Episode 1
*soon Miracle's appointment with Livi arrived. He went to the hospital to do his private show for the elderly while waiting for the chance for Livi to show up for her private show at pediatrics*
Alexis; 8looked round8
Lexington: *whispered to Alexis* She's here, at pediatrics, one floor below us. Wanna chk her out first?
Alexis; 8nods8
Lexington: *led him dwn to the pediatrics floor, where a sweet-soothing voice was heard*
Alexis; 8twitched his ears8
Lexington: *followed the singing n found her in the lounge room, singing to the children, playing her large cello at the same time*
Alexis; 8watched her8
Livi: *looks just as her picture was, n she was wearing an interesting buckle-designed dress with mesh gloves n was singing like an angel*
Alexis; 8twitched his nose8
Lexington: *noticed* Wassup? Notice something?
Alexis; Her scent
Lexington: Anything familiar?
Alexis; 8nods8
Livi: *finished her song n caught sight of Lexington n Alexis, bt maintain a professional air n continued her show*
Alexis; 8bit his tongue
Miracle: *took a break frm his show n went looking for Alexis*
Alexis; 8beckoned him over8
Miracle: *came to him* U found her?
Alexis; 8nods8
Miracle; Where is she?
Alexis; 8pointed to the girl8
Miracle: *looked at her* Man, seeing her in person, she reli does look like a female version of Ozzex
Alexis; 8nods8
Miracle: Lets wait for both our shows to finish then we'll chat
Alexis; Alright
*they both went on with the show, then later on, Miracle finally hv sometime to chat with Livi*
Miracle: Hey, Livi right? Great singing ovr there
Livi: Ur not too bad urself. Real name's Olivia, btw 8shook his hand*
Alexis; 8came up8
Olivia: *looks up* This must the famous Alexis Harb, ur mate, right?
Miracle: Yup, my one n only *nuzzled him*
Alexis; 8purred8
Olivia: Nice. U wouldnt be related to...Osmosis Jones now, would u?
Miracle: Yeah, he's my dad. Why? U knw him?
Olivia: Only by tabloid reputation *grins*
Alexis; 8arched a brow8
Miracle: Cool. Hey, how's abt dinner amongst stars? U, me n The Biotics, get to knw each other's ropes
Olivia: Well, I wouldnt want to impose...
Alexis; 8looked at his mate8
Miracle: No, its OK, reli. I'd love to get to knw a fellow star as well
Olivia: Well, I guess it wouldnt hurt. Yeah, sure, dinner it is then
Alexis; Any idea where
Miracle: I'll give 'em a ring *dials the number* ....Hello? Hey, Uncle Klep. How's it hanging? Yo, wanna hv dinner somewhere? I've got Livi with me...OK, sure...Where? OK...Yeah cool, we'll be there. Cya *hangs up*
Alexis; 8cocked a brow8
Miracle: We're eating somewhere at the Bronkitis District
Olivia: Oh, I heard there've got the best good ol' fashioned Scots delicacy there
Alexis; Sounds good
Miracle: Then its settled then *smiled*
Olivia: *smiled bk*
Alexis; Lead the way songbird
Olivia: *giggled* Songbird. Tht;s a cute pet name
Miracle: Well, u cant deny where tht's coming frm
Alexis; 8smirked8
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