TOYLB: Darkness Behind Light-Season 5-13

Episode 13

*the nxt few days was a real touch n go, had almost a few close calls, n it made Hecra a nervous wreck*

Maximus; 8tried to calm him8

Hecra: *still looks reli worried*

Hecro: U hv to calm dwn. Hunter can sense ur stress

Maxims; And it won't be good for him

Hecra: *tries to take a few deep breaths to calm himself*

Maximus; 8stroked his hair8

Hecro: Easy there, u'll pull thru. U got us

Maximus; Hunter will be alright

Hecra: *nodded*

Maximus; 8kissed his cheek8

Hecro: *patted his bk*

Drix: *comes in*

Maximus; 8looked over8

Drix: *smiled n wheeled in the incubator* Hunter went thru. He's passed the danger phase now. He's gonna need a lot of nourishment frm u, Hecra

Hecra: *cried tears of joy*

Maximus; 8sighed in relief8

Hecro: Oh thank Frank

Drix: Our little Hunter wants his first meal frm Mommy now *takes him out gently frm the incubator without removing the tubes n passed it to Hecra*

Hecra: *takes it gently as if Hunter was glass*

*the kids leaned in ot chk him out up close*

Maximus; 8smiled gently8

Hecra: *undid his buttons n started nursing Hunter*

Hecro: *smiled at the sight*

Maximus; 8nuzzled him8

Hecra: *nuzzled bk n continued feeding*

Shane: *giggled* Hi Bobu~!

Alakay; 8reached out and gently stroked his cheek8

Hunter: *flinched a bit bt didnt resist as he continued feeding, his hand reached up to grip on Alakay's finger lightly*

Alakay; 8smiled8

Shane: *stroke Hunter's hair*

Hecro: Seems like our kids r getting along with the new addition

Maximus; 8nods8

Hecra: *smiled* I'm glad. I was worried they wouldnt

Maximus; 8chuckled8

Hunter: *done feeding n pulled away*

Hecro: Time to go bk inside the incubator now, luv

Alakay; 8pulled back8

Hecra: *passes it to Maximus to be put bk in*

Maximus; 8gently lay his son in8

Hecra: *sighed n lay in bed*

Maximus; 8stroked his face8

Hecra: *being an emotional wreck was exhausting as he dozed off*

Hecro: Well, at least he'll be at ease now

Maximus; 8nods8

Hecro: *stroke Hecra's hair* I'm glad, Chris, tht u love him bk too. I was worried u would nvr...

Maximus; It took me a while to wrap my head round it

Hecro: Our feelings r one. He loves u n I love u, like I said, we r one n the same, n I wouldnt trust anyone bt myself to love as much

Maximus; 8nuzzled him8

Hecro: *nuzzled bk n kissed him*

Maximus; 8kissed him back8

*later tht evening, Ozzie came to visit them*

Ozzie: Hey guys

Maximus; Hello Ozzy

Ozzie: How's Hecra doing?

Hecro: Still knackered out. He's been thru a lot

Maximus; Who can blame him?

Ozzie: *nods* Fair enough. So can I see the little fighter?

Maximus; Of course

Hecro: I'll show u *takes him to the intensive care*

Ozzie: *sees him* Oh Frank, he's so small!

Maximus; But he's strong

Ozzie: Yeah, he does. Got a name for him?

Maximus; Hunter

Ozzie: Fitting. Full name?

Hecro: Hunter Eden Jones-Maximus

Maximus; 8nods8

Ozzie: A strong name for a strong fighter there

Hecro: Yeah, n we love him to bits

Maximus; He'll pull through this

Ozzie: *smiled* We're all praying for him

Hecro: So r we

Maximus; 8nods8

Hecro: For the moment, we can only take him out for feedings. Since he's premature, his skin is still a little too sensitive to touch

Ozzie: Tht's understandable. How's his appetite?

Maximus; Luckily rather heartly for his size

Ozzie: Tht's good. If he's got a good appetite, then he will grow better

Maximus; 8nods8


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