TOYLB: Trials & Tribulations- Season 1-7

*the duo went to the hospital where Klepta n the baby were*

Ozzie: *went to the reception to inquire where the baby nursery is*

8the receptionist directed him8

Ozzie: *thanked her n went to the nursery, then sees Klepta in there cradling the baby girl* Hey, Klep

Thrax; 8stood by the door8

Klepta: *looks up* Hey, Osbourne. Hey, Thrax

Ozzie: We're so sorry for ur loss

Thrax; 8nods8

Klepta: *looked dwn sadly* at least he did something good. He left something beautiful behind

Thrax; 8smiled8

Ozzie: Wats the docs' verdict on her?

Klepta: She's dominantly my genes, bt I hv a feeling she's inherited Eddie's Deadman powers, coz wen the doc pricked her to get a blood sample, I saw her blood droplets levitated. The doc didnt notice it bt I did

Thrax; 8inhaled deeply8

Klepta: If u guys still hv info abt how Deadmen works, could u gimme a copy, so I would knw wat to expect n knw wat to do to train her wen she's older

Ozzie: Sure, we will. Got a name for her?

Thrax; 8listened8

Klepta: *thought for a while, then smiled n said* Edwina, its female wordplay for Eddie's name

Ozzie: Sounds beautiful

Thrax; 8nods, smiling8

Klepta: Edi (pronounced ee-dee) for short. Hey, Edi. I'm ur father. *nuzzled him* Ur mother gave his life for u. Remember tht

Thrax; 8nods, smiling n watched8

Edi: *cooed n whimpered, wanting milk*

Ozzie: Need my help? I think I hv some since I'm still nursing Ozma

Klepta: If its OK with u, Thrax

Thrax; It's fine

Ozzie: *sat dwn n gestured for Klepta to hand him Edi*

Klepta: *does so n watched Oz feeding his daughter*

Thrax; 8smiled8

Ozzie: I can pump u a supply for now, bt later on, ur gonna hv to figure out how to get some for urself

Klepta: I heard there r some hospice nearby tht accepts donated breastmilk. Maybe I could go there. Or I could just hire a wetnurse

Thrax; See what ya can do

Klepta: *nodded* Ur kinda ovrdue, arent u? I heard abt Othello frm Mira

Ozzie: Yeah, I am, bt she'll come out wen she's ready. I'm off to stay at Drix's lab clinic now until my birth

Klepta: Excited abt it?

Thrax; he is

Klepta: Wat abt u, Thrax?

Thrax; Neutral

Klepta: Neutral? Arent u looking forward to see ur other firstborn?

Thrax: Technically secondborn if Olivia's the first n frankly it's Othello attidude that has me concerned

Klepta: How so? *hasnt known much abt Othello, only wat Miracle briefly told him*

Thrax; 8explained8

Klepta: Oh my...Well, it's understandable, since she is the one who feels the most betrayed

Ozzie: We'll get thru this. We've tamed Livi, I'm sure we can tame Othello. N she's more or less pretty calm right now

Thrax; 8looked unsure8

Ozzie; *sees her done n patted her to burp her*

Thrax; 8twitched his ears8

Edi: *burped pretty loud*

Ozzie: *chuckles n handed her to Klepta* Here u go. I'll just pump some milk for ur supply. Better be quick abt settling tht, Edi is gonna need a lot of milk to grow

Klepta: *nods* Gotcha

Thrax; Think you can manage/

Klepta: I'll be fine. I'll get to the nurses right away to get this ovr n done with

Ozzie: Sooner the better *started pumping*

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzie: *finished pumping abt 2 bottles worth n gave it to him* Here ya go

Klepta: Thanks, bro. Ur off to Drix's now?

Ozzie: Yup. Cya then, n congratulations

Thrax; 8bid the virus good day n left with his mate8

*moments later they were at Drix's lab clinic*

Drix: Glad u could make it

Ozzie: Glad to be here

Thrax; 8sat down8

Drix: Alright, lemme examine u for a bit

Ozzie: *nods n sat dwn on the examination table*

Thrax; 8watched8

Drix: A little ovrdue, arent u? U reli like being in there, huh, sweetie?

Ozzie: *chuckles* I guess so. Bt wen she's out, I predict she'll be a spitfire

Thrax; That's putting it mildly

Drix: *finished his examination* Well, she looks like she's in good health. I guess we'll let nature take its course then. Lets get u to ur room. THere's a wheelchair ovr there, Thrax, u can use tht for him

Thrax; 8brought it in8

Ozzie: *got up with Drix's help n sat on the chair*

Drix: I've got some things to run, so u'll hv to go urself. Room is on 2nd floor to ur left, then 3 doors to ur right

Thrax; Thanks man

Ozzie: Thanks. Lets go, hon

Thrax; 8wheeled him to the room8

Ozzie: *once they were in the room, slowly got up n got onto bed* Ooff, she's heavy

Thrax; She'll be out soon

Ozzie: *nods* We'll just hv to wait

Thrax; 8nods9


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