Episode 1
Ozzie: *stares outside the window with a far-away gaze, his mind wandering elsewhere*
Drix; Ozzy/
Ozzie: Mm? Huh? Yeah, wassup, Drix?
Drix; Are you feeling okay/
Ozzie: Uh, yeah, I'm cool. Why d'ya ask?
Drix; You've just been staring into space alot lately.
Ozzie: Have I? Oh, well, I just got a lot in my mind, ya knw, wat with Leah and all
Drix; 8sorts some files8 How is it going between you two/
Ozzie: Oh, fine, I guess. Now that Mayor Phlegmming is no longer in the office and Tom Colonic taking over, she's lovin' her job. She's a little bit busier to date, but I'm cool
Drix; Being the mayor's aid is a big job.
Ozzie: Mmhmm *staring out the window again*
Drix; 8sighed and went back to work8
Ozzie: *remembers far back when he was still investigating the Thrax case, one night at his apartment*
~Flashback sequence~
*The City was quiet as the night started to fall*
Ozzie: *scanning through the files given by the Chief. The Thrax case was getting more and more complicated and it wasn't helping that he was having a massive bodyache after the nose dam incident*
*a soft knock was heard at the door*
Ozzie: Now who could that be at this time of the hour? *thinks to himself: Leah, I hope* *goes to answer the door*
Drix; *was standing there*
Ozzie: *a little disappointed* Oh hey, Drix. It's you. Wassup?
Drix; Just come to see how the case is going.
Ozzie: The usual. Got the headaches going through all the files but getting nowhere near the culprit and the mastermind of the nose dam wrecker
Drix: How are we ever going to catch this virus?
Ozzie: Beats me. We also are nowhere near understanding the meaning of 'El Rojo' that little weird parasite was babbling abt either. I mean, I knw it's translated as 'Red Death' or something, but what's it gotta do with our case?
Drix; Sounds like this virus is leathel one.
Ozzie: I know. *groans n fell bk on the sofa* What I'd give to have some sort of clue right now
Drix; What kind?
Ozzie: I dunno. Any kind. Anything that would solve this case
Drix; Whatever or whoever it is we'll catch them.
Ozzie: Yeah...Well, I gotta go out and get something to drink. You wanna come along?
Drix; *shakes his head* No thank you.
Ozzie: K, well, there's my spare keys under the mat. Lock up when you leave. I might be out quite long *leaves his apartment*
Drix; *continued to look through the file work*
Ozzie: *goes to the nearby coffee shop to get something to drink. While he waits for his order, he noticed someone frm afar in a black trenchcoat and long flowing purple dreadlocks*
Thrax; *drums his claws as he drinks his coffee*
Ozzie: *he didn't knw why, but something inside him told him that he had to talk to this person. After getting his order, he moved up to the stranger's seat* Um, hey there
Thrax; *looked at him, reconising him as the cell from the dam but kept quiet* Yes?
Ozzie: I, uh, I know this sounds corny but...you new ard here? Haven't seen you before
Thrax; What's it to ya baby?
Ozzie: Well...Nothing, it's just that I've more or less knw everyone ard n you seem to be someone outta town *blushes when the stranger called him 'Baby'* *thinks: Geez, what is it with me? First I strike a conversation with a total stranger, now I'm blushing over a remark like a school girl! Am I a friggin' fag or somethin'?
Thrax; *lowered his sunglasses revealing his yellow eyes8
Ozzie: *shudders a little at upon seeing his eyes, his face gaining temperature* *thinks: Damn, he's hot...Wait, wait, wait! What the hell am I thinking?!
Thrax; Answer my question.
Ozzie: Like I said, I've more or less knw everyone ard n you seem to be someone outta town. I'm just curious, is all
Thrax; *snorted then looked Ozzy over*
Ozzie: *a little weirded out at Thrax checking him out* W-What?
Thrax; Never seen such a spesumin in a cell.
Ozzie: Ain't just a cell, my friend. I'm the perfect crime fighter. Osmosis Jones frm the FPD Special Unit, at your service
Thrax: ~This one has a slight ego.~
Ozzie: So, uh, what brings you here to Downtown Frank?
Thrax; What business is it of yours/
Ozzie: *shrugs* Just curious *thinks: Maybe coz I wanna knw if you're free or anything....Wait a goddamn minute! What am I thinking?!
Thrax; 8snorts drinking down his coffee8
Ozzie: *thinks: Damn, why do I keep thinking that he's hot?? My heart clenches like a crushing schoolgirl everytime he looks at me. I never felt like this with Leah before...Could I reli be a fag...?
Thrax; If that's all, leave.
Ozzie: *thinks: Should I do this? We've only just met but...Damn I've never done this before...Oh, fuck it! Just do it!* So, uh, are you free or anything?
Thrax; 8choked on his coffee8 What/
Ozzie: Are you, you knw, available? My plc is just nearby and...well, if you're OK with being with male cells...
Thrax; 8gave him a questionable look8
Ozzie: I dunno why, bt, I find you kinda cute and all, but if male cells not your thing, then... *getting ready to leave*
Thrax; 8grabbed his wrist8
Ozzie: *stops at his tracks, gazing at Thrax's eyes, waiting for a reaction*
Thrax; A chance I prefer cells, male or female, any way.
Ozzie: Then it's settled then. So...ur plc or mine?
Thrax; I'm only passin' through.
Ozzie: Then it's my plc *gets up and gestured suggestively* Shall we?
Thrax; 8payed the clerk and fallowed ozzy8
Ozzie: *leads Thrax to his plc. Unlocks the door and sees that Drix has already left. Invites Thrax into his apartment
Thrax; 8looks around in slght disgust of the place8
Ozzie: Want something to drink?
Thrax; No thank you.
Ozzie: *scratch an non-existent itch* Well, to be honest, I haven't done this...much, so...I won't mind you making the first move...
Thrax; 8hid a devilish smirk8 Desprat to get laid baby/
Ozzie: *tentatively leans over to kiss Thrax*
Thrax; 8his eyes widen8
Ozzie: Well, I've offered. Come and get me *leans a little closer*
Thrax; 8eyes flashed yellow then shoved Ozzy on the bed8
Ozzie: Woah! *taken by surprise as he fell onto the bed with a thump*
Thrax; 8tore ozzy's clothes off8
Ozzie: H-Hey! Those were my best clothes! *his heart thumping wildly, nervous abt wat's to come*
Thrax; *removed his own then pinned Ozzy8
Ozzie: T-Take it easy...I haven't done it...err...for a long time *thinks: You liar! You've never evr done it before!*
Thrax; I know a first when I smell one. *slips inside Ozzy* n~This won't take long.~ *he trusted8
Ozzie: *bit his lip as he felt himself being entered, trying to keep himself from moaning at the feeling*
Thrax; 8hissed and thrusted8
Ozzie: *tries as he might, he couldn't suppress his moans. Opened his mouth and let it all out as his insides was pleasurably assaulted*
Thrax; nipped his neck, thrusting8
Ozzie: *gasps as he broke free frm Thrax's hold and gripped his shoulder, digging through*
Thrax; 8grabbed his hips and burrowed in deep8
Ozzie: Oh my God!! *eyes widen as Thrax's member was deep enough to hit the spot* F-Faster...Harder...!
Thrax; *smirked and gave it his all*
Ozzie: *lets out moan after moan, feeling himself getting close to the edge*
Thrax; 8panted feeling himself coming closer8
Ozzie: I'm...I'm losing it... *pants*
Thrax; 8pants8 ~Nearly there.~ 8his member began getting hot8
Ozzie: *eyes widen at the heat within him* What the...?
Thrax; 8cried out as he relised inside ozzy8
Ozzie: *looses himself as well as he was filled with Thrax's warm seed* Oh my god~!
Thrax; 8pulled out once it's finished8
Ozzie: *pants as he settled dwn the tremors*
Thrax; 8grabbed his clothes and slid them on8
Ozzie: *gets up slowly* Wh-Where will you be heading now?
Thrax; Just around thanks for the time baby. ~And the fuck.~ 8he slid on his jacket and took off8
Ozzie: *chases after him, not caring whether he was leaking or not* Will I see you again?
Thrax; Maybe. 8headed out and disapeared into the shadows8
Ozzie: *watches as he disappears, then leaned against the wall and sighs* Damn, that was surely something...
~Flashback sequence end~
Ozzie: *broke out of his flashback when he felt someone touching his shoulder*
Leah; Ozzy/
Ozzie: Hey, baby. How's it hanging? *pecks Leah's cheek*
Leah; 8smiles8 Going well what happened to you/ 8gestures to him8 *sighs* That was too close back then.
Ozzie: Yeah, real close. I almost thought I was abt to lose it wen Thrax strangled me with hypothalamus cord
Leah: *shivered*
Ozzie: Hey, everything's cool now, babe. I finally got you, Drix got a steady position in the PD. What more can I ask for, eh?
Leah: *smiled* You're right. 8kissed him8
Ozzie: *kisses bk, bt not reli into it*
Leah: *smiled* I'll see you soon Ozzy. *winked at him then walked off*
Ozzie: Cya babe *winks bk and heads to his desk* Babe... Hah, when was the last time I heard that... *chuckles bitterly*
*Unknown to him he was being watched from the shadows*
I'm in love with this!!!
You have a lot of misspelling but I still like this a lot!!!
I luv it very much
Love this
Loved this role play
I know I'm over 10 years late to this fic but from seeing art for it i am very interested in it
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