TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 1-5

8the convoy made their way to da hospital Morty was in8

Takashi: 8heard da sound of cars n looked out8 A-re? Nada to?

8the others looked out8

8the convoy parked out front n soon wheeled in da dog8

Takashi: Ehh?? Ju-Julius oni-sama! Mitte, mitte (look, look), inu desho (its da dog)!! N there's Thrax ottoto-Chan!

Julius; 8looked up8

8the men followed Thrax's lead as they went to Mortiary's room8

Takashi: Thrax ottoto-Chan! U got da inu, desho! Where did u get it?

Thrax; 8winced8

Loki: No time to explain, we need to get it bonded with ur brother now

Takashi: A-ra, da-re? (who's this?)

Thrax; Klepta's nanny

Takashi: Ah so-ka

Harold: *comes in n wheeled the dog in* Who is the one in need of the dog?

Takashi: *gently nudged Julius*

Julius; 8shakenly stood up8

Harold: R u the recepient?

Takashi: Yada, its his mate there *gestured to Mortiary*

Harold: Alright. I'll need u to take ur mate's hand to bring the dog's head close to his chest. Can u do tht?

Julius; 8nods, taking Monty's hand8

Harold: *slots the dog's head onto Mortiary's chest, bringing them as close as possible n waited*

Julius; 8bit his lip8

*minutes passed like forever wen finally the familiar bonding glow began as Mortiary n Oblivion's chest glowed, the dog levitating a little as a aura string connected btwn her n Mortiary*

Julius; 8silently prayed8

*soon Mortiary took in a sharp breath at upon being bonded by the dog, as well as the dog, n wen he opened his eyes, the bonding has caused his eyes to change colour in red, no longer the yellow eyes he originally had*

Mortiary: Unnhhh... Wha...? Wh-Where am I...? *his voice was a bit hoarse bcoz of his jugular being slit frm the reflection injury frm Excalibur*

Julius; Monty?

Mortiary: *groaned a bit as he slowly sat up, then looked at evryone in the room curiously* Woah... Wat's with the crowd...? *looks up to see Oblivion staring at him* Woah, wat's this? W-Where's Excalibur?

Julius; 8bit his lip n hung his head8

Mortiary: W-Wat's going on?

Takashi: We had to do this to save ur life ne, Morty-san *told him evrything*

Thrax; 8inhaled deeply8

Mortiary: dead...? *lay bk dwn in shock*

Julius; 8gripped his hand8

Mortiary: *looks up at Oblivion* Then this...this is my new dog? N a proper gender?

Takashi: Hai, hai. Demo anata wa hitomi desu (but ur eyes)... Aki desho (its red)

Mortiary: Wat? R-Reli?

Alexis; 8handed him a mirror8

Mortiary: *looked n saw tht he was right. His yellow-green eyes were no longer there, replaced with a set of red pupils btwn white, just like Oblivion's eyes*

Julius; 8bit his tongue8

Morty: Well...It's not tht bad... I mean, if Jules is OK with it...

Julius; 8nuzzles his nose

Morty: *looks up at the dog* So...ur the dog of a legend, eh? *scratches Oblivion's chin*

Oblivion; 8looked at him8

Morty: N Oblivion is such a dark name. Ur with me now. I'm going to name u...Amber, coz of ur eyes. U like tht?

Thrax; Try something else

Morty: Why? Isn't Amber nice?

Alexis; Amber is the name of one of our nieces

Takashi: Hai, hai, one of my futago-chan ne

Morty: Oh sorry. Well...Ur old master was Whiplash Bloodmoon, right? How abt I name u Bloodmoon then? In honor of ur master?

8the dog still stared at him8

Morty: Wat? Dont u like it?

Thrax; This whole thing is new to her

Morty: I guess. Then its settled. Bloodmoon is ur new name. I'll be ur new bonded master *stroke the dog's head, then looked dwn sadly* Bt...Where's Excalibur? I' to say my last goodbye's to him

8everyone exchanged looks8

Takashi: Daijobu. I'll go ask the doctors *left the room to look for the doctor*

Morty: *lay bk in bed*

Julius; 8gripped his hand8


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