TOYLB: Lurker in the Shadows- Season 7-9

Thrax; 8stretched out his muscles8

Ozzie: *got out the paperwork to fill in to enroll Olivia to Avalon*

Thrax; 8twitched an ear as hhe head Sakura n Rory playing music8

Ozzie: *hears them too n smiled as he continued filling it in* Talented as evr, arent they?

Thrax; 8smiled8

Ozzie: Hey, Thrax?

Thrax; Hmmm/

Ozzie: I was thinking...maybe u can do the snip the same time I go do tht thing abt Livi's twin

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzie; I havent reli set an appointment or discussed with Drix yet bt...maybe we could invite him n his family to dinner tonight n we can discuss it. Give them a headsup on Eddie as well

Thrax; Of course

Ozzie: Then I'll text Drix abt dinner then *grabbed his cell*

Thrax; 8checked on the kids8

Drix: *was at home playing with Sally wen he got the text n read it* Oh, looks like we're invited to hv dinner with Oz at their plc, darling

Leah; 8was doing a few press up with harmon on her back8 Zounds great

Drix: *chuckles* Still hv time to do work-outs, eh? U hving fun sitting on Mommy's bk, sweetheart?

Harmon: *giggled while grabbing on his mother tight*

Leah; 8smiled8

Drix: we're hving dinner at Uncle Oz n Thrax plc tonight, sweetheart

Sally: Yayy~! I can play wif Hope n the twins~!

Leah; Zure zveetie

*the family got ready n soon showed up at their home just a bit before dinnertime*

Drix: *rang the doorbell*

Thrax; 8let them in8

Drix: Hey, am I late?

Ozzie: No, just in time. I'm almost done

Sally: *squealed as she made her way to the girls to play*

Leah; How r jou all doing/

Ozzie: Pretty good, so far. Tho we hv found a surprise *set up the table*

Drix: A surprise?

Leah; 8arched a brow8

Ozzie: Thrax, u tell them. I need to bring in the food. N kids, go wash up for dinner

Kids: 'Kaaaaaay~!

Thrax; 8turned to them n explain what's was happening8

Drix: Woah! R u serious?

Thrax; 8nods8

Drix: So...u sure Edison is tame now? He's not gonna hurt Oz?

Ozzie: He had plenty of chances bt didnt do anything, so I assume he's safe for now

Leah; He vouldn't rishk it now

Ozzie: I suppose so *sees the kids coming* All washed up?
Kids: Yup~ *shows their clean hands*

Ozzie: Good, up u go, take ur seats. Dinner's ready

8everyone took their seats8

Ozzie: *brought in the soup, the last in the list, n joined them, tucking in*

Leah; 8fed Harmon8

Drix: Eh? Where's Ozma? Arent u feeding her?

Ozzie: I fed her abt an hour ago, she's nicely tucked in n asleep. She'll be fine

Leah; 8smiled8

Drix: Reli big family, huh?

Ozzie: *grins* Wat can I say? I'm the Germinator *laughed at tht pun*

Thrax; 8rolled his eyes8

*everyone ate their dinner heartily, then the kids went to do their own thing while the adults settled in the living room, relaxing*

Ozzie: *brought some drinks* Coffee, anyone?

Leah; Decaff pleas

Drix: Black with two sugars

Ozzie: *made those drink, n made Thrax's one just the way he liked it before serving them*

Thrax; Thanks baby

Drix: So wat's reli the occasion here. I knw u long enough to knw tht wen u ask us ovr for a meal out of the blue, it usually concerns something

Ozzie: *chuckles* Nothing gets past u, does it, Drips?

Drix: Its Drix *grins, knwing tht Oz was just teasing him with tht nickname*

Leah; 8smirks8

Ozzie: Well, its this... *tells him abt his knowledge of Olivia's twin n his intention to carry her to term, n also Thrax's plan to get the snip*

Drix: Well, the snip is no difficult task, I can do it, bt Olivia's twin is a tricky situation. U sure u wanna do this, wat with ur womb problem n all?

Leah; 8looked at her friend8

Ozzie: *nods determinedly* I'm vry sure. Olivia's beating herself up ovr this. She was part of Olivia, n its only right tht she be bk with her, n she's our daughter, no matter wat form she takes. We want our family to be whole, n she's the missing piece of the puzzle

Leah; And vat of her perzonality/

Ozzie: We'll hv to deal with it. We've dealt with worse, we can do it again. She's our daughter, Leah girl. I cant abandon her like this

Leah; 8nods understanding8

Ozzie: So will u help me?

Drix: Sure, I will. I'd do anything for my best friend. Bt first we need to figure out how to work tht AI womb of urs. Dont want it to go wonky on u wen we do this procedure

Leah; Zat vould be zee main problem

Ozzie: *sighed* Yeah, I knw. It turns me into some hibernating polar bear, missing out on so many events where I should be ard with my kids, then caused my kids to hv handicaps...I dont want tht to happen to Othello...

Drix: Othello?

Ozzie: *chuckles a little* I dunno why, I've decided to name Olivia's twin tht, well, if its OK with u, hon

Leah; Isn't Othello a boy's name? n I'm zure this one's a girl

Ozzie: Reli? Bt I dunno, it seems to suit it tho...

Thrax; Does roll off the tongue

Ozzie: We'll decide properly wen its born, bt for now, we'll settle wif Othello

Thrax; 8nods8

Drix: U most likely hv to run some tests to figure tht womb out, maybe need a bit of coordination. U alright to come ovr to our lab tomorrow?

Ozzie: *turns to Thrax* Do we hv any ongoing cases so far?

Thrax; 8looked at the calender8

*there were some, bt not many, n none of them in need of any hurry*

Thrax; Not much n not very big ones

Ozzie: Alright. Then I think I can go to ur lab tomorrow. If its OK for u to babysit Ozma, Leah girl

Leah; No problem Ozzy

Drix: Right, then I'll cya tomorrow then. U gonna come along too, Thrax?

Thrax; 8looked at his mate8

Ozzie: U can join if u want to, I dont mind

Thrax; 8smiled8


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