[30 mins later, Mordred's car could be heard pulling ovr the driveway]
Paul: Ah, someone's home already [went to get the door]
Pendragon; 8came in8
Paul: Hey, hun [leans up to kiss him] How was ur day?
Pendragon; Not as hectic as it usually is
Paul: Cool. Eli n Anna is here to visit
Eli: [waved] Hey there, professor
Pendragon; Hey you two
Paul: Umm, hun, we need to talk abt something... [tells him evrything Eli n Anna told him]
Pendragon; I thought your father got rid of those bastards
Paul: [sighed] Apparently they're a different kind of sect, a small branch tht stayed away frm the main cult
Eli: They hide their religion well, Prof. They walk ard like normal ppl minding their own businesses bt once they're within the cult community, all their demons come out. Nobody knws their cult exists
Pendragon; 8snarled8
Paul: So I was thinking, maybe they bunk in with us for a while? Just until they get bk on their feet? We hv a lot of rooms
Pendragon; No worries
Paul: [gave thumbs up to Eli n Anna]
Eli: [smiled happily] Thanks, Prof.
Pendragon; Any time girls
Paul: Oh, u found any potential renters for the West and East Wing of the mansion yet, hun? I just got a potential renter for the apartment we've just moved out of tho [gave him the file of the renter in question]
Pendragon; 8took it n looked through the file8
[it was a regular middle-class guy, married, father of 2, all the works of a salary man]
Pendragon; 8nods8
Paul: What do u think of him?
Pendragon' Though ya think an apartment's ok for a family of four/
Paul: Well, we were living as a family of four in tht home, remember? Its bcoz of our new addition [stroke his baby bump] tht we're moving out. I think it's good enough
Pendragon; 8nods8
Paul: Why dont u give him a call to get the go ahead while I show Eli n Anna to their room? Number is on the file
Pendragon; Of course 8went to the phone8
Paul: Come, I'll show u to ur room [led Eli n Anna upstairs to the hall of the main wing]
8the two looked round8
[like most guestrooms ard the mansion, the room was big, could easily fit more than 3 ppl at once, n the queen size bed was perfect n the theme was just like during the glory times of the old families bk then]
Paul: This is one of our fav rooms. We'd like to keep the decor just as it is. If I'm not mistaken this used to be Melanie's room wen she was still a young girl
Eli: Wowww~~ This is perfect!
Anna; 8looked round the room8
Paul: Well, Anna? Whaddaya think?
Anna; It's beautiful
Paul: Nice. Now I dont think I hv any girl clothes for u, so u will hv to borrow mine, tho.
Eli: We could go shopping for clothes tomorrow. I stole some money frm my family stash at home before I came to rescue Anna
Anna; And I hid away money from my family in a private account
Paul: Tht's smart. Sure, I'll tag along too. I need to get some more new stuff tht we don't hv for our upcoming addition
Eli: [chuckles] Any idea if its a boy or a girl? Or both?
Paul: Not sure yet, bt we'll see
Anna; 8smiled8
Eli: C'mon, Anna, lets take a bath. Goodness knws we both need it aftr wat we've been thru
Anna; 8smiled8
Paul: Alright, I'll leave u to it then. I'll call wen dinner is ready [left the room to let them settle in]
Anna; 8looked round the old bathroom that had been restored8
Eli: Ooh, nice tub. N it looks like it can fit two ppl [grinned at her teasingly]
Anna; 8blushed n started running it8
[the day went by without incident. Soon dinner was ready]
Paul: Dinner's ready, guys!
8both girls came down in clean clothes8
Paul: I hope my clothes r OK
Eli: It's way better than wearing cult uniform or asylum jumpers
Pendragon; 8shivered8
Paul: Well, c'mon. We're all set for dinner
Eli: Great! I'm starved!
Anna; 8took a seat8
Paul: [took his seat too n passed the food ard for evryone to get their share]
Eli: [took a nice helping]
Anna; 8took a small one8
Paul: [takes it frm Anna, took a generous helping before passing to Pendragon]
Pendragon; 8took an average amount8
[the family soon settled dwn to eat]
Anna; 8was savouring the taste8
Eli: [enjoying evry bite]
Paul: I hope the food is to ur liking, girls
Eli: [gave a thumbs up coz her mouth was full]
Anna; Delicious
Paul: [smiled n continued eating]
Bertha; 8fed the girls8
Eli: U knw, Paul, we've been thinking...
Paul: Yeah?
Eli: Well, now tht we've escaped the cult, there is definitely no way for us to continue our studies without our parents' help, let alone college. Bt we don't wanna seem like we're mooching off u guys so we're thinking...do u already hv ppl to rent rooms in ur mansion yet, Prof?
Pendragon; Not yet, frankly I'm reluctant to rent out the roms here
Eli: Why?
Paul: Yeah, why, hun? We hv so much room than we can handle, n we reli need the income to maintain it
Pendragon; With all that happened at this manor
Paul: We've successfully exorcised this plc. It shouldnt be a problem. N we've been staying here more than a few mths now. I don't think we're in any danger
Pendragon; I know but you know how I feel about respecting the departed
Paul: Well, its not like we disrespecting them by letting other ppl stay. N besides, how do u knw they're not OK with it?
Eli: Besides I read somewhere that it's not safe to leave rooms unoccupied for a long time aftr an exorcism as well, u might attract spirits again
Pendragon; Doubtful with that
Paul: Well, unless ur planning for us to hv a big family, I'm all for renting it out. Ur inherited wealth won't last forever
Pendragon; You forget I work for my keep
Paul: I knw u do, hun, bt not enough to keep this mansion maintained forevr
Eli: Well, if ur worried, why not hv ur Daddy Thrax to use watevr mumbo jumbo powers he has to consult the spirits?
Anna; 8kicked her under the table8
Eli: Ouch! [pouts at her]
Paul: I wouldn't worry too much abt it to warrant my dad to get involved in this. Wat exactly is ur plan, Eli?
Eli: Well, Anna n I were thinking of maybe sort of working for u. We promote the rooms, n help to collect rent, n maybe hv like a percentage of rent-collecting fee as our wages so tht we can support ourselves for the rest of our semester n maybe evn enable us to apply for college. Wat do u think, Prof?
Pendragon; That could work
Paul: I think tht's a great idea. U can start whenevr ur ready
Eli: Thanks. U won't regret it [smiled happily]
Bertha; 8smiled at the group8