TOYLB: Trials & Tribulations- Season 4-10

*meanwhile, the breakfast with the Roja-s were almost concluded*

Miracle: *got a text frm his agent Lexington*

Alexis; 8looked at him8

Miracle: Huh, looks like I gotta jet. I've got tht appt to do a collab album with Smokescreen

Alexis; 8finished off his food, wolfing it down8

Miracle: *chuckles* Take it easy. He can wait

Ozzie; U got a collab album with Smokescreen? Arent their music a little out of ur genre?

Miracle: U knw how music business is. Its all abt being versatile

Klepta: Yeah. Our agent recently got us into country music now since it was the latest rage in the human world

Thrax; 8rolls his eyes8 Give me mixed variety any day

Miracle: We'll see how it goes *chuckles* I gotta go now. Its nice meeting u, Dray *shook hands with her*

Dray: Nice meeting u too. Good luck on the collab

Alexis; 8fallowed his mate7

Miracle: *took the company car to work*

Alexis; 8leaned back on the chair

*they got there in 10 mins, where they had to avoid the hoard of fans frm the Nightingale n Smokescreen faction battling words outside the recording studio*

Miracle: Oi vey, this is crazy

Alexis; 8growls8

Miracle: *drove the car to the special parking lot where not evn the staff can get in to avoid them*

Alexis; 8got out8

Lexington: *came to greet them* Thank Goliath u used this entrance. I thought u would be mauled ovr there

Miracle; Like hell I'm gonna claw thru tht crowd. I appreciate the fans, bt tht is just crazy

Alexis; Ya may want to cal it quits soon

Lexington: He can't quit just yet. He's still got it

Miracle: Dont worry, hon. I can handle this. So is Smokescreen there already?

Lexington: Yup. They're recording their side of the single first

Alexis; 8was on edge8

Miracle: Alright, lead the way

Lexington: *led them to the recording studio, n Smokescreen were getting started on their singing*

Alexis; 8stood by the wall8

Nick-O-Teen: *adjusted the mike, then waited for the drummer to pick the beat n then they started singing in a pretty hard core beat*
Iron birds of fortune
Adrift above the skies
Cloudy revelations
Unseen by naked eyes
Flying tools of torment
Will penetrate the sphere
Erupt the rock of ages
Bringing final fear

* Instruments of destruction
Tools of powerplays
It's a violent eruption
Existence drips away

What it really matter
When nothing really counts
Grave eternal darkness
When drained of every ounce
And when the nightmare's over
The final from the storm
Dust of all creation
To ashes we transform

Alexis; 8twitched his ears8

Miracle: Woah, tht is hard core stuff

Lexington: U dont call them a metal rock band for nothing

Alexis; 8snorts8

*the band did a bit of a guitar solo before finishing their song*

Recorder: Alright, tht's a wrap, take 5, everyone

Nick: *sees Miracle n approaches him* Hey there, I see u must be Nightingale, doing this collab with us

Miracle: Tht's me. Its a pleasure working with u

Alexis; 8kept close watch8

Nick: Well, I've seen u in the tabs n on MTV before, bt I must say, u look splendid in real life

Miracle: *giggle* I get tht a lot

Alexis; 8gritted his teeth8

Lexington: *whisper* Easy there, tiger. Its just work

Nick: So r we getting this party started?

Miracle: Lets do this

Alexis; 8watched7

*Miracle n Smokescreen got started, making a bit of a mesh btwn Miracle's airy soft music n Smokescreen's hardcore, almost sounding a bit like a mix of Evanescence n Nightwish style music*

Alexis; 8tilted his head8

Lexington: Wow they mesh pretty well

Alexis; 8rolled his eyes8

*the group sang a few more songs before taking a break*

Alexis; 8stretched out8

Nick: U've got an amazing voice, babe. U should totally do rock with us

Miracle: Sorry, bt I work solo better, thanks

Alexis; 8hid a smirk8

Nick: Reli? R u sure u don't wanna reconsider? *wrapped his arm ard Miracle's waist* I'm sure we can make beautiful music together

Alexis; 8stepped between them8 Back off

Nick: Woah, wat pair of fangs r these u got there, babe?

Miracle: This is my husband n mate, Alexis, if u havent met  yet

Nick: Ah, the famous manager behind the star

Alexis; 8snorts8

Miracle: Yeah, so better not try anything. He'll bite ur head off. Literally

Nick: Oh I'm sure I can hold my own. No one can keep their hands frm a sexy bod like u, babe *without warning, bumped Alexis off n grabbed Miracle's chin, kissing him deeply, with his band members hollering n whooping*

Alexis; 8saw red n tore the chemical off his mate before ripping him apart8

Miracle: *shocked* Alex! Alex, stop!!

Nick: *was abt to be torn apart before he activated his own innate defense mechanism, turning himself into smoke n materialized out of Alexis' claws before appearing at another corner, his band members quickly tend to him* Fuck...Keep tht dog on a leash, won't u...?

Miracle: I did warn u *held Alexis* Alex, Alex, dwn. Stop it

Alexis; 8was foaming at the mouth8

Lexington: I think its abt time we call it a day, shall we? *ushered Miracle n Alexis out*

Nick: U'll be getting my medical bills there, babe!

Miracle: *ignored him as he brought Alexis bk to the car*

Alexis; 8was shaking8

Miracle: *took the wheel n drove them home*


Dear blackgargie you inspired me to write my own story blog called The Girl You Once Knew and hoping if you have the time read it.


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