TOYLB: Brand New Beginning-Season 5-4

Episode 4

Thrax; 8soon reached him just as morning light showed8

Ozzie: *was up n worried wen he saw him* Thrax? Where hv u been?

Thrax; 8flopped on the couch8

Ozzie: *came to him* Thrax, where hv u been? U OK? Wht r u doing out?

Thrax; Paul

Ozzie: Wh...Wht's wrong with Paul? Is...Is he OK?

Thrax; 8rubbed his temples8

Ozzie: Talk to me, love. WHt's wrong?

Thrax; He's still beating himself up about what happened

Ozzie: Oh my. Bt...why did u just went out?

Thrax; He ran off

Ozzie: Oh my Hector, where?!

Thrax; To the brain centre

Ozzie: *sighed in relief* Phew, n I thought he was running away frm home or something. Is he...well, OK? Physically?

Thrax; Physically yes

Ozzie: he still there? At the Brain Centre?

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzie: He's getting frm bad to worse. I hope he doesnt do something crazy

Thrax; He might

Ozzie: W...Wht do u mean?

Thrax; 8sighed8 He thinks having a child will take the pain away

Ozzie: Bt...Bt he's just a baby himself! He cant hv a kid!

Thrax; That's what I said

Ozzie: *sighed* Man, tht is just uncalled for

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzie: At his state, I'm scared tht he may be incapable of running office

Thrax; I know but what can we do?

Ozzie: I think its best if we just let him recuperate at home. Maybe tell Vincent to get a temp for him while he's at home

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzie: I'll give Vincent a call then

Thrax; Alright

Ozzie: *chked the phonebook n dialed Vincent's number*

Vincent; 8tiredly8 Hello/

Ozzie: Hey, Vince. Sorry to wake u up so early. Got a bit of favour to ask

Vincent; What for/

Ozzie: *explains the situation* So if its alright with u, maybe u could find a temp for the moment? U knw, maybe his vice-mayor or something to take ovr while we take care of him?

Vincent; For how long/

Ozzie: Not sure. Might be a while. I hope u hv a reliable vice-mayor

Vincent; We'll see

Ozzie: Thanks. I owe u one. Oh btw, I think he's still at the brain centre. Is it OK if u drive him home once ur good n ready?

Vincent; Of course

Ozzie: Thanks a real bunch, Vince. I'll see u with Paul soon. Bye *hangs up*

Thrax; 8stood up8 I better get ready myself

Ozzie: *nods* I better get ready for classes too

Thrax; 8headed for the shower8

Ozzie: *went to make breakfast*

Thrax; 8came back down after an hour8

Ozzie: Breakfast is on

Miracle: *was the nxt to wake, yawning* Mornin', Pops, Dad

Alexis; 8was right behind him8

Ozzie: Hey guys. Breakfast's on

Miracle: Mmm~! Awesome. Though I better eat quick if I wanna interview the newbies

Alexis; Leah's already up

Miracle: Reli? Woah, she's fast *ate his breakfast*

Alexis; Got into it after her transformation

Miracle: I guess I can understand tht. U gonna come along or stay here while Leah n I do the interviews?

Alexis; What ya think/

Miracle: *giggled n nuzzled him* My own personal bodyguard

Alexis; 8purred8

*since it was still not officially opening day, the rest slept in, enjoying their off day*

Miracle: *finished his breakfast n waited for Leah*

Leah; 8was standing by the car8

Miracle: *sees her* Well, ur up n ready *grins*

Leah; 8smirked8

Miracle: Shall we?

Leah; 8got in the car8

Miracle: *went in n stuck his head out the window* U comin', baby?

Alexis; 8jumped in8

Miracle: *kissed his cheek* Alright, Leah. Let's roll

Leah; 8started the engine and drove8


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