Episode 1
*later tht day, ard midnight, the phone rang*
Maximus; 8got up and answered8 Hello?
Drix: Hey, its me. We've figured out a way to extraction wihtout killing the child. U wanna come see? Be there for him?
Maximus; Of course I'll be there soon 8he hung up then called Leah to watch the kids before leaving8
Drix: *greeted Maximus moments later once he arrived* U can only witness it at the operating theatre upstairs, bt its better than nothing
Maximus; 8nods8 Alright
Drix: *wheeled Hecro in for surgery*
Hecro: *the T4 was getting more dominant now n covering two-thirds of his body, n getting larger*
Maximus; 8headed to the overview8
Drix: *sedated Hecro some more before getting prepped up with the docs for surgery*
Maximus; 8took a seat at the front8
Drix: *worked tirelessly with the doctors n surgeons to carefully cut thru the T4 n extract it*
Maximus; 8swallowed8
*aftr almost 2 n a half hours of carefully cutting n extracting, the half-formed being tht was the T4-side was extracted n put inside a tall huge incubation cylinder, while Hecro, aftr having half of his body cut off, was injected with a bit of accelerants to speed up his regenerative process*
Maximus; 8bit his lip so hard it bled8
Drix: *looked up at him n gave him an OK sign*
Maximus; 8darted down8
Drix: *wheeled both Hecro n the T4 to their respective rooms before approaching Maximus*
Maximus;How is he?
Drix: He's fine. He'll be in ICU trying to regenerate his missing parts, n it seems tht the T4 had realize he's no more confined within Hecro n starts to regenerate on its own
Maximus; 8sighed in relief8
Drix: The baby is also alright, n growing well inside the T4, tho ur gonna hv to break the news to Hecro
Maximus; 8swallowed and nodded8
Drix: *patted his shoulder n left*
Maximus; 8went to the ICU8
Hecro: *was laying inside an incubator as well, his body slowly regenerating like a cell should*
Maximus; 8sat on the chair next to it8
Hecro: *woke up a little n turned to see him. Since half of his face was gone, he only looked at him with one good eye n gave a half smile*
Maximus; 8smiled gently8
Hecro: *mouthed the words* How do I look? *grinned at tht joke*
Maximus; You'll be ok after you've rested
Hecro: *mouthed* M...My T4...?
Maximus; In after room, regenerating
Hecro: *a pause before he mouthed* He's...hving ur baby...right?
Maxims; 8sighed and nodded8
Hecro: *another pause* I wanna meet him aftr I finish regenerating
Maximus; Are you sure?
Hecro: *nods*
Maximus; 8meekly8 Ok
Hecro: *mouthed* Why dont u go see him too? Get to knw each other
Maximus; 8nods, giving him a loving smile before heading out8
T4: *was regenerating in his own incubator, with the help of some mild drugs, n he was sporting a small baby bump as well, his other half gone a mirror image of Hecro*
Maximus; 8gulped and walked in8
T4: *slowly opened his good eye n looked at him*
Maximus; 8sat beside him8
T4: *a long pause before he, too, mouthed* U could at least ask my name
Maximus; What is your name now?
T4: *mouthed* Hecra
Maximus; Hecra? 8he scanded the T4's body8
T4: *nods, then mouthed* What? Doesnt sound nice enough for ya?
Maximus; No it's fine
T4 (now Hecra): *mouthed* I hope I dont...disappoint u
Maximus; Why would you think that?
Hecra: *mouth* I dunno. I was afraid u wouldnt...like me, aftr wht I almost did to Hecro. I was only...trying to protect our child
Maximus; 8reasted his hand on the incubator8
Hecra: *mouth* Do u...hate me?
Maximus; No
Hecra: *mouthed* Do u...love me?
Maximus; 8bit his lip8
Hecra: *looked sadly in his good eye n then looked away, his good hand caressing his baby bump*
Maximus; 8tried to think8
Hecra: *turns bk to him n mouthed* Its OK if u dont love me. I'll still carry the baby to term. Its our child aftr all. Just remember: Hecro n I r one. N I love u just as much as he loves u too
Maximus; 8nods8
Hecra: *smiled, trying to hold bk the tear tht was coming out of his good eye, mouthing with trembling lips* Thank u for understanding...how much u n the baby mean to me
Maximus; 8smiled gently8
Hecra: *mouthed* I love u *blushed n looked away, closing his good eye to concentrate on regenerating*
Maximus; 8sighs8
Drix: *approached the room to chk on Hecra* Ah, ur here. U guys getting along?
Maximus; We are
Drix: Got a name frm him? *chked his vitals*
Maximus; He said his name's Hecra
Drix: Hm, like a mirror image name for Hecro. Sounds fitting
Maximus; 8nods8
Drix: So...made a truce with him or whtnot?
Maximus; 8nods8
Drix: So ur good with accepting the both of them?
Maximus; Still getting use to it
Drix: Dont worry, u will in time. I'm sure the 3 of u will get along somehow
Maximus; I hope
Drix: *smiled n patted his bk* Well, everything seems to be a-OK, he's regenerating well, the baby is stable, n Hecro is also fine n dandy. I'll say we give them abt a week or two to fully regenerate to being
Maximus; Thanks
Drix: No problem. I'll go inform Oz abt this. U take care too. Rest up. Go home. Its been a long night. U need some sleep, n the kids need u. We'll take care of them
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