[the day went by as normal, n soon it was time to close up shop]
Orion; 8placed the items away8
Takashi: [double-chks the stock before turning off the sewing machine n slotting it bk into the case]
Orion; 8waited for him8
Dieter: [was also closing up shop n saw them outside locking up, n waved at them in acknowledgement]
Orion; 8gave a mock salute8
Dieter: [watched as Orion n Takashi got on their moped n left, then waited for Vincent to come out] Evryzing settle in there, mein liebe?
Vincent; 8came out n locked the door8
Dieter: [smiled] I'll bring ze car ard, vait here [left to get the car]
Vincent; 8waited8
[a whimpering sound n a loud thud was heard behind the shop]
Vincent; 8turned round8 Hello?
[the sobbing sound continued, somewhere in the corner of the area where Dieter n the staff had been burning the soiled books]
Vincent; 8looked round8
[there hidden at the corner was a she-cell, n she was curled up against the wall of the back of the shop, doubled ovr in pain as she was sobbing]
Dieter: [had come bk with the car n saw Vincent leaving to the bk of the shop] Mein liebe? Vat is eet?
Vincent; 8knealt next to the she-cell8
Dieter: [knelt nxt to Vincent]
She-cell: [turned to reveal tht she was heavy with child, bt not the kind of cell pregnancy; she was infected, n set to burst any moment]
Vincent; 9inhaled sharply8
Dieter: [bit his lip, knwing tht she was a goner frm the get-go, trying to get Vincent out of the way frm the impending burst]
Vincent; 8took her hand gently8
She-cell: [looked up at Dieter n Vincent, her teary gaze locked at them for a moment before she started spewing blood frm her mouth as her belly made a loud squishy burst, splattering her blood evrywhere n on Dieter n Vincent]
Dieter: [winced a bit at the blood tht got onto him, bt other than tht he just sighed sadly for the she-cell]
Vincent; 8hug his head8
Dieter: [waited a bit before he took off his jacket, leaned in to chk the damages n pulled out the spawn tht was in her]
Vincent; 8looked at it8
[as Dieter wrapped the spawn with his jacket, it was revealed tht the spawn was a Salmonella virus]
Dieter: [swore in German] ...Looks like Goliath had eaten some bad oysters for his last company dinner
Vincent; They really need to stop serving those things
Dieter: [chked the gender] Eets a Mädchen (girl) [chked for any ID on the she-cell, n found her wallet] No money, bt she still haz her ID card [read the name] "Fiona Wells Neuro". Ve better call Oz und Thrax und tell zem abt dis
Vincent; 8nods8
Dieter: [hands the spawn to Vincent n dials Thrax's number]
Thrax; Hello/
Dieter: Hey, Thrax. Got a zituation here [tells him wat happened]
[the spawn opened her eyes to look up at Vincent, then slowly wrapped her tiny hand ard his finger]
Vincent; 8looked at her with a soft gaze8
Dieter: [finished his tale] ...Ja, so maybe jou could send ovr ur new police liaison to take care of zis vould be vunderbarg
Thrax; We will n keep an eye out fr the bacteria unless Alexis got him already
Dieter: Ja, danke [hung up, then turns to see Vincent already starting to bond with the spawn n smiled]
Vincent; 8gently stood up8
Dieter: I see jou are starting to be attached, mein leibe
Vincent; 8blushed8
Dieter: Komm, Thrax vill take care of eet. Lets bring ze chiddler home und zee vhere ve can go frm zere
Vincent; 8gave one last look to the poor cell before following his mate8
Dieter: [led them to the car n drove them home]
Vincent; 8cradled the little female gently8
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