*in Frank's Diner, the staff noticed tht some of the customers r a little edgy n slightly impatient, n quite a number of ppl just left without ordering or left without waiting for their food bcoz they couldn't handle the wait*
Morty: Woah, someone's been waking up on the wrong side of bed today
Leah; 8looked concerned8
Morty: I think it's best we close for the day. Evn the staff r getting a little agitated. I think one of them almost threw a plate at the customer
8everyone nodded n closed shop8
Dieter: *was also closing up wen he saw the gang at Frank's Diner close too* Eh? Jour all clozing?
Julius; 8nodded8
Dieter: *sees Takashi n Orion closing as well* Lookz like ve all have ze same idea
Takashi: A-ra? Minna? (guys) Ur closing?
Vincent; 8nods8
Morty: Evryone is being rather nuts these days. I'm kinda wondering wat the heck is going on
Leah; 8nods8
Takashi: Hai hai, I got a customer today tht asked me to make party dresses for a group of 20 kids, n they want it by today. Wen I told her I can't do it, she went kuroushi (crazy) on me, want to report me to labour department or something. Nandayo~ (wat was tht abt)
Orion; 8held him closee8
Morty: It reli is a predicament. I reli dunno what's gotten into all the cells these days.
Dieter: I zink eet eez better if ve all hang out at home n try not to get in contact vith any cells today. Must be somezing in ze body zat eez making zem crazy
Vincent; Least the viruses n germs aren't affected by whatever's causing this
Morty: Unless ur a mix of cell n other species. U might be affected a little. Oh spit, Oz. He maybe bio-weapon bt he's mainly cell. Would it affect him?
8everyone exchanged looks8
Takashi: Sa, Thrax ottoto-chan might hv a handful desu ne
Orion; And what of the kids? Rory's in the clear since he's pure virus but the others-
Dieter: Zen ve better go zee vat ve can do for zem
Takashi: Sa, we should stay under one roof with Biotic-minna. Their house is big n can accommodate evryone n we can keep an eye on each other
Leah; 8was starting to shake8
Morty: *noticed* Leah, u OK?
Orion; It's her nerves n her fear, remember she was a cell once herself
Morty: Bt ur full virus now. Nothing to worry abt. Lets better head home n gather our family. One of us contact the Biotics while another one of us contact Thrax
Takashi: Hai, boku *dials Thrax's number*
Thrax; 8answers8 Yeah/
Takashi: Moshi moshi, Thrax ottoto-chan. Anno...Ozzy to-chan n kodomo-chan daijobu deska? (are Oz n the kids OK?)
Thrax; So far 8was on alert8
Takashi: Sa, here's the plan... *tells the plan abt temporarily moving into the Biotics' plc for a while*
Thrax; For how long/
Takashi: Wakaranai (I dunno), just until we get the Mayor-sama to explain to us wat is going on desu ne~
Thrax; Alright
Takashi: Sa, see ya there then *sees Vincent dialing for the Biotics*
Vincent; 8waited8
Klepta: *picked up the phone* Hello?
Vincent; Klepta/ It's Vincent
Klepta: Oh hey, Vince. Wat can I do u for?
Vincent; 8explained the situation8
Klepta: Oh OK. Yeah, sure. U guys can bunk in here. I mean, I hv to admit tht we do feel a bit of tension, bt its not sending us off the walls. I just hope u don't mind the neighbours. They were pretty tense these couple of days. Thank goodness we got soundproof music room for practice so we don't end up pissing them off more
Vincent; Thank you, we'll be there soon
Klepta: Cya then *hangs up*
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