TOYLB: Growing Pains - Season 2-14

[once they got home n chked the kids, Oz n Thrax retired in the office, deep in thought abt the story Eli n Anna told them abt the cult]

Thrax; 8took down some notes n highlights8

Ozzy: [was at the office couch thinking]

Thrax; 8tried to think8

Ozzy: /Hey, babe. Remember u said something abt Alexis wanting to get blood? Wat abt using him to help us out?/

Thrax; It'll be hard to track them even with his help

Ozzy: /We definitely need Devin on the job as well, since he handled the she-cell's case. Maybe he could give us some info as well/

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzy: /Bt we can't just do it willy-nilly. We hv to make sure there are still ppl tht want to be saved frm the cult/

Thrax; Those odds'll be slim baby

Ozzy: /Still, evn if its slim, it still means there are ppl like Eli n Anna wanting to get out. We need to try/

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzy: [sighed] /I reli feel sorry for the girls tho, to hv their families disowning them n abandoning them like that/

Thrax; Doesn't surprise me baby

Ozzy: [rolled eyes] /N I thought this city is all about tolerance/

Thrax; It is but I some of these hacks came from human cities

Ozzy: I suppose so, since Goliath is a diverse city n accepts many species

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzy: /Let's just hope their lives would be much better from now on, now tht they're out of tht nightmare/

Thrax; 8smiled gently8

Ozzy: [looked up at Thrax for a while, smiled n leaned up to kiss him gently]

Thrax; 8kissed his back8

Ozzy: /I love u, Thrax baby/

Thrax; Love ya to baby


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