TOYLB: Growing Pains - Season 1-8

[the duo then made their way bk home]

Paul: [sees them enter] Hey Momma. Hey Pops. How did ur errand go?

Thrax; Quicker than expected

Paul: Tht's good

Ozzy: [rubs Paul's baby bump] /How's the baby?/

Paul: Good, a bit fiesty, bt good

Thrax; 8smiled8

Paul: [winced wen it kicked] Ooff, n I was telling ur grandma u've been good, u cheeky bug

Ozzy: [chuckles] /It has a strong kick, I'll give em tht/

Thrax; 8chuckled8

Paul: If ur bk, then I think I should go then

Ozzy: /Don't be a stranger. Stay for dinner/

Thrax; 8smiled at his son8

Paul: OK bt I hv to tell Mordred tho

Ozzy: /Ask him to join us. We're all family now. It's been a while we had dinner with just us n u guys/

Thrax; It has been too long

Paul: [nodded] Alright, I'll let him knw [dials Pendragon's cell]

Pendragon; Hello/

Paul: Hey, hun. U busy?

Pendragon; Just finishing up

Paul: Momma invited us to stay for dinner. I drove ovr here to babysit my sibs, so u might wanna leave ur car at the campus n take the bus or the cab to get here, so tht we won't hv to drive separately

Pendragon; Sure, I'll be there soon

Paul: Alright, cya, love ya [hung up] He's good

Ozzy: [nodded] /Help me out to make dinner?/

Paul: Sure [followed him to the kitchen]

Thrax; 8went to check on the others8

[all the kids were still sleeping, the painkillers n the lotion doing their effect]

Thrax; 8set the files in the office8

Ozzy: /Hv ur sibs had their meal while we were gone?/

Paul: Yeah, I gave them a big helping of early dinner. The growth spurt made them reli hungry. They wolfed dwn everything. Bertha n I gave them a spit bath before tucking them all in

Bertha; Just hope this clears up soon

Ozzy: /It will be, just need to keep up with the treatment Drix prescribed/

Paul: [translated to Bertha]

Bertha; 8nods8

[dinner was soon completed n the table was set]

Thrax; 8took a seat8

Paul: [brought out the food] We're hving beef stew today with rice, Pops

Thrax; Sounds good

Ozzy: [brought out the rice]

Thrax; 8sorted the portions8

Paul: [licked his lips] Can I hv a bit more? [sat dwn]

Thrax; Sure 8added more8

Paul: Thanks

Ozzy: [hears the doorbell] /Oh tht must be Mordred/ [answered the door]

Pendragon; Hey sorry I'm late

Ozzy: [typed on his phone] No, no, ur just in time. We just got started. Come in, come in [let him in]

Paul: [turned to see him] Hey, hun

Pendragon; 8kissed him8

Paul: [kissed him bk] How was work?

Pendragon; Quiet

Paul: [nodded]

Ozzy: [gestured him to take a seat while he got him a plate]

Pendragon; 8sat next to his mate8

Paul: [nuzzled him as he ate] Bertha is feeding the girls ovr there [pointed at them sitting at the dining counter]

Pendragon; 8went over n kissed them both on the cheek8

Girls: [giggled at the kiss] Papa~

Pendragon; Have you two been good/

Girls: [gave him a cheeky smile]

Paul: [chuckles] Come hv ur dinner, hun, before it gets cold

Ozzy: [served him a helping of beef stew n rice]

Pendragon; Thanks 8sat down n started eating8

[they all enjoyed their meal, with small talk in btwn]

Thrax; 8smiled at the group8


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