TOYLB-Season 3-2

Episode 2

Ozzie: *fixing dinner for him and Thrax*

Thrax; 8soon staggered into the house8

Ozzie: Hey, love. Welcome home. Dinner will be ready... *notices Thrax's face* Are you OK, Thrax? Bad day in the office?

Thrax; 8collapsed on the couch8

Ozzie: *turns off the stove and comes close to him* Thrax, what happened? Did the guys bully you or something? I swear, if Jamison, Ricardo or Tonto gave you hell, I'll...

Thrax; It's not them.

Ozzie: Then what's wrong, love? Remember, you can tell me anything

Thrax; 8sighed and explained what happened8

Ozzie: *gasped at upon hearing this* Oh Frank. That means technically wen u were evil, it isn't ur first time being in Frank. I agree with Ricky; it's a bit of an overkill trying to apprehend a bank robbery. And you witnessed the killing...I'm so sorry *stroke Thrax's cheek*

Thrax; 8sobs8 Slained before my eyes, momma poppa.

Ozzie: *hugs Thrax* I guess I understand why your evil side had such a vendetta on killing Frank bk then...

Thrax; 8hung his head8

Ozzie: One thing I don't understand. If you left Frank n been on ur own after your parents' death, how did u manage to find Frank again and come bk?

Thrax; Him.

Ozzie: Oh, right. Well, yeah, I get the idea. I'm reli, reli sorry... *hugged Thrax again n felt something bulging in his coat* What have you got there, love?

Thrax; Nothing.

Ozzie: Thrax... *looking at him warningly, not liking to be kept in the dark*

Thrax; 8clutched the bulge in his pocket8

Ozzie: Thrax, pls. If it's something important to what happened in the past, I'd like to knw too

Thrax; It's just something of mine.

Ozzie: *sighs* OK, then I won't push it any further. I assume you won't be having dinner then?

Thrax; I'm not hungry my love, lost my appitite.

Ozzie: Alright. At least have something to drink then. I've made soup

Thrax; 8clutched his stomach8

Ozzie: *poured a bit of soup in the bowl n brought it to him* Here, drink it while it's hot. Then you can go have a rest. I need to bathe the kids

Thrax; 8nodded, taking the bowl8

Ozzie: *goes to the nursery room with a heavy heart, feeling helpless over Thrax's plight. He picked up the kids n took them to the bathroom to be bathed*

Thrax; *finishes the soup, setting the bowl in the sink then heads to bed*

Ozzie: *carries the triplets n put them in the ready made warm bath before undressing n joining the triplets in the tub*

Kairan; 8splashes happily*

Ozzex: *splashes water at Sakura, laughing*

Ozzie: You reli enjoy ur bath, don't u, kids? *chuckles*

Sakura; *swam about, doggy style8

Ozzie: *as he soaped them up, sighs* Your Papa is in trouble again

Ozzex: *looks up questioningly*

*Kairan and Sakura looked up as well*

Ozzie: Your Papa found out abt a case that involves your grandparents, kids. I fear it's not going to be peaceful for long

*they all frowned8

Ozzie: You think I should shorten my recuperation and help your Papa out?

Kairan; Dadi?

Ozzie: Your Papa's sleeping now, baby. He's had a long day

Kairan; 8cuddled against him*

Ozzie: So you guys think I should help your Papa out instead of staying here for one mth like the Docs said?

Ozzex: *shook his head*

Ozzie: Why? You think I should let ur Papa handle this?

Ozzex: *nods*

Sakura: Port, dada.

Ozzie: Huh? *still need to get the hang of baby talk*

Kairan: Be for dadi.

Ozzie: *surprised for a while then chuckles n pats Kiaran's head* You guys sure learn reli quick. Alright, I promise I'll be there for him whenever he needs me. Now, bath time's over. You're all clean now *rinses them then carries them out to towel-dry them*

Ozzex: *giggles at the feeling of being wiped dwn*

Kairan: *struggled as Ozzy dried his face*

Ozzie: Mama's almost done, baby. Stay still

Ozzex: *dove under the towel*

Sakura: *giggled and followed him*

Kairan: *fallowed, giggling8

Ozzie: *laughs n wraps them up in the towel n carrying them to the nursery room* Alright, playtime's ovr. Time to get dressed, feeding time n go to bed *Ozzie dresses them up one by one n fed them*

Sakura: *suckles, enjoying her Mama's milk*

Kairan; 8does as well8

Ozzie: *after done feeding them, burps them n puts them in the rocking crib then feeds Ozzex*

Ozzex; 8happily suckles8

Ozzie: *burps Ozzex after he's done and puts him together with the others two. Hums a lullaby while rocking the crib*

8the all yawn softly and snuggle down to sleep8

*Ozzie made sure they were sound asleep before turning on the baby walkie-talkie n left the nursery to go to the bedroom. Seeing Thrax sleeping, he sighed*

Ozzie: *changes in his night clothes n snuggled with Thrax before he whispers mostly to himself* I hope you're going to be OK, Thrax, wherever this case leads you to

Thrax; 8moaned softly8

Ozzie: *hugs Thrax n falls asleep*

8a couple of hours later, Thrax starts thrashing in his sleep8

Ozzie: *awoken by the thrashing* Thrax...?

Thrax; 8was sweating heavily, thrashing from side to side8

Ozzie: *tries to shake him awake* Thrax? Thrax, wake up! Wake up, love!

Thrax; 8whimpered in his sleep8 Please leave them alone, please.

Ozzie: *thinks* ~Them? Who's them?~ *tries to wake Thrax again* Thrax, love, wake up. Wake up, Thrax

Thrax; Please levae them alone. 8his voice sounded like a child's8

Ozzie: ~Could he be dreaming abt his parents? Oh Frank...~ *shakes him a little harder* Thrax? Thrax, you have to wake up. Thrax!

Thrax; 8bolts up, panting heavily8

Ozzie: *holds him* It's OK, it's OK, love. It's just a nightmare *rocks him* It's OK...

Thrax; 8buries his head in his hands8

Ozzie: Shh...It's OK, love, it's OK. I'm here...

Thrax; Not again, I thought it stopped.

Ozzie: What did you dream, Thrax? I have an idea it's abt ur folks, bt what is it abt?

Thrax; The day they were k-k-

Ozzie: *puts his finger on his lips* Shh...Enough. I get the point

Thrax; My father tried to rob a bank unfortunity someone ratted him out and where we were 8swallows8 they came to our home, momma told me to hide and then- 8chokes8

Ozzie: Shh, shh, shh...It's OK, I understand. We'll get to the bottom of this, I promise *hugs him tight*

Thrax; 8cries into his chest8

Ozzie: *strokes his back and hushes him, assuring him everything would be alright*

Thrax; 8trembled8

Ozzie: *lay him dwn bk in bed and cradled his head close to his chest, comforting him some more*

Thrax; 8passes out8

Ozzie: *sighs as his beloved was finally bk to slumber again* This case better be good *goes bk to sleep as well*

Thrax; 8wakes up a few minutes later and just lays there8

Ozzie: *still asleep bt has his hand comfortingly ard Thrax's waist*

Thrax; 8slips out of bed before sunrise and goes for a morning jog8

*someone approaches him frm behind and jogs alongside him* I see you found the file

Thrax; 8turned towards the other8

Stranger: You found the file, haven't you? You found the box with ur family crest as well?

Thrax; 8stopped8 How did-/ What business is it of yours/

Stranger: You don't need to knw who I am, and I'm not taking sides or anything. I just want this case solved so that I can have a peace of mind. I was assigned to this case bt was forbidden to solve it thru dirty means, n was wrongfully fired. Now it's up to you to solve it

Thrax; I live with nightmare for too long.

Stranger: *chuckles, bt he doesn't show his face, because he was wearing a jumpsuit with a hood ovr his head to hide his face* Now it's ur chance to end the nightmare *passes him a note* This is the address of someone you might want to talk to abt the case

Thrax; 8took the slip of paper8

Stranger: Good luck *jogs away frm him at top speed n disappears into the fog*

Thrax; 8blinked in surprise then headed home8


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