Episode 5
*bk at school, Eli n Anna looked a little dwn wen they saw Spryman's seat empty during their class*
Eli: *whispered to Anna* Man, poor Paul, to be caught up in this mess
Anna; 8nods8
Eli: Do u think we should go visit him later aftr school?
Anna; Not sure, he may not want to see anyone
Eli: Doesnt hurt trying. I can see Prof. Pendragon has the same thoughts too *gestures at Anna to Pendragon*
Anna; 8looked8
*Eli showed tht Pendragon looked pensive, probably thinking abt Spryman n wanting to visit him too as he wasnt reli concentrating in teaching*
Anna; 8bit her lip8
Eli: Maybe we should ask him to go visit Paul. He might wanna meet him
Anna; Are you nuts?
Eli: *raised a brow* Wht? Wht's wrong with tht?
Anna; I don't think Paul would want to see anyone now
Eli: Not evn the guy he's crushing for? If I were him, he'd be the one person I'd love to meet to make me feel better
Anna; After what
Eli: Bt he needs to be reassured tht he's not worthless, the Pendragon still cares. I would
Pendragon; Care to share something with the rest of the class girls?
Eli: Guh...!! *looked dwn awkwardly* Um, um, no, sir, sorry, sir...
Anna; 8went back to taking notes8
Eli: *bit her lip, wanting to say the truth to him bt not while they were in class*
Pendragon; 8continued with the lesson8
Eli: *waited till aftr class n approached Pendragon, unable to hold it in anymore* Professor?
Pendragon; 8looked over8
Eli: *took a deep breath n let it out* R u going to visit Paul?
Pendragon; What?
Eli: R u going to visit Paul or not?
Pendragon; 8growled8 I've tried
Eli: *raised a brow* Wht's stopping u, sir?
Pendragon; I've tried to see Paul but he's still shaken by the ordeal
Eli: With all due respect, sir, ur not evn trying
Pendragon; 8snarled8
Eli: He needs u the most right now, evn tho he denies it. He needs u to knw tht u dont see him as dirty, as being used, as a whore. U avoiding him like this is going to make him feel evn more abandoned. His parents arent going to be enough for him. He needs u! *huffed n spun round, stomping out of class*
Anna; 8ran after her8
*meanwhile the younger kids, at the special class, were being looked out for by their concerned friends, tho not to the point of smothering*
Sakra; 8stared into space, sighing8
*a light tap on her shoulder was felt, as she was sitting near the window*
Sakura; 8turned round8
Terrence: *grinned bk at her, his gargoyle features not there during the daytime*
Sakura; Oh, hey Terry
Terrence: How was ur day so far?
Saura; Quiet
Terrence: I heard. How's ur big brother?
Sakura; Still shaken 8sighed8
Terrence: Terra is worried too. We wish him the best of luck
Sakura; Thanks
Terrence: Anyway, I'm here to invite u n Rory to our house for dinner. Terra's been bugging me to ask u guys. So, u wanna come?
Sakura; 8bit her lip8
Terrence: Not a good time?
Sakura; Gomenasai Terry
Terrence: S'ok *kissed her cheek* Maybe some other time
Fee: *saw it n stomped forward, taking Sakura by the hand n glared at Terrence* Stay away frm my girl!!
Terrence: Hello, Fee -_-
Sakura; 8pulled away8 Keep away from me
Terrence: She's my girl, Fee. Not urs
Fee: No way! I saw her first!!
Terrence: Ur too late on tht. I did
Sakura; 8stepped next to Terrance8
Fee: *scowled* Not fair! Why do U always get the good stuff, Terry?!
Terrence: Its not abt always getting or not. It's just luck, n right now its not urs
Sakura; 8glared at Fee8
Fee: *scowled, then picked up something random n threw it at Terrence's forehead before stomping off*
Terrence: Ouch *rubbed his head bt didnt make a fuss abt it*
Sakura; Baka 8nuzzles against her lover8
Terrence: S'ok, he'll get ovr it eventually *nuzzled bk* I'll hv to break the bad news to Terra then. She's the most excited to hv Rory ovr
Sakura; Gomenasai
Terrence: Its OK *kissed her cheek* No big. Well, gtg. U take care now
Sakura; You too
Terrence: *waved n left*
Sakura; 8picked up a book and started reading8