TOYLB: Growing Pains - Season 8-6

[at Dieter's end...]

Dieter: [sees a field of lavender] Heh, figurez. Mutti alvayz had a sing for lavender [plucked some to put on Vincent n his kids' hair]

Twins: [giggled]

Salvador: [fingered the lavender on his head, bt doesnt take it off]

Vincent; 8inhales deeply8

Dieter: [looked ard n saw a tiny hill up ahead with two figures relaxing underneath the shade of a huge tree, n smiled, waving] Mutti! Vatti!

8the two waved to them8

Dieter: [led his family to his parents] Mein liebe, zis eez mein parents Adelaide und Viktor

Vincent; It's a pleasure to meet you at last

Viktor: Pleasure eez all mine, mein child [comes to shake Vincent's hand]

Dieter: Here's ur Oma (grandma) und Opa (grandpa), mein chiddlers

Twins: [squealed n hugged Adelaide]

Adelaide; 8cuddled the children close8

Salvador: [doesn't move; the new ppl made him wary as he stared at the ground]

Viktor: R jou alright, Mein child?

Vincent; 8cradled Pearl8 This is our son Salvador, Sal fr short n I'm sorry he's not use to new people

Dieter: Heez mildly autistic, takes heem a vhile to git used to new ppl

Viktor: Oh, ze poor dear. Eets alright, Opa won't force jou to do anyzing uncomfortable

Salvador: [clung to Dieter]

Dieter: Und zis eez our new addition, Pearl [gestured to her]

Adelaide; Oh zhe's adorable

Dieter: Vould jou like to hold her?

Adelaide; 8nods, setting the twins down8

Twins: [goes ovr to their grandpa]

Viktor: [carries them in his strong arms]

Adelaide; 8gently took Pearl, cooing to her8

Dieter: [watches with pride as he wrapped an arm ard Vincent]

Salvador: [stared at his grandparents from behind Dieter]

Pearl; 8tilted her head a bit8

Viktor: Jou all came here alone?

Dieter: Ve came vith others, bt ve somehow got separated

Viktor: Zen ve better go find zem und meet up vith everyone

Adelaide; 8nods8 Thiz iz odd, ve zhould've met in zee zame place

Dieter: Ze Plains can be an oddity zomehow. Let's go find ze others [takes Vincent n Salvador's hand]

Adelaide; 8stood by her husband


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