TOYLB: Where There's Smoke... - Season 1-2

*they soon arrived at the hospital, where Morty was quickly wheeled into the ER, while calling for vet backup to deal with Excalibur*

Julius; 8looked on in fear8

Takashi: *sat him dwn n held him close*

Julius; 8was trembling8

*an hour felt like eternity wen the docs finally came out*

Julius; 8looked up8

Doc: Who is Mortiary's immediate family?

Takashi: Boku tachi. How is he, doc?

Doc: U found him just in time. Any minute longer n he would've been dead. Someone seems to knw ur husband's weakness n used the dog to hurt him hard. He's in an induced coma to recover faster, bt u can visit him if u want, just not too long

Takashi: Arigatogozaimasu, doc. N Excalibur-chan? The dog? How's he?

Doc: *shook his head* The dog didnt make it. He lost too much blood. I'm surprised tht Mortiary is evn hanging in there since the dog died, bt if u don't find a new dog to merge with him soon, he will die within the week.

Julius; 8felt his head spinning n he fainted8

Takashi: J-Julius oni-sama!!

Doc: *quickly brought him to an empty room so Julius could lie dwn*

8it would be a while before he woke up8

Takashi: *decided to stay until he woke, n apparently the rest of the bros had finally caught up to the hospital n came in* Antonio onii, Dieter oni-chan, Alexis oni-san...

Alexis; How is he?

Takashi: Not taking it too well... *told evrything to the bros*

Dieter: Mein Gott... *his legs went jelly n sat dwn on the nearest chair*

Alexis; 8swallowed the bile in his throat8

Takashi: *bit his lip, tears pooling in his eyes*

Alexis; 8held him8

Takashi: Doc said if we don't find him a new inu to merge, he'll die for real...

Dieter: Must be ze merging he did bk ven he vas younger zat gave him ze resistence. Remember he zaid somezing abt ze HIV must be merged vith a gender opposite?

Takashi: Yeah, he said its coz his parents wanted to maintain the lie tht he's a girl tht he was merged with a same sex pet...

Alexis; Could that work again or will we need a bitch?

Dieter: Morty said his merging vith Excalibur almost keeled him. Ve can't take any chances

Takashi: Tht means we need to get a onna inu (female dog)

Alexis; Sure where to find, ya know Sapphire already partnered

Takashi: Wakara nai (I dunno) Any ideas, Antonio onii?

Antonio; 8shrugged8

*all bros went deep in thought until Julius woke up*

Julius; 8awoke after an hr8

Takashi: Julius oni-sama, daijobu ka? (u OK)

Julius; 8shakenly sat up8

Dieter: Ve heard abt Morty. Don't vorry, ve'll find a female dog for him ASAP

Julius; 8looked worried84

Takashi: Sa, lets go visit Morty-san desu ne? *helps Julius up*

Julius; 8was shakey on his feet8

*all the bros accompanied him n helped him to Mortiary's ICU room where he lay*

Julius; 8collapsed in the seat by the bed8

Takashi: *put a hand on his shoulder* We'll get thru this. Shinpai surunda (don't worry), ne?

Julius; 8didn't look up8

Dieter: Jou stay here vith zem, Taka. Ve'll go search for ze dog

Takashi: *nodded*

8the others bid good bye n left8


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