*meanwhile, the kids were still at Terrence n Terra's home, enjoying themselves*
Sakura; 8was drawing8
Kiaran&Ozzex: *were playing video games with Terrence*
Twins: *played house*
Rory; 8was composing8
Jared: *was playing hide n seek with Hope n Terra*
Terra; 8giggled8
Mrs Avalon: Oh kids, time for dinner~ Maybe one of u should call ur parents to say ur hving dinner with us
Sakura; 8headed to the phone and dialed home8
*no one was home, since they were still at the ramen shop*
Sakura; 8dialed her parents cells8
*Ozzie's cell rang*
Ozzie: *picks up* Hello?
Sakura; Momma, it''s Sakura
Ozzie: Hey, sweetie. How're u enjoying urself at Terry n Terra's?
Sakura; We're having a great time, we'll be staying with them for dinner
Kiaran: *whispers to Sakura* Ask if we can spend the night too, Terra insists
Ozzie: I heard tht, Kia *turns to Thrax* They wanna stay the night at the Avalons
Thrax; No question from me
Ozzie: Alright, ur dad says yes too. Be good kids alright? Dont bother Mr n Mrs Avalon too much
Sakura; We won't
Ozzie: Alright. Cya tomorrow then. Hv fun *hangs up*
Sakura; 8set the phone down8
Kiaran: So, can we stay the night?
Sakura; Hai
Kiaran: Yayy~!
Terra: Dinner time now, guys, lets go *hugs Rory's arm*
Terrence: *takes Sakura's hand* Come, I told the maids to make ur favourite dish
Sakura; Arigato
*the kids all gathered at the dinner table n ate*
Mrs Avalon: Help urselves. There's more where tht came frm
Terra: Dont mind if I do *gets her big helping as usual*
8Sakura and Rory only took a small amount8
*the kids took their share too*
Kiaran: Wow, big appetite as usual, huh, Terra?
Terra: Yup, cant help it. My high metabolism commands me to *laughs*
Rory; 8sighed8
Terra: *notices* Wat's wrong, Rory?
Rory; Just thinking
Terra: Abt wat? *sits close to him n ate her dinner
Rory; Was it a mistake coming here?
Terra: Huh? Coming to this city or coming to our home?
Rory; 8coming to this city
Terra: Why do u suddenly think tht?
Rory; We always seem to bring bad luck whereever we go
Terra: Dont blame urself. Things were already bad since the beginning of this city. Its nothing wrong with u
Rory; 8didn' look convinced8
Terra: *nuzzled him to make him feel better*
Rory; 8finished his portion9
Terrence: *was eating his food n saw Sakura enjoying hers* Can I hv some~? *opens his mouth, wanting to be fed*
Sakura; 8fed him a bit8
Terrence; *giggled as he chewed* Mm, I can see why this is ur favourite
Sakura; 8blusheed8
Twins: *giggled teasingly at their lovey-dovey*
Rory; 8rolled his eyes8
Jared: *along with Hope, were tired out frm their whole day playing n ended up falling asleep while eating*
8a couple of servanrs cleaned them up then brought them to their room8
Mrs Avalon: Aww, falling asleep while eating. Tht is so cute. I remember Terry used to do tht aftr a long day playing ball with his friends
Terrence: M-Mom~ *blushed*
Sakura; 8hid a smirk8
Terra: *giggled* I remember tht
Terrence: *pouts* Quiet, u~!
Rory; 8shook his head and cleared away his dishes8
Mrs Avalon: Its OK, leave it to the maids *signaled for the maids to clean up*
8they came and cleared away the plates8
Mrs Avalon: Alright, kids, ur excused. Go ahead n hv fun, bt dont sleep too late
8the kids left8
Mrs Avalon: *went off to do her thing, n came bk abt 2 n a half hours later to find tht all the kids were snoozing in the game room, all tuckered out* My, my *called for the servants*
8the came in and carried the children to bed8
Mrs Avalon: *carried her own twins n tucked them in*
8the others fallowed8