Episode 2
*they all drove dwn to where Pendragon's family home is with Pendragon's directions*8it was a large manor8
Spryman: *looks* W...Woah...I didnt knw u were a well-off person, Mordred...
Pendragon; 8blushed8
Ozzie: Well, we'll hv to brace ourselves now. Its ur home, Mordred. Lead the way
Pendragon; 8walked up to the door8
Spryman: *held his hand nervously*
Pendragon; 8knocked8
Butler: *answered the door* Oh! Young Master, ur home! Wat a pleasant surprise
Pendragon; Good Elliot
Elliot: Come in, come in *sees Spryman* Ah, I see u brought Young Master Spryman along. Hello
Spryman: Hi, uh...hv we met?
Elliot: No, bt Young Master spoke a lot abt u, n vry highly too *sees Oz n Thrax* N who might they be, Young Master?
Pendragon; This is Thrax and Ozzy Jones-Roja, Paul's parents
Elliot: A pleasure to meet u, Masters Jones-Roja
Ozzie: Pleasure's all ours
Thrax; 8shook his hand8
Elliot: Wat brings u all here, Young Master?
Pendragon; I need to speak with my parents
Elliot: Of course, they're at the tea room
Pendragon; Thank you 8led them to the room8
Spryman: *was nervous as hell*
*the Pendragons were sipping tea n hving casual talk wen they came in*
Pendragon; 8cleared his throat8
Mrs Pendragon: Mordred! Wat a pleasant surprise! *sees Spryman* Ah, u finally brought young Spryman ovr
Spryman: Hi, Mrs Pendragon *bowed curtly at them* Mr Pendragon
Mr Pendragon; Good to finally meet you my boy
Spryman: I evn brought my parents along. Here's my dad Thrax Roja, n my mom Osmosis Roja nee Jones
Mrs Pendragon: A pleasure *shook their hands*
Mr Pendragon; 8shook their hands8
Mrs Pendragon: Wat brings u all here, sweetie?
Pendragon; 8hesitates8
Ozzie: Its OK, Mordred, tell them
Pendragon; 8gulped and told them8
Mrs Pendragon: Wat?! U knocked him up?!
Spryman: *winced*
Mr Pendragon; 8punched Mordred right in the jaw8
Spryman: *gasped* Mordred!!
Ozzie: Woah! U dont need to be doing tht
Mrs Pendragon: He deserved it! We taught him better than to impregnate someone out of wedlock, n a minor at tht!
Thrax; 8snarled angrily8
Spryman: *nursed Pendragon's jaw* U OK, Mordred?
Ozzie: Look, we all knw this shouldnt hv happened, bt it has happened, n the best thing we can do is give the children support
Pendragon; Hardly
Mrs Pendragon: Tht is not gonna happen! Maybe ur family is a bit on the loose end of the floosy, bt our family cannot tolerate this! Tell them, honey! *turns to her husband*
Mr Pendragon; Such a thing never happens in our family and we took precautions to ensure it
Ozzie: Now wait just a minute there, u cant say tht u've nvr mistakes like this evr. U cant be too careful
Mrs Pendragon: Hmph! I see where this is going. Ur rooting for our family fortune, n this is how u'll tie us dwn. Well I say we get rid of the bastard child n be done with both of ur relationship. U should find someone of ur age, Mordred
Thrax; Oh come off it, he's only a few years older than Paul
Spryman: No! *hugged his middle* No, Momma, pls, I dont wanna get rid of the baby! Momma, tell em!
Ozzie: My husband's right. He's only a few yrs older, n in a couple more years, he'll be officially an adult. N does a child's life seem so insignificant to u tht ur willing to kill it to save face?
Mr Pendragon; 8snorted8
Mrs Pendragon: We r one of the old families who were alongside the Avalons for generations, n we're not abt to be tainted by some commoner
Ozzie: Watch who ur calling 'commoner', lady
8the lights suddenly flickered8
Mrs Pendragon: Woah, wat the...?
8the lights continued to do that and a cold air rushed through the place8
Mrs Pendragon: Wa...Wat's going on here?
Ozzie: *looks ard cautiously, holding Spryman close*
8there standing by the door was a young gentleman but he was transparent8
Spryman: *shocked* Momma...Pops...Ur not doing this, r u?
Ozzie: No, I didnt. W...Who the heck is tht?
8the young spirits was glaring at the older Pendragons8
Mrs Pendragon: *was terrified*
Spryman: M...Mordred, who is tht...?
Pendragon; Lord Gracey
Ozzie: Lord Gracey, who's tht?
Pendragon; This mansion was his home
Mrs Pendragon; *cowered to her husband*
Ozzie: U mean he was the previous owner?
Pendragon; 8nods as he bowed to the spirit8
Mr. Pendragon; 8his knees knocked8
Spryman: *followed n bowed at him too*
Ozzie: *followed suite*
Thrax; 8likewise8
8the young spirit nodded to them8
Mrs Pendragon: W...Wat do u want frm us? Our families hv made peace wtih u throughout the generations. Wat do u want?
Gracey; For years I have watched your family's ways and frankly I have had it with you
Mrs Pendragon: W...We're preserving the lifestyle U hv upheld. We were following UR example
Gracey; A life I was planning on giving up for my bride
Mrs Pendragon: Wat do u want us to do then...?
Gracey; Leave this place and you so-called high social life
Mrs Pendragon: No, we cant. We've lived here for generations. U cant make us. If its the child u want the boy to keep, then fine. Hv it ur way
Gracey; 8snapped his fingers and several other ghosts appeared8
Ozzie: Woah!
Mrs Pendragon: Wat is this? Tht's not fair! Mordred gets to keep the baby! We wont make the kid abort it!! This is our home! Honey, say something!
Mr Pendragon; 8was petrified with fear8
Spryman: Pls, milord. Let them be. Its OK. If they want to stay here, leave them be. Just dont let them take my baby away. I've lost twice, n I cant lose it again
Gracey; That I will not allow my boy
Spryman: Thank u. Its enough for me, pls rest in peace
Gracey; Alas I can not
Ozzie: Then we humbly ask tht u dont haunt the Pendragons. Dont kick them out of their own home. Its all they've got
Maid; Hardly
Ozzie: Well, since we got ur approval of keeping the child, we'll just leave it at tht. We might come bk to discuss wedding plans, bt we'll leave u to straighten out ur skeletons in the closet. Lets go, guys
Thrax; 8lead them out8
8one ghost tipped his hat to them8
Spryman: *held onto Pendragon as they all left the house*