TOYLB-Season 2-1

Episode 1

*everyone left the hospital to clean up the mess. All the viruses' dead bodies were cleared and gathered into the bowels to be crapped out of Frank's body later.*

Thrax; 8curled up on the couch, smiling at the sleeping form of his mate and children before sleep took him8

*the next morning, Ozzie woke at the sound of his babies whining. It was feeding time again*

Thrax; 8awoke with a yawn then brought the kids ovr to his mate8

Ozzie: *takes two of the kids and started feeding them* Hey, love. How long was I out?

Thrax; 8looked at the time8 All night.

Ozzie: Wow. I must be reli knocked out, huh ?

Thrax; Who could blame ya baby.

Ozzie: True *the babies were done n Ozzy burped them before taking the last one for feeding*

Drix: *knocked the door and came in* Good morning, Mommy and Daddy~

Thrax; 8rolled his eyes8

*the whole FPD team came in, along with Leah*

Ozzie: Hey guys

*they were all carrying gifts of all sorts, some of them holding balloons that read "Congratulations, Mommy" written on it*

Thrax; 8sniggered8

Ozzie: *finished feeding the last baby n burped it before letting Thrax put it bk to the crib*

Jamison: OMG~! They are just adorable~!

Ricardo: Got names for all of them yet?

Thrax; *pointed to each of them8 Kaira, Sakura and Ozzex.

Drix: Those are quite nice names, bt ever considered how to put their last names?

Thrax; 8looked at his mate8

Ozzie: *shrugs* What is your last name, anyway? I know mine is Jones, as in Osmosis Jones, but what's urs?

Jamison: You mean you never knew Thrax's last name since u guys been together??

Ozzie: *shrugs again sheepishly*

Thrax: It's Roja. Thrax Roja.

Drix: Well, since we knw who is the 'top' of the situation, I think it would be right to give their last names as Jones-Roja

Carrie; Catchy.

Thrax; 8looked at ozzy8

Ozzie: Yeah. I'm OK with it. I admit, I am the bitch in the relationship

Everyone: *LOL*

Thrax; 8sternly8 Ozzy mind your language. 8looks at their children8

Ozzie: Sorry

Jamison: Wait, you can't give them their last names yet

Carrie; Why not/

Jamison: Ozzie and Thrax are not officially married yet. Wouldn't the kids be born outta wedlock?

Drix: Well, the mayor wasn't exactly allow their situation to be in holy matrimony possible in the first plc, remember?

Caroleena; And for your information I was born out of wedlock. 8punches his arm8

Jamison: Ouch! Yeah, but since the mayor is dead and evrything's bk to normal and all, shouldn't they at least get started?

Thrax; I already praposed to Ozzy months before.

Jamison: Yeah, but u technically haven't actually tied the knot, have you?

Chief: He's right. In fact, bcoz ur a foreign citizen and deciding to stay here, it's important that you have the proper paperworks, including marriage certs

Thrax; 8bit his lip hard8

Ozzie: It's alright, Thrax. It's just the formal stuff. You getting cold feet on me now, love?

Thrax; 8kissed him8 Not a chance.

Ricardo: Oh they are just so sweet couple. I wish I had my camera

Leah; Let them be. 8she smiled at the kids8

Chief: So when will the big day be?

Thrax; We haven't decided yet.

Ozzie: Yeah, but maybe as soon as I recover frm my birth

Thrax; 8nodded8

Drix: I guess that's true. Hey, I got some great news to tell you all. So far only Leah and I have heard wind abt it

Everyone; What/

Drix: Everyone in the brain centre has come to a consensus that after her heroic act of evading the flower n kept the army barrack viruses frm being sneezed out, they vote unanimously for Leah to be the new mayor!

Leah; 8when red in the face8

Ozzie: Oh wow! Congrats, girl!

Thrax; Congratulations.

Everyone: *congratulates Leah in turn*

Leah; 8went redder8

Ozzie: So when's the official announcement? When will you be immediately reinstated?

Leah; Hard to say but I won't make the same mistakes the others made,

Drix: I'm sure you'll do a great job, hon *kisses Leah's cheek*

Leah; 8smiled at him8

8the kids started to awake and looked round8

Jamison: OMG! They're awake! Can we carry them?

Thrax; Be careful with them.

Ozzie: Oh, they'll be fine

Drix: *scooped Kiaran up with his non-cannon hand* Hey there lil buddy. Remember me? I delivered you

Kiaran; 8giggled, waving his tiny arms8

Jamison: *carried Ozzex*

Ozzex; 8looked up at him8

Ozzie: Careful. He's got a finger just like his dad

Thrax; 8blushed8

Carrie: *reaches for Sakura*

Thrax; 8gently hands her to Carrie8

Carrie: *held Sakura in her arms* Oh she is so adorable!

Sakura; 8cooed up at her8

Jamison: *his hair was pulled by Ozzex* Hey, hey, ow, ow~! Dang, he's got a killer grip

Carrie; 8giggled8 Takes after his father.

Ozzie: Yup, Thrax's got a mean punch for a slim virus

Thrax; 8blushed8

*everyone stayed and chatted with the couple and played with the babies in turn until it was time for feeding. They all left wishing the couple well and hope for the best, except Drix and Leah who still stayed*

Ozzie: Here we go, babies *opened his hospital robes n fed the first two*

Drix: Wow. Looks like ur pregnancy did give you interesting physical changes

Thrax; 8glared at him8

Drix: *holds up his hands in surrender* I didn't mean any harm

Leah; Now what to do abot your living arrangements/

Ozzie: Haven't thought of that. We wouldn't want to bunk in too long at Drix's

Drix: What do you suggest?

Leah; Well I'll see about getting them a good home, somewhere great to raise their kids.

Ozzie: Alright. You sure it's not too much trouble?

Leah; For you guys anything.

Drix: In the meantime, you guys can still bunk in. I don't mind the company

Thrax; Thank you.

Ozzie: *finish feeding the first two n burped them before feeding the last one*

Thrax; 8cradled his eldest two8

Drix: It's so hard to believe that bk then u were a killer virus and now u are such a loving father

Thrax; 8blushed8

Leah: It's strange how that tyrant ridicualed those of Bacterial and viral blood, even I'm not pure blooded.

Ozzie: You can say Colonic was a bit of an elitist. Wait, you're not purely brain cell?

Leah; Nope I'm 1/4 germanmeasle on my mother's side.

Ozzie: Woah. Cool. To think my great-great-grandfather fought the measles...

Drix: Yeah I remember you showing me his picture

Leah: My grandmother's family kept well hidden after some time she travled round and met my grandfather. 8she dung into her wallet and handed them a photo8

Ozzie: *looks at teh photo*

*A german measle was standing with a brain she-cell along with a female hybrid with a male brain cell as well as his folks with Leah and a young man in front of them8

Thrax; 8smiled8

Ozzie: So that's your mom? *points at the hybrid* And your grandma? *points at the brain she-cell*

Leah: Yep.

Ozzie: *looks at the german measle* Wait...I think I've seen this guy somewhere...

Thrax; Huh/

Leah; Where/

Ozzie: Thrax, are my clothes still there? The one I was wearing before I was admitted in?

Thrax; Yes. 8he gently handed the twins to Leah and got out Ozzy's clothes8

Ozzie: *takes teh clothes and fished out his FPD badge, then takes out a picture from inside the badge holder n showed that it was a picture of Ozzie's great-great-grandfather n the same German measle*

Leah: Whoa. How/

Ozzie: My grandfather told me that during the war, great-great-grandpa was having dinner one night n someone banged at his door. It was a german measle carrying a brain she-cell. She was heavily pregnant n was going into labor, n he risked his life begging him for help. My great-great-grandma was a midwife n took pity on them. She helped deliver the child n they somehow became friends, evn helped them hide out for a while...Do you think that's what my great-great-grandpa did? Could he be the one to help hide your grandmother's family well before she met your grandfather?

Leah Could be. 8smiles at him8

Drix: Then you two have gone way bk! Must be fate to have you two meeting each other

Ozzie: Yeah, and she brought me to meet you, which in turn brought me to meet Thrax

Thrax; Intense.

Ozzie: Guess it's true what my grandpa said "Everything is interconnected, just like evidence"

Everyone; 8laughed8

*the last baby was done feeding, Ozzie burped him n passed him to Thrax to put in the crib*

8the three yawned and soon settled to sleep8

Drix: Alright. We better not bother you now. Hey, Thrax, wanna get started on finding a new home? I knw some places I could show u ard for the moment. I'll drive ya

Thrax: Sounds good. 8to ozzy8 Will you be ok/

Ozzie: I'm cool. The kids can accompany me

Thrax; 8noded and stood up8

Leah: I better get to work myself. 8kisses Drix8

Drix: *kisses bk* See ya tonight, hon

Leah; 8waved to Thrax and Ozzy8 See you soon guys. 8headed out8

Ozzie: *waved goodbye at Leah* You two have fun as well

Drix: Will do. Ready, Thrax?

Thrax; 8nodded and fallowed him8

Ozzie: Hon, you forgot something

Thrax: Huh?

Ozzie: *puckered his lips*

Thrax; 8smiled and kissed him softly8

Ozzie: *kissed him bk and smiled* Alright, you can go now. You look out for him, Drix

Drix: *saluted* Will do

Thrax; 8chuckled and headed out8

Ozzie: *leans bk against the bed n looks at the sleeping triplets* Your daddy sure is the man, ain't he, kids?

8they smiled in their sleep as if they heard him8


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