Episode 1
Leah; 8headed into the kitchen8
Miracle: *joined her along with Hecro, tho a few moments later, Hecro had to bail bcoz he still has morning sickness n cant handle the sight n smell of food*
Alexis; 8went after him8
Hecro: *tries to hold bk his nausea*
Miracle: U better chill, Uncle Hecro. We'll take care of it
Maximus; 8lead his mate into the living room and got the medicine8
Hecro: Mmh, thanks *drank it* U got bk early
Maximus; Things were far to quiet
Hecro: *nodded* Bt at least it means Hector's fine
Maximus; 8nods8
Miracle: *along with Leah, cooked up a storm*
Alexis; 8his nose twitched madly8
Dieter: *just got home* Hey guys *sniffs* Mmm, vhat's cooking?
Alexis; How'd it go/
Dieter: Ah, vry vell. I managed zo convince Paul to let Vincent off early a little n ve vent for a simple tea n a valk in ze park. Vone of the better dates ve had in mths
Alexis; 8rolled his eyes8
Ricardo: I hope ur not too full to hv a bit of dinner celebration
Dieter: I'm good. Ve juz hv tea n crumpetz anyvay
Antonio; Smells good
Ricardo: We're almost done
Miracle: Hold on ur horses there
Leah; 8took some fried food8
Miracle: *brought in the rest wtih Ricardo*
8they all stacked a very long table8
Takashi: Suge~!
Alexis; Oh yeah, a feast
Ozzie: Wow, awesome~!
Miracle: I take it no night classes?
Ozzie: Nope. Lucky me
Maximus; 8looked at Hecro worriedly8
Hecro: I'm alright. I can still eat a little
8the kids climbed on the chairs8
*the food was soon all set n everyone was helping themselves to the food*
Alexis; 8wolfed what he could8
Ozzie: *munched his* Mmm~! Ur getting evn better at this, Leah girl
Leah; 8blushed8
Hope; 8nawed on a rib8
Ozzie: *sees it* Starting to go on solids already, baby?
Thrax; 8chuckled8 She was nawing on my claw the other day
Ozzie: Let's see here *pried her mouth open a little* Ah, teething already
Hope; Huh?
Ozzie: Ur starting to hv teeth there, baby. See? U got fangs. Its time to get off Mama's milk now
Hope; 8shrugs then went back to the ribs8
Dieter: Chiddlers grew up zo fazt now
Maximus; They do though I think their father's the cause
Ozzie: Well, Thrax does hv good genes *smiled*
Thrax; 8blushed8
Hecro: Shane is just as regular as any baby should tho, n so is Sally
Leah; Don't be too sure
Hecro: Yeah, I guess ur right on tht
Rory; 8ate quicky some pieace8
Kiaran & Ozzex: *enjoying mash potatoes n peas*
Thrax; 8helped himself to a new pasta dish8
Drix: *just got home with Spryman* Hey guys. Wow, wht's the occasion?
Leah; our resturant 8kissed him8
Drix: *kissed bk* Oh? U guys completed the renovation already?
Ricardo: Yup, n interviewing hired help tomorrow
Ozzie: Hey, Paul. Come join us
Thrax; There's plenty
Spryman: *looks at the feast n shook his head* No thanks. I'm not hungry *went upstairs*
Thrax; 8sighed8
Drix: He still hasnt got ovr it
Ozzie: It'll take time. The incident is taking a toll at him
Antonio; We better keep a close eye on him
Drix: Agreed. I'll keep close watch on him
Thrax; Thanks
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