TOYLB: Growing Pains - Season 7-1

[mths went by without incident aftr the case of the Gangland family had been solved. The real Ms Vihto frm social services came to chk on Salvador n Pearl n took on their case properly. She was far more compassionate albeit still keeping her professionalism with Dieter n Vincent n saw no problem in how they raised Salvador n Pearl, n was quite dedicated in getting Salvador the best teachers for his special classes at Avalon]

Dominik & Emily: [woke up quite early one morning and, aftr waking up Salvador n holding his hands each, the three of them snuck into their parents' room]

Dieter: [was still sound asleep] Zzzz...

Vincent; 8was laying on his chest, sound asleep8

Dominik: [whispers] Good, they're sound asleep

Emily: [whispers] Lets go then. Sal, u keep watch, OK? Anything, give us the signal

Salvador: [gives them a thumbs up n parked himself on the floor btwn the bed n the bedroom door]

Twins: [quickly made their way to the kitchen]

8both remained asleep8

[there were slight sounds of tinkering coming from the kitchen]

Salvador: [flinched once in a while wen the tinkering got a little too loud, bt still kept watch of their parents]

Vincent; 8his ears twitched slightly8

Salvador: [held his breath, getting ready to alert the twins at a moment's notice]

Vincent; 8his eyes fluttered open a bit8

Salvador: [crept out the room as quickly as he can, then popped his head towards the kitchen n gave them the signal]

Twins: We're almost done, keep them distracted

Salvador: [gives a thumbs up n went bk to monitor the parents]

Dieter: [was still sound asleep]

Vincent; 8stretched out slightly, getting the cricks out of his joints8

Salvador: [shuffled towards Vincent] Mutti...

Vincent; Morning angel

Salvador: [held his arms out for a hug] ...Nightmare

Vincent; 8sat up n pulled him into his lap8

Salvador: [hugged him close, nuzzled against his chest]

Vincent; 8stroked his hair8

Dieter: [slowly stirred as well n was reaching out to hold Vincent wen he felt him sitting up] Nnnhh...? Vince...?

Vincent; Morning meine geliebte

Dieter: Guten tag, mein liebe [sees Salvador in his arms] Vha...? Sal? Vat are jou doing here? Jou alright?

Vincent; 8nuzzles their son8

[tiny rustling of feet soon came towards their room n in popped the twins carrying a breakfast tray]

Twins: Happy Mutti and Vatti's Day~~

Vincent; 8cocked a brow8

Dieter: Vha...? Eez eet already zat time?

Salvador: [reaches for Vincent's phone n showed them the calendar, the date saying that it was already past Mother's Day and just a few days shy after Father's Day]

Dominik: Ever since Sal left us, Mutti n Vatti were distracted

Emily: Ja, u didn't even noticed the dates has passed, n wen Vatti left with Uncle Oz to find Sal...

Twins: U both missed Mutti and Vatti's Day

Vincent; 8gave Sal a half-eyed look8

Salvador: [gave him a half smile innocently]

Dieter: Oh Sal, jou vere ze distraction while jour siblings made zis, aren't jou? [chuckled]

Twins: [giggled as well]

Vincent;  8looked at the twins8

Twins: [grinned as they slowly pushed the breakfast tray towards them] Breakfast in bed~

Salvador: [got off the bed so they could eat their breakfast]

Vincent; 8looked at what they made8

[it was a little bit messy, but they managed to make a decent American breakfast, sunny side up just the way Dieter liked it n scrambled eggs just the way Vincent liked it]

Vincent; 8smiled at them8

Dieter: Vunderbarg, zis look amazing. Jou did zat all by jourselves?

Twins: Ja [smiled widely with pride]

Vincent; 8purred8

[Pearl's whimpers were heard as she was waking up]

Vincent; 8got up to get her8

Twins: Ack! It's OK, Mutti, we can get... [Vincent had already left] ...her [facepalmed n cringed]

[Despite the well made breakfast, the aftermath of the kitchen was a huge mess, like a warzone]

Vincent; 8groaned angrily then went to get Pearl

Dieter: [hears the groan n looked half-eyed at the twins] Vat did jou two do zis time?

Twins: Ahahaha, w-we'll fix it right away! [runs out with Salvador in tow]

Salvador: -__-

Vincent; 8picked up their youngest8

Pearl: [nuzzled Vincent's chest, as if instinctively trying to search for milk even tho she's been bottle fed since she was born]

Vincent; 8got one ready8

Pearl: [takes the bottle nipple n fed hungrily]

Vincent; 8cooed to her8

Pearl: [giggled a bit before continuing her feeding]


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