Episode 1
*for the nxt 2 weeks, Hecro remained admitted in the hospital, riding the cramps with proper medication n chk-ups, n evryone took turns to watch ovr him until the due date arrived*
Vincent; 8had gotta some food from the diner for Hecro8
Hecro: *sees the food coming in* Thanks, Vince. I was feeling a bit peckish
Vincent; I told Leah to make a nice meal for you
Hecro: *chuckles* Much better than hospital food at least *waits for the food to be served*
Vincent; 8set it all out8
Hecro: *licked his lips n started eating* So where's Di?
Vincent; Preparing the finishing touches on our hours for the babies
Hecro: Tht's good. I... *his face bunched up a little*
Vincent; Are you ok?
Hecro: I...I think so. M..Maybe its another cramp aga... *before he could continue, a wet puddle form on the bed* Oh Frank...!
Vincent; 8pressed the help button8
Dr: *comes in*
Hecro: I...Is it time...?
Vincent; 8looked at the doctor8
Dr: *chks him* Well, ur water's broken. I'd say ur more than ready now. Let's get u into the birth ward
Hecro: *takes deep breath* Vince...U...U can go call Di...n Chris...I want them to be here...
Dr: *nods at Vince* Its alright. He's not fully dilated yet. There's still time. I'll take him to the ward
Vincent; 8when to call the guys8
Dieter: *was putting on the finishing touches with Maximus' help wen the phone rang* Hello?
Vincent; Di it's Vince, you and Max need to come to the hospital right now
Dieter: Eez eet time? *sounds both worried n excited*
Vincent; It's time
Dieter: Alright, I vill be zere *hangs up n turns to Maximus* Ve must go, Max. Our chiddlers eez going to be born!
Maximus; Coming 8fallowed him out8
*the duo rushed to the hospital as quickly as they could*
Hecro: *was trying to breathe thru the contractions*
Vincent; Easy Hecro
Hecro: Mmhh...I knw...its just...I nvr had twins...before...Mmmhh...
Vincent; They'll be here soon
Dr: *chks him* Almost fully dilated now
Dieter: *barges in* Eez eet here? Eez eet born?
Vincent; They and not yet
Dieter: Sorry, a bit too excited right now
Hecro: *reaches for Maximus, starting to sob, the pain getting to him*
Maximus; 8took his hand8
Hecro: It hurts, Chris...It hurts so much...
Dieter: *rubbed his bk* Ve're all here for jou, Hecro
Vincent; Just take it easy
Dr: *chks again* Ur fully dilated now. Its time to push. Someone pls sit him up in the birthing position
Maximus; 8helped him up8
Hecro: *breathed hard*
Dieter: *took one of his hand*
Dr: Alright. U knw the drill. Push wen u feel a contraction
Vincent; 8massaged Hecro's other hand8
Hecro: *feels a contraction n pushes dwn as hard as he could*
Dr: Tht's vry good there, Mr Jones. Keep it coming
Maximus; 8stroked his hair8
Dieter: *bit his lip as he watched Hecro, wondering if this was wht Vincent had to go thru if he were able to conceive*
Hecro: *pushed dwn again hard at another contraction*
Vincent; 8bit his lip8
Dr: Tht's vry good. Keep going, Mr Jones. Its almost crowning now
Hecro: *tears poured as he pushed dwn as hard as he could
Maximus; 8held him close8
Hecro: *sobs as he felt the head coming out* Oow, oow, oow~!! It hurts~!!
Dr: Easy there, easy. Just push hard bt dont force it. U've got a big one here
Vincent; Please Hecro
Dieter: Take eet eezy, Hecro. Jou hv to...
Hecro: Shut up! Both of u!! Its all u two's fault I'm like this!!
Vincent; 8knew it was the pain talking a held his tongue8
Dieter: *knew it too n ignored the rant* Juz take eet eezy
Hecro: Easy for u to say!! Ur not the one punching a spawn out, u asshole!! *starts sobbing in pain*
Dr: Ur almost there, Mr Jones, the shoulders r almost out. Just a couple more pushes
Maximus; 8rubbed his mate's back8
Hecro: *pants hard n then pushed dwn as hard as he could, let out a small scream as he felt the baby slide out of him*
Dr: There we go! Here's the baby boy~!
Vincent; 8looked their son8
*the baby boy looked like Dieter bt with Vincent's eyes n hair colour, n was crying out loud*
Dr: My, my, wht healthy lungs u hv there, little boy
Dieter: Eets...Eets Dominik!
Hecro: *pants as he looked at the baby, whimpering, wanting to hold him*
Vincent; 8took the child and gently handed him to Hecro8
Hecro: *cradles him in his arms n sobbed happily, kissing his forehead*
Dieter: Oh, he eez so beautiful...
Vincent; 8stroked the little boy's face8
Hecro: *winced n did a small push wen he felt the contraction, remembering he had another one to get out*
Vincent; 8gently took Dominic8
Dr: Alright. Here comes the 2nd one. The first one has paved the way. It'll be easier
Hecro: *whimpered n shook his head* I...I cant...I cant do it...I'm too tired...!!
Maximus; You can Hecro
Dieter: Ve're all here for jou, Hecro
Vincent; Please
Hecro: *sobs n tries his best to push dwn*
Dr: Ur doing good, Mr Jones, bt u hv to push harder
Maximus; 8stroked his hair8
Hecro: I...I'm trying... *pushing dwn as hard as he could, bt his body was too tired, especially wen it was worn out by all the growth spurt cramps*
Dr: I think u guys need to help him a bit. Someone massage his bk while someone help to push gently at his belly evrytime he pushes
Maximus; 8massaged Hecro's back8
Hecro: *pushed dwn again at a contraction*
Dieter: *pushed Hecro's belly gently at the dr's cue to ease the birth*
Dr: Tht's good. Almost there. Almost there
Vincent; 8held his hand8
Hecro: *groans in pain*
Dr: Ur almost there! Its almost fully out now. Just one more push. Give it a big one
Dieter: On mein count, Hecro, vone...two...three! *pushed dwn at his belly*
Hecro: *pushed dwn until he screamed as the baby finally slid out*
Dr: There we go! Its the sister!
Vincent; 8looked at her8
*the baby was a vice versa of her brother, looking like Vincent bt has Dieter's hair n eyes*
Hecro: *fell bk, panting hard*
Vincent; 8gently took the little girl8
Hecro: *opened his eyes to see the little girl* Is...Is tht...Emily...?
Vincent; 8nods, tears of joy in his eyes8
Hecro: *smiled in his tears as he wanted to hold her too*
Vincent; 8brought her over8
Hecro: *took her n held her close, admiring her features n cried tears of joy too, kissing the little girl like he did the brother*
Vincent; Thank you Hecro
Dieter: Danke, danke, so so much *was crying too as he kissed Hecro's forehead n cheeks in gratitude*
Hecro: *smiled sadly as he passed Emily to Dieter*
Emily; 8slowly opened her eyes8
Dieter: Hi, Emily. I'm ur vater (father), this is ur mutter (mother) *showed her to Vincent*
Emily; 8reached to Vincent8
Dieter: *passed her to him*
Vincent; 8gently took her8
Hecro: *sees them so happy with their newborn twins, his heart ached as he looked away n whispered to Maximus* Can I rest now? Take me away frm here
Maximus; 8nods and helps the doctors wheel him out8
Hecro: *was treated for his sores n cleaned up n dressed in fresh hospital gown before laid on bed*
Maximus; You did well love
Hecro: *nods, bt fresh tears frm the pain of his heart at the scene of Dieter n Vincent poured out of his eyes as he started sobbing*
Maximus; 8held him close8
Hecro: I knw...I shouldnt...bt...it still hurts...I...I cant help it...I... *sobs reli hard*
Maximus; 8stroked his hair8
Hecro: I knw...I knw I did the right thing...bt...bt why does it still hurt...?? Why do I feel so sad...??
Maximus; It happens when you get attached
Hecro: I cant help...getting attached...I'm the one carrying it aftr all...I reminded myself evryday tht the babies r not mine...tht they rightfully belong to Di n Vince...bt...I... *buries his face onto Max n cries evn harder*
Maximus; 8held him close8
Hecro: I...I dunno if I could evr get ovr it... *sobs*
Maximus; You'll still be able to see them
Hecro: I knw...bt...I'll always be reminded tht I gave birth to them...bt can nvr hv them...I feel terrible to think like this...I'm sorry...
Maximus; There's nothing to feel sorry about
Hecro: *sobbed until he was knackered out n passed out in Maximus' arms*
Maximus; 8tucked him into bed8
Hecro: *snored silently*
Maximus; 8stroked his hair and left him to rest8
Dieter: *just got bk frm registering the twins name to chk on Hecro* How eez he? Eez he OK? I cant thank him enuff for evryzing he haz done for uz
Maximus; He's taking this abit hard I'm afraid
Dieter: *sighed* I knw he volunteered for zis, bt I dont blame him for taking it hard. Eets a lot to ask even for a volunteer
Maximus; 8nods8
Dieter: I assure jou, ve vill nvr leave Hecro out of the chiddlers' life
Maximus; That I already knew
Dieter: Ve've given ze namez to ze chiddlers. Dominik Sven n Emily Sally Malloy-Claget. Ve decided to uze both ze namez given by Hecro n Vincent's ozer name eef eet vere anozer girl
Maximus; Hecro will feel honored
Dieter: *nods* Ve owe him zo much for zis
Vincent; 8came up8 And more
Dieter: *turns to Vincent* How'z ze chiddlerz? Vat did ze doctorz zay?
Vincent; Both are very heathly and strong
Dieter: Zat eez gutt newz
Vincent; 8nods and kissed him lightly8
Dieter: *kissed him bk* Ve better be zere for Hecro now. He'll need ze support, und he might wanna hold the chiddlerz, let zem knw ze person who give birth to zem. Ve'll hv to borrow Hecro ztill tho, for ze nurzing phase
Maximus; Of course
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