TOYLB: Growing Pains - Season 2-10

Orion; 8brought them back to the shop8

Takashi: [got off the moped n got to work, as he took out the roll tubes tht he kept aftr discarding all the soiled cloths n set them on the work table]

Orion; 8helped him8

Takashi: [then pushed the trolley of boxes into the shop n started rolling the cloth on them]

Orion; 8loaded them in8

Takashi: [takes the cloth n rolled them onto the tube rolls]

Orion; 8sorted a few8

Dieter: [peeked in n entered the shop with Vincent] Guten tag, mein bruder. Jou look busy

Takashi: Konichiwa, Dieter oni-chan. Arent u supposed to be at ur shop?

Dieter: Eets lunch time, ve vere zinking of inviting jou for lunch at Leah's plc

Orion; 8came out from behind the stand8

Takashi: Yada, daijobu. We're a little busy at the moment

Dieter: Jou need any help?

Orion; It may make it go faster

Dieter: Zen ve can hv lunch wen eets done quickly [rolled up his sleeves] Jou alright to help out too, Vince?

Vincent; 8nods8

[the four got to work rolling all the cloth onto the roller tube n plced them vertically into the shelves]

Vincent; 8was admiring some of the fabric8

Takashi: Kire desho? (isnt it beautiful) U wouldnt believe they're actually discarded cloth

Vincent; They discarded this/ It's beautiful

Takashi: Hai hai, something abt the boss being rather picky abt designs n rejecting tons of cloths in middle of production desho

Vincent; How much do you charge fr the clothes/

Takashi: [blink] Doushita? U wanna buy some?

Vincent; 8nods8

Takashi: Sa, take ur pick then. I'll give u a family discount desho

Vincent; 8looked round at the fabrics8

Dieter: See anyzing jou like, mein liebe?

Vincent; The Willow Patten looks nice n there's some lovely cotton

Takashi: How long the measurement do u want it desho?

Vincent; I need enough to make some shirts n maybe a dress or two

Takashi: Hai hai, coming right up [cut out the length required]

Dieter: Making zem for the twin chiddler's bday?

Vincent; 8blushed8

Dieter: [chuckles as he finished his part of the rolling]

Takashi: [folded n gave Vincent the cloth, telling him the price]

Vincent; 8paid him8

Takashi: Sa, all done [puts the last roll of cloth into the shelves] Arigato gozaimasu, Dieter oni-chan

Dieter: No problem, mein bruder. Now shall ve have lunch?

Orion; Let's hope we can get a table

Dieter: [chked the time] Eets a little past ze lunch hr, I'm sure ze ppl vill be a bit less

Takashi: Lets hope so, ne, Dieter oni-chan. Harahata ne (i'm hungry)

Orion; 8led him out8

[as predicted, the Frank's Diner was easing up on guests as the lunch hr had passed, n there were a few seats available]

Morty: Welcome to Frank's Diner, guys

Orion; Thanks man

Morty: [led them to a seat n gave them a menu] Lemme knw wen ur ready to order [left to serve other tables]

Vincent; 8looked through the menu8

Takashi: [looked as well]

Dieter: [already made up his mind wen he came, just needed to find it to see if its available]

Orion; 8looked though his8

[the group soon made their order n engaged in small talk as they ate]

Vincent; 8kept the new fabrics under the table8


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