Episode 1
*time soon came for Oz to be enrolled into his first day in college. The night before, Oz almost couldnt sleep bcoz of the excitement, n now he was in the kitchen, on the first day of college, sipping coffee alone nervously*
Thrax; You'll be fine ozzy
Ozzie: I knw, bt still... *takes another sip*
Thrax; 8stroked his cheek8
Ozzie: *finishes his coffee, takes a deep breath n gathered his books* Alright, I'm set. Can u gimme a ride, love?
Thrax; Sure I need to look for a good nursery school
Ozzie: With our kids' advanced mentality? I think they're smart enough to go for elementary school
THrax; You sure? Child progenies have trouble fitting in
Ozzie: True, bt then it'll be harder for them to fit in with other kids their age because of their advanced minds. Most kids their age cant evn talk as well as they can. I'm afraid they might be alienated
Thrax; 8tried to think8
Ozzie: Why not try looking for nursery schools tht hv advanced classes? Like one of those special schools for gifted kids like ours?
Thrax; Most of those places are private schools and I'm not sending our kids to one of those
Ozzie: Why not? *gets in the car along with Thrax* Its not like we cant afford it, n its not like we hv a choice. Aftr all, we've got reli smart kids
Thrax; No thanks to me
Ozzie: Hey~ Dont say tht. It's a good thing, reli. Having smart kids is not a bad thing. Shows we got good genes
Thrax; 8blushed8
Ozzie: I'll try to look ard as well, bt we most likely hv special school as our only option for our babies
Thrax; Maybe
Ozzie: *gave directions for Thrax as to where his college is*
Thrax; 8drove him8
*a few miles later, they finally reached the college*
Thrax; Here it is
Ozzie: *took a deep breath* Well, here goes. I'll cya then, baby *leans ovr to kiss him*
Thrax; 8kissed him back8
Ozzie: *nuzzled n got out of the car, making his way into the college building, joining the other freshmen*
Thrax; 8drove off8
Ozzie: *watched for the last time of Thrax leaving before finally entering the building, keeping his fingers crossed*
Thrax; 8looked round the area for a good school8
*most of the schools were slightly too regular for the kids*
Thrax; 8bit his tongue8
Drix: *was at the vicinity doing a bit of patrol wen he saw Thrax n waved at him*
Thrax; 8stopped the car8
Drix: *came up to him* Hey, Thrax. Watcha doing? Arent u supposed to be in the office at work?
Thrax; Trying to find and good school for the kids, besides I'm working the late shift
Drix: Oh right, I forgot abt tht. Well, any luck?
Thrax; No luck yet
Drix: Tried the special schools yet?
Thrax; My next stop
Drix: Hope u get it. Ur kids deserve the best
Thrax; Thanks man
Drix: No big. Cya at late shift then
Thrax; 8waved and drove off8
Drix: *watched him leave before continuing his patrol*
Thrax; 8drove round8
*aftr probably a dozen schools later, there was one tht looked quite promising, which was the same block as where Oz used to do Frank's Diner catering for the conglomerate*
Thrax; 8decided to look round8
*the school was called Medula Imaginarium, n had all the makings of a semi-private school, n the plc looked ppl-friendly enough*
Thrax; 8scratched his chin8
*bell rang for recess n the kids were let out to play. A teacher saw Thrax n approached*
Teacher: Can I help u, sir?
Thrax; Forgive me, I was wondering if my mate and I enrol our children here
Teacher: Oh? Are ur children somewht special in a way?
Thrax; Let's just say they're quite knowledgable
Teacher: Ah, then u hv come to the right plc. Our school specializes in advanced children to help them cope with the educational world n prepare them for a competitive future. Would u like a tour?
Thrax; Yes please
Teacher: *showed the virus ard, including the facilities, the classes, the children, the staff n all the fringe benefits n services provided
Thrax; 8was impressed8
Teacher: Well, wht do u think so far, Mr...?
Thrax; Roja. Thrax Roja and it appears to best the best choice
Teacher: Well then, Mr. Roja. If ur satisfied, then we're satisfied. So how many children r u enrolling in?
Thrax; Well that could be the problem
Teacher: Why? Ur enrolling in more than 2 or 3?
Thrax; Seven probably but I like to start with my eldest three
Teacher: Seven? Wow, busy bee, arent we? Alright then *takes out a folder* Here r our prospectus n application form. Feel free to enrol. Nxt semester is in abt 3 mths
Thrax; I was hping to wait a couple of years
Teacher: Oh, well, no harm in being prepared. U can come bk n enrol ur children whenever ur ready then
Thrax; Thank you
Teacher: Pleasure's all mine. Cya soon
Thrax; 8smiled and left8
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