TOYLB: New Love, New Battle-Season 6-5

Episode 5

8Alexis and Antonio soon returned home8

Takashi: Okairinasai, minna! (Welcome home, guys)

8the other others looked up8

Antonio; 8nodded8

Dieter: How iz Ozzie doing?

Antonio; Recovering

Takashi: Yokatta (thank goodness). Thrax ottota-chan is also recovering more or less. He's eating a little bit, bt still sleeps more

Alexis; Sorta reminds me when he first came to live with us

Dieter: Ja, he vas alvays getting night terrorz at zat time n Julius vould alvays comfort him, so vould Mother

Takashi: Remember he would always ask for a bottle if he gets night terrors? Kawaii desho (so cute)

Antonio; 8chuckles8 I remember finding him curled up asleep in momma's arms in the morning sometimes

Dieter: Ja, n he vould alvays vant to sqvueeze betveen uz ven Mother iz not ard during bedtime

8the bros chuckled8

Takashi: Julius oni-sama is also a little better now, not like a zombie, and he's bk to eating regularly, bt he always give Takashi ottota-chan most of his share

Alexis; 8nods8

Dieter: Zo vere hv jou been, Alexis mein bruder? Tozay iz not jour zay to visit Ozzie

Alexis; Getting Jared

Takashi: *blinked in surprise* Na...Nani? Wht r u talking abt, Alexis oni-san?

Alexis; 8told them8

Dieter: Oh my

Takashi: Ehh~?

Ricardo: Santa Madre of Hector! They were reli going to do tht to Jared?

Alexis; I wouldn't be surprised with your sister

Ricardo: *sighed n shook his head* Still married to her job as usual

Alexis; 8scofts8

Dieter: Zo ze chiddler's body iz safe?

Alexis; 8nods8

Takashi: *sighed in relief*

Dieter: Zo zis Morty fellow showed up, huh? Julius might like to see him

Antonio; You think/

Takashi: Why not? Its been a while since they met, n Julius onii-sama needs a strong man right now to support him

Alexis; 8gave a nod8

Dieter: Zo Morty zaid somezing abt helping Ozzie n Thrax feel better? Vat dose he mean by zat?

Alexis; 8shrugs8 Who knows

Takashi: I guess we should trust him. Ozzie-chan n Thrax ottota-chan reli need the release n if Morty-san can provide it, why not, ne?

Antonio; He's right

Dieter: Zen maybe ve should bring Thrax tomorrow. Ze sooner ve do zis, ze sooner zey get better

Alexis; Is he well enough/

Dieter: Ve could alvays get him a vheelchair, like ze last time ve did ven Ozzie was confined in ze incubator ven he vas pregnant vith Hope

Antonio; That could work

Ricardo: I'll make a call to Drix then to see if he can secure a wheelchair frm Sprite *went to the phone to call Drix*

Alexis; 8thought of Julius8

Ricardo: *finished his talk with Drix n hung up* Drix said he'll bring one ovr aftr work

Antonio; 8nods8

Takashi: I'll go chk on Thrax ottota-chan *goes upstairs*

Thrax; 8was curled up fast asleep8

Takashi: *smiled as he stroked Thrax's dreads, glad to see him at least sleeping well*

Thrax; 8snoozed softly8

Takashi: *patted his head n walked out of the room to chk on the kids*

8they were playing in the nursery, well nearly all of them8

Takashi: *noticed tht Sakura n Rory were not playing with their sibs n cousins*

8the two, bonded sibs kept their distance8

Takashi: *came up to them* Doushita, kodomo-chan? (kids) Why arent u playing wif ur sibs n cousins?

8they didn't look up8

Takashi: *picked them up n carry them in his arms* Hey, daijobu ne. Everything will be fine soon. U'll see

Sakura; 8sighed, she had lost quite a bit of weight8

Rory: *the same as well, n was a little bit pale*

Takashi: Sa, u kids need to eat something. Takashi oji-san will make some milk for u *takes them dwnstairs*

8neither moved8

Takashi: *balances them in one arm while making milk for them with his other free hand*

Alexis; 8poked his head in8

Takashi: Ah, Alexis oni-san. Take either of the kodomo-chan. They need a bit of milk. They look a little underweight n they hv to eat something

Alexis; Doubt they will

Takashi: We hv to try. Sa, take Rory-chan, n I'll take Sakura-chan

Alexis; 8took his nephew8

Takashi: *finished making the milk n passed one bottle to Alexis before taking the other bottle to feed Sakura* Ne, Sakura-chan. Drink up now

Sakura; 8turned away8

Takashi: Onegai shimasu ne (please), Sakura-chan?

Sakura; 8shook her head8

Takashi: *turns to Alexis to see if he had any luck*

Rory: *was drinking, bt only quarter of it, then turned away frm it*

Alexis; It's a start

Takashi: Sa, Sakura-chan. Ur ottota-chan is drinking. Just drink a little bit, OK? Onegai shimasu (please)?

Sakura; 8just lay against him8

Takashi: *tried again by handing the milk to her*

Sakura; 8just laid it on her chest8

Takashi: *shook his head n sighed*

Alexis; 8sighs8

Takashi: *puts them both into their playpen*

8they curl up together8

Takashi: *stroke their dreads before putting the milk away*

Alexis; 8looked at him8

Takashi: Tht'll hv to do for now, I guess. Cant force them, bt at least Rory-chan's drinking

Alexis; nods8

*later tht day, Hecro & Drix came home frm work*

Hecro: Hey guys

Drix: I brought the wheelchair u asked

Antonio; Gracias amigo

Drix: No big. So, uh, wht exactly is this all abt, anyway. Ricky didnt reli fully explained wht's going on

Hecro: *went to pick up his daughter*

Antonio; Eh. . .well

Hecro: *looked oddly at the others*

Alexis; 8cleared his throat8

Dieter: *rolled his eyes at their indecisiveness n told them everything*

Hecro: O...Oh my...

Drix: Tht is...insane

Alexis; Insane doesn't cover it

Hecro: *shook his head* How could they treat a little child's body as a criminal, a science project...? Is this whole city a moron?

Alexis; Ya wonder

Drix: Sadly I suppose young cities are at the age where prejudice n experimentation is high. They'll do anything to hv fun

Antonio; 8rolled his eyes8

Hecro: So Morty is here. How's he doing? Havent seen him in a long time

Antonio; He's a bit thin

Drix: Guess tht's understandable, being tht he is on the run all the time

Antonio; 8nods8

Hecro: So he's watching ovr Ozzie right now?

Alexis; Yeah, just hope nothing happens

Takashi: Hai, hai. Same here

Antonio; 8nods8


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