TOYLB: Darkness Behind Light-Season 5-11

Episode 11

*meanwhile Hecra was helping to give a bath to the two children*

Maximus; Need any help

Hecra: *smiled* I'm OK. U can go help Hecro prepare lunch, I;m fine here

Maximus; 8nods and headed downstairs8

Hecro: *was fixing lunch in the kitchen*

Maximus; 8helped him out8

Hecro: How's Hecra doing?

Maximus; He's doing well

Hecro: Tht's good. The kids doing OK with him?

Maximus; Yes

Hecra: *was abt done washing the kids wen he felt something n doubled ovr a little*

Shane: *looked at him worriedly* Ma...Mami?

Alakay; 8cocked his head8

Hecra: *pants* I'm...I'm OK... *picks them up n put them on the sink counter* Lets get u dried up and...Aaahh!! *doubled ovr again, falling onto his knees n clutching his belly*

Maximus; 8ran upstairs8

Hecro: *ran upstairs too* Hecra?! Hecra, u OK??

Hecra: S...Something's wrong...!! Oh Frank...Somethings wrong wtih the baby...!! *began to bleed btwn his legs*

Maximus; 8helped him up8

Hecro: We better take him to Drix's plc at the lab. He'll knw wht to do. I'll bring the kids

Maximus; 8nods8

Hecra: *sobs in Maximus' arms* No...Pls...Let our baby be OK...

Hecro: Hang in there, bro. We'll go get u help right now

Maximus; 8picked him up and carried him to Drix's8

Hecro: *got the kids n followed aftr him*

Drix: *sees them coming into the lab* Hey, w...wht's the matter?

Maximus; It's Hecra

Drix: *sees the blood n jerked his head* Lets take him to the ward. I'll get some other nurses

Maximus; 8carried him in8

Drix: *chked Hecra* This does not look like good news. We're going to hv to get the baby out. R u OK to push just a bit, Hecra?

Hecra: Wht's wrong? Wht's wrong wtih my baby?

Drix: No time to explain. U hv to push

Maximus; 8supported him8

Hecra: *sobs n pushed dwn*

Drix: Easy, just push slowly, dont wanna traumatize ur baby

Maximus; 8stroked his face8

Hecra: *held onto Maximus n sobbed as he pushed*

Drix: Just a bit more, Hecra

Maximus; It's almost over8

Hecra: *pushed dwn one last time*

Drix: *caught the baby* Quick, take it to the emergency ward *handed it to a nurse*

Hecra: *reached out for it* My...My baby...! My baby, where r u taking it??

Nurse; 8swept out quickly8

Drix: Calm dwn, Hecra. We just need to take it to emergency ward for a moment

Hecra: No, no, I want my baby!! My baby!! *struggles to get out of bed*

Maximus; 8held him in place8

Hecra: No, no, let me go~!! I want my baby!!!

Drix: I need some sedatives! *called to another nurse*

8another nurse handed him a sedative8

Drix: *punched the sedatives onto Hecra's shoulder*

Hecra: No! No! No...No...N... *sedatives kicked in n he passed out*

Maximus; 8lay him down8

Drix: I guess he's just worried for the baby. Stay with him. I'll get bk to u ASAP *left the room to let the nurses attend to Hecra*

Maximus; 8bit his lip8

Hecro: *comes in* Is everything OK? Is the baby OK?

Maximus; I'm not sure

Hecro: Wht happened to him? Is Hecra OK too?

Maximus; Yes he's ok

Hecro: *sighs in relief* Lets just hope the baby is OK. Its his first child as a single individual aftr all

Maximus; 8nods8


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