8the group made it into the woods n searched high n low8
Ozzy: 8used his pendant to pinpoint her location8
Lottie; 8saw air bubbles on the surface of a nearby bog n floated over to it8
8the gang followed aftr her8
8there was a deep blue glow as another spirit broke the surface, a tall thin virus in a stylish suit, top-hat n white spats. His facial structure was of African origin with pale purple eyes that resembled Lottie's8
Ozzy: /Woah, is tht...?/
Paul: I think it is. Its Marigold's husband, Lottie's dad
Lottie; 8smiled8 Daddy 8ran to him n hugged8
He-virus; 8held her close8
Ozzy: 8felt the crystal ball going lighter n saw it float towards the he-virus8
He-virus; 8looked up8 Marigold? My goddess what happened to you?
Lottie: Its the curse, Daddy. They locked her spirit inside tht crystal ball n made her use her powers to lure all those spirits into the mansion
He-virus; 8snarled showing his black fangs8
Lottie: We found ur murderer, Daddy. We need to pursue her n return Emily's groom bk to her
He-virus; I wish I could join you in the hunt but- 8lifted his arm revealing a heavy chain8
Paul: Woah, n lemme guess, u can only be free if we defeat ur murderer?
He-virus; As well as free my wife
Ozzy: /Cool. U guys stay here, we'll handle this. We might need ur help, Marigold. N u, Paul, u hv to stay here/
Paul: Aww, Momma, can't I come?
Thrax; You're staying here my boy
Paul: OK... 8took the crystal ball n passed it to Pendragon8 Be safe, hun
Pendragon; We will 8kissed him8
8the group soon headed out, following the pendant's direction again8
8they looked round8
8it led them to a dark, danky swamp8
Leota; 8narrowed her eyes8
Ozzy: /Show urself, Maurice! We knw ur here!/
8the swamp bubbled ovr fiercely n a huge being emerged out frm under it, like a cross btwn a bog and a swamp monster, Maurice's true form8
Ozzy: /Hah! Bet they named u tht coz they were hoping for a nice little boy instead of a crazy girl like u!/
Maurice: ENOUGH!! 8crashed her huge webbed fists towards them8
Leota; 8blocked the attacks8
Ozzy: 8used his pendant to create a force field for the group8
Thrax; 8snarled8
8the group started a huge fight, them vs Maurice8
Thrax; 8doged n swiped at her8
Maurice: 8dodged8 U'll nvr destroy me! George is MINE!
Thrax; 8his eyes suddenly went black as dark energy transformed him8
Ozzy: 8sees Thrax8 /Baby?/
Thrax; 8his skin turned black, his skin a deep purple n his eyes a toxic green with wisps of dark magic streaming from them8
Leota; Oh boy
Ozzy: /W-Wat's going on wtih him??/
Leota; I've only heard of this but never seen it, it's shadow magic very dark n very powerful
Ozzy: /He's not being possessed, is he?/ 8was getting worried8
Leota; 8shook her head8
Thrax; 8his claws surrounded in a black/purple flame n he charged at the swamp beast8
8the pendant Ozzy was wearing suddenly glowed, as if reacting to Thrax's magic n it also transformed him slightly, turning his membrane orange-blue n his blades suddenly shot out at the important parts, looking black in colour8
Ozzy: /Woah.../ 8kicked into action as he joined Thrax in the fight8
8a huge fight soon ensued8
Pendragon; 8had back off slighhtly8
8both Ozzy n Thrax slashed at Maurice, then Ozzy noticed something tht was dimly glowing at her throat8
Ozzy: /Babe! Use ur killer claw! Get to her voicebox!/
Thrax; 8smirked n slashed her8
Ozzy: /Marigold, charge me up!/ 8brandished his blade on his knuckles8[1:39:58 AM] xSapphire-Catx Hudson: Leota; 8transfered some of her power8
Ozzy: 8received the power onto his blades8 Say goodbye to ur powers, bitch 8slammed his blade into her voicebox8
Maurice: 8let out a gurgling sound as dark energy shot out in beams out of her throat n her whole body disintegrated into goop, n within the goop, George who was held captive inside her body slid out8
Thrax; 8pulled him away8
Ozzy: 8leapt off to the side8
8Maurice was no more, dissolving into black goop tht got swallowed into nothingness by the swamp8
Pendragon; 8sighed in relief8
Ozzy: 8gently patted George's face8 /Hey, hey, buddy, u OK? Wake up/
George: 8slowly stirred n his eyes were no longer in a trance8 Ugghh... W-Where am I...?
Thrax; 8shifted back to normal8 In the swamp near the manor
George: Emily... I need to find Emily... She was late, n the guests were leaving...
Ozzy: /She's right at the attic. She's waiting for u. We'll take u to her/
Thrax; 8helped him up8
George: 8nodded n let them lead him8
Paul: 8sees the group coming, turns to Lottie n her dad8 We'll be right bk 8followed aftr the group8
Emily; 8was waiting in the attic8
Ozzy: 8ushered George to go forward8
George: 8came frm behind n hugged Emily8
Emily; 8spun round n smiled8
George: My darling, wat kept u? The guests r starting to leave
Emily; I'm not sure 8her face started to fill out n her dress was repaired8
George: 8smiled8 It doesnt matter. As long as ur here. Come, let's go before the priest leaves too 8takes Emily's hand n led her out of the attic8
8the group followed8
8the couple made their way to the front yard where a lavish outdoor wedding setting was set, with white n gold, pink n blue as the colour-theme. There were guests sitting or standing ard their seats n the priest waiting at the altar, n evryone started clapping their hands to finally see the bride n groom arrive, n as they continued clapping, they began to glow brightly just as it did during Melanie's wedding before they slowly dissolved into white glowing butterflies n George n Emily transformed into two white doves n flew into the horizon with butterflies following them in their wake, disappearing into thin air8
Thrax; 8smiled warmly
Ozzy: 8felt the crystal ball starting to crack n quickly put it dwn8 M-Marigold?
8the glass sphere shattered as green smoke filled the room, when it cleared a pale she-cell dressed in gypsy clothes stood surrounded by the glass shareds8
Paul: Woah! U...Ur free!
Lottie: 8materialized with her dad n ran to hug her8 Mommy!
Leota; 8held her daughter close as her husband kissed her8
Ozzy: 8smiled at the reunion8
Paul: Finally, ur free. Ur all free. The whole house is free, I bet
8the group looked at them, saying 'thank you' before they faded into the light8