro: No...No, I can't...It hurts so bad~! I feel like breaking in half~!
Ozzie: It's just the pain speaking, bro. C'mon. You can do this.
Hecro: *falls bk onto the bed, whining and crying, shaking his head in pain*
Doc; It's crowning just one last big one.
Ozzie: Hear that? Just one last big one, c'mon
Hecro: *takes a few deep breath before burying his face into Ozzie's chest, screaming out loud as he pushed one last time*
8a high pitch cry filled the room8
Ozzie: It's out, bro, it's out! Great job, Hecro
Hecro: Is...Is it a boy or girl...?
Doc; 8cleaned up the child to see8
Ozzie: So, am I having a nephew or a niece, doc?
Doc; 8smiles8 A beautiful little girl. 8wraps the child up and hands her to Hecro8
Hecro: *takes the baby in trembling arms* Oh...Oh my little girl...
*the baby had the yellowish-white hair n dark-green eyes like the father bt the rest of her looks just like her mother*
Ozzie: She's beautiful, Hecro. Like you *releases the restraints on Hecro's tentacles, which they automatically shrank bk into Hecro's body*
Hecro: I was worried she might look like her father
Ozzie: Now you knw no matter wat she look like, we'll love her like family
Hecro: Yeah *kisses the girl* Thanks for ur help
Ozzie: No prob. I'm going out to tell Thrax, you lay bk n rest up, alright?
Hecro: *nods*
Ozzie: *stroke Hecro's hair before walking out of the ward*
Thrax; 8was with the tio in the waiting room8
Ozzie: Hey guys *approaches Thrax n kissed his cheek*
Thrax; Hey.
Ozzie: That was one heck of a ride in there *tells him everything that happened* But good news, we've got a niece!
Thrax; That's great.
Ozzie: He hasn't named her yet, bt we'll be able to see him soon once he's settled into a room
Thrax; 8nodded8
Nurse: *appears after a few moments* You can visit your brother now, bt not too long, alright? He needs his rest
Ozzie: Alright. So, wanna go see ur cousin, babies?
8the trio nodded8
*they all went into the room the nurse directed to them. Inside, Hecro is feeding the baby*
Ozzie: Heya, bro
Hecro: Hey, guys
Thrax; 8carried the trio over to him8
Hecro: Hey, babies. Sorry I gave u guys a fright. *shows them his baby girl* Look, it's ur cousin. Isn't she beautiful?
8the trio smiled, Sakura reached out and lightly touchd her face8
Ozzex: *holds out his killer claw at the baby girl n presses the flat side against the baby's nose*
Ozzie: Ozzex! Put that away!
*the baby girl just gripped onto the finger and nibbled at it, not seeming to affect her*
Thrax; Must be her virus DNA.
Hecro: Yup, she's made of tough stuff
Ozzie: So, got a name for her or somethin'?
Thrax; Have you thought about it/
Hecro: I think so. I'm...kinda thinking of naming her Shane
Ozzie: Shane? But isn't that...
Hecro: Frank's daughter's name, I knw. But did you knw our dad actually came frm Shane?
Thrax; Whoa.
Ozzie: O_O How did that happen?
Hecro: I dunno much, bt I knw wat Dad told me was that he was minding his own business patrolling the mouth when suddenly Shane sneezed at Frank's face, and he got stuck in Frank ever since, then married my mom, your mom, our stepmom...
Ozzie: *chuckles n rolls his eyes* And the rest is history
Thrax; 8stared8
Ozzie: What do you think, Thrax? You think Shane sounds good?
Thrax; 8tilted his head8
Hecro: *worried* Doesn't it sound nice? I could always find another name...
Ozzie: I think Shane sounds good, don't you, Thrax?
Thrax; 8shook his head8 Huh/ Sorry spaced out.
Ozzie: You OK, baby?
Thrax; Yeah, just finding this hard to believe.
Hecro: You can say our family is a little...dysfunctional
Ozzie: So, Shane it is then, aye?
Hecro: Mmhmm. Shane Meredith Jones. Meredith is my mom's maiden name
Thrax; Fitting.
Ozzie: Hey, Shane. I'm ur uncle, Shane. We're gonna be best buds, won't we, Shane?
Shane: *giggles, bt still nibbling Ozzex's killer claw*
Hecro: *smiles* I think she likes Ozzex
thrax; 8chuckles8
Ozzie: Alright now *pries the finger off Shane's mouth* Let's go now. Uncle Hecro needs to rest
Sakura; 8reached out to Shane8
Shane: *yawns n cuddles in Hecro's arms*
Ozzie: See? Shane's tired now. And you guys should be going home. Mama will be home soon, alright?
Ozzex: *whines* Mami~! No...
Ozzie: Mama still needs to rest up. Doctor's orders. I'll be back the day after tomorrow, OK, babies?
8the trio hugged him before Thrax took them8
Ozzie: Take care, love *kisses Thrax*
Thrax; You to Ozzy 8kisses him back then takes the kids home8
*the trio looked a little forlorn for not seeing their mother again*
Thrax; It's ok, he'll be home soon. 8he buckled them in then got in the car and drove home8
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