Episode 4
8the place was quite busy8
Dieter: *sees Antonio* Hey, got a zeat for ze both of us, or do ve hv zo eat in ze office?
Antonio; Over there by the fire place 8points to the table8
Dieter: Danke *led Vincent to the seat*
Vincent; 8took a seat8
Dieter: *looked thru the menu*
Vincent; 8looked through his8
Dieter: *made his order of well-done steak n orange juice*
Vincent; 8ordered spagetti carbonara and a peach ice tea8
Dieter: *looked abt while waiting for their order* Hmm, the restaurant zeemz to be holding eetz own, juz like bk in Hector
Vincent; But now there ain't any worries
Dieter: Ja, und evryvone eez like family. Azide frm a bit of ze bad apples, eets almost paradise
Vincent; 8nods, smiling8
*soon their order came in, brought by Leah*
Dieter: Bizniz eez gut az uzual, mein friend
Leah; 8smiled to them8
Dieter: Und ze food eez az great az usual. Zo...how r the guyz?
Leah; Getting better 8bites her lip8
Dieter: *notices* Not evryzing's alright, eez eet, mein freund?
Leah; The others are still rather shaken
Dieter: Vho haz eet vorse?
Leah; Paul from vat I heard
Dieter: He's...He's not...Eez he...? *worried if Spryman was raped*
Leah; Nein, Thrax saved him before that bastard touvhed him
Dieter: Still, eet must've been a terrifying experience for the little chiddler
Leah; 8nods8
Dieter: I hope zey'll pull thru. I'd hate to zee them suffer zat badly
Vincent; So do I
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