Emily; 8was standing by the window looking out to the horizion8
Ozzy: 8takes a breath n approaches her8 Emily...?
8the young blonde turned to him8
Ozzy: /Umm, r u alright? Wat r u looking at?/
Emily; I am waiting for him
Ozzy: /Waiting for who?/
Leota; 8rolled her eyes8 Her groom
Ozzy: /I knw, I wanna hear it frm her, hush/
Paul: Momma is in police mode, just let him do his job
Emily; For George he said he would come
Ozzy: /Looks like she's also stuck in the past/
Paul: Tht means we need to find her groom like we did with Victor
Pendragon; The question where is he/
Paul: Not sure 8turns to Thrax8 Maybe u can use the pendant to try and find him, Pops
Thrax; 8took it out8
8the pendant glowed n pointed towards a certain direction due north8
8the group followed it8
Paul: So...Marigold? Whatever happened to Lord Gracey aftr Emily's death?
Leota; What do you mean my boy?
Paul: Well, she was set to marry George Gracey, right? So...wat happened aftr she died? Who found her? Wat happened to the groom aftr the fact?
Leota; Like Edward with Elizabeth George was the one who found Emily but no one knows what happened to him
Ozzy: /Did he die alone? Or did he remarry? Or did he just disappeared?/
Leota; He disappeared shortly after her death, rumours flying along saying he murdered her n ran off with some circus girl, yeah right I knew him inside out n he was never like that
Ozzy: /Ppl tend to exaggerate things n make up stuff to fill in the blanks tht they couldn't understand bk in the old days/
Thrax; 8rolled his eyes n looked out as they where being lead to the bayou8
8a man fitting George's description was standing on the bridge tht faced the bayou8
Paul: I think tht's him
8the group walked over to him8
George: 8didn't turn to see them8
Paul: Umm, excuse me? R u... George? George Gracey?
George: 8doesnt respond evn tho he turned to look at them8
Leota; George?
Ozzy: 8waved his hand across his face8 /It looks like he's catatonic, like he's in a trance/
Thrax; 8looked round8
8there was a cold aura going abt, bt dark at the same time8
Thrax; 8shivered8
Paul: Shh... U hear something?
Ozzy: 8listened8 /Yeah, I think I do/
Leota; 8looked round8
Lottie; 8hid behind Pendragon8
Voice: He's mine... Ur not taking him away frm me... He... Is... Mine...
George: 8backed away frm the group n leaned bk till he fell into the bayou waters8
Leota; George!! 8stared in shock n looked like she was gripping her head8 Not again, not again
Ozzy: 8ran n dove after him to try n pull him bk up8
Paul: Wats wrong, Marigold? U knw something?
Leota; 8kept repeating8 Not again, not again 8tears streamed down her cheeks8
Thrax; 8went after Ozzy8
Paul: Lottie, wats the matter wtih ur mom?
Ozzy: 8managed to grab George n pulled him up onto the bridge8
Thrax; 8helped him8
Lottie; Mommy lost daddy in the bayou long ago
Paul: Oh... How did tht happen? The curse?
Lottie; Mommy didn't say, she n daddy went out to the bayou to gather things for dinner but only mommy came back
Paul: Oh dear... 8sees Thrax n Oz coming bk up wtih George8 Hey, Momma, Pops, u OK? How's George?
Thrax; 8hauled the two up8
Ozzy: 8coughed a bit n chked George, who didnt look distressed or evn acknowledging anything, just catatonic8 Still out of it, bt he's alright
Pendragon; What now/
Paul: We need to find the owner of the voice. Whoevr was saying tht must've been the one who just made George try to off himself just now. Prolly tht's wat killed him too
Thrax; 8looked round8
Ozzy: 8his pendant started to glow in reaction to the cold aura n slowly pointed towards a direction up southeast8
Thrax; 8helped the others up then led the group away8
Ozzy: 8let the pendant lead the way8
Pendragon; 8looked round8
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