TOYLB: Brand New Beginning-Season 1-12

Episode 12

Alexis; 8struggled and pulled at the chains8

Miracle: *could hear him, bt didnt move frm his spot*

Alexis; 8snarled and roared8

*the chains were reli starting to crack n break*

Alexis; 8struggled8

Miracle: *had a bad feeling bt kept his ground*

Alexis; 8roared8

*the chains snapped*

Alexis; 8snarled, looking round before charging up the stairs8

Miracle: *shocked, started backing away*

Alexis; 8burst through the door8

Miracle: *gasped n ran backward away*

*everyone was alerted*

Ricardo: *quickly picked up the kids*

Antonio; 8helped get them away8

Ozzie: *came up to him with his blades outstretched n impaled him dwn by his arms to the ground* I told u to stay dwn n be a good boy, u asshole!!

Miracle: D...Dad, no!! Dont hurt him!!

Alexis; 8struggled8

Ozzie: Miracle, stay out of this!

Alexis; 8broke free, breaking the blades8

Ozzie: Ahh! Fuck!! *falls bk*

Alexis; 8snarled looking round the group8

Takashi: Gomenasai, Alexis oni-san *brandishes his claws n ready to strike*

Miracle: *broke frm Dieter's hold wen he was taken away n block Takashi* No! Dont!

Alexis; 8swatted him aside and ran upstairs8

*everyone chased aftr him*

Alexis; 8dodged them, bursting into Julius' room before grabbing the sleeping virus and ran out through the window8

Morty: *shocked at the sudden commotion* Julius!! *whistled for the dog n chased aftr them*

Excaliber; ran as fast as he could but lost ight of the virus8

Morty: Follow the scent, Excalibur. Dont lose him

Excaliber; 8sniffed round8

*the scent led them southwards*

8a shot rang out and something hit Excalibar hard, making him fall8

Morty: *gasped n fell off frm the dog as well* Wht the...?

Excaliber; 8whimpered, his side bleeding8

Morty: *went to his dog n chked the wound* Hey, pup, u alright??

Excaliber; 8whimpered8

Morty: *looked ard* Who did this?!

8no one was around8

Morty: *swore under his breath before he held onto Excalibur* C'mon, pup. Let's go bk n hv u healed up

Excalibar; 8gave him 'I'm sorry' look8

Morty: S'ok, pup...Ah..!! *felt the pain as well on his side, the wound on his dog reflected on his own* Damn, I hate it wen this happens. C'mon, let's go

Excaliber; 8whimpered8

Morty: *managed to limp all the way bk home with Excalibur on his tow*

Antonio; 8ran out and helped him in8

Morty: Treat Excalibur first. I'll be fine *groans as he leans against the wall, holding his side tht was bleeding*

Antonio; You need help as well

Dieter: I'll vix him, mein bruder. Jou handle ze dog

Antonio; Alright 8helps Excalibar8

Dieter: *fixed Morty's wounds*

Ozzie: How did u get hurt? Who did this to u?

Morty: It's intended for my dog, actually. Someone shot him. We may be immortal bcoz our lives r bonded to our dogs, bt if our dog gets hurt, it reflects on us, n if they get killed, we die. So yeah, tht's wht happened

Antonio; Probably when for the dog to hurt you with the bond and all

Morty: Probably. Tho I dunno who did it. It just came outta nowhere

Antonio; I think I know 8puled out a black claw8 It's Alexis'

Morty: Wht? *winced as he felt the pain of the dog wen the claw was pulled out* But...But why?

Antonio; To keep you from fallowing

Morty: Wht...Wht does he want with Julius? I thought he wanted Miracle! Miracle is his mate aftr all!

Antonio; I'm not sure what's going on in his head

Miracle: *looks dwn sadly, feeling vry guilty*

Antonio; 8patted his back8

Miracle: M...Maybe I should've just let him fuck me...

Antonio; Don't say that

Miracle: I'm his mate! I'm suppose to be the one he wants! Why would he want Julius? This goes to show tht I dont satisfy him enough!

Ozzie: Baby, he was in heat. Nothing u could do can satisfy him at tht time frame. Do u want to get hurt again?

Miracle: Better than wht he might be doing to Uncle Jules!

Sakura; Daddy. . .

Ozzie: *turns to her* Wht? Wht did u say, baby?

Sakura; 8looked towards the upper landing8

Ozzie: *looked at her direction too*

8Thrax's torn coat lay at the edge8

Ozzie: *gasped n ran to chk on Thrax* Thrax?? Baby?!

8he was no where in sight8

Ozzie: *broke into tears* Oh no...Oh no...He's...He's gone again... *slumped dwn to the ground, tears pouring*

Antonio; 8held him8

Ozzie: No...No... *sobs* He...He promised...He promised he wouldnt leave...

Antonio; He didn't 8picks up the coat which was in shreds8

Ozzie: *widened his eyes* He...He got Thrax too...?! Bt...Bt why?!

Antonio; Who knows what the fuck is going on in that beast's head

Ozzie: I hv to go find him! I gotta stop him! I gotta get him bk!

Antonio; Oh no ya don't

Ozzie: Bt...Bt Alexis is in heat! Who knws wht he'll do with Jules n Thrax! I gotta go get him!

Antonio; We don't even know where they are

Dieter: Ve could use ze dogs. Ve hv Excalibur, n Sapphire n Griffin r adults. Ve could uze zem to track zem

Antonio; Look at what happened to Excalibur, we can't risk it

Dieter: I knw, bt vat choice zo ve hav?

Antonio; 8snarled8

Ozzie: Stop, stop, stop! *covered his ears* Stop arguing! I dont CARE wht u do, I just want Thrax bk!! *sobbing*

Antonio; We'll find him ozzy

Ozzie: *sobbed until he passed out frm the exhaustion*

Antonio; 8carried him to the bedroom8

Ozzie: *curled in the sheets*

Antonio; 8stroked his hair8

Dieter: *waited until Oz was all tucked in n Antonio came out before saying* So? Vat vill ve zo now, mein bruder?

Antonio; That's the question 8started to think8

Dieter: I still zink ve should uze ze dogs

Antonio; Too dangerous especially when they're bonded wih the kids

Dieter: Hmm, maybe jour right on zat. Bt ve cant juz be here like zitting ducks doing nozing

Antonio; 8started pacing8

*while everyone was contemplating, Miracle snuck out to do his own search*

Antonio; We should get the others

Dieter: Ja, ve should

Antonio; 8round up the rest8

*everyone gathered round Dieter n Antonio*

Antonio; 8explained the situation8

Takashi: Heh~? Honto ka~?

Ricardo: Oh my, tht's tough

Antonio; Tough doesn't even describe it

Dieter: Zo ve must zink of zomesing to get zem bk, all in vone piece

8they all nodded8

Ricardo: *noticed something off* Wait *looks ard* Where's Miracle?

8everyone looked round8

Leah; Oh for the love of- 8snarls8

Drix: Easy, darling. He may still be in the house

Antonio; Highly unlikely

Takashi: *sniffed ard* Yada (Nope) His scent is not ard. He's not at home anymore

Antonio; 8smacked his forehead and groaned8

Dieter: Oi vey... Douchebag *shook his head*

Leah; Now what/

Drix: Wait! I think I might knw a way

Antonio; Enlighten us

Drix: *went upstairs n came bk with the tracking device they used last time wen tracking Elektra's shell*

Leah; Can it work/

Drix: Yes. I can reroute the tracking device to receive frequencies from our watches. Frm there, we can try to locate them

Antonio; Let's hope

Drix: *opened the tracker n did a few screwing and readjustments here n there, then turn it on, n soon a blinking light tht was moving showed on screen*

8they all looked at it8

*the screen was showing the blinking light moving southward*

Antonio; We need to figure out how to contain him

Dieter: Ve'll figure zis out on ze vay. First ve hv to go get zem

Leah; Right

Drix: U n Ricardo stay here n watch the kids n the house. We'll take ovr, alright?

Maximus; Hecro's staying as well

Takashi: Hai. We will handle this. The rest of u stay. Wakaru (understand)?

Leah; Alright

Drix: *kissed Leah n left with the bros*


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