TOYLB: A New City-Season 3-6

Episode 6

8Julius and Hecro quickly got ozzy to hospital8

Ozzie: No...No...My baby...

Julius; Easy now we got ya. 8he carried ozzy inside8

Hecro: Is there a doctor in the house? Hello??

Doc: 8ran over8 What's the problem/

Hecro: I dunno. Our bro, he's pregnant, bt he's suddenly bleeding

Doc; Set him on the bed. 8presses a button and alerted a few staff8

Ozzie: *starts crying, the pain reli hurt him*

*a few midwives came ovr to chk him*

Julius; Easy now ozzy.

Midwife: Pls wait outside. We'll handle him

Hecro: C'mon

Julius; 8fallowed Hecro8

*abt an hour later, the midwives came out*

Julius; 8shot up8

Hecro: How's my brother?

Midwife: He's stabilized now. We have to put him in the incubator to keep him tht way. Tell me, has he tried to abort the child?

Hecro: Well...yes, bt his husband came n stop him in time

Julius; 8softly8 Thankfully.

Midwife: Unfortunately not soon enough. To abort a fetus tht is still in cell stage, two meds have to be administered: One to destroy the fetus, which is taken orally via liquid medicine n one to induce contraction, which is injected into womb. My guess is whoever treated ur brother must've injected the contraction solution first before giving him the oral medicine

Julius; 8gasped8

Hecro: Oh Hector...

Midwife: Without the oral medicine, the contraction medicine will not react immediately, bt it's still in his system n just decided to react now. We have helped him expel the medicine frm his system, bt his fetus is too traumatized to grow properly, so we had to put him in the incubator to stabilize his body so tht the baby will grow normally.

Julius; For how long/

Midwife: Sad to say tht he will have to stay in the incubator throughout the rest of his pregnancy

Hecro: *massaged his temples*

Julius; 8bit his lip8

Midwife: I also have another bad news for u

Hecro: *trembled* Wh...Wht is it?

Julius; wHAT/

Midwife: THe contraction medicine has damaged his womb beyond repair. Once the pregnancy is ovr n the baby is safely born, we will have no choice bt to remove the womb altogether...He will no longer have children in the future

Hecro: *covered his mouth in shock*

Julius; 8sighs8 Oh Hector.

Hecro: P...Poor Oz... *cries*

Julius; 8holds him close8

Midwife: U may see him. He is at the ICU section, third room to ur right. He doesn't knw abt his condition yet, so...try to break it to him slowly

Julius; 8nodded and lead Hecro away8

Ozzie: *is in the ICU, sleeping in an incubator tht looks almost like the shape of a space pod*

Hecro: *enters the ward n comes close to the incubator, placing a hand on the glass*

Julius; 8came up behind him8

Ozzie: *slowly stirs* Mmh... *sees Hecro n Julius* Wh...Wht is this...? Why am I in here?

Julius; 8gulped8

Hecro: Easy, Oz. It's to keep u n the baby's safe

Ozzie: The baby! Is...Is my baby alright?!

Julius; It will if you complete this treatment.

Ozzie: W...Wht's wrong with my baby...?

Hecro: *tells him abt the midwife's theory*

Ozzie: Oh Hector...Oh Hector... *covers his face with his hands, sobbing*

Ju;ius; Easy now Ozzy.

Hecro: Umm...There's also something u need to knw too, Oz

Ozzie: Wh..Wht is it...?

Hecro: *wanted to say, bt then leaned bk n gave Julius a "You tell him" look*

Julius; 8sighed and told him, gently explained the situation8

Ozzie: *shocked, his eyes widened with tears* I...I...No...No... *sobs even harder* Oh Hector...It's all my fault...

Julius; |t's not Ozzy.

Ozzie: It is! I almost killed our baby! Now I can no longer give Thrax anymore children! It is my fault!!

Hecro: Easy, easy, Oz. U need to calm dwn, for the sake of the baby

Julius; You need your rest.

Ozzie: Oh Hector...Wht will Thrax think of me...? He will hate me...

Julius; He won't.

Hecro: Rest up now, OK, bro? We'll come see u tomorrow

Ozzie: *rests his arm on his teary eyes, not replying*

Julius; 8drew back8

Hecro: *whispers to Julius* Let's go

Julius; 8nods and quietly lift8

Ozzie: *lies on one side n cries*

*the duo returned home*

8Leah, Drix and Maximus had come over8

Takashi: Mo...Wht's taking them so long~?

Dieter: Patience, mein brother. They'll be home soon

Ricardo: I wonder if Oz n the baby is alright

Leah; Let's hope.

*Hecro n Julius soon returned, looking rathe grave*

Leah; 8swalloweed8

Takashi: Ne, ne, Hecro-san? Julies oni-sama? How's Ozzie-chan? Wht did the docs say??

Julius; 8turned away8

Hecro: *sighed n told them everything*

Leah; 8covered her mouth8

Alexis; 8bit his lip hard8

Antonio; 8placed his head in his hands8

Maximus; 8went pale8

Drix: Good gracious! *face-palm*

Ricardo: Santa Madre of Hector!

Takashi: NANI~?!

Dieter: *shook his head in dismay*

Julius; 8hung his head8

Hecro: Yeah. Now the problem is how are we gonna tell this to Thrax, especially in his condition?

Takashi: Da...Dame yo, Hecro-san! Thrax ottota-chan shouldn't knw!

Julius; He has a right to.

Dieter: Bt wht if it further complicates his health?

Takashi: Hai, hai, wht if Thrax ottota-chan gets evn sicker aftr hearing this?

Antonio; Back you guys you think Julius wants to do it/

Takashi: Moh... *steps bk n frowns in a pout*

Ricardo: Who's gonna tell him then?

Leah: Vho vill/

Hecro: *sigh* I'll tell him. *goes upstairs n enters the room*

Thrax; 8was sitting by the window, he looked terrible8

Hecro: Um...Thrax...? U...U OK?

Thrax; 8looked up with dazed, bloodshot eyes8

Hecro: Umm, you should be in bed, Thrax. U should be resting. Dang, u look awful

Thrax; 8turned back to the window8 Worried.

Hecro: C'mon * helps Thrax onto the bed* We need to talk

Thrax; 8looked up8

Hecro: Something...happened to Ozzie n the baby

Thrax; Wha-what happened/

Hecro: *sighs n told him gently everything tht he had told the others, including the part where he wont have kids anymore bcoz of his womb*

Thrax; 8got rather histaric8

Hecro: Easy, easy, Thrax

Thrax; Should have went soon- was too late. 8shook violently then passed out8

Hecro: Oh spit...Jules?! Jules, help!! Somebody!

Julius; 8ran in8 What happened/

Hecro: I...I told him abt Oz, n...n he just shook n passed out...

Takashi: I told u we shouldn't tell Thrax ottota-chan! Julius oni-sama no baka!

Julius; Knock it off you two.

Dieter: Oh my, wht should we do now?

Julius; Let him rest for now.

Hecro: Alright *pulls the covers ovr Thrax n walks out of the room*

Julius; 8sat next to Thrax8

Hecro: *sighs n massaged his temples*

Julius; 8stroked Thrax's hair and hummed to him8

Hecro: Poor Oz. Poor Thrax. And just aftr his wedding day

Drix: I knw. It's kinda sad

Leah; Talk about bad timing.

Takashi: Ne...Do u think its coz of them having sex on their wedding night tht triggered the medication?

Ricardo: Dont be silly. The meds would come to effect either way

Dieter: Dont make it vorse than it is for Thrax's conscience, mein foolish brother

Antonio; That's the last thing he needs8

Takashi: Gomenasai...

Hecro: Oz is reli upset right now, n so will Thrax once he wakes up. Oz thinks Thrax will hate him

Drix: You think maybe they should see each other?

Alexis; Who knows.

Ricardo: If it'll ease each other's pain, why not?

Antonio; No telling how they'll react.

Hecro: Then maybe we should give him the heads-up, calm him dwn a little before letting them meet each other

Drix: Yes, i think it's a best bet

Leah; 8bit her lyp8

Ricardo: Is he awake now?

Hecro: I'll go chk *goes upstairs*

Julius; 8was still with Thrax, stroking his dreads and humming to him8

Hecro: *whisper* Is he awake?

Julius; 8shook his head8

Hecro: Poor Thrax. He's gonna have to bear with not being with Oz for 5 mths because of he cant leave the incubator

Julius; 8nods8 And in this state he's in he can't look after the kids.

Hecro: I guess we'll have to take ovr for a while

Julius; 8nods8

Hecro: So...we were thinking of having them meet to talk it out, ease each other's pain. Wht do u say?

Julius; I'm not sure it'll help.

Hecro: But Oz needs Thrax so tht he'll knw Thrax does not hate him, n Thrax needs Oz as well so tht he'll knw it's not his fault

Julius; Can it help/

Hecro: Better than have them separated n do nothing

Julius; 8bit his lip8

Hecro: Wht do u say? Shall we give it a shot?

Julius; You do what you want.

Hecro: But I need your blessing for it. Thrax is ur brother, after all

Julius; Don't you think I know that, seeing him like this is killing me.

Hecro: Alright. Then we'll take him there first thing tomorrow

Julius; 8nods8

Hecro: I just hope we're doing the right thing

Julius; Me too.

*the next morning, Hecro brought a wheelchair for Thrax to go visit Ozzie at the hospital*

Julius; 8gently helped his dazed brother into it8

Takashi: Ne...Julius onii-sama, can I come along?

Julius; He needs this.

Takashi: Aww, does tht mean I can't come?

Antonio; Don't be selfish.

Takashi: Hai, hai *gloom*

Hecro: You'll visit him next time, Taka. Right now, it's Thrax n Oz's moment

8Rory and Sakura came in riding Griffon and Sapphire8

Hecro: Hey, luv. Getting along with ur pups, kids?

8they both nodded but were worried abouth their father8

Hecro: Daddy's OK, kids. He's going to see Mommy. U stay home n be good, OK? Ur uncles will look aftr u

8the both looked at each fearfully8

Hecro: Mommy's in a tight spot right now, bt he'll be OK. Be good, OK? *kisses the kids' foreheads* Let's go, Jules

Takashi: *cuddles the kids close to comfort them*

Julius; Coming. 8wheels Thrax out8

Dieter: * helps them to haul a cab*

Thrax; 8was still in a daze8

*once the cab came, Hecro n Julies helped him in before going to the hospital*

Dieter: I hope zey vill be alright

Antonio; 8was carrying Junko8 So do I.

*soon they reached the hospital, in which they helped Thrax to his wheelchair n wheeled him towards ICU where Oz is*

Thrax; 8tried to focus8

Ozzie: *staring in space as he lay in his incubator*

Hecro: Hey, Oz. Look who I brought

Thrax; 8looked up8 Ozzy.

Ozzie: *turns to him* Th...Thrax...

Hecro: *gestures Julius to give them privacy*

Julius; 8walked out8

Thrax; 8placed his hand on the glass8

Hecro: *leaves as well*

Ozzie: I'm...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, love... *starts tearing up*

Thrax; Not your fault.

Ozzie: Yes, it is. I almost killed our we will nvr have children again... *placed his hand on the glass where Thrax's hand was*

Thrax; My love.

Ozzie: I...I should've remembered abt the contraction meds...It's my fault...I'm so sorry...

Thrax; 8weakly8 Not your fault, mine.

Ozzie: No...It's not ur fault... *sobs* It's mine... Pls don't hate me...

Thrax; Never.

Ozzie: I...I will nvr have children again...I cannot give u heirs anymore...

Thrax; I don't care, long as you're safe.

Ozzie: U...Ur not mad at me...?

Thrax; 8shook his head8

Ozzie: *sobs, leaning his forehead against the glass, desperately wanting Thrax to hold him*

Thrax; 8wishes he could comfort him8

Ozzie: I hate this...this thing! I wanna hold u, I wanna have u in my arms! *slams his fist at the glass* I hate this fucking thing!

Thrax; But it's want's saving our baby.

Ozzie: I just wanna hold u n be in ur arms! I wanna be with u! Fuck this damn thing!! *slams his fist again at the glass before falling bk dwn, covering his face with his hands n sobbed evn harder*

Thrax; 8reated against the capsule8

Ozzie: The docs said I can't leave this thing. They said I can nvr set foot out of this capsule until our baby is born. I...I dont think I can hold out tht long...

Thrax; Ozzy.

Ozzie: Thrax, regardless of our baby's gender, I want to name it 'Hope'. He/She will be our hope tht it'll survive

Thrax; Hope is mainly a girl's name.

Ozzie: I knw, bt I don't care. I want him/her to be named Hope. He/She is our hope, Thrax, our only hope

Thrax; 8rested his head on the glass8

Ozzie: U will be there for me, will u? Wen Hope is born?

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzie: I love you, Thrax. I'm so sorry for putting u thru this

Thrax; Love you to baby.

Ozzie: Are...Are u feeling better now?

Thrax; A little.

Ozzie: You should be resting at home, love

Thrax; Needed to see you.

Ozzie: I wanted to see u too, bt I was afraid u'd be mad at me

Thrax; Never.

Ozzie: *places his hand on the glass* I hope to be able to touch u soon

Thrax; Me too I'll bring the kids tomorrow.

Ozzie: OK. I look forward to it

Hecro: *peeks in to see if they were alright*

Thrax; We'll see each other soon.

Hecro: *turns bk to Julius, giving him a thumbs up*

Julius; 8sighed in relief8

Hecro: *pops his head in* Everything alright there, guys?

Thrax; 8nodded8

Ozzie: Yeah, we're all cool

Julius; 8stuck his head in8

Ozzie: Hey, Jules

Julius; Hey ozzy.

Hecro: *comes in* So...wht did the docs say?

Ozzie: They said Hope is stable now, n growing properly *shows his belly to them thru the glass*

Thrax; 8looked at ozzy8

*in Ozzie's belly, the fetus has grown a little bigger, n was showing colours of a mixture of Thrax's n Ozzie"s*

Thrax; 8smiled8

Hecro: Well, at least tht's good news.

Ozzie: I just hope I wont get claustrophobic frm this *gestures at the incubator ard him*

Julius; Let's hope.

*they chatted for a while before it was time for his check-up*

Midwife: Sorry guys, u'll have to leave now. It's time for Mr. Jones-Roja to be monitored*

Julius; Get well soon ozzy.

Hecro: Ditto here frm me, Oz

Ozzie: Thanks, guys. *puts his hand on the glass* Bye, Thrax

Thrax; See you soon my love. 8lines his hand with ozzy's8

Ozzie: *leans ovr to kiss the glass where Thrax's lips are*

Thrax; 8wished he could feel them8

Hecro: Time to go now. U need to rest too *waits until Ozzie's done kissing before wheeling him away*

Julius; See ya tomorrow Ozzy.

Ozzie: Cya, guys

Hecro: *waves goodbye n wheeled Thrax out*

Julius; 8fallows8

Hecro: *wheeling Thrax out n hauled a cab* U OK now, Thrax?

Thrax; 8nodded8

Hecro: Everything good btwn u n Oz now?

Thrax; 8nodded8

*the cab came n they all went home*

Thrax; 8was lost in his own thoughts8

*the brothers, on the other hand, were a little bit of a mess trying to babysit the kids*

Takashi: AIYA~!! ITAII YO, KIA-CHAN~!! *flailing ard like a maniac with Kiaran using his arm as a chew toy*

Ricardo: Rory! Sakura! No racing! WATCH OUT FOR THE - *Rory's pup crashed into a vase* vase... 0_0;;;

Dieter: Ozzex, mein nephew, don't... *got hit with a bowl on the head* @_@

Thrax; 8sweatdropped8

Leah; 8had the twins in her arms8

Takashi: Thrax ottota-chan, Hecro-san, Julius onii-sama, taskete~! (help) TT_TT

Hecro: *rolls his eyes n let out his tentacles, picking all the kids up*

Alexis; Those kids are little demons.

Julius; You weren't exactly a goody two shoes yourself.

Hecro: *looks at all the kids held in his tentacles* Wht did I say abt being good, kids?

Kia&Ozzex: Sowwy... *pouts*

Rory: :(

Sakura; 8scoffed8

Hecro: She's stubborn, Thrax, just like u

Jared: *rolls his eyes at his uncles as he took Kiaran* Amatuers

Leah; No kidding.

Takashi: Mo...Hidoi ne... (meaning "Ur mean")

Jared: So how's Mommy? Is he OK?

Julius; I'm afraid he'll have to stay at hospital til the baby's born.

Jared: Aww...He can't come home, Daddy?

Thrax; 8shook his head8

*the kids pouted sadly*

Sakura; 8reached for her father8

Hecro: *notices n lowers his tentacle, placing her on his lap*

Thrax; 8held her gently8

Jared: Did the doc say if we're getting a brother or sister?

Julius; Not yet.

Hecro: U'll get to visit him tomorrow if u want

8the kids smiled8

Leah; 8snapped her fingers8 Isn't tomorrow's the trio's birthday/

Hecro: Now tht u mentioned it, yeah!

Kia&Ozzex: Baday~! Baday~! *claps*

Antonio; Iyiyi bad luck.

Takashi: Nani nani? Doushita?

Alexis; With the state ozzy's in.

Dieter: Ur right, mein brother, it's not. Bt ze little ones have to celebrate zeir bday. Iz zier firz bday

8they all nodded8

Hecro: So how r we gonna celebrate it?

Julius; That's the question.

Ricardo: Hmm...Why not we just celebrate it at Oz's ward? I'm sure we're allowed to if we explain the circumstances to the docs

Alexis; If we are.

Hecro: Why don't we make the call then?

Jared: Good idea. Let's ask them

Julius; I'm not sure about this.

Hecro: Oh dont be such a worried wart *calls the midwife who treated Oz*

Midwife; Hello/

Hecro: Hi, I'm Mr. Jones-Roja's brother. Is OK if I ask a favour?

Midwife; What sort of favour/

Hecro: U see *explains the situation* So we were hoping if we could celebrate his kids' first bday in his ward. I'm sure Oz wouldn't want to miss it

Midwife; Hmm. . . .8turned to the doctor and told her8

Doctor: *considered for a moment then nodded*

Midwife; It shall be done.

Hecro: Thank u so much. We appreciate it *hangs up* We've got the green light

Takashi: YAPARII~!! *inciting the kids to cheer along with him*

Leah; Zat's good news.

Kia&Ozzex: Baday~! Baday~! *claps*

Sakura; 8smiled8

Hecro: Well, then we'll get started on making the cake then.

Leah; 8handed the twins to Alexis8 Anyvone care to help me/

Jared: I do, I do! *passes Kia n Ozzex straight to Takashi n went off*

Kiaran: *immediately chomped dwn on Takashi's arm again*

Takashi: ITAII~!!! XO

Julius; 8sweatdropped8

Jared: *rolls his eyes* Amatuers *ignores him n helps Hecro n Leah to make the trio's cake*

Dieter: Come, mein brother Thrax, let's get u rested

Thrax; 8struggled to his feet8

Dieter: It's OK, mein brother. I'll wheel u up

Thrax; Don't 8pants8 wish 8pants8 to be 8pants8 burden.

Dieter: No ur not. See, ur panting like a dog. C'mon *puts Thrax bk on the wheelchair*

Thrax; 8sat back down, short of breathe8

Dieter: Zere now. U've been thru so much to get our dearly departed vor us. Now u should rest, ja? *wheels him upstairs*

Antonio; Poor Thrax.

Takashi: *more or less already numb to the pain, swishing Kia ard who is still biting on his arm* Hai hai, he's so weak after all tht, n Ozzie-chan not able to be him... Kowai so (such a pity)

Ricardo: Goes to show they've been thru a lot in life

Alexis; 8nods8

Dieter: *wheels Thrax to the room n help him up on bed*

Sakura; 8clung to him8

Dieter: Now, mein niece, ur father needs to rest *pries her away frm Thrax*

Thrax; Leave her.

Dieter: Are u sure, mein brother?

Thrax; 8nods8

Dieter: Alright *lets her go*

Sakura; 8cuddled against her father8

Dieter: *smiles* Be good now, Sakura *abt to leave the room wen Griffon trotted in* Oh, look who's here

Griffon; 8jumped on the bed and curled up next to Thrax8

Dieter: *chuckles* I'll leave the three of u alone then *leaves the room n went dwnstairs*

*Rory and Sapphire passed him headed to Thrax's room8

Dieter: Eh? *surprised*

Sapphire: *scratched the door, whining*

Julius; 8darted up and opened the door for them8

Sapphire: *yapped happily n rushed in, carrying Rory on his back to the bed*

Rory: Ah! Ah! *reaches his hands up, wanted to be brought up to the bed*

Sakura; 8reaches and helps him up8

Rory: *giggled n crawls towards his father*

Sapphire: *yapped n jumped up after him*

Sakura; 8snuggled against Thrax8

Rory: *imitates her as well*

Thrax; 8wrapped an arm round each of them8

*all preparations n buying of gifts were done by nightfall. Soon it was bedtime for the kids*

Hecro: *fed n cleaned the kids along with Jared n hummed them to sleep in their cribs*

Takashi: Heh~ Hecro-san ichiban ne~ U r a natural with babies

Antonio; No surprise with his own child.

Dieter: I agree. Ve vere a wreck

Julius; We'll need the practice.

Alexis; Maximus is already a natural.

Hecro: *blushes* He...he...sorta...Ha ha...

Takashi: *raise a brow*

Jared: He's always like tht with Max. Get used to it

Julius; 8rolled his eyes8

Hecro: Off to bed now, Jared. We have a birthday party tomorrow

Jared: Yayy~! *rushes off*

Hecro: Oh, btw, u guys can sleep at the spare room near the attic. Drix n Maximus has helped set it up for u

Takashi: Arigatogozaimasu, Hecro-san~! ^^

Julios; Thank you.

*the room was set up almost like bachelors' pod, with bunks beds for them*

Takashi: Dibs on the top, da ne~! *rushes up to the top bunk*

Dieter: *rolls eyes n took the bottom*

Ricardo: I'll be sleeping with u, love, so I dont need it

Julius; 8took the bottom8

Alexis; 8used Julius as a step ladder and climbed top8

Antonio; 8nuzzles Ricardo8

*there was only two sets of bunk beds, bt there is a hammock on the side*

Ricardo: *climbed into the hammock* C'mere, my lovely

Antonio; 8climbed in with him8

Takashi: Ne, Antonio onii, Ricky-chan. If ur gonna "do" it, "do" it quietly ne? Dont wanna give us nightmares like the last time u guys cant quiet dwn *laughs*

Julius; 8groaned and placed in some earplugs8

Ricardo: *picked up a random item n threw it at Takashi's head*

Dieter: *rolls his eyes n pulled the covers ovr his head*

Antonio; Hmph. .

*everyone slept peacefully, until in the middle of the night, Kiaran woke up n shook Ozzex awake, then climbed out of the crib n shook the twins awake*

8the twins awoke and started fallowing them8

Ozzex: Kia?

Kiaran: Dadi *goes ovr to Shane n shook her awake as well*

Shane; 8looked up8

Kiaran: *points to the direction of Thrax's room* Dadi *leads the kids to the room, points at the doorknob* Doh doh!

Ozzex: *climbs up on Kiaran's shoulders n twisted the doorknob with much effort to get it open*

Sapphire: *hears the door open n jumped off the bed to growl at the intruder*

Griffon; 8yipped at her, saying it was the kids8

Sapphire: *moaned n made way*

Kiaran: *as soon as the door opens, all the kids tumbled forward* Shh...Quiet, Sap-Sap

Sapphire: *licks at the kids' face*

Griffon; 8smiled8

Kiaran: *led the other kids n Shane to the bed, then climbed onto the bed n helped the others up*

Sapphire: * helped to nudge their butts up with her head

Griffon; 8helped them up8

Sapphire: *after making sure everyone was up, went to shut the door*

Kiaran: Dadi~! *joins Rory n Sakura, who were already asleep in Thrax's arms*

Ozzex: Baba~! *follows suite*

8the twins smiled and fallowed8

*finally Shane followed suite n they all slept in a baby pile with Thrax*

8the dogs cuddled up at the foot of the bed8

*the rest of the night went by peacefully*


Those kids have one giant effort of teamwork!


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