TOYLB-Season 1-5

Episode 5

Ozzie: *wakes up the next morning to see a blanket ovr him* Thrax...

8not a sound was heard but the gurgling in his stomach8

Ozzie: Dammit. You guys hungry again

8one gave him a sharp kick8

Ozzie: Ow! Hey, watch it. If you weren't in I'd be giving u spanking *sighs* Your daddy ain't here, Looks like we gotta get some grub ourselves

8there was the smell of food from the kitchen8

Ozzie: What the... *walks to the kitchen*

8the table was set with a delious breakfast8

Ozzie: *smiles* Trust your daddy to think of everything. Let's dig in, kids *sits at the table and ate*

8there was a small note beside the plate8

Ozzie; Hmm. What does your daddy want this time?

Note: Tonight, my jewel. Tonight I stay for good.

Ozzie: *smiles happily* Hear that? Daddy is coming to stay. Isn't that great?

*they twirled inside him8

Ozzie: We gotta be prepared for his arrival! I don't care what he says. We gotta get new clothes to wear. Now where's that money I remember Leah hide somewhere back here *taps ard the ceiling of the apartment until one of the tiles got loose* Ah, good *grabs a high chair n peeks in. There were some money in it* Thank goodness she forgot abt this one. Well, more for me then. Come on, kids, let's go shopping

8they both patted inside him8

Ozzie: Don't worry. I'll be careful. 'Sides, I saw a male cell boutique just outside across the street. We won't be out long. I promised your daddy I'll be safe

8one of them gave a few kicks to say "He got you those maternity clothes for a reason"*

Ozzie: Don't argue with me, kiddos, I'm ur Mama. I knw what to do *makes sure his disguise is alright before leaving the house* *walks all the way to the boutique store and chked out the those. Frm another corner, he saw Leah n Mayor Colonic doing their shopping as well*

Sale-Cell: Can I help you miss/

Ozzie: *watches quietly frm a corner, hiding out of sight*

Colonic: Which tie do you think is good for me, Leah? It's the annual dinner tomorrow night. I gotta look good

Leah; 8giggled8 Well depends if the colour goes with your suit sir.

Colonic: I'd like it to go with your dress, my sweet *kisses her cheek*

Ozzie: *grips on one shirt nearby hard, his heart still panged with jealousy*

8the twins kick him hard, reminding him it was over8

Ozzie: *hissed* Ow...Stop it *continues watching*

Colonic: Once we get engaged next week, I'm gonna announce it during our company meeting where everyone would hear of my love for you

Leah; 8blushed and kissed him8

Ozzie: *cannot control his tears as he threw the shirt he was holding and dashed out of the shop, not getting anything*

8they remained silent, knowing their mother hadn't got other his heart ache8

Ozzie: *ran all the way back home and slammed the door, then let out a loud scream before grabbing a random item and smashing it against the wall*

8the twins shook inside him8

Ozzie: *stomped to the bedroom and lay on the bed, sobbing as he hugged a bolster*

*The twins curled up inside him8

Ozzie: Thrax...I want you...

*the words on his note ran through ozzy's head* Tonight my jewel tonight.

*Ozzie refused to leave the bed. He stayed there all day until nightfall*

8a figure stagged to the apartment building where ozzy was, limping slowly8

Ozzie: *gut instincts told him to go look out the window*

8the twins kicked him in agreement8

Ozzie: *did as his gut instinct told him. See a figure staggering towards the apartment, recognized the physique* Th...Thrax...?

8the figure looked up then limped in8

Ozzie: *rushed to the front door and opened it*

Thrax; 8was standing there bleeding, heavily, his form completely changed8 Ozzy?

Ozzie: Oh Frank! What's wrong with you?! * helps Thrax into the house, made sure no one saw them and locked the door* What happened? *leads him to the couch*

Thrax; *pants* I did it, he's gone.

Ozzie: Who's gone? Who are you talking abt? You're not making sense

Thrax; The one who hurt you, my other half. He's gone.

Ozzie: You're...You're not making any sense, Thrax. You're being vague again

Thrax; Didn't you have a dream with voices fighting almost like thet shared the same body/

Ozzie: Umm, yeah, I did. How did you knw?

Thrax; 8pants8 I'd lived with that nightmare my whole life but now it's over.

Ozzie: You promised me you'll tell me everything. I want the truth, Thrax

Thrax; What I'm saying is the truth Ozzy.

Ozzie: Yes, you promised to tell me everything. What's going on? What's this second personality of yours? What the hell is going on?

Thrax; 8sighs8 This second personality had been with me since I was born and didn't manivess til I was a teen, it was created because of my mixed blood.

Ozzie: Mixed blood? W-Where are you frm?

Thrax; By mixed I mean I'm a deadly virus/immunity virus hybrid.

Ozzie: What? You're half immunity? What sort?

Thrax; Anthrax on my mother's side.

Ozzie: *shocked* That lethal thing that killed many ppl through mails? But...But then, if you got an evil you...that means the first time you infected Frank, that wasn't reli you...?

Thrax; It was me but another side of me due to my father's genes.

Ozzie: What was your father?

Thrax; Rabies, what my mother saw him I'll never know.

Ozzie: Eh...? Rabies? So...what's the hype with the hypothalamus obsession anyway?

Thrax; The killing insticy from my father, the way to kill from my mother. She prefered the sneaking cunning way and that's how I got the idea.

Ozzie: So...when I approached you that night, did you really wanted to do it with me or you were just looking for a fuck?

Thrax; The fist time I wanted it, me but after that my other half got the idea of how to destroy this city his way.

Ozzie: Which is...?

Thrax; 8pointed to Ozzy's stomach8

Ozzie: What's creating a child got to do with destroying the city?

Thrax; He was hoping to morph them into heartless killers and with your blood it would be easier.

Ozzie: did you destroy your evil side? Is he truly gone?

Thrax: *stood up, plling off his coat and revealed his torn up body8 A fight to the finish.

Ozzie: *covered his mouth in shock* Oh Thrax, what did you do to yourself...? *rushes off and comes bk with a first aid kit*

Thrax; I managed to seperate us and we fought to the death.

Ozzie: *dabs on medicine and bandages him* So...he's reli dead now?

Thrax; 8nods8 It's just us now, the four of us. 8rested his hand on Ozzy's stomach8

Ozzie: You won't suddenly revert to your evil self or something? *still worried*

Thrax; Never. 8kissed ozzy softly with passion8

Ozzie: *asked between kisses* Do you...reli love me...?

Thrax; Since I fisrt laid eyes on you.

Ozzie: *remembers the time when he saw Leah and Colonic together that morning and his tears unconsciously fell* You won't betray me...? Like you did when I found out ur behind Frank's near-death...? Like what Leah did...?

Thrax; You're my one and only and I wish to make it ovisal.

Ozzie: How so...? How can I trust you?

Thrax; *reached into his pocket and took out and small velvet box8

Ozzie: *blushes* Is...Is this what I think it is...?

Thrax; *nodded, opening the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring*

Ozzie: Oh...Thrax... *hesitant* I dunno. The fuzz is after me, and you're a virus. Ppl would definitely have us contained and our babies...

Thrax; I will not let anyone harm you or our children8

Ozzie: If...If that's what you promise then *lays his hand on Thrax's that held the ring box* I accept

Thrax; 8took the ring out and slipped it on Ozy's finger then kissed him softly8

Ozzie: *kisses him bk just as tenderly*

8the twins happily flipped inside Ozzy8

Ozzie: *touches his belly* Our kids are reli glad ur here. You know, we should start naming them

Thrax; Any suggestions/

Ozzie: I got only one name, and it's Kiaran. He used to be my junior before he was killed in action trying to save me.

Thrax; Kiarian, that sounds perfect.

Ozzie: What abt you? Got any names in mind?

Thrax; I've always liked the name Sakura.

Ozzie: Isn't that...a Japanese name?

8he stroked Ozzy stomach8

Ozzie: What if both our kids are boys? You definitely can't use Sakura. It's a girl's name. Kiaran is androgynous. I can use it for either gender, but Sakura...

Thrax; What about Antonio/

Ozzie: Heh, sounds Spanish, but yeah. It's good

Thrax; 8chuckled, stroking Ozzy's stomach8

Ozzie: Thrax...I...I think...I think I reli do love you now... *blushes*

Thrax; 8nuzzled him8

Ozzie: *nuzzles back before falling asleep in his arms*

Thrax; 8carries him to bed, tucking him in then lays next to him8


This is great! I want to try my hand at an Ozzy fic now.


It's been a long time since I've seen that movie and Osmosis Jones is one of my favorite animated movies!! Also, how could Ozzy change himself into a she-cell?? ��������


i love me a good angst to fluff plot


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