Episode 1
*The days went by without a thought but soon it closing to Hector's 'changing' and it was make Thrax and Julius nervous. Though shaking it off they wondered what was in store for the city.8
*the city was in celebration, as it is customary to have a week's celebration once a city turns a year older. Ppl were walking ard looking cheerful n bright, though occasionally, the vans of the officials frm the brain centre patrolled the area, making warning broadcasts abt the upcoming release of the hormones clan*
Thrax; 8stood on top of one of the buildings, overlooking the city8
Ozzie: *was taking a break for a while with Leah while letting the bros handle the restaurant n went up the building to look for him, the kids on tow* Hey love
Kids (except Hope): Hi, Papa~!
Thrax; 8looked round8 Oh hey guys.
Ozzie: Finally managed to get break time. And look at our kids. Show Papa wht ur wearing
Kiaran: *wearing a cap in the other way round n a forest-green turtleneck long sleeve like his father, with a canvas vest n jeans with sport shoes*
Ozzex: *wearing a mini version of Ozzie's old clothes wen he was still a cop, bt the T-shirt had a logo showing YOU WANT OSMOSIS, YOU GOT OSMOSIS*
Sakura; 8was wearing tight black jeans, black slip-ons, a grey t-shirt and a black jacket, in other words a female version of her father's clothes8
Twins: *wearing matching dresses of blue and red, following the theme of their parents' colour-code, with lots of frills n ribbons, which is a typical girly-girl dressing*
Rory; 8was dressed similar to Sakura except he had a white tank top and cargo pants8
Hope: *was wearing a pretty little baby dress, bt not as fancy as her twin sisters, just nice n plain with vry tiny roses sewn at the hems*
Thrax; My don't you all look nice.
Ozzie: U should've seen Jared's. But he couldnt be here right now. Kept on his toes with the preparations for the hormone clan
Thrax; 8picks up Sakura and Rory8 And that's what's got me worried.
Ozzie: Yeah. Having walking sex drives on the loose is not exactly vry pretty. We're gonna have to keep the kids indoors most of the time while they're ard
Thrax; 8nods8 And watch our backs.
Ozzex: If they hurt Mama, I will burn them! *brandish out his flared claw*
Kiaran: Me too! *holds up both his fists n did a 1, 2, move like a boxer*
Sakura; 8positioned herself like martual artist8 Not a chance.
Twins: *giggled at their antics*
Hope: *giggled as well*
Rory; 8was in a meditation position8 They are blind to the truth.
Ozzie: Who's blind to the truth?
Rory; They think they are the ones in control but a nothing but insects.
Ozzex: I think Rory's talking abt the hormones, Mama
Kiaran: Moh~! *copying Takashi's groan* Rory's always talking in riddles, Papa
Thrax; 8chuckles8
Ozzie: *laughs* Rory's just being wise beyond his age, baby. I swear he probably learnt tht frm ur brother Jules, love
Thrax; 8smiles8 You'd be right there.
Ozzie: Well at least they played their baby-sitting part well. Which reminds me, we should reli schedule a surgery frm Drix for Ricardo. The baby will mature soon next month
Thrax; Yes, his time is close8
Ozzie: Better remind him wen u get bk to work later
Thrax; I will. 8sets the kids down8
Ozzie: So, anything new frm ur side there, love?
Thrax; We're all on full alert with the time drawing nearer.
Ozzie: I hope Paul is doing whtever he can to keep this under control
Thrax; So do I
Ozzie: *looks at the time* Hmm, looks like its almost time for u to go bk to work. Alright, kids, say bye bye to Papa
8the kids hugged their father8
Ozzie: *kisses Thrax* Cya aftr work, love
Thrax; 8kissed him8 Later. 8heads off8
Ozzie: *watches him leave before he left as well with the kids*
Thrax; 8returned to the office8
Drix & Hecro: *laying out more plans with Jared n Spryman on the hormone release*
Thrax; 8joined them8
Spryman: Ah, glad u could join us, Pops!
Hecro: Hey, Thrax. Had a good lunch hour?
Thrax; Yeah got a visit from Ozzy and the kids.
Drix: We're putting in the finishing touches on our plan to keep the hormones at bay
Jared; Let's hope it works.
Thrax; 8looked at Jared's clothes8
*Jared was wearing a white long sleeved shirt with a black vest n a fashionable red with black n white striped tie n long cargo pants with buckled shoes*
Spryman: *noticed Thrax looking at Jared's clothes* Nice, isnt it? He's looks like the bomb! I wish Mommy would buy something like tht for me
Jared; You're the mayor you must hve a walk-in closet full.
Spryman: *raised a brow* U'd be surprised how many outdated clothes I have because I'm only allowed to wear office wear coz of me being the mayor
Jared; Ah, I see.
Spryman: One of these days i'll clear out the wardrobe, then Mommy can buy me new clothes~!
Hecro: Oi vey, still the same spoilt brat as ever *grins*
Thrax; 8rolled his eyes8
Drix: *chuckles*
Thrax; What have we got/
Drix: *draws out the charts* Well, they will stationed at these certain areas where the hormones r supposed to be to encourage puberty, n there will be authorities stationed there to control them n make sure they dont wreck too much havoc
Hecro: Yup, n a little bit of the army barracks will be involved as well for heavy duty backup just in case they are too much for the regular ones to control
Spryman: Drix also designed collars for them to give them a mild shock should they go overboard. If tht doesnt quell them, then the extreme measures will come in
Thrax; Let's hope that's enough.
Hecro: Same here. They'll be released next week. We need all the help we can get
Drix: Agreed
Thrax; Drix can I talk with you for a minute.
Drix: Um, yeah sure, wassup?
Thrax; It's about Ricky.
Drix: Oh? Wht abt him? Is he alright?
Thrax; His time is getting close we need you to help him get the little ones out.
Drix: Ah! Yes, I almost forgot abt tht. I'll just need to call in Sprite to help me, bt we'll probably have to do it, bcoz he himself is actually running a small clinic for the poor n has all the equipment there
Thrax; 8nods8
Drix: I'll text Sprite right away *texted a msg to Sprite abt it*
Thrax; 8sighed8
Hecro: *noticed his sigh* Wht's wrong, bro? U seemed...troubled
Thrax; Sorry it's just, like before things are going by very fast for me.
Hecro: How so?
Thrax; Time just passes me by.
Hecro: Guess ur right, bt tht's life somehow. We just need to cherish it as much as we can
Drix: *just finished texting* Sprite said he's free tonight. If u want we can do it tonight for Ricky
Thrax; 8bit his lip, thinking it was too soon8
Drix: Too soon? I can always reschedule. Wen would u want?
Thrax; The way it works is that the child developes in three months but we need the young ones out a month before.
Drix: *calculates in his head* Then tht would be roughly next week. Next week it is then?
Thrax; 8nods8
Drix: Right. I'll tell Sprite then *text him*
Thrax; Thanks.
*meanwhile, Frank's Diner was a lot busier than usual because of the celebration, bt nothing the bros can't handle*
Miracle: *skates ard giving n taking orders, bt he was still most popular with his "lip service"*
Alexis; 8kept a sharp eye on them8
Dieter: Jou better stop doing zat, Alexis mein bruder. Jour scaring avay ze customers
Alexis; Well if they get it through their heads he's taken.
Dieter: Zat iz vat u get ven u have a beautiful Prostitutees for a lover
Alexis; 8punched him8
Dieter: *whacks him with a frying pan*
Ozzie: Hey, hey, hey. No fighting during work. U wanna brawl, do it aftr hours. We've got customers to feed
Alexis; 8snarls and went back to work8
Ozzie: Will u pls stop calling my son "prostitute"? He's no longer in tht line anymore, u knw tht
Dieter: Sorry, mein bruder-in-law. It just often slips my mind.
Ozzie: Well, dont let it slip again *skates ard to take n give orders*
Leah; 8shouted to Dieter in German8
Dieter: *shouted bk at her in German as well before getting bk to work*
Ozzie: *skates to his son* I appreciate u using ur charm to lure in the customers, bt ur gonna get them killed with Alexis' temper
Miracle: Sorry, Daddy. Bt this is the only way I knw how
Antonio; 8walks up8 You've been in that position too long Miracle.
Miracle: Sorry. Bt there is no other way I knw for me to do it. 'Sides, if the customers like it, I cant deny them. "Customers r always right", they say *skates off wen another customer wanted to take an order*
Antonio; Sometimes I worry about that boy. 8takes off8
Ozzie: *sighs n mumbles to himself* Just so long as he doesnt end up sleeping with anyone of them
Leah; Oz order up.
Ozzie: A'ight *skated to her n continued working*
Antonio; 8took several orders and handed them to Leah8
Dieter: *took some of the orders n cooked them*
Leah; 8passed others to Antonio8
Alexis; 8ears twitched8 Oh no not her.
Ozzie: Huh? Who? *looks up at Alexis*
Alexis; 8pointed at the enterance8
Maria; 8had just walked in and was looking around8
Dieter: *sees her too while passing the orders to Antonio* Ah. Ze bruja
Ozzie: *sees her* Wht's she doing here?
Leah; 8looked out8 Nothing good knoving heir.
Ozzie: Alright, guys, let's just be professional. She's still a customer, aftr all *skates towards her* Hey, Officer Amino. Welcome to Frank's Diner. Having here or take out?
Maria; Just checking things out.
Ozzie: I assure you we are a legitimate business, Officer Amino *gives her a professional smile*
Maria; 8looked over at the brothers then Leah before seeing Miracle8 Hiring off the streets Isee.
Ozzie: *scowled* I resent tht. They're family, n tht guy ur looking at is my son
Maria; Sounds like you Jones, having a kid with another.
Ozzie: Hey! Just bcoz I have an extra kid doesnt mean I got it frm somewhere else. U come here to insult me or wht?
Maria: Just come to see you're not causing trouble.
Ozzie: Like I said, I assure u this is a legitimate business. Nothing u n Chief Gluteus need to worry abt
Maria; 8nods8 I'll tell him. 8turns to leave8
Dieter: *sticks his head out* Oi, officer! *came out of the trailer n shoved a box to her* Miracle decided to be a zaint n give u thiz. Ja, neways... *turns n went away bk to the kitchen*
Maria; 8looked at it curiously8
Ozzie: *peeked as well*
*it was a dozen German pastries*
Maria; Why give me this/
Ozzie: *shrugs* Beat me. Well, if there's nothing I can do to help, I've got customers to serve *skates off*
Maria; 8looks at the box then heads out8
Ozzie: *comes to Miracle* Hey, Miracle. Wht's with asking Di to give Officer Amino German pastries?
Miracle: Huh? I didn't. Wht are u talking abt, Daddy?
Leah; Vat's going on/
Ozzie: *told her wht happened*
Miracle: I swear I didnt say anything. I didnt evn knw she was here until I saw her leave
Leah: Miracle didn't ask vor those, Dieter did.
Ozzie: Wht? But...But why...? *turned to look at Dieter who was cooking n sending out orders like nothing had happened*
Leah; 8shrugs8
Miracle: OK...Tht's weird. Should we ask him?
Leah; He'll deny.
Ozzie: We'll just let him say it wen he's ready then
Miracle: Yeah. Better this way
Leah; 8nods8
*everyone carried on their work*
Alexis; 8carried a pile of dishes in the kitchen8
Dieter: *took them n washed them*
Antonio; Yesh is it always like this/
Ozzie: Yup. Totally. Almost everyday
Alexis; Yesh. 8handed out more orders8
Miracle: Cool. I wonder how it'll look once u get started on the 3-mth offer with the rich guy
Ozzie: We're hopeful it'll bring in enough to start our restaurant
Leah; 8handed orders to Antonio8 Don't jinx it.
Ozzie: Sorry. Bt remember. It starts next mth
Leah; 8nods8
Miracle: Better remember to mark it in the calender
Ozzie: Way ahead of u
Antonio; 8smiled8
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