Episode 1
Ozzie: *woke up in the morning n went dwnstairs to get a drink, still trembling frm the shock, then turned on the TV*
*the news started showing shocking news of ppl being brutally raped in their homes, both men n women, n they were nowhere near finding the culprit8
Antonio; 8stuck his head in8
Ozzie: *trembled as he watched the news in shock*
Antonio; 8sighed8 Oh Alexis
Ozzie: *fell to his knees*
Antonio; 8wrapped his arms round him8
Ozzie: This is not happening...This is not happening...
Antonio; 8stroked his hair and rubbed his back8
Takashi: *woke up n saw Ozzie gone n quickly ran dwn* O-Ozzie-chan! Ozzie-chan~! *looked ard*
Antonio; Over here
Takashi: *ran to Ozzie* O...Ozzie-chan~! *held him close* Da...Daijobu ka (is he OK)?
Antonio; In shock
Takashi: *cradled him close*
Antonio; The news isn't good
Takashi: Nani (what)? Doushite (why)?
Antonio; 8whispered to him8
Takashi: K...Kuso... (damn it)
Antonio; 8hung hos head8
Ozzie: *whimpered in Takashi's arms*
Takashi: Shh, shh, shh...
Antonio; A living nightmare
Ozzie: *passed out in Takashi's arms frm the shock*
Antonio; 8ly him on the couch8
Takashi: We gotta find Alexis oni-san n fast. He'll gonna end up getting the family in trouble
Antonio; 8rolled his eyes8
*a loud knock rang at the door*
Antonio; 8loked out the peephole8
Maria: HPD! Open the door!
Antonio; Slaggit 8backs away8
Takashi: Da...Dareka? (who is it)
Antonio; HPD
Takashi: Na...Nani??
*the knock continued*
Maria: Let us in. We've got a warrant. Dont make us break the door dwn
Antonio; 8let out a warning call to the others8
Spryman: *hears the call n came dwn* I'll handle this *opens the door* Amino, wht r u doing here at my house?
Maria: Just here to ask a few questions, is all
Antonio; 8hissed8
Spryman: Wht abt? Need I remind u I'm the mayor n u will thread cautiously ard me?
Maria: Yes, I remember. Bt wht's going on at the moment, I cant reli give tht too much of a thought
Antonio; 8narrowed his eyes8
Spryman: Wht do u want? *crossed his arms*
Maria: Just wanna ask u if this family u just took in may have anything to do with wht's recently going on in here?
8the dogs snarled at her8
Spryman: I dont knw wht ur talking abt. They just moved in here n u accusing them of all these rapes?
Maria: As a matter of fact, I am
Antonio; 8drew back8
Spryman: I could hv ur badge for accusing us like this
Maria: I knw, bt for the safety of Hector, I suggest u choose ur words carefully, coz u r still within the jurisdiction of being demoted frm office
Antonio; Back off
Spryman: *held his hand to keep Antonio bk* I assure u, we hv nothing to do with it
Sakura; 8poked her head out from the bedroom8
Ricardo: *pulled her in to keep her inside*
Griffin; 8growled at Marie8
Maria: Alright. Prove it. Show me all the family members
Antonio; 8inhaled deeply8
Spryman: Wht are u talking abt?
Maria: If indeed ur friend didnt do it, show me all the family members so I can make sure
Antonio; 8gave a hid wprried look to the others8
Spryman: *took a deep breath before replying* Fine *went to get everyone*
8everyone was on edge when they gathered8
Maria: *chked* Ur missing one person
Spryman: He's in bed, vry sick with the flu. Ur asking me to bring him dwn in his condition?
Antonio; 8thought8 She better buy it
Maria: *raised a brow*
Spryman: Dont believe me, go chk him out urself
Maria: I just might
Spryman: *gave everyone a "Trust me" look before following behind her*
Thrax; 8bit his lip hard8
*aftr a few moments, Spryman came bk dwn with Maria*
Maria: Well, u got away with it this time, bt mark my words, one foul up n ur toast. C'mon guys, we're done here *left with the team*
Spryman: *sighed in relief*
Antonio; 8looked at him confused8
Spryman: Whew! Tht was reli close *wiped the sweat off his brow*
Antonio; Ok Paul what did you do/
Spryman: I bundled up the bed to make it look like Alexis sleeping in it beforehand, n before Maria could reach ovr to touch him, I secretly played this *took out a player frm his pocket n played a vry loud coughing n wheezing voice, like someone had a vry strong flu* Tht sorta scared her away
Ricardo: *chuckles* Maria always had a fear of ppl infecting her
Antonio; And you're related to her/
Ricardo: She's my sister, remember? Evn u, of all ppl, should remember tht
Thrax; He was being sarcastic Ricardo
Ricardo: *blushed, feeling vry stupid*
Thrax; 8slowly limped back to bed8
Ozzie: * helped him along*
Antonio; 8helped a badly dazed Julius back to bed8
Takashi: *shivered a little frm the adrenaline rush aftr all tht happened*
Antonio; 8soon came back down8
Spryman: Everyone OK now?
Antonio; Yes, they're both asleep again
Takashi: And Mirakuru-chan?
Antonio; Still dazed
Takashi: *looked dwn worriedly*
Ricardo: How r we gonna tackle Alexis? A week's heat is enough for him to cause damage
Anntonio; Serious damage but catching him won't be easy
Drix: Well, we've got the tracking the device, bt to catch him...well, I'm fresh out of ideas. U guys r gonna hv to come up with something
Antonio; 8bit his lip8
Takashi: *thought deep n hard*
Sakura; 8tugged on her uncle's pnts leg8
Takashi: *looked dwn at her*
Sakura; 8handed him a rolled up paper8
Takashi: *took it* Nani, Sakura-chan? *rolled the paper*
8they were plans for a containment unit, the writing seemed to be Julius'8
Takashi: Ehh? Minna-san, mitte, mitte (everyone, look, look)
Antonio; Eh? 8looks8
Takashi: *showed the plans to everyone*
Antonio; Looks like Jules had this all planned out but Alexis got to him
Ricardo: Then I guess we should finish wht he started
Spryman: I'll get Vince to get the ppl to build it
Dieter: No worries. I vill call him *gets the phone*
Rory; 8whistled and pointed to the basement8
Dieter: Ah, zat might vork too
Spryman: Still, we might need Vince to round up some guys to build the containment unit in the basement
Dieter: *nodded n rang him*
Rory; 8snarled, opening the basemnt door and ran down8
Sakura; 8fallowed him8
Takashi: Ro...Rory-chan? *followed them*
Rory; 8was standing on top of the already built device8
Sakura; 8stood by the control panel8
Takashi: *surprised* Minna-san, mitte~! (everyone, look)
Dieter: *ended the call, which was mostly flirting with Vince n went*
Antonio; Whoa
Ricardo: Santa Madre of Hector~!
Takashi: Suge~!
8the dogs poked their heads in8
Ricardo: Now tht is wht I call awesome
Antonio; Jules always thought of everything
Takashi: Hai, hai. So shall we go capture Alexis oni-san?
Antonio; Easier said than done
Spryman: Well, we might hv to need every resource we've got to get him. I knw a few guys who could work discreetly
Antonio; He's very strong
Dieter: In zat ztate, ja
Takashi: Bt wht else can we do anyways?
Antonio; 8tried to think8
Spryman: We'll use my men anyway, bt ur gonna hv to come up with something as Plan B
Antonio; 8nodded8
Takashi: *scratched his chin, thinking*
Antonio; 8thought8 This is a nightmare
Ricardo: *held him, feeling for him as well*
Antonio; 8nuzzled him gently8
Drix: *thought for a moment before snapping his fingers n made his way upstairs to his lab*
Leah; 8cocked her brow8
Takashi: *cocked his brow as well*
Antonio; What is he at/
Dieter: No idea, bt hopefully he'z got a plan
Leah; 8nods8
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