Episode 1
*2 mths has passed since the incident, in which Oz continued to stay in ICU to recover frm it. Despite the visits frm everyone including the kids, Oz remained distant, n it seemed he had taken some sort of vow of silence frm tht blow he had taken*
Thrax; 8wasn't any better, the youngest brother had locked himself in his room, not speak to anyone or eating anything8
Ricardo: *sighs* Boy, we reli got a problem in our hands
Alexis; No joke
Dieter: Ozzie mein bruder-in-law doeznt vant to talk n shuns everyvone, n Thrax mein bruder iz ten times vorse, not evn vanting to eat
Antonio; They aren't the only ones 8points at Julius, Sakura and Rory8
Rory: *looks like he lost weight, bt still wouldnt eat wen Takashi tries to feed him*
Takashi: Onegai ne, Rory-chan? Sakura-chan? U gotta eat
Sakura; 8had a blank souless look on her face, her eyes had lost their nartual sparkle8
Takashi: Sakura-chan... *his heart ached at the sight*
Sakura; 8didn't hear him8
Takashi: Ne, Rory-chan...?
Rory: *still turns away frm the food*
Antonio; This isn't good
Takashi: *sighs n came to them* At least Julius oni-sama is still eating bt not much as he used to. Sooner or later, he'll revert to starving again. Kowaii yo (i'm scared)
Alexis; We all are
Ricardo: *sighs sadly*
Antonio; 8chewed his lip8
Dieter: Vho's visiting Ozzie mein bruder-in-law tozay?
Antonio; Our brother-in-law Di 8checked the calender8
Dieter: Ja, I knw zat
Ricardo: *chks it* Today its ur turn, Alexis
Alexis; 8jumped to his feet8
Ricardo: Here. Bring him some of these. He might need some real food aftr all the hospital crap
Alexis; 8took the food and left8
Ricardo: *watches him leave* I hope everything will be alright today
Antonio; So do I
Ozzie: *lay on his bed as usual. He no longer has the bandages, bt his internals were still healing, so he was still in ICU*
Alexis; 8knocked on the door8
Ozzie: *doesnt reply, looking away*
Alexis; 8walked in8
Ozzie: *glanced at him for a moment before looking away again*
Alexis; How are you Oz/
Ozzie: *only nodded*
Alexis; 8bit his lip8 I brought some food
Ozzie: *sees the food n nodded*
Alexis; 8set it in front of him8
Ozzie: *nodded a thanks n started eating quietly*
Alexis; 8sat on the chair8
Ozzie: *looks at Alexis, giving him a "How's everyone?" look*
Alexis; 8bit his lip8
Ozzie: *frowned, insisting he tell*
Alexis; 8explained what's going on8
Ozzie: *bit his lip as he looked dwn*
Alexis; 8hung his head8
Ozzie: *finished his food n gave him a "Thanks for the food" small smile*
Alexis; 8nods8
Ozzie: *lay bk dwn, his bk facing him*
Alexis; 8sighed and left8
Ricardo: *sees Alexis moments later coming bk n opened the door for him* How'd it go?
Alexis; 8shook his head8
Ricardo: Still won't talk?
Alexis; 8nods8
Ricardo: *sighs* He cant carry on like this. His kids need him. Thrax needs him
Antonio; And vice-versa
Hecro: *just got home frm work* Hey guys
8they all looked up8
Hecro: How's Thrax n Oz doing? *picks up Shane n cuddles her*
Alexis; 8sighs8
Hecro: Tht bad, huh?
Antonio; 8nods, holding his twins8
*the twins whined a little, hungry for milk*
Antonio; 8looked up at Hecro8
Hecro: S'ok, hand 'em ovr. Shane needs to be fed as well anyway
Antonio; 8gently handed him the twins8
Hecro: *takes them n brought them to a corner, undoing his shirt n feeding them*
8the twins drank, hungrily8
Hecro: *hummed them a lullaby as he fed them*
Antonio; 8smiled slightly8
Hecro: *aftr feeding them, gave them to Ricardo to burp before feeding Shane*
Antonio; 8stroked their hair8
Ricardo: *burped the twins one by one*
8they cuddled against him8
Hecro: *aftr feeding Shane, burped her and put Shane together with her cousins in the playpen n went upstairs to Thrax's room, knocks* Thrax?
8there was no answer8
Hecro: Thrax, I'm coming in now *tested the door n saw tht it was unlock this time n entered*
8the room was dark, the curtains drawn8
Hecro: *entered n closed the door* Thrax? Thrax, u OK? Talk to me. Where r u?
8just silence8
Hecro: *felt for the table light n turned it on, adjusting it to a dim light* Thrax?
Thrax; 8was sit on a chair by the window with Julius, both looked asleep8
Hecro: *gently n quietly came up to them n stroke Thrax's dreads*
8they both toppled to the floor8
Hecro: *gasped* THRAX!! JULES!!
8they really looked worse for waer8
Hecro: *quickly lay both of them in bed*
Ricardo: *heard the commotion* Wht's wrong?
Hecro: I just touched them n they just toppled like cards on the floor and... *panicked a little*
Antonio; 8came in8
Ricardo: Chk on them, dear. See if they're OK
Antonio; 8turned on the main light and that revealed the truth8
*Ricardo n Hecro looked at them*
8both were far too thin, their dreads mattered, thier skin raw and very dark circles under their eyes8
Ricardo: S...Santa Madre of Hector...
Hecro: *covered his mouth*
Antonio; 8gasped8
Hecro: Wen was the last time they ate?! Why is Julius bk to being emaciated again?
Antonio; Do you really need an answer for him/ 8nodding to Julius then looks to Thrax8
Hecro: *understood wht he meant* I...I guess so...bt still...
Antonio; You know how close they were
Ricardo: *nodded*
Hecro: Yeah...I knw tht... *sighs n tucks them in* Wht will we do with them?
Antonio; That's the question
Hecro: *sighed as he stroke Thrax's dreads*
Alexis; 8poked his head in8 What's going on/
Ricardo: *whispered wht happened*
Alexis; 8frowns8
Hecro: Yeah, so poor Jules is gonna go bk to eating Square One again
Alexis; Like he hasn't suffered enough
Ricardo: *sighed n leaned against Antonio sadly*
Antonio; 8nuzzled him8
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