TOYLB: Brand New Beginning-Season 2-2

Episode 2

*everyone came out of the basement n did their thing to pass the time n clear their heads*

Sakura; 8kept her nose in a book8

*all the other kids r doing their thing too*

Takashi: *played Japanese chess with Ricardo*

Antonio; 8went to check on the others8

Miracle: *was snug in his bed, whimpering a little frm something in his dream, bt more or less sleeping peacefully*

Antonio; 8smiled in satisfaction before returning to the others8

Takashi: *was winning in his game*

Leah; 8cradles her little girl8

Sally: *sucks her thumb as she slowly falls asleep*

Leah; 8stroked her hair8

Ricardo: *groaned when Takashi gave the winning checkmate*

Antonio; Bad luck love

Takashi: Yatta~! *put his arms up in victory*

Ricardo: No fair~! Japanese chess is UR expertise~!

Leah; 8rolled her eyes8

Takashi: *grins*

*suddenly a minor explosion sound was heard frm Drix's lab*

Antonio; What in the name of-/

Sally: *was jolted awake frm the sound n wailed*

Leah; 8rocked her gently and rubbed her back8

Ricardo: Wht in the world is going on up there?

Sally: *slowly calmed dwn, though still sniffling*

Antonio; 8went upstairs8

Drix: *coughing as he swiped away the smoke*

Antonio; What the hell Drix/

Drix: Sorry, guys. I was just testing on something

Antonio; Got anything

Drix: I was working on some sort of sedative tht can detain while we capture him. Some sort of tranq to subdue him enough to bring him bk

Antonio; Hope it works

Drix: Hope so too. I'm trying to make the dosage high enough to knock him out cold, bt not too high until it might kill him. Bt somehow it ended up in this *swiped away the last of the smoke n his exploded equipment*

Antonio; 8sighed8

Drix: No worries. I'm gonna try again *got ready working*

Antonio; 8went back downstairs to the others8

Takashi: *looks up* Nanda desho? (wht is it)

Antonio; Drix's experiments

Ricardo: Phew! N I thought it was an attack or something

Antonio; 8nods8

Ricardo: Alright, Taka! I want a rematch! *rolled up his sleeves n replace the chess pieces again*

Takashi: Yosh! Bring it!

Antonio; 8rolled his eyes8

*the Perez twins giggled at their mother's antics*

Rory; 8scanned through some mechanic books8

*the kids sat on either side of Takashi n Ricardo, supporting their side*

Sakura; 8rolled her eyes8

Takashi: *again, was on a roll*

Ricardo: *scratched his head*

Antonio; 8leaned back on the couch8

Ricardo: *groaned as he lost again*

*the kids laughed*

Takashi: Yatta~!

Sakura; 8twitched her ears, keeping alert8

*the other kids noticed*

Antonio; 8understood why she was on alert8

Ricardo: *pouts* Meh~! I think its time for ur milk time, kids

8his twins looked up smiling8

Ricardo: *picked them up n took them to upstairs where Hecro was lying dwn, riding out his morning sickness*

Maximus; 8looked up8

Ricardo: Hey, there, Max. Is he all good?

Maximus; Still a little uneasy with morning sickness

Ricardo: U think he's OK with feeding the twins?

Hecro: *hears him* Hey, Rick. I'm nvr too busy for u *reaches out his hands for the twins*

Maximus; 8rolled his eyes slightly8

Ricardo: U sure u OK?

Hecro: Yeah, sides ur running out of my milk in the kitchen anyways *sat up n undid his shirt to let them feed*

Maximus; We've really have to 'tighten security' shall we say

Ricardo: *raised a brow*

Maximus; 8motions to one of the side draws that Shane unlocked8

Ricardo: *sees it* Ah, right. *grins* Yeah, definitely need tight security there

Hecro: *chuckles as he continued feeding*

Maximus; 8nods8

Hecro: *was done n burped the twins*

Maximus; 8handed them gently to Ricardo8

Ricardo: Thanks, Hecro. Ur an angel *smiled n took the twins away*

Hecro: Anytime *cuddled in the covers again aftr fixing his shirt bk on*

Maximus; How long do they need to be fed like that

Hecro: Probably a couple more mths, just until their 1st bday. Its to optimize their health

Maximus; 8nods8

Hecro: Mmh, I hope this phase will go away soon. This should be called all-day sickness, not just morning sickness

Maximus; It can be the same or different depending on the person

Hecro: It wasnt this bad when I was with Shane~ *pouts*

Maximus; Hard to say what's going to happen

Hecro: *groaned as he felt like wanting to puke again*

Maximus; 8rubbed his back8

Hecro: Can u get me a paper bag or something? I dont hv the strength to go to the bathroom

Maximus; 8handed him a trash can8

Hecro: *grabbed it n hurled into the can*

Maximus; 8winces8

Hecro: *hurled for abt 3 long minutes before calming dwn*

Maximus; Better/

Hecro: Kinda... I think I might need some ginger ale again...

Maximus; You sure about drinking that stuff

Hecro: *nodded* It made me feel a bit better before. I think I'll be good

Maximus; 8nods8 Only a small glass 8leaves to get some8

Hecro: *nodded n curled in his blankets*

Maximus; 8quickly returns, setting the glass on the bedside tabel8

Hecro: *opened his eyes a little to see the drink, then reaches ovr to sip it just a little before lying bk dwn*

Maximus; 8sat beside him8

Hecro: I love u, Chris, n our baby *slowly falls asleep*

Maximus; 8softly stroked his hair8


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