Episode 9
*St Patrick's Day came pretty quickly, n as soon as Miracle n The Biotics were able to get off frm work, they came to the condominium to pick everyone up*
THrax; 8waited with the others8
*everyone else came dwn*
Dieter: All zet und ready, guyz?
Alexis; More or less
Ozzie: There's our ride!
*the limo slowly parked up to the entrance of the condo, in which a driver came out n opened the door for them*
Driver: The Master n Mistresses r getting ready n waiting at home. Pls, hop in n I will take u to their plc
8everyone got in8
*they were soon driven dwn to The Biotics' home at the mansion*
Alexis; 8whistled in amazement8
Takashi: Su...Suge...! (awesome)
8the kids looked out8
Klepta: *came out* Hi! Welcome, everyone! Come to the dining room. I've got us drinks n food
8everyone went inside8
Klepta: *led them to the dining room, where there served drinks n party food enough for everyone*
Julius; 8took a small plateful8
*everyone else took their share*
Thrax; 8looked round8
*everyone was mingling ard The Biotics, talking n asking questions abt them n Oz*
Alexis; 8kept next to the fire8
*both twin girls n boys got to knw Thrax's little nieces n nephews*
8Sakura and Rory kept close to their father8
Rouge: Hi, lil kiddies. Remember Uncle Rouge? *chuckles* They take aftr u, dont they, Thrax?
Thrax; 8nods8
Rouge: *chuckles n stroke Sakura's hair* Ur a vry pretty girl, arent ya? N ur handsome too, young man *smiled at Rory*
8both didn't seem to like this comment8
Rouge: *blinked, surprised at their reaction as he looked questioningly at Thrax*
Thrax; We've never been the types to worry about appearence
Rouge: Ah, I see. Well, it was a compliment tho. U'll need to get used to it
Thrax; 8rolled his eyes8
Lavinia: *played peek-a-boo with Takashi's twins*
8they both giggled8
Takashi: They seem to like u ne?
Lavinia: I hv a thing for kids *grins*
Orion; 8smiled8
Klepta: *commented on how strong n big Excalibur looked as he patted the dog's head*
8Griffin and Sapphire looked round8
Ambrose: *sees them n squatted dwn to feed them tidbits*
8they both sniffed at them8
Ambrose: *smiled at them* C'mon, its bacon strips. Nice n yummy
8they two exchanged looks then nibbled a little on them8
Ambrose: *smiled n petted their heads*
Orion; 8chuckled8
Ambrose: *grins at him* I hv a thing for dogs, I'm soft for them
Orion; Ever thought of getting one?
Ambrose: I hv, bt not much chances to
Orion; You might one day
Ambrose: I hope so *smiles*
Orion; 8smiled8
Klepta: *brought out the leather photo album n showed them their family pictures*
Julius; 8looked at them8
*there were pictures of Matrix n Ashlee wen they were in high school during school events, n there was one during the prom where they kissed in the picture, then both of them posing in front of tthe camera during graduation, with Oz's adopted father in the background photo-bombing them*
Alexis; 8narrowed his eyes8
*then there were pictures of Matrix n Ashlee on other occasions like outings n whtnot, then a picture of them getting married*
Leah; 8took a closer look t the wedding photo8
*Matrix n Ashlee were practically glowing in their wedding clothes, which was German-themed*
Klepta: Father is a bio-weapon manufactured by the Nazi-s, meaning he's German, so he is deep rooted in German tradition, tht's why the German theme
Leah; Least he didn't zink like thee Nazis
Ambrose: Thank goodness on tht
Rouge: He's tough bt fair
Leah; 8nods8
*then more pictures of their honeymoon n married life, some candid cameras in btwn*
Ozzie: *smiled at each n every one of them*
Thrax; 8loved over ozzy's shoulder8
*then there were pictures of Ashlee being pregnant, n photos in chronology of the kids being born, first Klepta, then the twin boys, then Ambrose, then the twin girls*
Thrax; 8sighed8
Ozzie: *looked up at him* Wht's wrong?
Thrax; You're lucky ya have these
Ricardo: Yeah, I've known the bros for quite a while n they nvr showed me any family photos or whtnot, do u, Tony?
Antonio; 8sighed8
Takashi: Moh...We moved ard a lot, n we used to hv a camera, n took a lot of pictures, bt Oka-san had to abandon it wen we had to flee a city bcoz we were caught. It was nvr found evr since
Orion; And from what I heard, you guys were living hard lives
Dieter: *nods in acknowledgement*
Thrax; It was utter hell
Ozzie: *held him close*
Ambrose: *looked thoughtful*
Julius; 8bit his lip and chetched his fist so hard they bled8
Ambrose: U knw wht? If I'm not mistaken...
Ozzie: Wht? Wht is it?
Ambrose: Wait here *went off for a while*
Lea; 8arched a brow8
Ambrose: *returned with an old-school camera tht looked a little worn, bt still seemed useful* Here
Dieter: Z...Zat...Zat is Mutter's (mother) camera!!
Leah; Vere did jou get it?
Ambrose: We were following Oz's tracks n just so happen to stumble upon the City of Bernard. A bit of an old city, so the immunity was a bit lax. We stayed in an abandoned motel n we found this
Takashi: B...Bernard...? Ko...Korewa... (that is)
Orion; 8looked at them8
Takashi: *took the camera with trembling hands n examined it, n as he had hoped, there were little scribbles of all the bros' names plus their adopted mother's name on it* So...Sonna... (it cant be)
Antonio; 8looked it over8
Takashi: Honto ni! Honto ni Oka-san no camera!! (it reli is mother's camera)
Dieter: *looked bewildered*
Vincent; Can you still get anything out of it?
Klepta: We could try. I think I can do a make-shift dark room, since its one of those old-school camera
Alexis; We could try
Klepta: Girls, get one of the guest bathrooms ready. Boys, get the necessary tools n lighting
8the sibs nod and get to work8
Klepta: *waited until everything was ready* Right. So wait here. Enjoy the food n drinks. This is gonna be a while *disappears into the dark room to get to work*
8everyone looked at each over8
Ricardo: *shrugged n made his way to grab a drink*
Alexis; 8went to get some more food8
*the rest followed*
Sapphire; 8gnawed on a few rib bones8
Griffon: *does so too on a drumstick bone*
Excalibur: *licking up some crumbs frm the floor*
Julius; 8nibbled on some noddles8
*everyone ate n made small talk until abt an hour later, Klepta poked his head out of the door*
Klepta: Can someone get me one of those old medieval-themed photo albums I bought last week?
Alexis; 8took one down, wrapping his hand in cloth before doing so8
Klepta: *takes the album* Thank you. Almost done there *pops bk in for abt half an hour before coming out* There ya go. I hope its good stuff for ya *hands it to Thrax*
Thrax; 8opened it8
*all the bros looked*
8the photos showed happier times when they were younger, outings, pinics, anything they could do as a family8
Takashi: Ki...Kire ne... (so beautiful) Such in perfect condition... *was moved to tears*
Antonio; 8smiled softly8
Ricardo: *was impressed at the pictures, amazed at how they looked wen they were younger*
Thrax; 8lightly traced the face of his younger self8
Ozzie: Oh, u look so cute, n so happy. U all look cute
Thrax; 8blushed7
Dieter: *blushed too* Nien, I look like a nerd
Orion; 8cramped his neck8
Takashi: *gently made way for him to see the album*
Orion; Happier times I see
Takashi: *smiled n nodded* Hai hai
Thrax; 8sighed8
Ozzie: Isnt it great? U've got all ur pictures bk. Arent u happy?
Thrax; 8nods8
*the bros looked at the pics one by one, reminiscing*
Julius; 8smiled sadly8
Ricardo: *smiled as well to see his beloved in the picture being so carefree n happy, evn thru hard times*
Alexis; 8sighs8 I wish there was more
Klepta: Sorry, bt I guess this is all there is frm the camera. I took the liberty to scan n copy into a soft copy n made copies for all u bros *handed the CD to them*
8they each took a disk8
Takashi: *took his n hugged Klepta* Arigato...Arigatogozaimasu...
Klepta: *chuckles* Anything for family
Julius; Thank you all
Rouge: Hey, wht r families for, eh? *nudged his twin*
8the others smiled8
*the get-together party ended with a sweet note n were bidding goodbyes to each other*
Thrax; 8gathered his family8
Dieter: Eet vas very nice meeting jou all in person. I hope ve get in touch more
Ambrose: Tht is a promise *shook hands wiht him*
Julius; 8shook hands with Klepta8
*the boy twins gave buddy hugs to Antonio n Ricardo*
Antonio; 8patted his shoulder8
*the girl twins said farewell to the children and the pets*
8they to bid farwell for now8
*the driver drove the family bk to the condo*